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not having magic sucks but having a good system for magic is a lot of work. my solution is placebo magic, which is regarded as legitimate and powerful but actually does little to none of what it claims to do. for example:
the predictions are made at random, but PCs and NPCs will be sure to notice any correlation with actual events.
some may be mildly effective, e.g. an energy potion containing coffee cherries among its ingredients. on the other hand, a strength potion made from an elephant penis only has a placebo effect (if a PC takes the potion, the DM makes them sound stronger but the results of the rolls are unchanged) most characters don't know which types potions are effective and which are duds.
is this a good idea or not?
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Sounds fine for a narrative system.
Do it.
Go have fun.
I do this as a player sometimes.
Most recently a character (pf1e shaman) who was extremely superstitious and would occasionally go to lenghts to prepare magical spells and hexes that did not exist in the game, but which she believed to work (and did not know the difference between her ancestal superstitions and the spells actually in her spell list). Naturally I mentioned to GM ooc when doing it.

GM did not give any benefits for the efforts, or at least didn't tell if he did, but events did seem to go just a bit towards the intended effects that pretty soon even the cleric was partaking in my character's herbal mixtures.
Either your magic is super handwavy (and sucks) or it involves you remaking the universe from first principles (redefining the laws of physics, then working your way up to all the other natural sciences and social sciences) which would involve a truly monumental amount of work
>And really, is it something that's actually worth lying to the players over? If elephant potions do give some minor and temporary boost to damage, what actually changes?
there's no problem with a potion actually working, but it's also reasonable to expect less advanced cultures to be wrong a lot of the time. a real-life example is the ancient chinese cultural belief of "yi xing bu xing"
with potions, you can have a fairly good explanation like "oh, elephant dicks happen to have such and such stimulant in trace quantities". you can't really do this with other forms of magic, though, like diviniation or lightning curses or whatever
I'd vote for doubling down on the "this works and people think it's magic but it's actually coffee or something else normal" style stuff without ever telling your players.

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Have been running a campaign with some friends for the last year +, and uh... well considering we use discord for it mainly, I've taken to having a bit of fun with the session planning.

I have used a random picture of john goodman in every single event posting. every one. from the big lebowsky to the terrible 'death sentence', no event has been safe from the mark of the goodman.

my players have yet to say anything to me about it. not a peep. I think theyre too confused and intimidated to say anything in fear of what I might start doing next, maybe john appearing in game.

actually I may just start doing that. random NPC's are just john goodman in different fantasy dress...hmm

just thought it was worth a giggle and a share. remember fellow DM/GM/ST's out there; you dont need scary monsters or 5d chess scenarios to screw with your players.

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90's Paintjob Edition

>Balance Dataslate prepare to be disappointed:

>Tau Rules

>Emperor's Children Index is coming:

>Community Links:

>3rd Party Models Pastebin:

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oh shit theyre doing made to order kommandos and nobs? i still have these models in my parents' basement
>tfw still have that nobz box but missing the waagh banner

i cant find it for the life of me. i do plan on using the nob with the power klaw as im one power klaw short of a 10 man squad
i have the banner nob, always fell apart
i hate metal modes so much its unreal. still have a few of the old stormboyz (unpainted) and at this point id rather just buy the plastic ones instead. id rather consoom than be bothered to use the old ones
when I was a kid I had no idea you could pin metal models and even if I did know I would have no way of doing it
hell as a kid I didn't even know you had to PRIME your models before painting

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The Most Fucked Up Setting Edition

Tell us about your horror settings, games, etc. Share inspirational art, prompts, etc.

>List of games:
Call of Cthulhu, Chill, Cold and Dark, Degenesis, Delta Green, Don't Rest Your Head, Dread, Esoterrorists/Fear Itself+Book of Unremitting Horror, Fall of Delta Green, GORE, Into The Shadows, KULT, Little Fears, Mothership RPG, Nemesis (free on Arc Dream's website), Nights Black Agents, Silent Legions (Mostly for the tables), Stalker: The SciFi RPG, Symbaroum, Ten Candles, Trail of Cthulhu, Unisystem (All Flesh Must Be Eaten, Witchcraft, Conspiracy X, etc.), Unknown Armies, The Whispering Vault, Vaesen

>Inspirational stuff:
Caitlin R Kiernan, Castlevania, Doom Watch, Fear & Hunger, George Romero, Ghostwatch, House of Leaves, I Am In Eskew, John Carpenter, Kolchak the Nightstalker, Laird Barron, John Langan, M.R. James, Nick Cutter, Old Gods of Appalachia, Quatermass, Ramsey Campbell, Remedy Series (Alan Wake, Control), SCP Foundation, Scarfolk Council, Shaun Hutson, Silent Hill, Stand Still Stay Silent, The Evil Dead, The Magnus Archives, The Secret World, The Stone Tapes, Anatomy, Thomas Ligotti, Twin Peaks, Vault of Evil forums, toomuchhorrorfiction

Other News:
"The Fall of Delta Green" has been reprinted.

