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Palladium games and Rifts
Palladium Games and Rifts General: Pretty Demon Edition.

The world is a broken, post-apocalyptic wasteland destroyed by the eruption of inter-dimensional portals, rifts in the fabric of space-time and ley lines which crisscross the world. Demon & alien invaders have poured out of the rifts to destroy human civilization and claim the Earth. Now the wasteland has had 300 years to partially recover, and civilization has returned to the world; but not just human civilization: alien empires, monster kingdoms, lost time travellers, lands of mutants, demonic overlords and wizards have arisen from the ashes, all trying to rebuild the world in their own image!

Talk about:
>Heroes Unlimited
>Palladium Fantasy
>Beyond the Supernatural
>Dead Reign
>Robotech (lol)
>TMNT & Other Strangeness + After the Bomb

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If, for whatever reason, people were to stop buying Warhammer 40k merchandise and playing it to the point it goes bankrupt, would they migrate to another wargame, wait until another company buys the IP and return to it, or just stop wargaming in general?
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>40k is popular because it's good.
The lore? Well, I can see the appeal.
The spinoff games? They are hit and miss.
The wargame itself? It was never good in any edition.
And like clockwork we have an NPC that posts the same old delusional "40k is not good"
The fall of 40K would probably kill wargaming as a hobby for good. The IP would be picked up by another company, but they wouldn't make models or rules for it, just use it for shit like video games.
Although hey, with 3D printing being what it is, wargamers would probably just move over to fan rules with free models.

>Yearly revenue = valuation
You are retarded
>Implying a "40k is good" post doesn't go off like clockwork either.
A conversation with ChatGPT is more interesting than with you.
They'd go to Battletech, I imagine. Ironic really, things going full circle.
(Sadly, Battletech is also getting pozzed out)

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ITT: Game ideas you've always wanted to try, but will never get the chance to play.
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Victorian era fantasy game set in a megacity with trains running everywhere.

TMNT universe but not the turtles and not in New York, someone starts mutating people/animals elsewhere.

Suicide Squad except private, low-level superhumans posing as a band, and their tours are an alibi for them to be in different cities when their manager has them carry out various heists/abductions/hit jobs.

Cavemen with totem magic vs lizardmen with trained dinosaurs.

Star Wars, just after the Empire falls. Squad of former rebel fighter pilots have to adjust to being part of a government, meanwhile their ship is hosting a second squad of former Imperial pilots who still use their old fighters, who take every opportunity to sneer at the "rebel scum."

Also Star Wars, AU where Vader dies before he can be put in the suit, which has drastic changes for the galaxy
Genuinely threw a commando plumber into my last cyberpunk game. Given the PCs were vandals he ended up being a miniboss.
That sucks dude. You in a place where shopping around for players isn't an option?
Y'know for a Dark Tower Roland take on cowboydom wou could do worse than try out Mythic Bastionland. Most of the playtest's free and it's very much an exploratory hexcrawl in the weird west where tall tales lie over the landscape like a fog.
3.5 has all those things.
>I want to be a bear
>like a bear bear?
>ok, at some point a wizard cast an Awaken spell on a bear, giving it human intelligence. This book has rules for creating ability score adjustments for any species, so roll your abilities as normal and add these modifiers, also you'd have to start with no class levels since bears have racial HD, but you're a bear it's fine
Everything is better in 3.5, Anon.
I came up with something just now, take an earth with supers, then a supervillain unleashes something like FOXDIE for superheroes. To combat this, there's a global initiative to cryo-freeze all supers until the virus can be cured.

...fast forward to 2090. A group of supers (the players) are unfrozen by what seems to be an accident. They fight their way through a slum of weird junkies only to find that they're in a dystopian cyberpunk world where corporations rule everything. It's not clear whether the virus is still out there or not. They'll quickly learn that cyberware has evened the odds between normies and supers, probably the hard way

What are the 8 components? 8 is odd because it doesn't show up in the occult very much
I’ve always wanted to try a cooperative wargame campaign, players would control a mercenary band and be fighting in something like the Italian Wars or 30 Years War with constantly switching sides, diplomacy, and managing their armies more than personal combat.

