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how do you guys actually remember what you read? I've seen some Andrew Huberman videos on it, and it all seems to have to do with a lack of attention span, forcing yourself to pay attention, taking notes etc but what are you guy's methods? Like say for example, if you were to read a philosophy book, or 12 Rules for Life by Jordan Peterson, how do you remember what you read, and how do you apply it to your life effectively?
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>>24083998 (OP)
stop reading self-help, it just doesn't stick
read fiction
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>>24083998 (OP)
Jordan Peterson intentionally writes obtusely so of course you're going to have a hard time understanding and remembering his books.
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>>24083998 (OP)
>how do you guys actually remember what you read?
Here, check pic. First post is one I sent to /lit/, second is one I sent to /sci/ years ago.
>were to read a philosophy book, or 12 Rules for Life by Jordan Peterson
Honestly, I usually read pop books like that cover to cover without really caring about remembering fine details
Btw, what I mean by a very basic character mind map is that it uses only lines, circles, and words. Don't waste your time doing one of those elaborate mind maps with pretty pictures and shit, and obviously if you're not reading a Tolstoy book with around 600 characters, you may not need the mind map at all.
>>24083998 (OP)
Write stuff down as you read it
Pause and think whenever you want
Chew on it
The most-dakka option is to treat it like a textbook, with all the note taking and Anki decks that implies

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Books that will help me find a virgin to make my wife? Even if only 0.01% of women are virgins, I need to figure out how to find them. The symptoms and warning signs of non-virgins, the beautiful signs of virgins, I need to know all of it so I can truly analyse a woman before marrying her. If I ever find out my wife has had sex with another man before marriage, I don't know what I'd do. Maybe divorce, maybe try to escape to a different country and start a new life, I'd kill myself but I don't really believe in that so that's not an option. You get the point, I NEED the skills and mindset to be able to deeply evaluate a woman. Thanks.
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be good looking
>>24083062 (OP)
Don't men wish a literal 'Goddess' in looks and body to be their faithful and loving wife? What stops you from becoming a God, and conquer whatever woman you like? I don't mean a literal God, but at least do a handful of super-human feats like surviving in the wild for a few days, or learning to lift wheights. Or training for the super-human physique. There's no way of 'talking a woman into' getting interested in you (especially if you are not of the talkative sort). You don't have to be talkative if you are a God or at least a super-hero. Or a nigger. Or something. But sitting in your room watching vydia won't give you a personality and that's to men what booty is to women and you have no booty and no personality and no muscles... and you are surprised at women being as repulsed by you as you are by fat women? At least loose some weight. And if you desire a Goddess aka a woman that is attractive and a virgin at that... you better start becoming a God yourself.
Believe it or not these girls are getting more sex than you
Because they're women. Men can't get the same level because of things like consent. The law is a mans enemy. Never uphold the principles of a world that hates you.
>>24083062 (OP)
>/lit/ - Literature
Are jannies asleep? Why didn't they delete this thrash thread that is completely off-topic? Not even a single book mentioned in the whole thread. The "Books for" or "Books for this?" in the off-topic posts is almost always an excuse to make /r9k/ threads in /lit/.

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We haven't had a stack thread in a hot minute. Post those stacks!!
Everything here with the exception of the Gene Wolfe I received or bought myself for Christmas. Finished Bloodlands already and currently reading Lords of Chaos (I'm also reading Shadow & Claw but haven't touched it for a few weeks, I'm kinda bored of it t b h).
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>St. Augustine's City of God
Nice. I've never read it. What exactly does he discuss in it?
First 10 books is mainly a refutation of the pagan accusations that Christianity was a cause for the fall of Rome. It's effectively him just screeching about how the Roman religion was retarded with proofs of how figures that St Augustine had admired such as Cicero, Varrus and Seneca were in agreement that it was used primarily to control and instill virtue within the people. Books 8-10 are an analysis, breakdown and refutation of the platonist and Neoplatonic beliefs, he admired Plato a lot and saw him as being one of the rare people that approximated closest to the truth (this may have been due to the fact that the church only had access to the timaeus and Critias at the time don't quote me on that though). Books 11-22 are him outlining his description of the city of god in contrast to the city of earthly desire. He had a huge influence on the church and the Nicene creed and it's very blatant in his works. His metaphysics are also outlined in the city of god and he does a really good job at elaborating on his ontology. If you can handle making your way through multiple pages of him just calling people retarded it's worth a read, the first 7 books were a fucking slog for me but there absolutely were valuable bits of knowledge sprinkled throughout. I'm on book 16 at the moment and it's been fantastic with the exception of him detailing the lineages of Noah, Christ, the family of Abraham and so on.
Very nice. Love how early Christian rhetoric overlaps with Greek philosophy.
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current read is The Rings of Saturn, which is strange and boring at times but also compelling. I read it before bed and it puts me to sleep but it's still enjoyable somehow.
Nice collection

what are some other books that talk about hidden agendas other than picrel? looking specifically for hidden history stuff or political deception related books. stuff like Harold Laswell kind of stuff.
On the Jews and their Lies - Martin Luther

