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Spring means libraries around the US are having annual book sale events. Do you go to any?
Post your hauls.
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Why are asians the jews of the east?
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Got these today, ¢50 for paperbacks. Freaked out seeing Past Master (worth $60), super rare nowadays, excited to read it. Also didn’t realize the Gene Wolfe is signed (worth $90-$100)!
why not borrow them for free
There was a free book giveaway at my school today, I snagged Go Down Moses by Faulkner and The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter. There were also two fucking massive volumes of the complete Sherlock Holmes stories that I was eyeing but I didn't want to be "that asshole" that took everything
Shame. You totally should be that asshole lol

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Confucian morality makes no sense. So Liu Bei is righteous for quietly obeying the Emperor even though he was disrespected, but Song Jiang is also righteous for rebelling so long as he doesn't actually try to overthrow the Emperor, but Cao Cao is bad because he cuts out the middleman and takes power from an Emperor who sucks? What makes the Yellow Turbans bad but the Outlaws of the Marsh good?
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I played the dynasty warriors games and think these gooks were pretty cool. What's the best thing to read about them? Is there some giant English translated three kingdoms book or do I have to read like twenty fucking things? I'm not gay so I don't really care about Japan and shit like that but I like that they generally behave hyper masculine which is how I try to live every fucking day
There is a giant English translated Three Kingdoms book, which you can read for free on the internet, which is exactly as riveting as you would expect 14th-century Chinese literature to be. If you want a more streamlined version there's the Sangokushi manga translated by /a/'s own Hox >>23282023 >>23292254
Thanks bro, I fucking hate Japanese picture book and cartoon shit so no mangos for me, I'll see if I can find the free ebook of the real shit, appreciate you man, this'll be my next project after finishing Rousseau's Confessions
Oh hey want to ask too, if I like something like le Mort d'Arthur would I enjoy this kind of writing in the big book? I can only do bits at a time but I guess I'm hoping for something similar to that
cool coment

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>Dude, it's X... stop taking it so serio-
>This is inherently goofy-

Shut the fuck up. If you engage in genre fiction with this mindset, you are looking at it from an inherently dishonest and surface level perspective. If you are a writer, you MUST take your setting and characters completely seriously, otherwise your audience has no reason to invest in anything about your work. If you don't take it seriously, then why should the audience?
>If you are a writer,
But I'm not.
Have you forgotten that comedies exist?
>Reading Anglosphere fiction in 2024
Why was the Frenchman's name Passportou in Around the World in 80 Days?

Why was the protagonist of Lolita called Humbert Humbert? Why the same first and last name?

Why is there a guy who's name is Beyond Birthday in the Death Note book? He's not a superhero or anything. It seems like Japanese just assumed American makes must be words just like Japanese names.

"Getting the F out of there" edition

Previous: >>23285914

/wg/ AUTHORS & FLASH FICTION: https://pastebin.com/ruwQj7xQ
RESOURCES & RECOMMENDATIONS: https://pastebin.com/nFxdiQvC

Please limit excerpts to one post.
Give advice as much as you receive it to the best of your ability.
Follow prompts made below and discuss written works for practice; contribute and you shall receive.
If you have not performed a cursory proofread, do not expect to be treated kindly. Edit your work for spelling and grammar before posting.
Violent shills, relentless shill-spammers, and grounds keeping prose, should be ignored and reported.

Simple guides on writing:

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I understand that something that one is passionate about can be a chore but it doesn't mean you don't love the craft. I love cooking, writing and composing music. Even if sometimes I gotta force myself to do it cause I might not be "on" or in the mood. It doesn't mean I never enjoy it.
>The act of transcribing it is just time consuming and painful.
That's all art, basically. Unless you have one of those a-ha moments where the idea just flows out of you like with paintings or with music. But with books it's almost impossible to replicate that since it's such a long medium. The way you make it it just sounds absolutely miserable and anons are disagreeing that it ain't THAT bad. If anything, I think the REALLY tedious stuff is in the editing and revision. But writing that first draft is very fun when all's said and done
if your cover is obviously AI, with shiny pseudo anime humanoid figures and obviously generated textures, then of course people should hate it. but AI art can be used very effectively when trained to be more minimalist. and whatever the AI spits out you'll then need to throw it in GIMP or something to remove any weirdness. Think about literature and some of those covers. They're not usually super slick, but they can definitely be stylized.
why wouldn't you enjoy cooking?
the act of typing out words isn't boring. I'm not writing a term paper or something
>You already know the prose
I really don't, nice sentences take work

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Who are the greats of Canada? Is there a Great Canadian Novel?
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Anybody read Swallowed ("L’avalée des avalés") by Réjean Ducharme? Not sure if it's the first translation to English, but one came out in the last few years and it's finally made it onto libgen now that I've just checked. Montreal/Verdun writer, 24 when Swallowed was published in 1966. A qt Quebecer I was talking to a year ago adored it, and an anon on here gave it a strong rec.

An old prof. of mine (another Quebecer) had a lot of Quebec lit to recommend, and I'm pretty sure I said I'd get a list from him in an old iteration of this thread. I get the impression that there are some Quebec publishers still worth looking into, although they've probably got their own (Francophone) brand of idpol.

