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Where in Marx's corpus does he talk about money being a commodity in it of itself?

i.e deflation if new money is not created

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Marx is 100% transcore
>you are supposed to read paraphrased biased shit by le political analysts
No, thank you.
Usually when the interest rate is relatively high, commercial banks stop borrowing newly issued units of currency from the central bank, but encourage people to deposit their money in saving accounts for a relatively high yield (which is actually minuscule).
Inflation/deflation being mainly a function of the quantity of money circulating in the economy is a myth.
>In Kapital he floats the idea that an excessive issuance of fiat currency would inevitably lead to general price increases
What the hell are you talking about? Marx explicitly assumes money is a commodity (gold) in volume 1 of capital. There's no talk of anything like "fiat currency", all circulating paper in the end is a IOU for a quantity of said commodity, until volume 3 where he introduces "fictitious capital" but tries to emphasis why "fiat currency" could never take over

> in modern economies if the banks do not lend new money into existence then the money supply will shrink.
I have no idea what you mean by "modern economies" but mainstream econ assumes money is exogenous and controlled by institutions like central banks. The idea private commercial banks, or other institutions, can create money or control the money supply by fiat outside government control is heterodox.

It's not exactly a "myth" but we exist in a world of lots of free floating currencies, not one universal money. Marx obviously understood the price level in terms of a crude version of the quantity theory.

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Jordan Peterson is widely considered to be one of the most influential writer of all time. An absolute triumph and a giant of western philosophy.

His book the 12 rules for life is often considered as his magnum opus and labeled by the national literary society as a “Great American Novel”.

New York Times called it “in defeated masterpiece that few could ever surpass”

Times magazine “Peterson, the Confucius of the west, the 21st century Immanuel Kant, a National Treasure”.

We give our greatest gratitude to one of the greatest and most important writers of all the time: Jordan Peterson.
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His books are lame. His legacy is somewhat obvious though because of how he forced so many people to pivot in their thinking through dialogue. So it's more about being a really good internet professor/psychologist/parent figure than a haunting writer.
that's really funny though
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>Still makes trannies seethe
Why is this? Everyone else has pretty much moved on

Why was she so dramatic

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Who should I read if I love James Joyce?
I've never bothered with Ulysses or Finnegans Wake but Joyce is probably my favourite author
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pointless is an overstatement but what makes the book special is completely untranslatable, and Joyce would never have rated Flaubert so highly if he didn't know French
Indeed, Flaubert could never hope to reach the genius of Joyce's special needs words such as:
Or his playful neologisms about loudly lip-smacking that still marvel the average Redditoyce today:
>Florry whispers to her. Whispering lovewords murmur liplapping loudly, poppysmic plopslop.
How the actual fuck can you say that he's your favorite writer without having read Ulysses beforehand? Joyce is a god amongst men, and that's an understatement.
James Stephens
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>I've never bothered with Ulysses or Finnegans Wake

I take it you’ve read his earlier works then.

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Books about werewolf women

Preferably a boy enraptured in a unfamiliar world that's based in his.
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Nice thank you
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Elaborate if you check back please
Sorry but I’m a werewolf man
Thanks il look into it

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What some essential NEETdom readings?
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>the only reason
Who said it was? Don't get cute kiddo. You know full well 99% of people don't have a support network to look after them if they decide to neet it up. They don't work out of some perverse desire to serve but because life is hard as fuck and nobody cares about you
If not actually mentally ill then I recommend the DSM-5 and Stella Adler's The technique of acting, to convincingly fake an illness and apply for NEETbuxx.
Fraudmaxxing? Won't that backfire?
In Praise of Idleness is actually quite good, and a lot of the other essays in that collection are too.
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Post the book with the longest word count you've read
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1.5 million words. read it twice
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Pic related, which is around 1400 pages. If I ever read In Search of Lost Time or the Mahabharata, both of which are in the 4000 page count range, then I will have reached peak bragging rights and there will be nowhere to go from there.
That wasn't the argument, faggot. Sub IQ mongrels need to stop posting forever
You can definitely see the influence it had on ASOIAF. It's surprisingly dark and violent at times without it being straight up grimdark.

Very comfy and Tad does the build up to the climax very well. It's personally one of my favorites, right up there with LOTR and I always shill it. It's more inspired by Arthurian stories than it is a copy and paste of Tolkien. Hope you enjoy

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Can someone send me the children's lit chart? I cant find it. Thanks in advance cuties.
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I was struck, when doing a bit of research into booktok, how so many of these women's romance novels follow the exact same script. Woman gets abducted or coerced (possibly seduced) into serving the whims of a dark figure that she is attracted to despite herself, she has to survive a new social sphere full of people envious of her newfound status being the dark's figure's sex object, she ends up prevailing and climbing up the socioeconomic ladder while getting dicked down by said dark figure. Bonus points if she's offended (read: aroused) by said dark figure's misogynistic attitudes.