>>24088458 (OP)

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Okay, so as far as I can tell,
Dulcinites = Portland commies
Benedictines = OKC chuds
Franciscans = NYC Redditors
So basically a bunch of white intellectual trash. I would have preferred a setting some centuries later so that the Jesuits play a role.
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>>24088566 (OP)
Foucault's Pendulum is better, btw.
>sage-in-all-fields brainlet who's incapable of reasoning through his actions
>sage-in-all-fields brainlet who's incapable of reasoning through his actions
they are literal nogs. if they even attempt to explain the purpose of sticking a sage in the name field, they soon implode under questioning and reveal that it's all driven by some 60-iq nog outburst that makes no rational sense in an adult environment.
it started when the sage indicator was removed. they wanted a way to indicate still that they were saging because the sage functionality per se was never the point -- it was their emotionally infantile need to advertise that they were saging, their need to have something resembling a plebbit mean-girls downvote.
>>24088566 (OP)
Poor Friars=AO/PO/LC/BR
Franciscans=University AO/PO
Aristotles' On Comedy=Marx's Scorpion and Felix
Peasants who don't give a shit=Italian working class
The Secret Library=MEGA Archive*1

It *is* an ornate joke about Communist ideology, in Italy, in the 1970s.

*1 ATM Machine.*2
*2 Arse to Mouth Machine Machine Machine.
>>24088566 (OP)
I actually shelved this book because I got preoccupied with other books

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This is hard
6 outer dark by mccarthy which is a refrence to matthew

21 spinoza ethics

39 portrait of a lady by eliot, named after portrait of a lady by james

94 matthew
#39 The Jew of Malta by Marlowe
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>6 outer dark by mccarthy which is a refrence to matthew
>94 matthew
Correct. Matthew 22:11-14

>21 spinoza ethics
Also correct. Someone else correctly identified which work quotes this (W. Somerset Maugham, ‘Of Human Bondage’) but couldn’t find the quotation from that book.

>39 portrait of a lady by eliot, named after portrait of a lady by james
Nope. The T. S. Eliot quotation is #12, used for the title of #1 (Evelyn Waugh, ‘A Handful Of Dust’).
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>#39 The Jew of Malta by Marlowe

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Why hasn't /lit/ made a Keit-Ai based novel yet? The original pasta has all the story beats of a book that could define this generation, so a good enough writer could pull it off.
>>24085507 (OP)
The concept is agonizing and /lit/ already struggles enough to sit down and write.
What do you mean?
>>24085507 (OP)
never heard of this before, but my god is the name embarrassingly bad
>Never heard of this before
we caught a live newfag, boys. go back.

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So, WTF? Should I just fire up the old LLM and have it churn out thousands of pages of this shit for profitable publishing? I mean, jeez... can we talk about, uh, womens' literature? While we're at it, we all know that Ursula Kroeber Le Guin must've written some steamy smut for her personal consumption, never intending it for publication... but it *must* exist somewhere -- who has it?! POST IT ITT! T_T

>moving on...

Is pic related why there are zero reports of women being raped by Sasquatch (but not zero reported Sasquatch rapes)?

>asking for a friend who says she's afraid of getting raped by sasquatch (but then gives me that look as she breathily repeats the phrase before closing her eyes, biting her lip and shivering as she quietly coos).

For that matter, does getting swole, gruffly grunting and wearing a gorilla costume guarantee free sex on demand? Is there some cunning basketball player who does this regularly, but his "victims" never report his crimes (but tell their friends about recently having this "crazy hot dream omg")?