>not knowing about Womencore
>not being scholars on the Calgarysound
>can't name a single Canadangular band
Math rock, post-punk, post-rock, and various brands of emo are where it's at in Canada.
Godspeed, You! Black Emperor (and every associated band)
Rockets Red Glare

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thanks for reco. gonna order.
for me, its red rider
everyone always scoffs at me for it but i genuinely dont like the hip
I bring up Robertson Davies every time there's a Canadian thread and I'm starting to see it as some small holy duty. Thanks for carrying the torch lads.

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It's often said that good writing will be rejected dozens, even hundreds of times before it gets published, and it has basically no chance of getting picked up by a "big" journal or publisher unless you're already famous.

So if quality doesn't guarantee success, and the publication process amounts to throwing darts at a board... what's the point?
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Rejection is my natural state of being.
If you can't edit your own wiring without a parasitic middleman then you're a terrible writer.
You miss 100% of the shots you don't take thoughbeit
Cohesive, yes, but the rest is only relevant to the lowest tier almost contract work sort of writing, the shit quickly forgotten pandering to the current fads writing AI will eat. Editor works for the author, not the other way around.
Because, after decades of laboring, you might become like Andy Weir and strike it rich.

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/pg/ - Poetry General
Digging up the old OP pic edition.
Post poetry, your own or otherwise. Critique and discussion constantly in dire supply.
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It peaked and should have ended with Dadaism, and honestly, endgame abstraction in general was never and will never be realized by artists. The internet and shitposting culture succeeded in that endeavor, and I know it was a success because the art community didn't notice and didn't intellectualize it.
It was unavoidable. Everything relies on context and there's no use in pretending our context isn't fucked up. We're in the period after modernism, a dystopian future where the modernist technocratic dreams failed, most people are enslaved to mostly pointless systems, basic critical analysis is misused as a propaganda weapon and all the bards are dead. Nobody needs them since we have TV and all that.
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its not just memorisation it also just sounds better. the appeal of a rhythm is universal
chrome is bound to be bland enough
To suit thy fetid dump, thy dust
thy frown alas beyond the freak frenzied fury
of fuck and cunt and lusty love,
finger on and know none

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/lit/ humor thread
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Wtf I love the antichrist now
Nice work Anon! I recognized your humor and considered what you wrote funny and entertaining.
The physical is of decent quality and a fair price. PDF is free though so you may prefer that.
No one did
Yeah, and I think it went missing when he was a kid still. He was like 9 or 11 or something when it went missing. And he added it as a small character in the novel "The Case of Charles Dexter Ward."

Most people just assume he had it when it was an adult and named it himself.

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Any books about history repeating itself?
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Good thread on the subject
Forgot link
>"It is a law of nature to which no experience has ever furnished an exception, that the rising grandeur and opulence of a nation must be balanced by the decline of its heroic virtues"
the elite had to make a compromise with letting FDR win otherwise there would have been a communist revolution. the elite have spent the post fdr era getting rid of fdr policy and being greedy, this will lead to the far left winning again in the future
The elite in the 20s WERE Communists. Communism became very vogue with rich WASPs in New York. They continued to be communists up to this day. Radical chique has poisoned America for a century.

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It wasn’t very good
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I thought Norwegian Wood was pretty good. Mostly for the mood and nostalgic haze; the love story and whole Naoko plot was not that interesting and when he fucks Naoko's friend from the conservatory it's almost laughable. I liked his romance with the city girl though. Haven't read anything else from him but I plan on reading his first (Wind/Pinball), Wind-up Bird; and Kafka on the Shore. If I like that maybe IQ84, but then I'll probably be done since he's apparently so repetitive. I think I've heard comparison as the Nip Hemingway and I think it's fair, the prose feels literary yet highly accessible.
Yeah it sure feels like that. It's not necessarily a bad thing and it does have its charm but it's also pretty unsatisfying when a whole trilogy just goes nowhere.
>hang out with coworker
>has a very high esteem of himself
>foppish af
>lives in a very nice apartment beyond his means
>keith haring prints
>notice his bookshelf
>look at 1Q84
>"Have you read this, anon"
>snobbish grin, "you need to read Murakami, you must"

nope and never will
>I think that his short stories better fit his style though.
I agree, I haven't read 1Q84 but I've noticed his longer books tend to start really strong and end up fizzling out by the end which is probably because of how he seems to write things on the fly. Hardboiled wonderland might be my favorite, I also really like a wild sheeps chase.
u r 9t

