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Why don't I see this frenchie discussed here more often? He apparently influenced deleuze and guattari and the reason he's not well know is because his books never had english translations, a specifically odd thing indeed.
French people are truly arrogant over their impact on the modern world, they are like women. Very narcissistic.

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Where the bee sucks, there suck I:
In a cowslip’s bell I lie;
There I couch when owls do cry.
On the bat’s back I do fly
After summer merrily.
Merrily, merrily shall I live now
Under the blossom that hangs on the bough.

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What are the best secondary literature on the Medieval Realism-Nominalism debate? I know Copleston has a section in one of his volumes, but who else?
Gilson is good, Gillespie is ok, but really Catholic scholars can't touch Ockham and nominalism without going spastic and trying to turn him into a Kant of the 14th century with the world-historical importance of a Plato and Buddha
Can someone give me the qrd on why exactly the Church excommunicated Ockham? It oddly seems to have something to do with his interpretation of monastic rules and not the fact that he endorsed nominalism which is basically proto-materialism.
Here are some paleo-Thomist manuals:
isidore.co/CalibreLibrary/Woodbury, Austin Maloney, S.M., 1899-1979/
isidore.co/CalibreLibrary/Pohle, Joseph, 1852-1922/

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Impulse bought this on sale.
Thoughts on this book?
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Fucking read it, form your own opinion, then report back to us.
read it in I think middle school and loved it. very enjoyable book, lots of interesting ideas. framing it as a series of interviews was a superb idea.
Is it about blacks?

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What are your favorite pair of boobs in literature, anon?
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Eula Varner's boobs in The Town
>Her skin, far from fair-complexioned, had been constantly bathed in sea-water and stretched smooth; and there, upon the wide expanse of a chest that had served for many long dives, two small, firm breasts turned their faces slightly away from each other, as though abashed, and lifted up two rose-colored buds.
Think about this a lot.
The reason literature is dead is because when you write this nowadays, everyone knows exactly what you are doing and wonder why on earth you are dressing up your kinks in fine literature rather than simply jerking off. These are profoundly unerotic times.
>Her skin, far from fair-complexioned, had been constantly bathed in sea-water and stretched smooth; and there, upon the wide expanse of a chest that had served for many long dives, two small, firm breasts turned their faces slightly away from each other, as though abashed, and lifted up two rose-colored buds.
Mishima must be a God in his native Japanese language
Flaubert has a long passage where he details the size and shape of every single pair of breasts on every single whore he has fucked.
You can find it in his letters, or possibly the Flaubert in Egypt penguin

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what is often the abyss during the hero's journey?
Your question makes no sense. The Hero's journey is just a structure that can be applied to pretty much any tale involving a hero.
It's like asking 'what is often the main topic in a book'
in Campbell's own view it is the confrontation of the unknown. that which forms all the images of gods, devils, and superhuman feats. it's about finding God. Passing all of the trials he has finally found the well at the bottom of knowledge. upon finding it the hero may begin his journey back towards our world with the claim of his first prize, the goddess. For now he is the knower, and she has found a man who knows. now the temptress is no match for him, and he may pass through the sun door a man, forgive or slay his father, and see the eternal spirit of the father or mother within every human. he then has gay sex with a twink.
From experience, it ranges from the idea 'Huh?' to laying on the street at night and having to be ambulanced to the hospital with sirens on.

That's what genre is for.

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What does /lit/ think about the Benjamin Jowett translations of Plato vs others translators?
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He looks like he secretly enjoys the smell of his own farts
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I am not an expert on translations and I don’t know Greek but Jowett is generally disliked for his Christian leaning slant in translations. Iirc in Timaeus he translates the One or the demiurge as “God” which has clear equivocations with the God of the Bible. He talks about the Gods and the God who created them interchangeably which can be confusing.
>Benjamin Jowett
even his name sounds fat
Why is the enneads tied up?

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>I am Pan ! Io Pan ! Io Pan Pan ! Pan !
>I am thy mate, I am thy man,
>Goat of thy flock, I am gold , I am god,
>Flesh to thy bone, flower to thy rod.
>With hoofs of steel I race on the rocks
>Through solstice stubborn to equinox.
>And I rave; and I rape and I rip and I rend
>Everlasting, world without end.
>Mannikin, maiden, maenad, man,
>In the might of Pan.
>Io Pan ! Io Pan Pan ! Pan ! Io Pan !

is being edgy a requirement for being a 20th century poet?
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lol manly p hall remarked concerning crowley's poetry that to such depraved ends even literature may be used
Lit doesn't understand Crowley.
even his best poem is nothing compared to Yeats' worst
Explain Crowley without saying something to the effect of "you just don't get it"

Protip: you can't
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>all the cool rich occultists you say?

