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Thread 413: "Bore Me" Edition

Bushi-Navi EN: https://www.en.bushi-navi.com/
Deck Log:
https://decklog.bushiroad.com/ (JP)
https://decklog-en.bushiroad.com/ (EN)
Beginner guide, decklists and other info: https://pastebin.com/QxKQRhrQ
Up to date fanmade PC online games, 3DS/Switch emulation and Mobile games: https://pastebin.com/7Fj8VqA2
Cardfight and Buddyfight matchmaking server: https://discord.gg/6xVFD4r
Weiss/Schwarz Resources: https://pastebin.com/sk2iSjW1

Bushiroad Spring Fest 2024 Info: https://en.bushiroad.com/events/bsf2024/

DivineZ S1 Episode 13: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MdjPu8SOcx0

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>Max rarity
Hypothetical situation: if bushi released an overtrigger with no additional effect when triggered but that let you add an Olbaria to the deck in addition to it, do you guys think most people would run it? Would you run it?
i've been out of the game and tracking deck building philosophy or w/e but i think any deck that isn't from brandt, DS, or lyrical would definitely at least consider it. the other OT's effects are nice and handy but frequently the 100m+draw and the 50k shield is the main dish, and getting a second helping of that is too tasty to pass up on for many.
why exactly?
Weiss won. HAHAHAHA!

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Why is joking about a miscarriage illegal?

So, what's the deal? I played MERP and Rolemaster 2e back in the day. Recently, I dipped into Rolemaster Unified, and I liked some things about it, while hating the art and having some criticisms of a few subsystems here and there. So, quite a while ago, I thumbed through a copy of HARP and... well, it didn't grab me. But I see there's a second edition now.

So, the new HARP. What's good, what's bad. How does it compare to HARP 1e? Specifically, what's different, and how much of a difference does it make?
I get the impression I'm almost the only one here to have played any ICE RPGs, and I liked RM4 for its detail, and didn't get as much from RM2, and when I read HARP 1e it didn't grab me either, for obvious reasons. Anyways. Hopefully I'm wrong and a HARP 2e player comes along to give you a review.
Merp + Spell law player/gm here
There’s always Against the Dark Master for a different take on MERP.
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Play Fantasy Express instead
So, just to clarity, I think the name of the newer edition is HARP Fantasy.

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The Most Fucked Up Setting Edition

Tell us about your horror settings, games, etc. Share inspirational art, prompts, etc.

>List of games:
Call of Cthulhu, Chill, Cold and Dark, Degenesis, Delta Green, Don't Rest Your Head, Dread, Esoterrorists/Fear Itself+Book of Unremitting Horror, Fall of Delta Green, GORE, Into The Shadows, KULT, Little Fears, Mothership RPG, Nemesis (free on Arc Dream's website), Nights Black Agents, Silent Legions (Mostly for the tables), Stalker: The SciFi RPG, Symbaroum, Ten Candles, Trail of Cthulhu, Unisystem (All Flesh Must Be Eaten, Witchcraft, Conspiracy X, etc.), Unknown Armies, The Whispering Vault, Vaesen

>Inspirational stuff:
Caitlin R Kiernan, Castlevania, Doom Watch, Fear & Hunger, George Romero, Ghostwatch, House of Leaves, I Am In Eskew, John Carpenter, Kolchak the Nightstalker, Laird Barron, John Langan, M.R. James, Nick Cutter, Old Gods of Appalachia, Quatermass, Ramsey Campbell, Remedy Series (Alan Wake, Control), SCP Foundation, Scarfolk Council, Shaun Hutson, Silent Hill, Stand Still Stay Silent, The Evil Dead, The Magnus Archives, The Secret World, The Stone Tapes, Anatomy, Thomas Ligotti, Twin Peaks, Vault of Evil forums, toomuchhorrorfiction

Other News:
"The Fall of Delta Green" has been reprinted.

Current Book Club Topic:

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What I don't fully understand about the Great Race of Yith is whether the race itself can perceive and observe outside their hosts/vehicles. Do they even exist outside? This is the difference between having knowledge specific to the lightcones of spacetime slices that are part of the Construct (which is still inconceivably large) versus possessing TOTALITY of knowledge. While humans can only ever interact with a Yithian that was cut enough to fit inside their host/vehicle, I wonder what Yithian society would really look like, if there really was nothing new to discover.

