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Justin Achille is literally invading your DND! He literally can't be assassinated unless someone kills him in the Ham String... but he's the literal genius and armored his entire Ham String with KERATIN explosive reactive armor... that's why there's ERA in KERATIN!

This is bad... literally nobody can hurt him! The Wizard says the spells don't do the thing... so how does the Tarty ever beat Achille?
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Well, I'm the DM and I don't approve of your obviously OP character. Roll a new character or get the fuck out.
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>pushes him off the edge off his boat in the middle of the ocean
>detonate the panel
>no more hamstring
>no more leg
I shove him face down into a small pool of water and hold him there.
>his mother is a sea nymph
very bad idea

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With the release of the 'Tome of Endless Romance', I feel moved to ask: Can romance in RPGs ever be done without being extremely cringey?
I feel an online format helps a lot, because it's way less awkward. Not to mention, it's a good way to fuck with your players, and / or to give them a motivation that goes beyond the loot treadmill.
I still think 'Blood & Lust' from Pendragon is one of the greatest modules ever, and definitely worth checking out for 'The Adventure of the Heart Blade', incidentally.
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I have it in hardback. It's great. Kind of comfy and romantic as intended? I've never seen anything similar. It's system agnostic, so there are no stats inside, but the point is that you can use it to build a romantic plot for your games. It's a book of 50 NPCs that you can use in a campaign, along with storyline hooks and quests + there are romantic oracles, advice on how to GM romance, and some additional stuff.

The waifus are certainly likable and feel human. I'm surprised at how much you can play on fantasy tropes while still getting something new and relatable with each npc.

There is a disillusioned knight waifu who got entangled in baron wars and saw too much bloodshed, a redeemed succubus (pic rel), her air-headed tiefling daughter, there is an alcoholic alchemist who needs help with her drinking problem, an elf ambassador milf, a widow turned necromancer who's trying to resurrect her husband, a pure paladin of a goddess of love that never held a hand, a shapeshifter with a depression who's changed so many times, she forgot who she is, even a birdfolk waifu, a bellicose dryad who dies and reborns each year, and a dragon daughter who looks for her father.

There is sex, but it's all tasteful and surprisingly mature. Lots of top ideas inside, even if I'm not sure how much I could use them with my gaming group.

There was a thread about it on /tg a few weeks ago.
>It's system agnostic
>Hit dice

It's all the kids play
>those pages
discount arueshalae, which was already paizos snooze waifu. this shit blows homie
How do you not? Romance is one of the primary motivators of a good story (note for retards and ESLs: one of, not only) and a good romance adds so much complexity and nuance to a game

>yesterday's game
>daimyo commands a shugenja not to reveal something to his ex-wife
>due to circumstances, his ex-wife is his ex-wife because she's forced to hide as a monk
>shugenja loves his ex-wife dearly, despite having an actual wife
>he goes and disobeys the daimyo's direct order in secret
>now the shugneja has to live with the guilt of having disobeyed his daimyo in the name of love

>a different game a couple of sessions ago
>party manages to talk down an insane death knight who was being manipulated by an outside source of evil
>she's actually a pretty lady, who feels awful about the things she did while mind-controlled by the necromancer
>she makes up her mind to atone for the damage she did and then destroy herself since she can't come to terms with being undead
>one of the party members, an elven lord decides to help her through it because it would be the proper and courtly thing to do
>she falls for him hard because he's showing her compassion, he's hitting her right buttons, and he's helping her come to terms with her new-found immortality (elves are also immortal so he's got context)

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The Most Fucked Up Setting Edition

Tell us about your horror settings, games, etc. Share inspirational art, prompts, etc.

>List of games:
Call of Cthulhu, Chill, Cold and Dark, Degenesis, Delta Green, Don't Rest Your Head, Dread, Esoterrorists/Fear Itself+Book of Unremitting Horror, Fall of Delta Green, GORE, Into The Shadows, KULT, Little Fears, Mothership RPG, Nemesis (free on Arc Dream's website), Nights Black Agents, Silent Legions (Mostly for the tables), Stalker: The SciFi RPG, Symbaroum, Ten Candles, Trail of Cthulhu, Unisystem (All Flesh Must Be Eaten, Witchcraft, Conspiracy X, etc.), Unknown Armies, The Whispering Vault, Vaesen

>Inspirational stuff:
Caitlin R Kiernan, Castlevania, Doom Watch, Fear & Hunger, George Romero, Ghostwatch, House of Leaves, I Am In Eskew, John Carpenter, Kolchak the Nightstalker, Laird Barron, John Langan, M.R. James, Nick Cutter, Old Gods of Appalachia, Quatermass, Ramsey Campbell, Remedy Series (Alan Wake, Control), SCP Foundation, Scarfolk Council, Shaun Hutson, Silent Hill, Stand Still Stay Silent, The Evil Dead, The Magnus Archives, The Secret World, The Stone Tapes, Anatomy, Thomas Ligotti, Twin Peaks, Vault of Evil forums, toomuchhorrorfiction

Other News:
"The Fall of Delta Green" has been reprinted.

