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I read a play that had "angels" in the name. It was set in a school setting, and there seemed to be a sort of regime, but that is all I can remember, so I would like to ask if anybody knows of the name of this play and can link it.

Thank you

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I read extension du domaine de la lutte (whatever). Which Houellebecq book should I read next. I have Submission, Atomized, Serotonine, Maps and Territory.
Sir, your books appear to be in the Turkish language. Some Amazon seller is laughing his ass off by now.
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Is Max Lawton right about The Disconnected by Famous Turkish author?
Dunno. I haven't read much from turkish authors in years. Is the disconnected good?

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Christcuck cope
rest in piss, 2 to go.

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to all the start with the greekcels, if you arent just a pretentious arm chair wikipedia philosopher, tell me which books and philosophers to start and to end with.
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Started out with Kant and moved back to Parmenides once i realized that the crafty midget couldn't escape Hume. And that all faggots who came after were just inventing names and concepts in Kant's autistic tradition but had the same problems he had about the necessity of such insipid categorization pathology that infests post-kantian metaphysics.
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Unpopular but factually right: Start with STEM.

If your metaphysics contradicts physics and math then your metaphysics is wrong. In order to engage with metaphysics you first need to know the edge cases of observable reality. For example determinism (debunked by quantum mechanics), absolute time (debunked by relativity), or universal logical decidability (debunked by Gödel) are invalid assumptions and hence any metaphysics based on them is doomed to be a pathetic failure.
>For example determinism (debunked by quantum mechanics),
>absolute time (debunked by relativity)
You don't actually know what you think you know.
Do you have questions?
Naive realism -> Berkeleyan idealism without God -> metzinger scientism illusionism -> direct realism again -> got depressed -> flirted with schophenaur and mainlander style pesimisstic metaphysics -> realize nobody knows a fuckin thing and metaphysics is just cringetards ranting about their grand (unprovable) theories -> queitism

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>biographer discovers the sock puppet accounts
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>biographer discovers he is writing an autobiography
At some occurrences, I ask myself how the future will experienced our current age.
We learn today everything we know from the world of the, lets say, 18th or 19th century, by reading the left over writings. Newspapers, books, even diaries. Sure, some physical objects help but they lacke the power to guide us how to "read" them. A book carried a message.

In contrast, our digital age will disappear into tine air for serval reasons. Many postings on social media like Facebook or Reddit simply get lost from censorship. Unlike books, which, once printed, can survive even at a single copy, a meme get lost forever by put the erase button.
Everything written on 4chan or internet pages like this, just get lost...

Consider the situation of the USENET. Initially the USENET was archived by deja-archive. Then, sometimes in the middle of the 2000s, Google just buyes the archives.
Today, you can't even find old postings about Linux throgh this shitside called "google groups".
So, everything written during the timeframe of 1990 untill now in the USENET is just lost. No one can tell for sure how much intesting textes about technology, philosophy, political thinking just disapeared at this point.
I aware, just anons here care much about stories than essays, which is fine.
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>estate discovered the box of fart fetish letters
>grad students found the black antisemitic notebooks
>executor released the journal entries where I recant my notorious, comical racism somewhat
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>Literary executor finds the anti-semitic, eugenic juvenilia hidden in that old drawer
>agent discovers the racist youtube comments

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Best books about procrastination and how to stop it ?
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Best books about procrastination and how to get better at it?
The Science of Self Control - Menno Henselmans
meditations marcus aurelius
Do as you say and say as you do.
be honest with yourself! as tucker carlson said in his joe rogan interview, the only indicator of humbleness, is if you are able to speak honestly about yourself

How does she still inspire so much seething?
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She tells the truth about women. Truth is not allowed in 2024.
Why do lesbian feminists love to hype up gay pedophiles?
>Straight women and faggots are cultish consumerists engaging in an obnoxious hivemind of diva worship
>Lesbos just want to grill
Why would you interpret this as a "dunk"
it’s a mug’s game, cuz when you’re done, even if you end it, they make you seethe after if they appear in any way happy.
what a life.
Butlersisters... not like this...

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Do screenplays count as literature?
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>writing something you won't direct
What kind of cúck shit is this?
I'm tempted to say yes, but the thing is most screenplays lack any personality outside of narrative themes and how a writer writes their dialogue. There's something mechanical about the process of writing a screenplay, you have to adhere to a strict set of rules in order to make it as appealing to kike producers as possible.
That being said, Withnail and I is my favourite screenplay. The way it's written makes it seem like it's actually written by a real person and not an agent of the film industry. Although it was an independent movie, not some big Hollywood blockbuster.
based auti̶s̶t̶eur
they obviously both are literature
I would have given the same answer if OP asked if plays were literature. Plays are first and foremost about performance, the execution of that performance and how the written is interpreted into the performed. Literature can only deal with maybe a quarter of what plays and screenplays actually are, calling them literature actually reduces them to less than they really are. No matter how good a play is from a literary standpoint it will always fail in comparison to seeing a good production of it and the shared emotion of the audience and the audiences interaction with that production.

