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Is Blood Meridian worth a read or is it just a reddit meme
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I find the text challenging to get through and a chapter routinely take me 45 minutes to an hour. Do you think an audio version of this is okay?
woah based
>Night of your birth. Thirty-three. Dubs.
With a good narrator this might actually be a very good book for an audio version actually, but I've never tried it myself.
It’s good. Don’t spoil it for yourself.

I have two questions..
>Is it still considered reading if I'm listening to audiobooks?
>Are there any audiobooks that aren't dramatic readings that raise the quality of the story?

I'm currently listening to the Empire, Foundation and Robots series. Lindstrom, Brick and Dufris are the readers and they're kino. Especially Scott Brick. Really sold me on Salvor Hardin and Asimov's work as a whole. Im trying to listen to Blood Meridian but it hasn't gotten good yet, was it a meme? Or maybe its because the reader sounds like he's salivating. Idk

What am I in for? New to reading by the way
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Times i cried reading candp
- when R asks the little girl to pray for him
- when R visits his mother for one last time
- when R falls on his knees before sofja
- the ending
constance garnett the GOAT
the rigamarole and the ghastly christian embarrasment etc etc
It's funny, a few years ago /lit/ would consider reading Garnett translations like you were practically pissing on the author's grave. What caused this change of heart?
One of the best stories ever told

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Captain Underpants, the inspiration for Christopher Nolan’s Batman Trilogy, is considered the pinnacle of American literary excellence.

Created by Dav Pilkey, considered the “America Tolkien” is a 4 time best selling author and was awarded the presidential metal of freedom for his contribution to American Literature by Jimmy Carter in 1983.

Bloomberg called Dav “The New England Dostoevsky, A reborn Melville”.

Saint Petersburg Press “Captain Underpants, an Epic as Grand as Tolstoy, will stand the test of time, marked forever in the history books as a lighthouse for Human Creativity”.
I was kino until they made George gay and a child trafficker in a flashforward. Perhaps the existential horrors of the last volume in the saga is why? Yes, that must be it. Bravo Nolan.
For me, it's Captain Underpants and the Invasion of the Incredibly Naughty Cafeteria Ladies from Outer Space (and the Subsequent Assault of the Equally Evil Lunchroom Zombie Nerds)
I have a signed copy somewhere
I think these were the first books I read that were above the entry level Dr. Seuss-tier. Fond memories. Jokes like "pee on your socks for warmth" had me absolutely cackling.

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What does "Untergang" mean to Nietzsche?
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Um darüber zu gehen, muss es auch ein Untergehen geben. Auch Zarathustras Untergang begann. Mit bacchischem Geist durchdrungen, um Menschen in Stücke zu reißen. Werde ein Übermensch.
>bacchischem Geist
Liebestod. Höchste lust!

Because it's an opera done over like 5 nights?

Post your favorite art edition
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Has anybody else here ever met Martin? I met him briefly at a book signing in the 00s before the HBO show made him a household name. He was about 5'6 and 300lbs so looked like a ball of fat. He was friendly and likable but I definitely got a creeper from him. Has he ever been accused of anything?
While reading AFFC, I kept getting whiplash regarding Cersei's true feelings towards Jaime. In her POV chapters, she seems to flip-flop between loving him above all else, and disliking him and manipulating him for her own aims. Am I stupid, or is Cersei stupid?
She's conflicted because Jaime is different after going off to war
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>is Cersei stupid?

but her main issue is she kind of uses him like he's just an external part of her to get what she wants, which is something she's been accustomed to doing due to how close the two of them were growing up and how emotionally in tune with each other they are. manipulating him is like second nature to her, and jaime was always aware of this but it's never really been something that he minded because he's always been so in love with her. but like other anon said, after jaime gets back from all the shit he's gone through she doesn't really recognize him as the same person but still falls back into old habits on top of wanting the old him back, likely out of genuine love and familiarity. but jaime is finally questioning his attachment to her, so it's the first time their goals and desires aren't fully aligned, so her manipulations aren't as effective as they used to be and jaime is no longer blinded by his emotional attachment to her, and the two of them are experiencing the frustrations caused by that disconnect.

i think she does genuinely love him, but him not falling prey to her manipulations like he used to gets interpreted in her schizo mind as him not loving her, and so she gets pissed at him because if he did love her she thinks he should just do what she says.

Which is superior?
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I agree Euroshits can learn from that sutta.
Are you being ironic or earnest?
Try asking your masters to interpret that statement for you, retard.
You're being contemptuous?

