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Seed science is bullshit. There's literally nothing to indicate that shattering is caused by humans rather than environmental pressures.
What the fuck are you talking about?

Are any of these improvements or are they all a result of autism
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But they were shia at one point
So what? They neither identify as Muslims nor do Muslims consider them as such.
Does it matter when 90% of shia are twelvers?
I’m asking why did they end up as different religions
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Lotta kuffar on that pic OP

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If you are a Christian you must be a socialist

We find the first brief mention of the community of property in Acts 2:44-45: “And all those who believed were together and had everything in common. And they sold estates and all kinds of property, and distributed them to everyone, depending on each person’s need.” This is discussed in more detail below: “The multitude of those who believed had one heart and one soul; and no one called anything of his property his own, but they had everything in common... There was no one in need among them; for all who owned lands or houses sold them, brought the price of what was sold and laid them at the feet of the Apostles; and to each one was given whatever he needed” (Acts 4:32; 34-35). Further, Holy Scripture gives an example of a Christian (Josiah) who, having sold his property, “brought the money and laid it at the feet of the Apostles” (Acts 4:36-37). He also gives another example, when “a certain man, named Ananias, with his wife Sapphira, having sold their property, withheld from the price, with the knowledge of his wife, and brought some part and laid it at the feet of the Apostles. But Peter said: Ananias! Why did you allow Satan to put into your heart the idea of lying to the Holy Spirit and hiding from the price of the land? What you owned was not yours, and what was acquired by sale was not in your power? Why have you put this in your heart? You lied not to men, but to God. Hearing these words, Ananias fell lifeless; and great fear came upon all who heard it” (Acts 5:1-5).
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>sftu kike
Funny when a Christian writes such things, who was Jesus?
>midwits copy things they heard better authors write

This doesn’t prove anything but cherry-picked plagarism
>who was Jesus?
The one who sends Jews to hell for denying their only salvation.
Not really, you even didn't read the Bible
Matthew 10:33 But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven.

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who was the rightful and just successor to augustus, trajan, marcus aurelius, aurelian, etc?
bonus question:
if both states at roughly 1000 AD decided to commit to a full-scale war, who would win?
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>the “true” monatchs and nobles of Europe would know to ridicule the claim
wouldn't be the first usurper to the title though, and after ruling the pope and rome and taking an austrian princess as wife then the title would've been legitimate.
Wouldn't the roman title be better in order to rule non french subjects than a emperor of the french one?
Good. Now denounce the talmud and let's talk about Roman heritage in terms of identity and institutions.
Both ERE and HRE showed strong attachment to the Roman past which for them was part of their ancestral memory. The East remained unbroken and continued as normal with the exception of Hunnic raids until the reign of Phocas. Then it went through several geopolitical troubles and societal changes while still remaining 'Roman'. Arab incursions forced the pope to abandon his emperor (whom he recognized until mid 8th century) and look at the growing Franks as potential protectors from both Arabs and Lombards. The Franks and Lombards themselves were fairly recent conquerors and had been Romanized or were about to. The same would happen to several other Germanic tribes who at least preserved their language for several reasons.
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>Wouldn't the roman title be better in order to rule non french subjects than a emperor of the french one?
He tackled this by creating and usurping old titles and places relatives on their throne, he didnt want to outright rule most of Europe but wanted a new order that really resembled that of the old. Honestly i have no idea what Napoleons end game was and i doubt he did either, he created pan nationalist titles in the Kingdom of Italy and then incorporated Italian territory directly into his empire and not his puppet, he created a confederation of the Rhine and then fed the low countries into France instead of its logical place in the confederation. He replaced the Spanish monarch with his brother… and then ensured the nobles and colonies will never love him by annexing Catalonia and forcing new laws on them. It honestly made no sense and he would have been better off just annexing straight to France and declaring a new Rome instead of flip flopping like he did
As a catalan I wish we would've become a sister republic already in 1795, apparently there were some supporters in the french goberment that thought it would be possible but didnt want to anger spain I guess.
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That would have been fine if the French Republic had its shit together but the moment it started to it became just another monarchy under Napoleon who wanted to larp as a true noble of old instead of the revolutionary he was. Napoleon should have commited to either one of the larps instead of what he did, a pan Latin Empire would have been a solid idea to win over support from the Iberians and Italians instead of making enemies of both by cherrypicking between imperialism and preserving the old order via new monarchies. And it would have established a claim to not only the Romanians but also the Greeks in reviving a sister Greek empire in the east, ensuring dominance of the med