Current Book Club Topic:

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does anybody know of any good systems/scenarios for a "death game" style horror scenario? like the OG battle royale or danganronpa.
Flails Akimbo but it's for Mork Borg
He bit off more than he could chew... How? Don't be an autist.
Why are people like this?
I already had the PDFs of everything CoC related before I bought the book.
The flyer tells people to contact me and I can tell them it's a new group and game, they don't have to play.
Are you OK?
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>Book Club Topic
How humorous, I had just started reading The Great God Pan last night.

Read it last year and absolutely loved it. It was my second Hodgson read after previously doing the Carnacki stories. Planning to get to The Night Land at some point.

Watch this video for tips on The Haunting.
Maybe look up some actual plays as well, anon. And try not to panic, you'll do great.

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Lower Deck's Final Season Edition

Previous Thread: >>92395492
A thread for discussing the 'Star Trek' franchise and its various tabletop adaptations.

Game Resources

Star Trek Adventures
-Official Modiphius Page (Rules, FAQ and Player Resources)
-PDF Collection
-Homebrew Collection

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Could that explain Admiral Fucking Hubris? She'd have surely fought in the war and while it would be nice to think only the good and/or competent officers survived, here we are.
She can say that to his goddamn son anyday
/co/ has more variety and longevity in their coomer threads. The coomer threads also seem to outnumber the outrage du jour threads on /co/, unlike here or /tv/.
Must be my fault for not using the coomer threads. /co/ used to be my jam back in the days when it had some of the best Transformers threads outside of /m/ (who tended not to want to talk about the comics side of things, least the IDW stuff), but these days it's pure schwarbage. Storytime threads can sometimes have worthwhile discussion, but typically talkback threads are just cynical bastard posting and bitching about how woke everything is. A damn shame, in my opinion. The place used to be pretty chill.

LD threads tend to be pretty controversial and basically what I said about the talkbacks, but Prodigy seems to get some pretty decent traction and also that one guy who keeps spamming the same damn AI slop of Gwyn.
Speaking of Prodigy looks like they're slated to have a Mirror Universe ep in the second half of season 2. I'm trying to figure out what Mirror Dal would be like. Evil but honest, hardworking, and intelligent? Or basically a Khan/Gary Mitchell thing going on where he has full use of his genetic heritage including whatever pre-ascension powers Organians have?

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>he fell for the dragon
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My Oath would have allowed the foul beast to live! I may have fallen, but for the people I have saved, I have no regrets.
...Wait, think I went with the wrong "fell"
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and it will be relevant for the next 50 sessions
What is she playing?

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second half of the Candidates edition

>Official website:

>Chess websites, tools, videos and books:

- FIDE Candidates Tournament | April 3rd - 25th
- Sunway Formentera International Chess Festival | April 9th - 19th
- Spring Chess Classic | April 11th -19th
- European Women’s Chess Championship | April 18th - 30th
- TePe Sigeman & Co | April 27th - May 3rd
- Sardinia World Chess Festival | April 27th - May 4th

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I wish lichees would tap me on the back when I do a good move, like the "brilliant" from chesscum
Just disable takebacks. For every guy you want to be nice to, there's a thousand who do this bullshit. Not worth it.
I disagree. It's a great way to start conversations and socialize. And maybe your opponent is a cute girl. :wink::wink:
What the hell is wrong with people? I get in my head about the points too, but not enough to lose my composure and make an ass of myself in front of someone. Literally begging. What a worm of a man.

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This thing runs up to you and starts humping your leg

What do?
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it a floof
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This is just a setting from a series of extremely strange novels that was made into a 3rd edition GURPS supplement. Pic relsted is also a GURPS.
Wish I had ChtorrAnon's thread earlier to let him know of this while it was still active: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/danverssengames/dvg-warfighter-chtorr
It's got the rape eyes

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I was hoping to run kind of a grittier game built on 3.5e because that's what my players are familiar with.
I really liked the setting/aesthetics of more rules-lite games like Cairn or Into the Odd, but I find their rules (or lacktherof) very obtuse.
I'd like for magic to be rarer, the Gods to be a little more distant, and I understand I can do that by limiting what my players can choose but I figured I would put out some feelers since Google didn't come back with anything.
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You want two books, OP.