I just finished the first Dune book. What a boring piece of empty shit that third act was.
>magic potion turns child into baby prodigy like the villian in Robocop 2 or the sidekick in Robocop 3, or take your pic, of what stupid bullshit it reminds you of.
>omg i have enough psychic power to give a defacto fourth wall breaking "next time on dune" teaser, but not enough psychic power to logically make him over powered.
>the bene gesserit needed perfect eugenic supremacy so they took fat homo harkonen's fatso cum as the logical soup for a perfect genetic royal successor.
>they give us an entire filler chapter dedicated to Gurney realizing Jessica dindu nuffin
>they give an entire filler chapter dedicated to explaining Paul will be immune to Feyd'd poison trick in the last chapter.
>in hindsight the entire point of the chapter where he fights a rigged slave was about establishing he's prone to dirty poison tricks that he'll use in the last chapter.
>paul and chani fall in love immediately after being introduced to eachother.
>the sloppy stilted writing is held together with prophecy shit and bad dialogue is excused as formality.
The first act was legitimately good. It felt like Star Wars but better. The ending of the first act was exciting and thrilling and a real page turner.
Once paul and Jessica get stranded on the desert, the book is shit and only good for the one chapter where Baron Vladimir Harkonen is freaking out about a rigged booty boy, and then his discussion with hawat.
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I was reading Dune while also reading the Bible.
Amusing observation. I thought an iron age text would be hard for my millennial brain to comprehend, and that a 20th century scifi author would be more relatable.

The Old Testament (aside from Lev,Num,Deut, which can be made interesting with Robert Alter's footnotes) moves pretty fast and is less held down by continuity or consistency and more interested in being interesting in the moment.
Whereas Frank had entire chapters that could be cut out. (I guess numbers doesn't get really started until chapter 11, but numbers wasted a lot less of my time, so guess where my ire is pointed.)
I have a friend that sees everything through till the end no matter how shit it is: his job, his marriage, media, etc. I know this whole series was shit when it took him forever to finish a few books and he said he loved it. I won't read it ever.
I actually thought that the second part of the book was even better with Paul being a drug filled tyran and all the surreal stuff happening (such as the bene gesserit atom part)

Do I just have shit taste or people are shitting on dune since it got popular
>I actually thought that the second part of the book was even better with Paul being a drug filled tyran and all the surreal stuff happening (such as the bene gesserit atom part)
I thought all that surreal shit was really just boring and pretentious to read about. When Rooseau writes Emile, that's arguably also "pretentious" but much more interesting. Ellul in Technological Society has the goofy idea that slavery is a solution to getting rid of technology and makes occasional references to magic. That's a more interesting and substantive kind of surrealism. I feel like Dunes surrealism could work if I could look at pretty colors and trippy visual effects, while I drink a beer, but then we're basically reducing it to babyshit like swinging keys on the big screen. (I haven't seen any of the movies at all yet, idk how they do it)

Everything with paul slowly ingratiating himself in fremen society was boring.
The first act was chill because we're still learning who all the power players are and the ending is exciting bc so many important characters die and it has a profound result which should in theory make the rest of the book interesting.
Paul fucks chani within 2 or so chapters of meeting her.
His child dies off camera, or off page. I don't think I'm callous, but i really felt nothing. A different book could have wrought something out of me maybe.
>Do I just have shit taste or people are shitting on dune since it got popular
I wanna shit down Frank's neck, but i don't shit down yours. By virtue of readimg books you are a better person than 60% of the planet.

I would suggest you start reading literally any book written prior to the 20th century. It doesnt have to be ancient grecoroman shit but "meditations" is super relaxing and unchalenging.
>or people are shitting on dune since it got popular
Its just got its 2nd new movie.
More people are reading it, who wouldn't have known about it before. If you showed it to them before it was popular they still wouldn't like it, but they probably wouldn't have seen it.

Over many years of depression, I compiled a playlist of songs which resonated with me. Today, I turned it into a rock opera. I just want it to exist out there, so here it is

fuck man
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>ALEX turns, noticing the audience, gives a small, wry smile, and begins to speak directly to the camera.
I got up to the part where they started quoting media titles to each other. These characters have nothing worth talking about. Did not detect even a whisp of a story in what I read. In short, I hated it. 0/10
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Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, anon...

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Let's suppose the exact moment Dennett died somewhere someone was struck by a lighting which caused their neurons to rearrange by pure coincidence in a pattern that exactly resembles Dennett's brain. Would Dennett then from his first-person conscious perspective experience his death as merely a teleportation into a different body?
based OP
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Here's a story I found about what would have happened if Daniel Dennett did LSD. Dennett never did any psychedelics throughout his entire life.

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Dennett almost certainly didn't have a first person perspective at all.


What are some good books that advocate for kicking homosexuals in the chin and sending them flying across the room?
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OP do you support prison rape?
Homosexuals are pretty based. Set me up their female friends, are never competitive for the ladies, and are often outgoing and sociable
Know any good books that advocate for kicking frogposters in the chin and telling them to get >>>/out/?
Please suck a dick and realize your true self
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>people standing around arguing about how a guy pissed
>"Ayo someone call Umar! He wrote a whole paper on it!"
>"By Allah, I should give you a taste of my shoe! Aishah is the undisputed expert on how Muhammad (pbuh) pissed!"
pure kino

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Post and Discuss Books about history, all eras and locations welcomed
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Books and briographies on viziers, ministers, eunuchs, etc.
Anyone have recs for Dark ages and early medieval history for the following regions
France (Franks)
Johannes Fried - Charlemagne
Timothy Reuter - Germany in the Early Middle Ages
Sam Barnish - The Ostrogoths from the Migration Period to the Sixth Century
John Julius Norwich - The Normans in the South

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