Current Book Club Topic:

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The idea of a Festival within another Festival is really quite a rich topic I love the idea of and you can easily have it be the subject of an investigation.
You would need a reason for the players to get involved, but them first making the discovery that there's a second, secret celebration going amongst the first and being able to spot the movements and threads within would be quite an experience
Why is the thread autosaged?
>convention I'm going to next month will have a game thats a CoC/The Shield crossover scenario where you'll play as Vic Mackey and the Strike Team
>I'll miss it by an hour because I'm running my own game at that time

Fucking gay, thats a mix of my 2 of my favorite media
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Anyone here a Dreams in the Witch House enjoyer? Pretty cool other-dimensional scenery and concepts in that story. Kind of Doctor Strange-like.
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All threads on /tg/ auto sage after a week because reasons. The mods delete every meta thread and we haven't had an answer so the reason why is beyond our Ken.

I think it's a really good story. Pretty dark even by Lovecraft standards what with the protagonist becoming party to child sacrifice. It's a really good example of what knowledgeable sorcerers can get up to on Lovecraft world.
Also I really love Brown Jenkins, I've always wanted to work in a rat thing into a campaign because he's a nasty little shit and seems a good low level source of danger.

Archives & Other Resources: https://pastebin.com/wETipqYw
Allsync: https://cyoa.allsync.com/s/owWor64yLTngDk3
Previous Thread: >>92607909
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>Honorary Aryan
I mean kinda
>honorary aryans
Every time I see this Cyoa I become more convinced that it’s actually an allegory for all the A.I deepfake stuff and voice copying.
Every time I see you post I become more convinced that you need to go back
Based. Take a day off, you deserve it.

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Have you ever arranged it so the different members of the party are actually related?
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I always try to make characters in my parties have shared backgrounds and motivations and established ties and such, but outside of maybe one guy, none of the others are ever interested in it.
I thought they didn't like the author for being an actual pedo or was that something else?
Nope, the MiA author does give off a bit of a creepy vibes, but there was never any real accusation or suspicion against him. Just the usual small number of vocal internet harpies that look for things to get offended by and love to disseminate lies and slander.

You might be mixing it up with this guy, who actually got in trouble for possessing some inapropriate European imports
Contract Sisters.
thank you

Are there any board games or ttrpgs that involve kaiju or kaiju containment?
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1. AdEva is 1/2 to 1/3rd about kaiju fights, with the remainder being all the other parts of Neon Genesis Evangelion.
2. There's a board game called Kaiju Siege, where you're a feudal Japanese warlord trying to fend off kaiju attacks.
3. There was another board game I heard about that uses dominoes to represent buildings in a city, as a giant monster attacks, but I can't recall its name
4. Lancer has some templates for making kaiju NPCs to fight
5&6. Exalted and Godbound both have stats for kaiju and ways for the PCs to be kaiju themselves (at least temporarily, sometimes permanently)
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Monster Island, the rpg where everyone is a kaiju.
Kaiju Seige both looks and sounds super comfy. Wonder if it's any good?
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>tfw watching Godzilla x Donkey Kong in the theater by myself at the moment

Has anyone ordered off this site before? No box so I'm wondering if the materials are any good.

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Elf salve, wat do?
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Maybe she deserved it
website is being rehosted as 1d6chan

an uneditable archive of 1d4chan is hosted as 2d4chan.

Have fun.
Elf skub is a guy who can't get no love from me
Skub WAS my mother.
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The Catholic Church has condemned skub for centuries, with good reason I might add.

Enchanted Edition

>Lorcana Official Website Website:

>Card Database:


>Pixelborn (online play):


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Yikes, a bodyguard for locations? They were hard enough to get rid of as they were!
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Finally an answer to Rapunzel.
Does anyone know the ruling on Hydra-Deadly Serpent for taking lethal damage? Does the ability still trigger as Hydra dies, or does it need to still be in play?
The ability triggers immediately upon taking damage, so yes it will still work.

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This is a just an amusing side-note: With RPGs being all the rage, my niece recommended me a book she thought was really, really cool setting-wise it sucks.
It goes like this:
>Oh no, Romans with guns are colonizing our peaceful backwater Chinese world
>I really should fight them with my vaguely-defined powers
I just find it really amusing that fantasy for girls is just as crap. She also recommended Iron Widow it's Darling in the Franxx, but it sucks and it's not quite my thing, either.
Anyway, I just wanted to say, it's nice to see the 'YA fantasy to RPGs' pipeline is ongoing.
It reminds me of when we tried to adapt stuff like Animorphs and Gundam as a kid.
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>Seriously, there are no fat or old Romans. Meanwhile all the Chinese guys are generally weak, effeminate or addicted to magical opium.
Is that for real?
>Sounds like r/AsianMasculinity's worst nightmare.
Yeah, no way it wasn't on purpose.
Uglies / Pretties / Specials
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Why the fuck would you want AI to be able to write an interesting novel when, even if we reduce our conversation to genre fiction, there's like a fucking century of work to go through, with the benefit of time winnowing the crap?
>women find fictional love interests of a different race from themselves attractive, I'm being oppressed
>why would you want tailor-made suits when there’s hundreds of outfits at Asda

I making a test run for new general.
/usgen/ is meant to discus universal TTRPG system that are to small to have its own general.

