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>so who's your favorite female author, anon?
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I disagree with her there. I do believe that trannies are women.
That’s why I hate them.
Yeah, maybe they are more male-brained
Flannery O'Connor
Flannery O'Connor
Virgina Woolf
Anna Kavan
Usula LeGuin
Grazia Deledda
That's your attention bias.

Modern non-sense.

Post your favorite art edition
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It's funny how so much of the ASOIAF art has le epic dark souls knights, when when half of all the knights in the series are described of having gaudily painted armour in bright colours like a Hot Wheels car.
He’s not. He needs four more books, or at least four books’ worth of content. One to wrap up all the shit started in Feast and Dance (and therefore wrapping up the second act) - and THEN a Game-Clash-Storm amount of pages for Act 3 (which starts with Dany reaching Westeros). Winds and Dream alone will have to each be twice the length of any of the previous novels, and will in effect have to be four books.

He knows this, which is why he lost motivation and stopped writing.
Is there any point in discussing this? Even without warging their control over the wolves was supernatural, so the potential for Sansa and Robb to warg was always there.
People didn't despise Bloodraven because of his looks retard;
GRRM would never deprive us (and himself) of Tyrion's dialogue, the imp loses his head before he loses his tongue;
The Targaryen are born crazy, they don't become crazy;
Tyrion kills Dany in the throne room and doesn't get his head off?
Its a good ship tho, seeing the hound mellow out would've been funny
>>23317953 <-- pedophile
>>23319645 <-- pedophile
>>23320260 <-- pedophile
we could still have Tyrion's quips in the form of him thinking about them while someone talks to him

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What's good introductory secondary lit on German Idealism
I've gotten a sense for the social, political and economic stuff but on the actual metaphysical/philosophical context, I'm still very shallow
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An esteemed and recognized professor of philosophy and authority on German Idealism who was closer temporally, spatially, linguistically, and culturally to Hegel than any contemporary Anglo scholar will ever be and could converse directly with people who knew Hegel firsthand is not a credible source on textual criticism of Hegel? This was bait wasn't it.
Is Beiser deflationist?
read description

>yeah bro hegel was actually secretly initiated into a bunch of occult shit
>there are no sources for this lol just trust me haha
>proof that hegel was le spooky occult esotericist wizard?
>a completely different dude calls german idealism esoteric this one time
No, on the contrary

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What are some books on war?
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Blood Meridian is THE book on war
>THE book on war
>written by a NEET who never got in a fight in his life
uh huh
dont read it then, your loss
I don't get it.
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>another person filtered by Hegelianism
heh, nothing personel kid

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I'm looking for books critizising the Qur'an from the standpoint, of internal consistency, History etc.

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What some essential NEETdom readings?
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People at work who are like 'i couldn't not work i wouldn't know what to do with myself' scare me. Is that what i will become?
Some people doesn't like to be idle.
A classic textbook wagie
I knew a guy at my manufacturing job that was working even with his heart condition. While I was there, he had another heart attack, took like 20 days off, then came back to work. Just crazy what people do.
You're in a hobby board so I assume you have at least one hobby and therefore no. You have to understand that these people get home and simply stare at the TV for a while, sometimes they go out and hang out with other people but if they're not working then they'd have a bunch of free time where everyone else is working and thus unable to hang out.

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Ghostmaxxers create history. Ghostmaxxers are history. Throughout the ages, it is ghostmaxxing men that drive the tide of fate. This ghostmaxxed comment that I am typing now will reach dozens, if not hundreds, if not thousands of people.
The ones at the top are ghosts. They are human beings hiding behind countless need-to-know clearances and nobody knows who they even are.

You were built in the image of the creator, and what that means is that you too were gifted with the power of the Holy GHOST, by birthright. The power of the Holy Ghost lies in adventure. Though waging or taking neetbux from governments and shitposting is easier, GHOSTMAXXING is the greatest power in this universe. It trumps all. So use your power that was given to you and fulfill your destiny.