A scale of 1-blasphemy

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>Tolstoy: Chronically depressed, became a religious thinker after being suicidal for years. Ran away from his wife and family aged 82.
>Proust: Asthmatic, germophobic loner mama’s boy faggot
>Dickens: Bipolar insomniac. Said his characters introduced themselves to him in his sleep. Became obsessed with an 18 year old girl and left his wife, tried to have her institutionalized
>Dostoevsky: Epileptic, borderline personality disorder, gambling addiction, submissive foot fetishist accused of liking little girls
>Flaubert: Pessimistic asshole, hated everyone and everything, FRANKED a young Turkroach boy
>Kafka: Neurotic kike, self-loathing, porn addict and frequenter of brothels, engaged to many women but never married
>Chaucer: Aggressive cunt, charged with beating a friar in London, and with rape in 1380
>Boccaccio: Failed at fucking – turned full-blown woman-hater
>Li Bai: Drunken chink who drowned to death trying to grab the moon’s reflection in the water from his boat
>François Villon: Murdered a priest, assaulted others, was a burglar who ended up banished like the faggot he was
>Montaigne: Hid in a tower for 10 years
>Torquato Tasso: Persecution mania, went insane, committed to asylum for 7 years
>Jonathan Swift: Gloomy bastard, misanthrope, said he only laughed twice in his entire life, didn’t speak to anyone for a whole year, went mad in 1742.
>Voltaire: Chronically constipated, drank 50 cups of tea a day, spent 16 hours a day in bed writing
>Samuel Johnson: Monstrously cantankerous fucker, Tourette syndrome, rude manners

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I'm good at writing. Here are my stats

>obsessed with ancient civilizations and discovering secrets
>believe I may discover a new form of art
>can only feel emotions when I look at myself in the mirror or when people compliment me
>pedophilic/homosexual tendencies
>chronic insomnia
>strange illness doctors don't understand which may be incurable
Too generic
let me guess, you're a woman. fuck off you vapid whore.
I'm saving this thread for whenever a /pol/turd starts yapping about le based and tradpilled western civ, thanks OP
>>Maupassant: Bitter fuck, hated the Eiffel Tower and ate there every day just to avoid looking up at it
Sacré bluè! Quelle terrible!

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Where in Marx's corpus does he talk about money being a commodity in it of itself?

i.e deflation if new money is not created

no idea, sorry
>Where in Marx's corpus does he talk about money being a commodity in it of itself?
A lot of places. Anyways here's one:

>i.e deflation if new money is not created
Even in the crudest version of a quantity theory of money and criminalizing gold mining deflation isn't a necessary correlate of that since velocity can change?

Marx knew "fictitious capital" could elevate the price level but had to introduce obvious cope to stop from abstracting away from commodities with social labour regulating that in the long run.

You're supposed to only read secondary sources for difficult writers

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Do you guys ever read old school magazines?

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>extremely ugly face
>didn't shower

Was Socrates the first chud?
im trans btw, idk if its relevant

Will reading this improve my life in any way other than preventing normies from gasping when I told them I haven't read it?
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Do I read the librettos before watching the opera? Do I go in blind and refer to the text when I need context? What's the best way to experience this, as a total noob?
>More unbearable they became, not less, at each new cry. At length even the stout-hearted would fling themselves to the ground as the hidden menace passed over them, or they would stand, letting their weapons fall from nerveless hands while into their minds a blackness came, and they thought no more of war; but only of hiding and of crawling, and of death.
It depends. Anon will probably tell you to read the librettos first, but my own recommendation would be to listen to the overtures and preludes first then jump in from there. They give you a much better sense of what you'll be experiencing, in my opinion. Regardless, if you do decide to watch/listen to a full opera then you'll want to either watch one with subtitles or follow along with the libretto, which is easier than it sounds.
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elephant anon here, a good time to always share my ridiculously fine 1957 1st
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What writer has the most noble soul? I'm tired of all the modern demoralization and cynicism.
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Simply because 'children' weren't allowed to exist in the way that they've been able to for the last century or so. Put them in any situation and they will adapt extremely quickly, yet we choose to treat them as incompetent versions of adults
Idk about "most," but Mark Twain is certainly a contender.
Had Wagner been born in the current year and raised by an iphone tablet he would have just become another Minecraft youtuber.
Heinrich von Kleist
The safety and structure of modernity generally delays development. Even normal leople are capable of impressive things if you place them in the right environment at a young age.

Alright, /lit, I'll start reading this weirdo. What's the order?
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Read Slow Learner. Then read V. and see how he recycled the ideas from the short stories to create a novel. It's the most intimate you'll ever get with him.
From the beginning of his bibliography like you would any other artist
Prove me wrong

pynchon, gaddis and wallace are the most obvious midwit blow horns

>look everyone, I'm reading difficult, girthy post modernism!

just read books that resonate with you by how you feel and what you're going through.
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If pynchon doesn't resonate with you you're dead inside

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