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What is the historical explanation as to why Canadians act so differently to Americans despite the sane source for the population?
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You are Indian
It really is a mystery.
America, Canada, Australia and New Zealand were all founded by Brits and the original settlers were more or less of the same stock and yet only one that became a superpower.
American Excepcionalism is real but we burgers are generous and will let you ride on our coattails if you behave.
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I know a few canadians (mostly whites but a few have enough native admixture to get indigenous status) from the dog world and from ag work. Some used to be smug anti americans, but every single one of them is moving or wishes to move to america. Canada is a shithole and if you think otherwise you are either a fag or just simply ignorant and meme'ing
Blame the French for soo many of the white Canadian population having native blood. They bred like crazy with the natives like the Iberians but anglo mass migration saved Quebec from being mestizo which the Metis and Acadians are. And yeah it got grim real fast in Canada, it’s like they saw our cucked laws and decided that it was a contest to see who can be the most insane. Now you have an overwhelmed health care system, all schools and housing flooded by immigrants, and a government that says suicide is a totally great alternative to being on a medical backlog
What are you talking boot? They don't eh

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Exonerating Leo Frank should be the obvious course of action considering the facts of the case. So why hasn’t it happened despite the fact that there has been generations of time to do it?
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I know, and I've said so before, that's why it's so fun to mock him, he can't be a big boy and google them himself
it makes perfect sense
It’s confirmed, you’re just some disgruntled black retard. And to the asshat who said that the Pinkertons found evidence that lead back to Frank, no, they found evidence that implicated Conley, washing red blood of of his shirt. But the Pinkertons were useless and retarded. Just because they were the first detective agency doesn’t mean they were competent.
No he didn’t, lying neckbeard retard.


This is a professional outlet and not some faggot greentexting, so since there's no challenge from the ADL to them, I trust it.

It's settled, Leo Kike is guilty. It took a real news source and not faggot anons to do it right.

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He completely tore apart the Corsican manlet. I don't know how you can call yourself an admirer of napoleon after watching this.
(activate the auto subtitles in english for the non french speaker, they're decents)

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i just finished this map
enjoy it :)
(map is beta so some changes may be added later)
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The map projection reminds me of Imperator Rome and that's not a good thing
I have no idea what you’re even trying to convey with these posts but hey atleast it’s history related unlike 50% of the catalogue
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cant you see that where ever the greec went there has been an unending war?
afganstan, iraq-syria, libya?
the war-spirit of alex lives on!
Is this board full of 15 year old HOI4tards?? Wtf is this?
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not only hoi4 shitards but you forgot the big elephant in the room
the whatifalthincels

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What serious books would you recommend me to understand Lebanon-Israel relations?

Okay, as far as I know:
-Lebanon used to be the richest country in ME region until Israel filled it with tons of Palestine refugees.
-Lebanon civil war happens and Israel gets into it (Waltz with Bashir, etc).
-Somehow now lebanese Christians, despite being less than 50% now, tend to consider Hezbollah their national heroes against Israel bullying.

I want to have the big picture. People tend to think that Lebanon failed because of muslims, but I don't think so. Everytime muslim world goes mad, Mossad is behind it, and I want a history book that takes this narrative into account and considers the role of Intelligence Agencies in this conflict. American and Israeli historians, and also superleftist historians, are highly suspicious and not prefered, I just want the truth. If the book also takes into account the posibility that Israel is behind international sunni terrorism, the book insterests me even more.
Lebanon took Palestinian refugees. They started chimping out. Israel retaliated(still dickish because they basically attacked Lebanon) Badabim bada boom. Lebanese civil war and current state of things. Shame really Lebanon used to be called Switzerland of the Middle East.
So basically they imported brown goblins and paid the price?
>until Israel filled it with tons of Palestine refugees
Fedayeen tried to claim territory in Jordan, and the King expelled them with military force in an event known as Black September. Lebanon took them in and gave them a place to stay in the south. Israel has nothing to do with this, the Lebanese let them into the country out of support for their plight. This caused an increase of tensions between Lebanese christians who were always skeptical of pan-arabism and Lebanese muslims who saw it as their duty to the Ummah. There's a lot more background to cover with a lot of political subfactions, and some of it has its roots going back to independence, but essentially tensions boiled over when the PLO and another Islamist militia massacred the christian village of Damour.
>Lebanon civil war happens and Israel gets into it
For complicated reasons, the Lebanese military doesn't stop the fedayeen from using Southern Lebanon to stage attacks against Israel. During the first invasion of the Israelis, they just attack the Palestinian camps in the South. Later on, they'd besiege Beirut as punishment for failure to contain the PLO. It was with the siege of Beirut that Christian Lebanese started to sour on Israel.
>Somehow now lebanese Christians, despite being less than 50% now, tend to consider Hezbollah their national heroes against Israel bullying
Nobody thinks this. Lebanese Christians and most Lebanese Muslims hate Hezbollah, and see them as the reason the country has gone down the shitter by turning it into an islamist puppet of Iran. It's also common consensus that Israel prefers Hezbollah's current position because they work as better border guards than the Lebanese military ever did
>People tend to think that Lebanon failed because of muslims
It failed because of irreconcilable differences of vision for the country's future caused infighting, and Iranian imperialism prevented recovery.