You have 50 Shades of Gray, picrel, and a whole litany of books with the exact same schema, and it's bizarre because it's so hilariously patriarchal and frankly medieval. I don't observe this as if it's a novel insight, it's trivial and well-observed. But c'mon, what the hell is going on here?

How has the gulf between women's professed attitudes (feminism, aversion to toxic masculinity, etc.) and their consumption habits become so wildly incongruous? I'm looking for literature to explain this phenomenon, it's actually schizophrenic how thorough this disavowal is, how nobody is commenting on the elephant in modern sexual politics: that economic involvement and ownership has not altered women's patriarchal sexual desires.
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Trembling spinster hands typed this post
Do you just think every time a woman gives birth she just almost dies every time? Even before the modern day women survived childbirth the majority of the time without major complication, but somehow today, when literally every complication has an answer and can be solved it's somehow absolutely terrible.
>>the idea that feminism has lead to lower birth rates doesn't correlate with the reality
>posts an article showing that the feminist push for contraception, abortion, and socially-acceptable childlessness has lowered birth rates among every demographic except the 1%
This is why i hate 4chan
>why is ficction written by women or are recognized as good by women barely ever transcends their most basal instincts?
To be fair I don't think you yourself should had kids either. But yes, bringing life into the world necessitates some degree of sacrifice.

I don't think Werther got many totties

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Women care nothing for the truth to the point it almost doesn’t even matter, that’s why you’re bad with women. That’s why philosophers don’t get pussy. Women care about feels and want to be lulled into security, so if truth is a woman?? Nietzsche is too based
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I have more game and get more pussy than you, you missed the point with your impotent rage btw faggot
>4B movement
This originated in South Korea and rightly so. They have a huge problem with rape there. One of my exes was Korean and one of her own cousins tried to rape her while she was there.

But you're right, a huge amount of men are trash today. And unfortunately, women fall for such trash over and over again. It's not until their 30's that most women begin to mature and realize the men they were chasing, dating, and sleeping with were using various techniques to bed them and keep women on an emotional leash, and never had any intention of marriage, having children, or even being a real companion.

OP is correct in one sense: women are ruled by their emotions more than men are. Women don't reason to the extent that men do. This is because of simple biological differences. This doesn't make them inferior, just different, and a mature man cherishes this emotional impulsivity in women. But I do think that women naturally need structure and guidance, and our modern society is failing to provide that for them, and as a result, they're remaining indecisive and making bad dating decisions until later in life. What this means is that more and more children will be born to older mothers, so the children will be physiologicially weaker. Another generation or two and we're going to have large-scale neurological health problems. This is already beginning to happen.
>calls others sperg while sperging out
Holy femcel you have to go back. Women not caring for truth isn’t a big deal, you need to touch grass.
>Women are fucking people like you
then how am i still a virgin? checkmate hole
>Women are fucking people like you who wanted to be protected, cared and relate too
What a gross overgeneralization. Everyone is different.

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Do you guys ever read old school magazines?
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I like the ads you find in Playboy, especially the computer and electronics ones from the 80s. Some of them are hilariously rapey, like "She can't say "No" to laserdisc" or whatever.
last time i found one at home one page was crusty and smelled weird
THAT was in a school magazine?
Anna's Archive probably has a ton
Thats fucking hilarious.
Too bad women today are so fucking sensitive.

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ITT: Post the juvenalia of popular authors

Do you agree?
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Who cares what broads think?
That only applies to the damned.
He is forgetting death overrides them both.
I can't believe I can do anything besides having sex. I'm a zoomer virgin and sex seems scary and too much for me
I'm 28 year old and have never had sex and I'm still not trying to.

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I've finished the chapter by evagrius: i dislike his anti-human and very demeaning attitude, he talks about gods love, yet praises a monk who refused to give him water while thirsty, he also criticized family men for being "caught up in the material world", meanwhile he was a monk who lived off the alms of those same hardworking families that he scolded for their "materialistic nature" -- but everything else I found good, he's clearly very experienced, and his ascetic knowledge is genuine.

However, I'm looking for a church father that better explains the topics I'm interested in: directing ascetic practices towards practical spiritual gifts and knowledge of god: faith, theosis, gnosiology and especially spiritual discernment and cardiognosis are very dear to me.

Any recommends?
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The Desert Fathers, the first Christian monastics. Before Anthony you had only a scattering of Christian ascetics living on the outskirts of villages, unless there really did exist a Paul of Thebes.

Vigilance. I can't watch the sense gates without being conscious of God
He's not judging other people, he's aware of the snares involved in those activities and how dangerous they are.

A monk gets attacked by pride all the time. They must be we watchful against delusion in ways a layperson in the throes of life might not understand or recognize. Not commonly anyway.
checked and true
I didn't say he was judging people; nice digits btw

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