If you do nothing, you and everyone you love will slowly die, or worse they will become literal NPC's caught in the jewish panopticon.
IF you take action, this can be prevented.
The more time you spend playing video games, shitposting here or watching kike films instead of taking action, the more time this evil has to spread.

It's time to exit the digital jew panopticon and leave behind your old life stranded in the chain of time, so take action anon.
And what action do you suggest we take? There doesn't seem to be any good options.
>muh action!!!

this cliché stems from atheists because 1/ they are obsessed with their democracy, where the freemasons replaced yaweh with the republics 2/ democracy nutters them but they love all the cheap hedonism which is provided to them 3/ they love power fantasies

the truth is that society doesn't matter and ''doing things'' is a feminine dream to pass the time
Anything your heart desires. You are the center of creation now.

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Thoughts on Ashbery? Any favorite poems or collections by him that you want to recommend or discuss? What do you think of some critics' accusations that his work is meaningless?
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Imagine that innocence (Lillian Harvey) encounters romance (Willy Fritsch) in the home of experience (Albert Basserman). From there it is only a step to terror, under the dripping boughs outside. Anything can change as fast as it wants to, and in doing so may pass through a more or less terrible phase, but the true terror is in the swiftness of changing, forward or backward, slipping always just beyond our control. The actors are like people on drugs, though they aren’t doing anything unusual—as a matter of fact, they are performing brilliantly.
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A favorite of mine:

At North Farm

Somewhere someone is traveling furiously toward you,
At incredible speed, traveling day and night,
Through blizzards and desert heat, across torrents, through narrow passes.
But will he know where to find you,
Recognize you when he sees you,
Give you the thing he has for you?

Hardly anything grows here,
Yet the granaries are bursting with meal,
The sacks of meal piled to the rafters.

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This is a nice one. Different style from his other stuff that I've read.
Brings this one to mind, another one from Self-Portrait, however
>Mixed Feelings
>A pleasant smell of frying sausages
>Attacks the sense, along with an old, mostly invisible
>Photograph of what seems to be girls lounging around
>An old fighter bomber, circa 1942 vintage.
>How to explain to these girls, if indeed that's what they are,
>These Ruths, Lindas, Pats and Sheilas
>About the vast change that's taken place
>In the fabric of our society, altering the texture
>Of all things in it? And yet
>They somehow look as if they knew, except
>That it's so hard to see them, it's hard to figure out

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>This is a nice one. Different style from his other stuff that I've read.
I agree. I think it's because it's shorter. That tends to concentrate the images and the similes.
One problem with reading Ashbery is that he writes cryptic sentences, and when it's just one or two, you're dealing with only one puzzle, which lets you focus on it. When he writes dozens upon dozens upon hundreds, as with The Skaters, the reader's comprehension short-circuits and the mind glazes over. Short Ashbery is best Ashbery.

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What writer has the most noble soul? I'm tired of all the modern demoralization and cynicism.
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Weird how fully formed some people already are as children.
Simply because 'children' weren't allowed to exist in the way that they've been able to for the last century or so. Put them in any situation and they will adapt extremely quickly, yet we choose to treat them as incompetent versions of adults
Idk about "most," but Mark Twain is certainly a contender.
Had Wagner been born in the current year and raised by an iphone tablet he would have just become another Minecraft youtuber.

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Notice how all the scientists on the left are continental Europeans while the people on the right are either British or Americans.
I refuse to think it's not a coincidence.
Yes, these are are terrible qualities.
>inb4 christcuck
Ancient Greeks hated those things as well.
Tick tock.
Atheists and theists are just living rent free in each other's heads.
t. Monistic metaphysician
so can you tell me the nature of my sprained ankle?