>t. thinkin' bout churnin' out some smut for sale to these dumb cunts lol screencap this post and look for my books next year

But, seriously, please tell us about your experiences in commercially writing smut for women.
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>>24087031 (OP)
>profitable publishing?
is it though?
Yes they do, lol. They literally consider it high literature. The Tropical of Cancer, The Story of the Eye and Justine are just a few examples
>Yes they do, lol
i don't. i just look at the pictures
none of these books are arousing
>>24087031 (OP)
>anime pfp
I don't think a hentai addict should be criticizing women on this

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So what was the point of including Grindelwald? I do not care about the retconning of him being homosexual, only about his role in the story
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I like the carefully and tastefully timed drops of the word "bitch" JKR puts in this series lmao.
These look like those sega minimalistic videogame covers
Magic just doing whatever Rowling wants it to do at any moment was one thing, but the way the whole magic vs. muggle world thing was handled was absolutely silly. If she had just ignored it, fine, but it's one of the major motivations of the villain, and yet, it's still so surface level with no real thought behind it.
fearsome basilisk
I like them

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so uh, how many books do you niggas read at a time?
I'm reading 11
>>24088380 (OP)
0. Are you the WriteConscious guy?

How do I avoid being Raskolnikov?

inb4 don't axe murder people
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y4-oJEKjyUo [Embed]
Where do you recommend starting with Adler?
>>24084944 (OP)
read the greeks
>you shouldn't kill bad people, because you will also hurt good people
>bad people will harm others, but that's ok, because they are bad
Yeah nah, fuck that. He had the right idea, only the execution was lacking.
>>24084944 (OP)
you grow out of it eventually

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Are there any slice of life novels that are actually good?
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>>24086382 (OP)
It feels like a mature Huck Finn, and I don't mean in the sense that like it's about more "adult" things, it just feels like a natural progression
It chronicles and very specific part of America, shows it bare, but it also comes from a place of love and sincerity
If you're looking for a slice of life style book it's a great pick because while it just follows a guy through his day to day life and doesn't have a strong plot it really evokes some powerful emotions just by depicting such a man as Suttree
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thank you! i appreciate you. i think i will check this out next.
My diary desu
>care to sell me on suttree
Both rapes are excellent and it is a series of pathetic short stories that shouldn't have been published, so it lacks the strong-through-line argument that Cormac normally does.

Also dead children.

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Bec by Darren Shan is the fourth book in The Demonata series released but it is the first chronologically, set in Ireland around 1600 years ago.

Lets continue as we follow the adventures of our titular heroine Bec.

Previous Thread:
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Bros, maybe Lord Loss isn't so bad after all. He gave her magic so she wouldn't get beaten!
Very interesting chapter, seeing the old mythical creatures leaving this world due to new religions taking over along with the old magic fading. Its also scary to think of the kind of demons that prey upon such beings lurking just around the corner.
[Goll will regret this]
If he does end up being a traitor I’m hoping it’s at least a deal for the whole clan and not just himself, maybe handing over Drust in exchange for the MacConns safety, hence why he rushes to his defence here >>24086886 , or that it’s a subconscious influence/spell cast by Lord Loss.
bumping for more of the book and additional commentary

what are some rare books i should be looking for at thrift shops and antique stores?

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Well history has certainly taken quite an interesting turn since this book hasn’t it
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One of the Italian westerns with Clint Eastwood was an adaptation of Yojimbo which depicted late Edo period Japan as totally fucked up and overrun by gangsters. I think if you want to extract the essence of the past to appreciate it, one has to be deeply critical of it, and Kurosawa was. If people just want a movie glorifying the past then they can watch that Kevin Cosner western that bombed recently.
Liberalism was under existential threat in the post-war interregnum when the international liberal project was being enforced but faced resistance from states like Nazi Germany; it won the subsequent war and continued its expansion. With no one left to fight it has no one to fight but itself. If there are no existential threats to liberalism, it will invent these threats and the population is retarded enough to go along with it. We still don't know where this age of paranoia is headed. It's astonishing how dissatisfied the political classes under liberalism are with their societies despite their endless posturing of how superior it is to all other cultures and how illiberal societies outright deserve to suffer. One moment it's fearing the rise of fascism or communism in 2 weeks like dipshits online do, the next moment it's keeping sanctions on Syria because the new leader didn't shake a woman's hand. If liberalism continues to delegitimize itself on the world stage, it's going to become more aggressive in an effort to assert itself. It's already happening with the revitalized right-wing becoming proudly racist again. And it could lead to a major disaster
>the rootless international elite
I was in Guangzhou last month.
It absolutely mogs any US city, it's not even funny. Also no niggers, no whores, no faggots.
Would move there in a heartbeat if I had the opportunity.
The US propaganda machine is North Korea-tier.
>If liberalism continues to delegitimize itself on the world stage, it's going to become more aggressive in an effort to assert itself. It's already happening with the revitalized right-wing becoming proudly racist again
Nationalism is compatible with liberalism. It's a very small compromise to have in order to have a cohesive society that rows together.

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