I know nothing of Dean Koontz, what are some of his more iconic monsters so I at least get the gist of them? Unless this is like meta, and is the horror of failing at creativity.

We're shitposting, but I think the future of furries is honestly terrifying, as less and less self aware humans get access to body mods and descend further into their fantasy. Imagine a future where vast swathes of the population have gene modded themselves into drooling retarded living fursonas acting out their basest impulses.
Don't encourage the furries. It's bad enough dealing with that kind of body-mod/gene-mod shit in cyberpunk games, Eclipse Phase, or anything with mutations. If we get it in real life I might have to quit my job and stand for election as dog-catcher. (And you don't want that, because I'll take my inspiration for doing the job directly from Matthew Hopkins and Frank Castle.)
The TVA from the Loki tv show are a good inspiration for using the Yith. The thing about a Yithian plot is that it's conspiracy, so if you're playing DG then you need to run it as conspiracy versus conspiracy.
Koontz is very much a thriller writer who uses horror elements than a horror author. That being said I'd crib from Phantoms so that rather than an ancient tome of unspeakable knowledge, the information the players need is found in a poorly supported book of psuedoscience that happens to be correct.

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The three stages of game design.

1. The D&D Clone.
Mindlessly copying D&D and creating a heartbreaker. Don't feel bad about doing this, as most RPG designers started out with making a D&D heartbreaker, including Steve Jackson, Mike Pondsmith, Graeme Davis, and many, many more. For some, it's the only game they know (or even the only game that existed at the time), so they don't even know how far they can deviate from the model before it stops being a TTRPG.

2. The Rebellion.
Creating new mechanics just to make the game as un-D&D as possible. A few people skip step one and just go straight into this, and the mantra is simply "Everything D&D Does is Wrong." d20? Nope, 3d6, or d%, or flipping coins, or jenga towers, or everyone starts masturbating and the last person to cum has to eat the biscuit. HP? No, Health. Or Wounds. Or Saving Graces. Or Tubs of Farmer Cheese. It doesn't matter if it actually improves the game, the key is to just not do what D&D does, even if you're just doing what D&D does but with extra steps.

3. The Understanding.
The most important stage. An epiphany that does not come to all, with both sycophants and contrarians trapped in the first two stages. But, with enough experience, you learn to recognize that there are many D&D mechanics that really were just the first answer you'd write on the test, ie. the answer most likely to simply be right. While far from perfect, it's a series of games that have attracted some of the best designers in the industry, and through the years has extensively copied from other games, taking many of the best ideas from designers in their rebellious phases while skipping over many of their worst. At this stage, a D&D mechanic is not just "Yes, copy that" or "No, it's the Devil's milk," but is evaluated and understood, and its strengths and weaknesses can be fairly assessed.
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>pic related
Interesting. What's your take about D&D dying and getting hijacked by outsiders? Why the community couldn't avoid it?
Not related to game design, so it doesn't matter.
>D&D dying
Is it?
Back to your general, 5E monkey.
>Adding to the slew of industry layoffs this year, toymaker Hasbro announces it is letting go of over 1,000 members of its staff.
>While we have made some important progress across our organization, the headwinds we saw through the first nine months of the year have continued into Holiday and are likely to persist into 2024.
>Larian Studios canceled DLC plans for Baldur’s Gate 3, to the relief of the dev team
>In a shock reveal, the creators of smash hit Baldur’s Gate 3 have said they won’t be making any major DLC or expansions for it or a sequel.

nu-DnD is a dead IP.

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Writing General: 'H.P. Lovecraft' edition.

Welcome to /wg/, the thread for all /tg/ related writing. Whether you're plotting your campaign, trying to come up with a character backstory, or just trying to write some setting fluff, this is the place to post it. You don't even have a campaign, just an idea you want to develop? You're welcome here. While the rest of /tg/ is arguing over monstergirl mating and which way rivers are supposed to flow, we're here to help you turn your thoughts into an actual finished product.