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GW Retro/Oldhammer General, "Fine, I'll do it myself" Edition

>/GROG/ Pastebin:
https://pastebin.com/nnNqqFLn (embed)

Previously, on /GROG/...
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Oh cool, how was it lad. I'm in Hull but didn't have chance. Will be playing the deodorant hovertank rumble at BOYL though.
It was fun though much smaller than BOYL, maybe about 20-30ish people total in attendance. I spent basically the whole time playing in the Far Corfe participation game which was great with lots of creative warbands on show. Gary Morley was also hanging around and was very interesting to talk to.
Getting pretty happy, might slowly be convincing a friend into playing 3rd ed. If he plays and digs it which i think he will since he likes the more thematic and flavor stuff of 40k unlike how nu 40k is all samy, i think i might be able to get the group im with to do it too
Question about 3rd ed, is a demon hunter army a really strong army? they grey knights always looked cool, but i could never get into the pure gray knight army of like 7th and 6th. But demon hunters sound cool. Are they reasonable on the table? or are they bonkers.

My other 3rd ed army i wanna play is thousand sons which i know you can make them bonkers by nature of the CSM codex.
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I brought a gang of ork pirates along with some walkers made from gunpla & bits and a skimmer made out of an irn bru bottle. My objective ended up being to kill the mayor of Far Corfe, then bring his body to the town fort and get myself declared the new mayor. I ended up pasting the mayor with a long-range autocannon shot on my first turn, but my skimmer got blown up on the way to retrieve his corpse. So my Kaptin went off to the garage to respawn the skimmer while his trusty squighound ran to the fort with the body like a dog with a newspaper in its mouth.

However once he got there, we questioned if technically since the Squig brought the body back, should he become mayor rather than my Ork boss? It got put to a vote and the Squig won in a landslide. He then got instantly ganked by a gang of necrons on the next turn and then the game ended.

Overall 10/10 experience. Vote Squig Mayor 2024

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>guns are OP in my world and magic is weak
>guns are weak (Expect swords lol) in my world as magic is strong

which side are you?
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>which side are you?
They're both different playstyles that are roughly equal in power.
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Gond: "Woah man you can't use gunpowder to make guns. I curse your whole world because fuck you."
Also Gond: "Oh you want to make a sci-fi gun with the power of the death star? And you want to mass produce it for the average person to use? I'll allow it."
These threads always attract the same type of people jeez
Fireworks and chemistry shit is already associated with magic. Wizards are the people making the guns and preparing the powders. Inventors and discoverers.
>sealing every room the king enter
Having guards outside of the king's chambers while he's sleeping is some of the most basic security imaginable.
>nothing prevent the assassin's from entering earlier
Other than any other locked doors with guards nearby, dogs within the room, etc.
Kings had people who tasted meals for poison. Having a guard stab around a room for assassins as part of their patrol isn't exactly a tall order.
>then leave by a window opening
Or somebody shoots the king with a gun from outside the castle and is gone before any guards can track him down. Because that's about as generous of an assumption as you're making for this invisible mage.

Does having a PC party member be attractive make them more fun to be in a party with?
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She was in IT yeah
Literally, unironically, both of you are either gay or your brain has been destroyed by porn
I assume everyone is conventionally attractive unless otherwise specified.
>Describes my character as so hideously ugly everyone who sees him gouges out their own yes
My character RN: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sQNDXjdsQHo

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I want to run kind of a grittier, low power fantasy game which I believe "mudcore" usually refers to. I've had people recommend WHFRP, but I'm hesitant to use it because I feel that a lot of it would be too mechanically attached to the setting. I originally wanted to use Burning Wheel but I'm playing online and the combat system stumps even me, so the retards who I play with will either use the complexity to cheat or just not do it right/take an hour to make one attack.
As I understand it, Zweihander is kind of in the same spirit as WHFRP but it either has a generic setting or is setting agnostic. I remember seeing it being a bit of a divisive topic back when it was being shilled here, but I figured now that the dust has settled there's some more nuanced opinions on it.
If Zweihander isn't right, are there better systems to handle kind of a higher lethality, lower power type of game?
>pic semi related
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WFRP 1E- it's so different from End Times or 2E Warhammer
>There has to be some adjustments or modernization that made it even worth his time to do that aside from just filing off the serials.