/usgen/ rules:
1. We discuss only universal system and related setting, which didn't have its own general. (So no D&D and no GURPS)
2. If you talk about specific system wright it's name down to avoid confusion.
3. Player made settings for existing systems are encouraged.
4. We only discuss universal system that was published. So ask about your "WIP system".
5. Try to limit off topic discussion to minimum.

I'm leaving the rest to you anons.
Have fun!
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Dice may or may not be involved
What're the pros and cons of each? I got my players on to Call of Cthulhu, Delta Green, and Runequest and I think we're mostly converted to d100 but I want to do something in a homebrew setting.
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I've ran ORE enough that I've essentially created an offshoot that can do whatever it is I want with little problem. Have you checked out NEMESIS?
MiniSix also exists

For discussing the Warcraft setting as it relates to /tg/

Please try to keep discussions productive, we all what nuBlizz did wrong with the lore, the focus should be on what YOU would do better in your campaign.

Warcraft d20 / 3.5e adaptation files can be found here: https://www.mediafire.com/folder/2lf1663yv21q3/WarCraft

PREVIOUS THREAD: boards.4chan.org/tg/thread/92463814
Highlights include the geopolitics of the human kingdoms, anon's idea for warlock/demon reworks, and anon's idea for a human druidess/shamaness order

Thread Question: What do you think is the best way to portray the Eredar?
(Few in number but all powerful in magic vs a more diverse range of powers and numbers? Fuckhueg vs normal sized? Originally good vs always evil?)

oh, and please keep hornyposting about the draenei to a minimum
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Wow, thanks!

I haven't played the original RPG that it's for, do you have it? I've only played 5e D&D, so I see some familiar things
You're quite welcome, anon.
The World of Warcraft RPG can be found in the mediafire link, its the last file in the list. It's the second edition of the 3.5e adaptation of Warcraft. Interestingly enough, it was published by Sword and Sorcery Studios, a now-defunct subsidiary of *the* White Wolf Publishing.
>I wonder what happened to that one Pandaren who was recruited by Garithos and then joined Kael'thas.
Chen Stormstout?
No that was the one who joined Rexxar
Nah, it wasnt Chen. You get him for beating the tower defense mission and his name was honeysomething. Either that or it just pulled a generic brewmaster name
Chen is a certified chad though and like, half the reason I like the pandas

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Why are dinosaurs so cool and fit into games so easily?
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because they are fiction
>nooo, you didn't repeat the meme correctly
I hate people like you.
Josh Kirby: Time Warrior.
>was deadly was because of the rapid climate change it induced

Fun fact from a paleoclimatologist. You basically just had the impact nudge the growing greenhouse climate into a full on hothouse climate of mass extinction. This is usually done by long term large igneous provinces venting, but the thing hit at exactly the right time to fuck everything.

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What's the best system for a zombie apocalypse game?
All Flesh Must Be Eaten
it was good back then, it's still good now
I'm quite partial to The Shotgun Diaries, just because of the narrative elements (players can create one "truth" per diary entry) and because there are always other NPC survivors around to pick up if a PC dies.

Are Games Workshop annoyed about this or are they printing too much money to care? Do you think GW will buy him out and offer his paints as a premium line, or something?
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It's kind of disappointing that with the Fanatic line AP decided to handle their wine red problem by completely excluding them from the line.
The insane salt levels of this post lmao
What are the ten commandments?
The 10 core principles in the GW customer service handbook (formerly the Little Red Book, nowadays it's a black binder)
>Acknowledge all people that enter the shop
>Be aware of the customers and their behaviour
>Show enthusiasm and be cheerful
>Be attentive and listen carefully to customer needs
>Promote the hobby
>Establish a rapport with the customer
>Display an in-depth knowledge of company products
>Maintian high standards of personal appearence and hygiene
>Ask questions which obtain the best information concerning the customer needs
>Show courtesy
They always used to be a big part of performance reviews, you'd go in and your line manager would hit you with, "so how has your performance been aligned with the Commandments?" or, "what are some examples you can give of a time when you've shown enthusiasm and been cheerful?"
They updated them. I can't remember them off the top of my head now, but c2 was "ask open questions blah blah". I think c8 was "sell white dwarf to every customer".

It was just horseshit

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