t. Lebanese Christian diaspora

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>timurs invaded into India
>indian kingdoms still remain ruined after 100 years
>ww2 happens
>europe is better then before (except migrants)
Why did this happen?
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I am op but fuck pajeets, you are better posting on superpooper or blonde women threads
>>europe is better then before (except migrants)
Hindoo law #1....
Its because of their higher IQs and social behaviors, this chimpanzee will say literally anything to draw attention away from race and intelligence because if intelligence and life outcome has some form of genetic factor then liberalism has failed as no amount of material prosperity will make an ape into a man or one race into another - in essence, liberal utopia is denied to certain races by reality itself - they can not live with this because they are mentally ill shitlibs who want their imaginary friend group (which is all racially diverse) to live life on ezmode with them like some kind of commune where the target audience is mutts who shop at forever 21.
Timur saved Christianity

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as an arab i can say it was actualy jewish
however definitely not rabbinic judaism
What kind of arab are you?
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the kind that wish the usa get nuked so all world's problem can be solved
Sucks to suck bud
The original religion of the southern gulf region had a lot of elements that became incorporated into Islam, such as cutting the hands off of thieves, the hajj, the fasting practices, and veneration of sacred pillars.

There was nothing wrong with the Crusades. In an amoral world, the strong right the rules.
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Read more about Byzantine history instead of whining about it because of Reddit and you'll see why the Fourth Crusade happened
The Byzantine state was collapsing before the First Crusade and the Muslims would likely have conquered the Balkans a few centuries early without the crusades
Based, worse if they call themselves christians
no it wasn't
the crusades exacerbated matters extremely badly esp when crusaders decided to rape and loot the cities along their way, esp the fourth crusade
From Baltic pagan perspective, Germans are swarthy rats, who only conquered our lands with numbers. Just like how many seem to look at what's happening at Europe's southern borders now

I’m going to post this every day until you remember it
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the full name of san antonio is san antonio de padua maría severino lopez de santa anna y pérez de lebron.
Patron Saint of Texas
i've remembered it, you can now cease posting this every day
thank you for your service
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>not only was he not anywhere near the first, his own fucking dad did the first, his own fucking dad had already been and knew the emperor personally
u fookin kidin me?

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Who, exactly, can be considered “black”? Considering that black people come in various different shapes, sizes, and shades of brown, and there’s apparently like 36 different human skin colors, and “black” people can be found as being indigenous to not just Africa, but also in Australia, Melanesia, and the Philippines, and in Melanesia you can find “black” people with naturally blond, curly hair... just who, exactly, can be considered black?

Can it be said that white people made first contact with red people in the year 1492 with Christopher Columbus? Or, rather, in the year 1003 with Leif Erikson?

Can it be said that white people made first contact with yellow people in the 1270s with Marco Polo? Or had white people encountered yellow people previously? Were the Huns mongoloid?

When did white people make first contact with black people? In the year 1483 with Diogo Cão?

When did white people begin to refer to black people as “blacks”? And when did white people begin to refer to themselves as the “white race”? It’s my understanding that Europeans had been fighting against each other for thousands of years and were pretty racist and xenophobic toward each other. Like the Greeks considered themselves racially superior to their neighbors, such as the Thracians, Dacians, and Illyrians, right? And the Romans considered themselves racially superior to the Germans, right? But what I was wondering was when, exactly, did Europeans begin to collectively refer to themselves as “white people” or the “white race” or the “master race”? When did they look at themselves and say “We (Greeks, Thracians, Dacians, Illyrians, Romans, Germans, Gauls, Franks, Visigoths, Ostrogoths, Vikings, Picts, Scots, Britons, whatever, etc.) are all European. We are white people. We are the white race. The master race.”
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Eritreans are half East African and half Natufian. And pure East African Nilotics are closer to Eurasians than South Africans are to either of them.
They are closer to East Eurasians than to West Eurasians and are therefore not White.
So black, black and black.
Natufians are mostly West Eurasian with some Iberomaurusian ancestry
>INB4 that one denialist comes to say that Natufians don't have Iberomaurusian ancestry
Black only works as a papaphyletic group in regards to Eurasians otherwise all humans are black besides South Africans and Pygmies
All this groups you listed are black.

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Zeno, Cleanthes, Chrysippus and Persaeus at the Stoic Council, 260 BC
Unironically I would like to hear their discussion at the table despite how autistic everyone would be
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>Zeno, Persaeus
Levantine chads
>Cleanthes, Chrysippus
Anatolian chads
The Indo-European Sodosemites from Max Planck rewriting the world history and tomorrow it will be chinamen.

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how would you know
if you couldn't know,
if all the evidence to the contrary
was contrary?

how would you know bob?

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They really seem to be in to it.
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Name a Christian holiday that about Christians getting their asses handed to them.
>Is being a victim part of the Jewish Faith?
The inevitable consequence of your religion telling you that everyone else is below you is one of either: a) you're a perennial dominant conqueror; b) you're a perennial victim as your behaviour turns everyone against you.
Nobody can be a perennial conqueror, therefore kikes have spent the vast majority of their history in victim mode.
doesn't matter, christians are constantly whining about the "war on christmas", that they can't pray wherever they like, etc while the USA is supermajority Christian
What kind of lube do you prefer?

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Philosopher of mind Daniel Dennett has died.
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>Implying he hasn't been reincarnated as an alien
He probably thinks he's experiencing an illusion generated by his brain in his last dying moments
Rest in sneed, my beautiful angel.
Damn, I just read his Wikipedia page a week ago
one of those atheist niggas

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