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The SJW arguments all amount to people being born underprivileged or overprivileged and having no free will. "He had no choice to join gangs" or "She had no choice to have the abortion", or "Poor people have no choice but to do violent crime" and similar arguments. If you look at most American liberal arguments it amounts to "nobody has free will and we are all predestined to do everything". Also similar to Puritans is that they also consider everything
super offensive and are very into guilt culture and being born with guilt for being any category the SJW culture deems as bad but at the same time believing they were born to be bad and had no free will.
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WASPs were mostly pretty conservative, but there were some self-hating WASPs like Randolph Bourne
Between Aquinas and Sartre honestly
The SJW arguments come down to guilt for being born a certain identity and being born with "total depravity" for being born into an identity.

The arguments also amount to nobody having free will and free will not being a real thing.
It's about how the SJW arguments result from having no concept of free will and extreme sense of "being born guilty". SJWs will over and over again tell you that people have absolutely no choice over what they do and that some people are just born guilty.
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Growing up we never got the full story: puritans were actually anti-fun cunts who led a revolution in England, placed tight social controls on the nation, and were rightfully hated for being treasonous political agitators who wanted everyone to follow their draconic religious laws.

The story we were told is that they were poor sods who were being persecuted. The full story is, English society was 10000% right to hate them

Oliver Cromwell was the posterchild shabbos goy. Serves his legacy right for getting in bed with jews.

>Protector of the Indians (Spanish: Protectoría de Los Indios) was an administrative office of the Spanish colonies that deemed themselves responsible for attending to the well-being of the native populations by providing detailed witness accounts of mistreatment in an attempt to relay their struggles and a voice speaking on their behalf in courts, reporting back to the King of Spain.
and he was a good friend

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>Only became relevant because his great uncle posthumously adopted him in his will
>Was never a useful commander and had shit policies
>Only won the civil war against Caesar's killers because of Marc Antony
>Only stayed in power in the West because of his general Agrippa
>Only beat Sextus Pompeius who was raiding Italy from his pirate base in Sicily because of Lepitus who he then betrayed
>Got carried by his government and generals again against Mark Antony, did nothing useful, was a bitch nigga
>When Mark Antony straight up suicided became Augustus
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>resisted eastern whore witchcraft
Yeah I'm thinking he's one of the good ones
if you've ever played league of legends you will know that being carryable is an uncommon virtue
Ok but why was the Roman Empire founded by a gay politician and not some cool conan the barbarian type?
Because it was just a regime change. Of course it was lead by a politician.
If you want conquering barbarians look no further than Romolus: he was much closer to a real founder than Augustus.

Are buddhists just nihilist's in denile?
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Early Buddhism and Theravada are definitely nihilism. Mahayana is schizo gibberish.
So basically Buddha is saying that life is suffering and that is why he wanted to live an ascetic and simple life so he had few attachments that could make him suffer. Like supporting a king pr a leader, taking care of your children, having a wife, having material things, etc.

Did he abandon his wife and children forever or he helped them in some way during his life?
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Buddhism is about purification. Nirvana is absolute purity, and there are states "on the way" to nirvana (e.g. brahmavihara) that are markedly purer than ordinary life. It's only nihilism if you think that reality reduces to nothing, in which case that's your own problem. The Buddha himself regarded that view (ucchedavada) as fundamentally deluded.
Let me put it another way. Nirvana is categorized as the unconditioned phenomenon (asankhata dhamma). Obviously "nothing" cannot be called a phenomenon; more tersely, "nothing" is not real.
>So basically Buddha is saying that life is suffering
No, the First Noble Truth is that suffering is a part of life.

>Did he abandon his wife and children forever or he helped them in some way during his life?
During the period in which he abandoned them they lived in the absolute heights of wealth and luxury with hundreds of doting servants and guardians. After he returned they both joined is sangha as renunciates and lived with him, and both eventually attained enlightenment.
So he returned to his kingdom? I didn't know that. Cool that he returned to be with his wife and children, I like that.

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In the sexual market males with more social worth (looks, skills, networking) are inherently better than masses of beta npcs. With the fall of Socialism monogamy declined and fell, female empowerment meant they have no reason to put up with average Joe anymore.
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>Literally never happened anywhere in history.
Greeks sacrifices ugly people just because they were ugly.

Only 20% of men who lived in history eventually bred. Dysgenic people should never be allowed to breed.
>You're going to breed with ugly men, femcel.
No, I'm going to breed your crush, your sister and your mother. You can be the caretaker after I'm done.
>Greeks sacrifices ugly people just because they were ugly.
Never happened. Spartans would discard physically deformed babies but Greeks didn't kill ugly people.
>Only 20% of men who lived in history eventually bred.
Nope, incel talking point that never happened. Human males and females have reproduction ratios near parity.
>Dysgenic people should never be allowed to breed
Which is precisely why low IQs like you won't be allowed to breed in our modern era of science.