First. You want d20 Conan, by Mongoose.
Then use d20srd for the wound points subsystem to replace HP.
Second, you probably want the Games Designers Companion for some of its gritty combat variants, also by Mongoose.
Then last, you want the conversion guide for using 3e monsters with d20 conan.

If you're feeling creative, you can bolt on Eclipse (combined version or both individual books) by Distant Horizons for point buy character building instead of rigid classes, but you'll need to assign point costs to the unique Conan stuff, mostly its magic system.

Done and done.
>3.5e is very much built around the idea of characters acquiring magical gear to keep up numerically with encounters.
That's only if you use a lot of enemies that have high saves (outsiders) or immunities of some sort (undead, incorporeal, incorporeal undead) etc
If you keep your more supernatural rare and "puzzle monsters" (adventure related resolution in items and RP) in a low level game, you are fine.
Arguably, 3.0 instead of 3.5 could help due to the long lasting buffs.
>3.5e is very much built around the idea of characters acquiring magical gear to keep up numerically with encounters.
this is true
gold and exp are the two ways a characters improve, getting rid of gold will create an unbalance in the system
D20 Conan is rebalanced around no WBL.
I appreciate your honest in simply saying you want mudcore. Have you looked at any of the Warhammer Fantasy systems? I dont know them the best but they're definitely built from the ground up to be much grittier and lower power and such, and might be along the correct lines

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Previous thread: >>92426567

GURPS is a modular, adaptable system, capable of running a wide range of characters, settings, and play styles, with a level of detail varying from lightweight to completely autistic.
Optional rules allow you to emulate different genres with a single system, or even switch genres within a single game.

A nearly complete archive of GURPS books can be found by those who pay attention to file extensions.
Never post direct links to the archive anywhere.

If you're wondering where to start:
The Basic Set covers everything, including a lot of optional rules you probably won't use.
A genre guide can be found in the archive, under Unofficial/GURPSgen. It tells you what extra books and articles you may find useful for many common genres.
How To Be a GURPS GM is a good read even for players.
GCS (gurpscharactersheet.com) is an excellent character-builder software, with page references to all the books and the option to export to both Foundry and Fantasy Grounds.

Thread Question: I uhh... Tell me about your first campaigns anons.
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Depends how the GM handles magical items.
Generally i just give them the cp corresponding to the advantage with Gadget.
No, for the same reason you don't get points for wearing a helmet that causes Hard of Hearing.
Depends on your GM.
I'd say the most common response would be 'no' but that assumes that buying a magic item is a huge opportunity cost which could at a minimum be used to buy items granting benefits equivalent to advantages with a similar points value. i.e. if you can buy an amulet of cancelling Bad Sight, you could also buy an amulet which grants Dark Vision or something for a similar price, so by spending money on one you are denying yourself the other.
If the magic items to cancel disadvantages are cheap and easily available, but you just started the game without one so that you didn't have to pay for Mitigator or Cancelled Disadvantage, then yeah, you owe the points as soon as you pick one up. That's blatantly abusing the spirit of the rules.
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>Make a very capable race
>"Why does this cost a lot of points?"
It's a real mystery.
Also, you get a ST discount for a high SM, so it would be 45 points. If it's a high-tech world, you can could also use some optional rules to reduce the cost.
What Pyramid issue is this from?

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ITT we recount some moments or scenarios at the table that made us cringe or extremely uncomfortable. I'll throw some out there.

>when someone keeps trying to be funny and they're not funny
>someone recites poorly written poetry
>player gets caught cheating and gets called on it
>GM starts arguing with their parent
>the person you're sitting next to has halitosis
>someone starts a political argument
>rules lawyer and GM begin a screaming match
>depressed guy keeps dropping obvious hints about how they want to kill themselves
>autist has a legitimate temper tantrum over shitty rolls
>someone accidentally wears their cum-shirt
>degenerate repeatedly tries graphic ERP with another player
>guy uses greentext in real life by making an arrow with their finger and saying "tee eff doubleyou"
>players start making out at the table
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Tissues aren't that great honest, they just get soaked through immediately unless you use like half the box at once.
so did you guys fuck irl
There's a reason they make male branded tissues, which is also why they're super absorbent
>male branded tissues
They sell tissues specifically for cum?
Anon, its just fujoshi Twilight-tier highschool romance bullshit. Ive checked. Its just not worth my time to keep checking.
Just feel bad for both of these womens husbands

My year long character just got perma killed by a mind flayer I'm tempted to punch my dm Right now
lmao frogposters get fucked
Try punching yourself
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Now that people are extra pissed at GW, can we finally push the superior game?
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>GW are drinking the poison chalice of the modern audience
GW has constantly been fucking chasing trends. Are you new here?
Okay let me rephrase: comparatively smart.