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Thoughts on Ashbery? Any favorite poems or collections by him that you want to recommend or discuss? What do you think of some critics' accusations that his work is meaningless?
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Yeah I couldn't find it in the big Collected.
What if anon wrote it himself?
Then I would say he or she sounded or 'felt' remarkably like John Ashbery!
Well arranged. Your favorites read like a little poem.
great thread, loving these poems. always meant to check out Ashbery, and after reading this thread he's moved to the top of the pile of books I will read once I have a job and some money again.

>but discover that Ashbery is 'more alive' to the way 'life's lived' in the 21st century
>Reading both is a good way to come in direct contact with palpable 'spiritual' differences between the early mid-twentieth century and the 'time-period' (we're) all stuck in now, like daydreaming flies affixed to obsolete flypaper

If it's not too much trouble, would you mind expanding on this, specifically the resonance between Ashbery's poetry and the lived experience and spiritual architecture of man in the 21st century?
As One Put Drunk Into the Packet-Boat

I tried each thing, only some were immortal and free.
Elsewhere we are as sitting in a place where sunlight
Filters down, a little at a time,
Waiting for someone to come. Harsh words are spoken,
As the Sun yellows the green of the maple tree….

So this was all, but obscurely
I felt the stirrings of new breath in the pages
Which all winter long had smelled like an old catalogue.
New sentences were starting up. But the summer
Was well along, not yet past the mid-point
But full and dark with the promise of that fullness,
That time when one can no longer wander away

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.

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>Not only were merchants considered hindrances, but there was also no public conception that merchants performed any valuable labor in the economy. In fact, the term labor was not considered a concept that applied to the work of most wholesalers and retailers, who were seen as middlemen who raised prices on goods without providing any added value to the products themselves. To the Roman mind, there were producers, who had some skill, and therefore some utility to society, and then there were associated hangers-on, whose work was an unnecessary intervention between consumers and the sources of goods themselves. The ideal scenario was the elimination of these parasitical figures, especially if it was possible to replace them, in some way, with one’s own personal production. This was considered the ideal state for humans in Roman society, and the dream of self-sufficiency was commonplace not only among the general public, but also among merchants themselves.
How is direct capitalism without middlemen relevant to Marx who wanted to abolish capitalism?
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Merchants in the Middle Ages angered the clergy too, mostly for moral reasons. They were often freemen who weren’t bound to the land and often took up buying properties to conduct business which eventually created the middle class by offering work to formerly landed serfs.
In 4th century BC, The Book of Lord Shang forced merchants to till land.
>Those who do not work but eat, who do not fight but attain glory, who have no rank but are respected, who have no emolument but are rich, who have no office but lead—these are called “villains” (Book of Lord Shang 18.6, “Charting the policies”).
Interesting book, very logical. Everyone is forced to have skin in the game. Even is equal to the law, even the emperor. IYI are banned. Everyone male is designated a wife and job as a farmer and warrior.
>Marxism is when you hate merchants
It's antisemitism

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What are some good novels featuring/about homosexuality?
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Moby Dick
The Great Gatsby
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
lol love it
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A separate peace desu. It's not explicit but that boy loved that boy
These. Also Nietzche and Mishima.

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Is storytelling just a way for humans to be told in every new generation the ancient myths of archetypical stories?
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Yes, the process can appear fatalistic but in reality the stories need to be retold.
seems overly reductive. but perpetuation of archetypes are a thing storytelling seems to do
>Is storytelling a way for humans to pass down ancient myths and archetypical stories?
>Is storytelling JUST a way for humans to be told in each generation those stories?
Its an expression of schizophrenia and autism
seems so

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Would you write on a portable foldable keyboard e-ink setup? (Basically a typewriter)
I bet it would look great on your desk, next to all your funko pops and black dildos
I have a pc though.
If I didn't have one...maybe I could hook up a keyboard to my phone and still be able to write comfortably.
So the answer is no lol
Checked a video of this thing
>every single part of this device is covered in rubber
this shit is going to be terrible to use 10 years down the line, all of it will start breaking down.
Looks cool
probably not a bad idea as i imagine its harder to distract yourself but i still think its best to own as few gadgets as you can get by with. maybe if i didn't already own an e-reader.

What does /lit/ think of Daniel Defoe?
Robinson Crusoe is good except for the epilogue feeling tacked on.

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My favorite schizo.
A shill for Noel Ignatiev.
>pretends to be the wokest on the JQ
>so buck broken by physical anthropology he sides with the Jews on the entire racial matter
>btw physics not real
The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit is still a decent read but he falls a cliff as soon as you go out of a very narrow field.
>>so buck broken by physical anthropology he sides with the Jews on the entire racial matter
this is bad but
>>btw physics not real
this is objectively true, all physics is contingent and different race-consciousnesses have different physics

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