Not really. Having played both zwiehander and 4th edition Warhams (I've read but never played 2e), pretty much every single change just makes zwiehander clunkier. The way wounds and damage work suck, the way corruption works suck, it is in no way "modernized." I haven't played 2e, but from a reading it seems like a much better system, and 4e is, while a little clunky, still pretty good too, and I am told they fixed some of the clunk with splat releases.
>but I'm hesitant to use it because I feel that a lot of it would be too mechanically attached to the setting.

It's attached to the setting of Early Modern, Central European mudcore. Sigmar, colleges of magic, dorfs that love grudges, secret Chaos cults, etc. are all optional.

>As I understand it, Zweihander is kind of in the same spirit as WHFRP but it either has a generic setting or is setting agnostic.
Zweihander is literally WFRP2e with a few houserules. It's basically the Pathfinder of Warhammer.

Just use WFRP, seriously.
>There has to be some adjustments or modernization that made it even worth his time to do that aside from just filing off the serials.
It's so bad that the maker famously bought one of the WFRP forums just to shut them down because he was tired of people talking shit about how his rules were worse than the house rules they shared there.
He's also a reddit moderator for the WFRP subreddit and deleted a lot of conversation there.

Just stay away from the game.
People like to compare Zweihander to Pathfinder, as it's a houseruled clone. But I feel like that is being too generous to Zweihander. Pathfinder at least iterated on the mechanical design, assumed power level, and presentation of late-era 3.5 to make it an arguably better game for those who liked 3.5's playfeel.
Zweihander is more like all those OSR repacks of BX or OD&D whose only creative addition is trying to fix the presentation style.

Just play humans only no sorcery Warhammer FRP 2E.

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What's your opinion on giving gender stat bonuses?
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It tends to be underutilized as a game mechanic. If a game is trying to be more simulationist and also has stat differences between different races or species, then having it between men and women would also be suitable.

>>92619557 brings up a good point that it probably wouldn't be universal across races though.
And beyond even that, there's probably more interesting things you can do that simply having a flat bonus/penalty to a couple attributes and calling it a day. Not only are there options for things like stat caps instead of an initial penalty, but the penalties and bonuses can be as specific as you like.
Doubly so if it's a fantasy game and the bonuses don't need to reflect actual reality, and women are just all blessed by Artemis to be great archers.
It's actually more or less 50/50 split of importance between the genetic and environmental/developmental factors according to the best and newest studies we currently have
Pretty lame. If you want to accurately portray differences you are better off letting them roll randomly with different dice to represent the way men are more prone to falling into extremes while women are more average.
It's over 50%-30% developed by all scientific measure.
>Women are more charismatic
Can you think of a single woman whose a great speaker?

>Men have higher wisdom
>Ruins their life so they can get their dick wet
Or for the perception aspect
>More likely to be colour blinde
>Worse ability to differentiate between colours

Who mogs
+stupid hats
+no women
-no stupid hats
It's impossible to say.
Square Bases > Round Bases
I just don't like realistic scale, I want those big hands and those Farquaad heads, it looks so much better every time
I feel the same about the Darkest Dungeons 2 characters. The originals looked like minis, and the (dis)proportions work in their favour.

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>High cost of TCGs
>''This TTRPG only uses 6 sided dice!''
>A company prints off these minis thousands at a time for pennies, that will be 55 dollars for you, thanks, enjoy painting the bland grey shit.
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d6s are aesthetic pleasing, are everywhere and have nice distribution. Stop sounding like a hipster.
Man you aren't kidding.
I tried to join a local table a few months ago and everyone was a thin blue line boot-licking racist piece of shit.
How can you be a retarded half-nazi bible thumper AND pretend you are a fucking elf? It should be illegal.
>any minimalist game where the entire ruleset are just "make shit up cuz you are the GM"

Nigga, If the entire point is to do it yourself, why even charge for it? I pay so I can have playtested and working rules made by people who know what they are doing.
>rerolls matter more
You mean "rerolls matter less"
The swingier the dice, the more rerolls matter
2d6 is less swingy than d20, so rerolls matter less
Let me correct that for you:
>How can you be a retarded half-nazi bible thumper? It should be illegal.