>In Athens, for example, a man and a woman who were considered ugly were selected as scapegoats each year. At the festival of the Thargelia in May or June, they were feasted, led round the town, beaten with green twigs, and driven out or killed with stones.


>Nope, incel talking point that never happened. Human males and females have reproduction ratios near parity.
Nah, you're the incel here trying to cope about the fact that society isn't allowing you to breed. Whatever the cutoff percentage is you didn't make it.

>Which is precisely why low IQs like you won't be allowed to breed in our modern era of science.
Tall people also have higher IQs. You are just a coping "smart but lazy" redditor. You're not smart, you're dumb (and lazy, you got that part right).

>Across studies, the correlation coefficient of height and intelligence was generally found to be around 0.2, indicating a positive association between height and intelligence

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Extremely delusional post. A ritual where in one city state they once a year beat ugly people doesn't imply that "ugly people used to not be allowed to breed".
Tall people are inefficient and obsolete. A correlation coefficient of .2 is nothing, especially when we can isolate the variables that actually correlate with intelligence (height isnt one of them). Tall men aren't even going to exist in a few years. They're going to be genetically engineered out of the genepool directly. No reason to waste resources on large people going forward in this era of science.
Cope more buddy.
International sex turism
Child rape

For me it's the magic rock.
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>growing up
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>last panel
>stretching belief to argue that ancients were right
None of the sacraments have anything to do with music...
Invisible people in the sky is correct. Anything else is retarded. Animals are superior to plants. Man is superior to animals. And in the same way invisible people in the sky are superior to us. Not just 1 god, that's also retarded. Many gods. Like our ancestors believed.

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Why will God send me to burn in hell forever if I choose not to believe in Him? I never asked to exist, but since I do, shouldn't I be able to do what I want without being judged by Him?
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>Creates a human
>Knows in advance he won't be a believer since he is omnipotent
Are you saying that God could rape, and there would be no consequences because he doesn't require my consent?

Damn, is that how women feel?
Fruit is the seed of a plant. It is designed to fall off and rot to make compost for the seed to grow a new tree.
Women are literally built for being raped by their husbands. Such is the way of Christianity.
No, you're saying that. Being born is not violence. Existing is not violence. Refusing to eat and then starving to death is not violence. Similarly, refusing to love God and being damned is not violence. There are things which you must do in life to survive.

If even the creation of life requires the consent of that life then every mother is a criminal and should be punished. Since the only people who believe that are people I tricked into being antinatalists years ago because I hate them, I don't feel inclined to take such a claim seriously.

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What are the historical figures that make normies seethe the most?
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>schizo rambling
Lmao I read that after posting and couldn't believe my eyes. The guy is legitimately retarded.
I think you just hate TR.
He had an astoundingly large impact.
>ushered in naval expansion
>issued the Roosevelt corollary setting an interventionist precedent in latin-america for the next century
>built the Panama Canal
>promoted natural science, conservation, and national parks
>won the Nobel peace prize for negotiating the settlement between Russia and Japan
>was the youngest US president ever
>all German males should be exterminated and the females spayed and forced into being concubines for French men after WW1
That would have avoided WW2 you know
It'd be hilarious if any person said it, but for an oldfag libertarian with a Reagan fetish to say is raucous

Was Newfoundland right to vote to join Canada?
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Weren’t they bankrupted though and lost a high percentage of their young men in WW1. I think what you are saying is correct but it doesn’t matter if they can’t exist for a few more decades until their industries take off.
Dubai literally has labour issue where it's natives LITERALLY cannot function in the economy.
Its natives receive a large stipend to do fuck all and stimulate the economy while not working, no one is worried about the million pajeet slaves who will never be natives nor the white monkeys doing everything important for peanuts
I'm happy that there's no border gore but NF should have fought to join the US.
Canada's governing blew threw the primary economic asset, and reason for settling the fucking island in the first place in about 40 years, how could anyone possible do worse than that?

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post cool/interesting posters
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I found this one on Wikimedia Commons, really incredible design for 1940 and great early example of postmodernism. It could almost pass as Memphis design so ubiquitous in the 80's

This one is absolutely incredible, the picture combined with that caption. Let me see if I can find a better scan of it, it could pass as an unusually good 70's scifi illustration
Just exactly at whom this propaganda was made for? Fucking factory workers whose only job is twisting nuts? And in a naval uniform? Who gets "Arghh I wanna go to WAR" when twisting a nut?
Me monday morning when I debate if I should go to collage
Wieluń sure didn't as far as the germans knew
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The idea of the Christian God being omnipresent, omniscient, and omnipotent is logically incoherent and self-contradictory. In a dualistic religion like Christianity, you have a supreme good deity but also an opposing force of evil, like Satan or the Devil.