As the successor to the Storythreads, we're also open to /tg/ related fanfiction (D&D, Warhammer, Battletech, whatever). In fact, if you've written any vaguely /tg/-related short stories, you can try them out here. We also have flash-fiction challenges from time to time.

There's a discord for writers here

The previous thread can still be found in the archive here

And finally an archive of /tg/ fiction can be found here:
http://1d4chan.org/wiki/Storythread (dead link, but may be resurrected one day)

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Sometimes when I'm writing I'll use a Solo RPG table or two to sort out my writer's block. It works well for me as a springboard.

I only use Tarot to commune with the spirits teaching me how to summon a succubus. Just as /x/ intended.
Obsydian glass is pretty spooky. It coming from volcano's could be a good reason it has 'death' energy.

Maybe also desert sands? Earth from a location where life can't sustain itself.

To take some inspiration from the Egyptians, maybe gold or another precious metal? Greeks would burry men with coins so that could play into things. They'd also dry out bodies in Natron (desert salt) for preservation, and salt has a lot of mystical qualities attributed to it.
Of note he wasn't given silver coins. He was given silverware. That said- it would not at all be out of the ordinary for them to be melted down into coins (and likely into roman coins at that given how much longer the Roman Empire lasted).
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Each coin has a separate curse but holding even one drives one to acquire all of them to the point of madness. They know that if they just push on and get every last coin they'll be rewarded somehow. Sacrificing friends, family, and sanity even as the curses pile up to make someone miserable.

And if someone gets all the coins, they are visited by Judas himself. Who laughs in their face and disappears. Leaving them with their curses and a desperate urge to give the coins to as many passers by as possible. Even though that doesn't remove the curses from them.
>Throughout "Math Arc" the party is lead to believe the villain is a negative number
>The big twist at the end: It's actually an imaginary number
How obvious am I making this if I name him "Professor I"? It's actually "Professor i" but the party doesn't figure this out until the very end, since they sound the same phonetically.

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Does this work on someone's pee? So you could have someone pee into a flask, cast it on the pee, and then drink it with no consequences? Did I just discover an infinite drink trick?
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Or if one of your party members is a cute girl and you have an agreement with her.
When cast, the spell will make spoiled, rotten, poisonous or otherwise contaminated food and/or water pure and suitable for eating and/or drinking. Up to 1 cubic foot of food and/or drink can be thus made suitable for consumption. The reverse of the spell putrefies food and drink, even spoiling holy water. Unholy water is spoiled by purify water. -EGG

It would seem doable.
Additionally Beer, Wine and (presumably) piss have a high enough water content to summon a water elemental using them as a medium.
why not just summon a piss elemental?
any liquid becomes a drink when you intend to drink it

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Want to give my players a Deck of Many Things since it's their first campaign and they are eager to get the "Full dungeons and dragons experience"

Problem is I know they'll die the moment they draw a card. Anyone got a less damning homebrew?
Sure, a Deck containing only 22 Fool cards.No checking the deck before drawing.

Fool: You lose 10,000 XP, discard this card, and draw from the deck again, counting both draws as one of your declared draws. If losing that much XP would cause you to lose a level, you instead lose an amount that leaves you with just enough XP to keep your level.
>Problem is I know they'll die the moment they draw a card.
Skill issue.

>Anyone got a less damning homebrew?
Just chill them out. Permanent intelligence loss becomes intelligence loss until Remove Curse. Defeat Dread Wraith or be destroyed forever becomes defeat [difficult but level appropriate encounter]. And the the good ones down a bit too I guess.
>they'll die the moment they draw a card

The chance of instant death is part of the "Full dungeons and dragons experience".
>Anyone got a less damning homebrew?
You do.
Because you're supposed to rewrite what you don't like.
What, do you need a book or something someone else wrote to hold your hand?
The homebrew that would make the deck less dangerous ruins the point of the deck. It's supposed to be a gamble that either destroys a character or elevates them with very little middle ground.
If the results are all positive and only mildly negative, then the players are just going to draw from it even more in order to get the good stuff. If the results are just all mildly negative and a few minor positives then there's no reason to bother with it at all.