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>start reading pic rel
>realise I can't have a cute virgin like Natasha ever fall in love with me
>instantly get demoralised and give up reading or doing anything productive

How do I stop this from happening? I'm tired of reading dark fantasy and pessimistic philosophy since life is shit and it won't change things if I bring logic into it. At the same time I just get demoralised when I read happy stories, or books with happy elements. I feel as if I'm being mocked by being shown what I can't have. I don't like looking at cakes that I can't eat. So what do? How do I motivate myself to anything? Currently I'm just keeping myself occupied with chores so that I don't have to think about how unlicky and miserable I am. I would like to read books like War and Peace, but not in a life situation like this.
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Yes, but that doesn't change the fact that much of her behavior is presented in a positive light. Lots of people die or end in horrible positions without it relating to the authors opinion of the characters value. Towards the end I'll concede that Tolstoy seemed to think some of her specific crimes unforgivable, but there are plenty of horrendous things he handwaves and even seems to support, namely much of the initial adultery
And I did appreciate it well enough, but in my limited time I'd rather read people who have a similar worldview to mine, people like Goethe or Rousseau
>Goethe or Rousseau
Rousseau tolerates make infidelity but doesn't suffer it from his women, as proven in Confessions. Male infidelity is ok because men are intelligent and have agency and women are stupid and are whores. But I do feel there's a deep similarity between the worldviews of Goethe and Rousseau and they're two people who's writings speak very well to me. So far I've enjoyed Balzac a lot too
Masturbate for gay porn, faggot.
Why are misogynists always the ones to write women the greatest?

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>The cause of Ruskin's "disgust" has led to much conjecture. Mary Lutyens speculated that he rejected Effie because he was horrified by the sight of her pubic hair. Lutyens argued that Ruskin must have known the female form only through Greek statues and paintings of nudes which lacked pubic hair.[236] However, Peter Fuller wrote, "It has been said that he was frightened on the wedding night by the sight of his wife's pubic hair; more probably, he was perturbed by her menstrual blood."[237]

So what are we deciding was the real horror that made this man scared of pussy for the rest of his life? Was he just gay?
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Look at this old cartoon of Ruskin as St. George slaying an African.
Can you blame him? I pity the man whose first encounter with the pussy was during menstruation (in the 19th century, no less)
he's critical obviously but there's a lot of good documentation. the gist of the book is online in this series of articles:
Carlyle is the one who hated blacks and defended slavery, I don’t recall Ruskin ever supporting anything like slavery or imperialism

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You DID read something today, right Anon?
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Don't be such a pedant. I wasn't listening to anything particularly profound anyways.
I'll do what I please. You won't get sanctions on audio as a substitute for reading from me.
What? Speak English, pajeet.
yes. Roger J. Buscovich - Theory of Natural Philosophy
I get so mentally exhausted during the day (not to mention latent depression) that I am only able to read 40K slop before sleep for a few hours

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Tell us about your backlog, anon
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My gf keeps giving me smut to read
Long but manageable.
There's no such thing as a backlog. That would imply that the point of reading is to have piles of read books that you can point out to your friends. The point of reading, in actual fact, is to develop as a person, as an intelligent being, to get pleasure from the experience, and to (in some cases) become a better writer oneself. I have perhaps 150 unread books but they don't bother me. I have a store of fiction and non-fiction of various eras and quality that are waiting for me when I finish my current reads.
The most important thing is that once you own a physical book, the government and corporations can't censor it or rewrite it or otherwise distort what the author had written, so the sooner you get the books the closer they are to what they were intended to be. And they don't expire.
I just finished reading le procès, absolutely incredible and without a doubt one of the best books I've ever read. shall probably be watching the Orson Welle's adaptation tonight
>There's no such thing as a backlog
>I have perhaps 150 unread books
Yes, anon, that's a backlog and having one has nothing to do with other people.

Do you agree?
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Have you ever seen True Detective?
never. I've heard it's blackpilled
>t. porn addict
You should watch it.
It's as blackpilled as you want it to be. But it's basically a show about exploring human motivations, with the cop shit as a surface veneer.
Power is about authority.

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