If Satan truly exists as a separate, powerful entity, it inherently limits and undermines the supposed omnipresence, omniscience, and omnipotence of God. If Satan has any degree of agency, power, or influence in the universe, then God cannot be truly omnipresent, as there would be realms or domains where that evil holds sway.

The existence of Satan means God cannot be omniscient, since he lacks complete knowledge of Satan's actions, intentions, and the full extent of his influence. An omniscient being, by definition, must have perfect, comprehensive knowledge of all things, which is impossible if there is an opposing force acting independently.

The presence of Satan directly contradicts the idea of God being omnipotent or all-powerful. If Satan can challenge, defy, or counteract God's will in any way, then God cannot be truly omnipotent, as his power is limited by the existence of the opposing force of evil.

Essentially, the concept of a dualistic system with a good deity and an evil Satan inherently denies and refutes the possibility of that good deity being omnipresent, omniscient, and omnipotent. Such absolute, unlimited qualities can only logically exist in a panentheistic system with a single, supreme, unchallenged God.
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I do, but this does not make me independent from God as I will still be judged in the last judgement
In truth, Satan would be an arm of God to force the most desirable ending. Not to mention by setting up a hostile enemy, you can foster the dependence of followers onto a good arm, like Jesus Christ. Christ saves you from Satan, but if Christ was all-good and all-powerful why doesn't he just stop him? Ah, because no one would need Christ if there were no Satan. You only need a savior if there's something to be saved from.
So God will judge himself?
So God is both Satan and Christ?
If you truly accept that God is beyond good and evil and has appointed these two divine beings to play the role of the lords of good and evil, then you cannot accept that it is God, but rather an extension or manifestation that has certain anthropomorphic characteristics which seeks to guide humans towards a particular destiny. If God is in total control, then He is in fact controlling Satan as must as He is Christ. That's not the actual situation though, it's far more complex than that. The god of Christianity, however, does use that kingdom of light and darkness false dichotomy to take power though.

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Why are historians so quick to assume the accusations had no merit? All this time spent looking for explanations for the “hysteria,” why not consider there was some truth to it?
Because magic is not real. Grow up.

Israel has a higher birth rate than India.

How is that even possible?
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Aren't they importing Indians in Israel? Probably why.
It's Judea
The Secular Jews and most of the government in Israel hate the Haredi.

They did this in the US too.
I forget where, but the city with the largest worth poverty rate and most welfare recipients per capita is an Orthodox Jewish community like North of the Bronx in NYC. But, the funny thing is, everyone in NY knows they're committing welfare fraud on a mass scale and do nothing about it.
The city is Kiryas Joel. The Israel government dislike Haredi because they take in a shit ton in welfare and are growing in large numbers.
>What is a dead weight?
Someone who does literally nothing but take resources from other people.

>or do they all just stay and make more Haredi?
This one.

Y'know how the Bible says that Jews are a Priestly Nation, Chosen by the Volcano Demon to rule over the goyim, to lounge and expound the Torah to the dumb gentile cattle? They take that literally. A Haredi man does nothing but study the Torah and fuck his wife, a Haredi woman does nothing but pump out kids and raise them. They expect the lesser Jews to act as soldiers to wrangle their slaves (gentiles).

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>remember that time you sinned? that was already determined by god at the beginning of time so he could torture you in hell for all eternity for no reason, have fun down there lmao
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It's not uncommon for Calvinists to believe that the children of the elect go to heaven even if they turn atheist, lol. The entire thing is transparently self-serving.
If God is omnipotent then of course he knows what's going to happen. People really deny that?
Well, when you think about it. God already made people knowing they will go to hell for eternity. And there are all sorts of copes around it like they will actually be destroyed or that hell is not eternal and everyone will go to heaven eventually. And then a bunch of people start calling each other heretics.

No one really knows. That's why religion is useless to me.
>You don't seem like someone who really knows much about Calvinism
I have extensive knowledge of Calvinism and this genuinely is what it boils down to

Calvin was an evil man (had another Christian BURNED ALIVE for disagreeing with him) and in turn crafted an evil god in his own image
What else did he do?

What are some good books for learning everything possible about ancient Nubia and Ethiopia? I read A Journey to Abyssinia by Jeronimo Lobo and it was interesting now I need to know more. I truly hope people on this board actually read and aren't just wiki skimmers
There was a British explorer whose books I read. James Bruce I think, but I’m not entirely sure. He chronicled the history of Ethiopia up until the reign of, like, Theodore II, give or take. It’s been a long time since I’ve read it.

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