If there isn't a chance to gain random wishes or levels or end up dead or cursed, it's not the experience of a Deck of Many Things from D&D (TM) anymore.

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Ping edition

>To make cards, download MSE for free from here:
>Mobile users might have an easier time signing up here:

>Stitch cards together with

>Hi-Res MSE Templates

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I tried to do an upgraded Counterspell that would bypass “This spell can’t be countered” without being too broken.
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What do you guys think?
Understood. As you were.
Pretty sure 'Return target spell to its owner's hand' accomplishes that by itself.
A Gavin video on ward and what wotc has learned about it and how to use it.


Keyword aside I think this is a good video to watch for game designers because it is a walkthrough of iteration.
Taking an original idea made for good reasons, exploring its downsides and then exploring how to mitigate those downsides.

Previous Thread: >>92453895
For: Creation and discussion of Lewd RPGs; including Solo Rpgs, Homebrews, and examples of play (Greentexts)

NOT For: ERP "Looking For Group" posts or rambling about Hentai Artists

For Help with Solo RPGs:
1: YouTube (Season 1 of Me, Myself & Die!), 2: Solo RPG General: >>92492535

Official /tg/Lewd RPG General Discord

>Lewd Solo Games
Labyrinthus: https://gm-bertus.itch.io/labyrinthus
Powered by the Lewd: https://j5drops.itch.io/powered-by-the-lewd
Lewd Attack: https://mega.nz/folder/CbhQnQyB#Xn-0F9OVyr_SHQ2s7rDhmQ

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Bitches for Thoth Amon v0.4 is here!

Main content update is Section 9, a guide for GMs to build adventures including settlements, quests, rewards, and downtime activities. This is also usable by solo RPG players. I've also included some additional rules for solo players in Section 14, regarding automating combat.

In addition, the full list of equipment and items have been added to the back half of Section 7, for players and game masters to use.

Other editing and quality of life changes have also been made to previous sections such as player stats and carrying capacity, keywords like Negate and Perk being finalised, progression for Bitches edited, and other small changes.

With the updates, Bitches for Thoth Amon is now technically playable. You just need to make up some placeholder statblocks for enemies.

Any and all feedback would be really appreciated, such as any glaring omissions in the building blocks of an adventure section, obvious balancing issues of items/perks at a glance etc.

Planned content for next update:
>A full bestiary of Bitches including civilised people, outlaws, cultists, and Amazonians
>sample quests/dungeons/settlements so players/gms can run at least one proper adventure

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Flesh eating elves with a secret gestapo in their government who are rumored to hunt all those elves who end up eating vegetables outside their lands.
Truth is that Elves do not truly die and their bones draw all the nutrients from the soil in order to reincarnate them as semi-sentient trees.
The Elven homeland is filled with such trees, surrounded by desert (wonder why, lol) and it is said gestapos mission to bring back the dead so they can be buried there and do not end up killing the planet

That's just one little morsel, but the guy is creative. I personally have fallen in love with his world.
It's notable that dodging IS penalized for each successive enemy that you have to fight. It's just that swarms of enemies are more likely to be weaker anyway, so having fewer amounts of lots of dice still trivializes them.
Honestly, I feel like this is at least partially user error. Maybe a little tweaking could be done, but ultimately you're responsible for setting up your own character for failure. Your instincts as a player to make a very capable character are actually detrimental to play in a game where one of the biggest unique interactions comes from failing from time to time.

Even characters with 12 dodge dice will fall apart to powerful enemies in the end, but you still rob yourself of any tension in the early game.

Honestly, look at the dice rolled by enemies at various stages of the game. Early game enemies tend to roll somewhere from 4-6 dice. If you're on the high end of doubling that, of course they're not going to do anything to you most of the time.
In addition to this, if you're not able to lose, do harder stuff. Like, actually grind reputation until you get harder quests. Or use one of the supplements to go somewhere where the fighting is harder, like the North.