WoTC didn't IMMEDIATELY destroy its competitive scene.
I mean, the PG program getting destroyed didn't fuck up their competitive scene either. I've got the timelines blurred in my head, but I'm pretty sure Warmachine only got bigger after the program got sunsetted. It was all the other shit that started hitting hard.
Where the fuck am I supposed to buy models for this game? the official website lists like 2 for each faction
Old stuff is out of print. You're looking for the mk4 section.

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So, hoy do you build up your antagonists that the party or crew are fucking up hopefully? Do you try and make their defeat more savory cause they’re complete assholes or do you try to make them complex and sometimes sympathetic in certain cases?
Trying to make villains sympathetic is the worst pitfall a DM can fall into.

Your players WANT to fight evil. They DO NOT WANT to feel bad about killing some maniacal overlord just because some kids took his lunch money 45 years ago or his dog died or some shit.

UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES should you give a villain a 'greater good' motivation that actually turns out being true. Nothing is more infuriating than your DM delivering a long monologue about why you, and your character specifically, are retarded and THEY are so smart and are actually saving the world. (This path can be saved by the villain's plan "succeeding" then backfiring on them because killing 100,000,000 orphan puppies was not, in fact, the answer to the looming apocalypse, proving the players were right both morally and logically all along) Want a villain to be memorable? Make him an absolute bastard. Make him insult the players and then run away like a coward when things go wrong at their first showdown. Have him hire an assassin to kill one or more of the characters, etc etc. But don't lean on complexity or morality to make him memorable.

Ultimately, the right way to build up the antagonist is to stack them up so that it will be MAXIMALLY satisfying to defeat them. Moral ambiguity and sympathetic motivations ALWAYS achieve the opposite.
It sounds like you have not yet had the privilege of being culturally enriched by a group of orc gentlemen. I hope one day you are lucky enough to enjoy a fiery but mostly peaceful cultural exchange.
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Make them sexy

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Everybody knows shit's fucked edition


previous thread: >>92503863

/pfg/ (pathfinder 1e) link repository: https://pastebin.com/RSt0rF0T
/p2g/ (pathfinder 2e) link repository: https://pastebin.com/1zySxwm3
/sfg/ (starfinder) link repository: https://pastebin.com/5yp9s2U3
/3eg/ (D&D 3.X) link repository: https://pastebin.com/VMRsxB2m

The T̶r̶o̶v̶e̶ Vault (seed, please!):

TQ: What do you want out of a (for now) hypothetical new edition?
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From there I just took the baseline of a 15 point buy 3 HD Human commoner, and then applied the template I'd made. Is this a LOT of work for one streamer that's not even a bit tabletop fan? Sure, but I feel like creating the template in and of itself is a worthwhile endeavor if even one person other than me finds it useful in an actual campaign.
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2e. Alright goons, I'm working on a character for Extinction Curse and I have visions of being a guy who does swordtricks like the bare-handed catches and sword juggling and whatnot. A monk feels like an appropriate class to do so with, but what (if anything) would let me bring some of that (mainly the sword catch and disarm) into combat instead of just being a neat RP trick?
Monk is kind of a bad fit for the concept.
Swashbuckler with battledancer is probably what you want; perform in combat, gain panache, use it to deliver a finisher for enhanced damage. Gain a reaction to attempt to disarm attackers that critically miss you.
Then there's the juggler archetype to allow you to juggle more items than you could hold in two hands, as well as grabbing items you successfully disarm or can catch and juggling them.

Now, this works really well in my head with thrown weapons like hatchets or light hammers, but there are no swords with the thrown property to utilize.
You could in theory just *write* a shortsword that exchanges versatile for thrown 20, but that's something the GM would have to okay.
Battledancer is cool but fascinated is such a shit condition to inflict
you get panache at least but yeah, fascinated sucks
it's decent against casters but the fact it goes away completely if you use a hostile action against the target or any of its allies fucking sucks

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You will have more fun spending most of the game moving 6" and rolling 3+ then 4+ then you ever will with "stratagems", "metawatch", "symmetrical L-shaped terrain " and whatever other shite they've dreamed up recently

Return to 3rd. Or maybe 4th edition rulebook with the 3rd edition codexes at its release
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Please go back to your 7th edition baby containment game.
>3 hours ago
Still here?
There's now a homebrew thread on it, anon.
Its called "Project Fourkhammer"
>I guess 10th edition is so bad that people are now going "screw it we'll make our own 40k edition that is closer to 40k than OPR."
About time
>it would take like 6 hrs min to do 1 game
So THIS is the power of grogs..
has someone made an alternative actions gamemode for 40k apocalypse?

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