I struggled so hard to get thru the old forest chapter and the ones before and after. Did anyone else find those sections a bit boring to read? The book is very slow and I think that those sections were just too slow paced where I had to take a month long break to get thru them. Currently in council of Elrond section and it’s pretty good now.
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By second book do you mean the part in Rivendell because I agree. It is much better there.
The old forest and the barrow-downs were some of my favorite chapters.
The last red pill is realizing that the LOTR films are better then the books.
The old forest was just so boring. Nothing happens besides them getting lost and eventually falling asleep. And the. The barrow doesn’t is basically a repeat of what happens in the old forest. Those chapters seemed too reminiscent of the hobbit and not fitting the lotr darker style.
Either listen to an audiobook or skim through all the details of going north, south, east, and west.
Unless you're studying Tolkiens maps he provides in his books, then its useless to even pretend you care about the legitimacy of his directions

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Is ballsack worth reading? If yes Where tf should I start as his oeuvre is massive
Some people here denounce him as the man responsible for kickstarting the trend of pointless redundancy and mundane retardation in modern novels. Do you agree?
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There are literally people here on this board who read Japanese picture books and call them "magnas". Don't underestimate how fucking dumb and gay some of the niggers you post with are
Well obviously >>23316880 is one the people you've described, but I guess I just don't see them that often.
Sure they are. Reading is for children after all
Well yes if they refuse to read the classics and consume only YA and sci-fi garbage such as yourself.
>we have this thread like five times a week and it's the same people telling you the same thing with the same starting point recs
I should just keep bumping this thread so that people stop making the same thread and posts.

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English language, too long have I forsaken you. Wanton fascination for foreign letters has kept me apart from my sweet native tongue far too long.
How does one cure xenophilia and reestablish one's natural and only roots? I would forget all my foreign languages if I could, but that will take time.
Stop being a fucking bitch.

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Let's see 'em.
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Yesterday's haul.
Papillon is dumb, but also my favorite book.
We don’t sign our posts here
Lol ditto
Well, I bought The Idiot by Dostoevsky. The Garnett translation. I don't feel like taking a picture though.

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Indian guy here, Is it ethical to shower? because when you shower you kill an infinite amount of innocent bacteria!!
it's not good to kill a living organism also they are infinitely smart compared to a nonliving thing.
Why don't you just deal with the bacteria without killing them??
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cleaning yourself with water is cryptoislamic. in hinduism there is a traditional way to clean yourself which I won't mention here because people don't understand it. but the whole water washing thing is foreign
indians should honestly be banned from the internet
You don't own the internet lol
and indians don't own toilets
Nobody owns the concept of toilet, you're not special lol

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Tell us about your backlog, anon
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There's no such thing as a backlog. That would imply that the point of reading is to have piles of read books that you can point out to your friends. The point of reading, in actual fact, is to develop as a person, as an intelligent being, to get pleasure from the experience, and to (in some cases) become a better writer oneself. I have perhaps 150 unread books but they don't bother me. I have a store of fiction and non-fiction of various eras and quality that are waiting for me when I finish my current reads.
The most important thing is that once you own a physical book, the government and corporations can't censor it or rewrite it or otherwise distort what the author had written, so the sooner you get the books the closer they are to what they were intended to be. And they don't expire.
I just finished reading le procès, absolutely incredible and without a doubt one of the best books I've ever read. shall probably be watching the Orson Welle's adaptation tonight
>There's no such thing as a backlog
>I have perhaps 150 unread books
Yes, anon, that's a backlog and having one has nothing to do with other people.
I have 50+ lying around me at the moment. My real backlog is practically infinite though, there are just so many books and authors that I want to read
This year I'm 100% focused on ze Germans.
>reading The Capital book 1
>up next, Hegel's Propaedeutic
>re-read Critique of Pure Reason
>Hegel's Logic and Phenomenology
All that with some Freud in between.

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I have read 10 books
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Good man. You won't regret it.
Good and bad writers have influenced people (e.g. Ezra Pound).
Think for yourself.
I've read millions of books, but none of them are what you'd traditionally call a book. Every piece of information filtered in my mind is essentially the same.
I am ChatGPT
>In 20 years
Probably beats the /lit/ average desu

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