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After ages we finally have our warhammer fantasy role play sessions every week. I have games :)
Thats nice, we're about to start our first ever pen and paper WFRP next week with the starter set for fourth edition.
I hope it will be easy for us....
Congratulations OP, hope you have fun. Post storytime if there's anything interesting happening.
Congrats, it's gonna be fun.
Chart a course for fun

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Which did 40k dirtiest?

>Primarchs coming back
>Children's books
>Female Custodes

Choose only the worst one.
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Perpetuals, especially Erda the Bitchtard.
>second worst thing on your list, it dumpsters the already-neglected Sisters of Silence
Sisters of Silence are neglected by GW because no one likes them or asked for them.
GW just unceremouniously just shoved them into the custodes codex even though custodesfags never even asked for it in the first place.
yeah, I bet it has absolutely nothing to do with the amazon tv series deal... LOL!
Female custodes aren’t a retcon. There were always female custodes.
Regardless, it’s a good thing. 40k is a dark setting but that doesn’t mean it’s for bigots or fascists. Stop being evil.
nah, newcrons were a good decision.
they're a retcon and their fluff is less metal (!), yeah, but that's all justified in the name of creating more opportunities for hobbyists to do their own donutsteel and conversions. oldcrons were too monolithic. one of the rare examples of modern gw remembering what purpose 40k fluff was designed to serve.

Romance is a common theme and plot element in fantasy. Why is it so rare in TTRPGs?
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Then I abstract that to a dice mechanic and don't act it out with you in detail, and you roll some dice to see if the enemy politician falls for your charms, and then we skip until after the romancing and the coitus, wherein you use their attachment to you to kill them in their sleep / slowly poison them / exact political favors / whatever.
>>92596671 Contd.
Which is to say, I would not be comfortable pretending to be seduced by you and voice acting the sex scenes where your sorceress lady ensnares the mayor into supporting the snake cult. So we skip the awkward shit the same way I skip over torture scenes and don't turn it into a torture minigame because that makes other people uncomfortable (I let someone do that 'I torture the prisoners for information' thing indepth once, and it made two of the other people really uncomfortable, though - of course they didn't say anything until after the session was over). That was much less awkward for me than pretending to be seduced by one of my players was, the one time I tried to play along with that. So 'torture for information' gets covered in session 0 to check with the group and make sure everyone is on the same page, and sex scenes being out gets covered before session 0 because it's no bueno for me and I'm the one running the game.

Okay. I would also be uncomfortable exacting out the details and do think that a fade to black is the best option. Just making sure we're on the same page. You're not as much of a cunt as you sounded like with your first post who only does pointless hex/dungeoncrawls with no rhyme or reason.
It's extremely, almost irritatingly, common, anon
because it amounts to romancing one of the bros, and no fucking thank you

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>guns are OP in my world and magic is weak
>guns are weak (Expect swords lol) in my world as magic is strong

which side are you?
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what everyone else does because it obviously makes the most sense. guns are a tool for the untrained masses who work normal jobs to be able to fight back against trained fighters. your average wizard is only slightly above the caliber of another tool in battle and as such can be easily killed by someone shooting him in the head. high level wizards are hard to kill just as any other important figure with power are hard to kill, just for a different reason. as firearm tech advanced the only losers in the race are the dumbasses who spent all that time learning how to use a bow or sword just to get shot or turned into piss
Now THIS is the good shit
Firearms were used on the same battlefields as swordsmen for hundreds of years. There was no "we invented the gun and now the swordlets are seething".
The caster gun rules
I'd use something on her but I wouldn't call it magic.

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Isn't He?
Deiwos, Hyperion, Jupiter, Vishnu, Perun, Odin, Lord Indra, Lord Buddha, Mithras, Sol Invictus, Tengri, Jesus Christ, Apollonius...
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>the Emperor is EVERY important figure in human history
Faggot take, great way to reduce human agency to nothing more than fluffers for the Emperor.
The Emperor is a corpse. Who or what he was in the past doesn't change him being a pile of bones now.
>Who or what he was in the past doesn't change him being the Anathema the gods fear
Just as soon as he gets off the Throne, sure
The emperors most human trait is thinking his way is the best to solve everything and proceeding to fuck everything over when in power.

"A desire to save the world is almost always a desire to rule it" anyone?

The diasporex deserved better.

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