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What was his deal?
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>one of them Primarchs could had created some kind of therapy for him and his brothers.
This is what Angron was originally meant for.
A guy with ton of empathy, able to take away other's pain, helping other primarchs with their problems.
I mean the emperor parked the custodes at home. Space Marines do fall to chaos, that's part of what having free will entails. Not sure how making them glorified mallcops made you think that the emps saw them as anything except a failed design line (and their pairing with the sisters of silence could very well be covering for a design flaw).
I want a Slannesh/Khorne crossover legion now with the idea that the opposite of love/hate is indifference not the other.
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To be parried by Konnie before it can land.

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>Brutus' Drive

>DriveAnon's Drive

>Jumpchain IRC Chat


>How to Jumpchain

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"On your own" actually means with all the other shikigami, not just boxing Mahoraga. Considering all your other cursed spirits would only be just a tier lower if you're leveling them up evenly, that means it shouldn't too hard to tame any one of these dudes.
Nah. I know the story tho. It's much better than what I'd expect from Sakurai, but the villain is kinda flat because you play the real villain. If you liked anything at all about Shimousa you'll like the character interactions. Gameplay looks ass unfortunately. DLC is such a blatant excuse plot that it turns out Gil was flipping out over nothing about Ibuki, because Sakurai's urge to write Ibuki as genuinely threatening is consistently thwarted by her urge to write Ibuki as a friendly drunk big sister slut.

I mean, muh dick liked it but I'm going to sit here and tell you the DLC was deep or anything.
Considering that "just a tier lower" is still a world of difference and the fact that 1000 Stars marks another realm of power as per the 200-stars evolutions, you are vastly underestimating just how difficult taming even one 1000-Star Shikigami would be.
Sounds way better than the regular 10 shadows. Losing shadow manipulation is not that big of a deal since it's a minor thing in the original compared to being able to grow the spirits that much. The other conditions feels like balance out comparing with the benefits and drawbacks that change from the original one.
>A Kerfuffle
I like that. I'll probably stick with Chorus for my particular group, but I like that answer too.

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So, if you had to define Mumm-Ra’s class what would it be? Druid? Priest? Some weird hybrid? A Wizard who went the evil god route to lichdom? Also was he supposed to be originally human?
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But not that it is reversed or have a momstrous magical form?
From my admittedly limited knowledge of Tokusatsu and Magical Girls stories, these are just called monsters.
If you want me to elaborate, actual Japanese shows often have a lot of monsters capable of looking humans or antagonists who turn into monsters to a point where they aren't really a genre specific thing like magical girls. If they have a name, it's typically a name of a type of a monster they are.
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It was ok and kinda obvious that they are just monster transformations. Like you said they would just be a Werewulf. Your first post showed me that my question was kinda pointless.

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Tell me your "incorrect" game ideas, for settings or mechanics.

I start: strength limitations based on sex.
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Norse (Germanic) mythology/theology has like 7 types of magic. Only one of them was attributed to being female only, and that was by Loki, a lying snake. There are other findings that suggest that men could practice them too, just that it was less common.
>A good chunk of dealing with women is balancing on the paper thin line of keeping them happy and avoiding a meltdown or a bitch fit
A good chunk of dealing with men is keeping them from blowing up a school.

>Your lot are about as emotionally table as a toddler, on average.
I agree.

I am a male.
>Tell me more about how you don't understand averages and statistics.
I do.

>yet come out on top
No, not at all. At best it would balance out to simply being the exact same anyway. Like I Said, it's more fitting to just roll a dice to see if your male character is sapient or not.

>Tell me more about how you've never met or interacted with a single woman in your life.
Tell me more about how you never interacted with a single male in your life.

>Tell me more about your survivorship bias
How the fuck does that apply to crime stats? Hell, even accounting for a hypothetical bias men still dominate to such a extent it's not even funny.
>If you move off a percentile you have to move the ladies line too dumbass
No, that is the key difference between men and women. Dumb men are basically non sapient, dumb women are average.
It's hilarious white people think blacks are dumb when even the most poorly uneducated African knows more about computers than them.

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Post GOOD fantasy maps
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what this from? looks like a good sword and sorcery setting
It's honestly impressive how many varied types of deserts are in game
I was curious what the fucking is going on there and I found it
Some redditor adapted and homebrewed Kenshi and for some reason had to rearrange everything which is why everything is wrong
It's ironic how those meme loving fucks are being so unoriginal and constantly making this same "generica" joke over and over again.
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