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Catholic occultism is using Catholic magic and Catholic grimoires and tarot. Baptism and confirmation are initiations into the club and the Mass has secrets that those outside the church don't get to know.
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This. CHRIST is entombed within everyone and RISES within everyone, individually.
I didn't want to mention that but indeed you can also see that many of the older folks in your memories of going to mass might have had unusual habits relating to mass, and the thoughts running (or not running) through their minds were probably spontaneous re-inventions of precisely what you are talking about. Now, the epistemological is more important than the ontological; although priests no longer do anything other than superficially mindlessly repeat ceremony, they accidentally create an atmosphere conducive to spontaneous discovery of spiritual truth in the laity - of course I hope in the future this will evolve into a reinvugorated Christian spiritualism. Similarly, India has Navayana, which is Buddhism hijacked for literal Marxist propaganda whose founder hosted a literal press-conference for it. Its adherents, in the real world, are trapped in multi-dimensional poverty, and like the Catholic Church since Vatican II it misses the point that services are meant to induce transrational connection with the Holy Spirit. However, one can easily imagine Navayana's laity eventually evolving into spiritualism now that they are free rrom the thrall of Hinduism. (Of course, not all Hindus are the same, and not all oppress their lower classes - but most do, and these wretches flock to Buddhism sometimes for salvation).

For others, you can actually get a lot of good information from the new GPT4-level AIs, though be careful of hallucinations. Try Cohere's Command R Plus (my favorite), but Claude Opus is also satisfactory, and Reka's new language model is willing to comment on NSFW stuff (like St Francis had his monks swim in cold water to suppress horniness lolz, and in the Spanish inquisition sometimes women asked to be put in s literal horny jail for a couple of years because they... started to see jesus a little too differently lol). The LLM's are useful to generate lists of Church philosophers, poets and laity for further research.
Since you have correctly perceived that in me the truth of the thing was understood clearly then consider also the criticisms I lay before the world here >>16518305
Praise Azathoth! Great are the Old Ones!
>my argument is attempting to contradict the Bible
begone satan

>no evidence? didn’t happen! doesn’t exist!

what is the story behind khyber pass and hippie trail? what'll they do once they reach nepal? also when did hippidom started becoming a fad?
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I knew old hippies who made the trek through that part of the world and it sounds like a magical hashish dream. Cheap travel, easy border crossings and blissed out wanderings through what are no-go zones today, along with dysentery and Hep C.
Western bohemian wanderers have been a thing for a while in that part of the world, men like Sir Richard Burton or intrepid women like Isabella Bird and others whose names I can’t recall. The Beats were the immediate precursors of the hippies for this kind of spirituality and drugs quest and the sixties and early 70s saw an explosion of wandering western youth in this part of the world before conflict made many areas inaccessible and others became hosts to loutish bougie tourism.
The Beatles sort of fell for it too. They went off to make a pilgrimage to some guru. They came back disillusioned that he was just some grifter. But a lot of kids ran off looking for enlightenment. Or cheap hashish in countries that either didn’t have drug laws or if they did they didn’t enforce them much.
The US pressured Nepal to start cleaning up Kathmandu though and the pipe dream died out eventually
hippiedom was the trannyism of the day
Some people still make the trek, I met a couple when I was making my trip over a year ago or so. Most people do the Wahkan part, which is a bit more Western friendly.

Met a guy in Phuket who visited back in the 80s, wearing the hat in Thailand.
Degenerate boomer trash

Does the Magisterium of the Roman Catholic Church have contingency plans for a "what if" sort of an event if a Pope goes rogue, occupying the office of Saint Peter, but going awry from sound doctrines? Surely this has happened at least once before, in the entire history of the Church? Wasn't there a heretical Pope before Charlemagne, and one of the late Medieval or Renaissance Popes was extremely perverted? Are they still Holy Fathers of the Catholic Church?

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>Mooning is the act of displaying one's bare buttocks by removing clothing, e.g., by lowering the backside of one's trousers and underpants, usually bending over, and also potentially exposing the genitals. Mooning is used in the English-speaking world to express protest, scorn, disrespect, or for provocation, but mooning can be done for shock value, for fun, as a joke or as a form of exhibitionism. The Māori have a form of mooning known as whakapohane that is a form of insult

>Some jurisdictions regard mooning to be indecent exposure, sometimes depending on the context

>Moon has been a common shape metaphor for the buttocks in English since 1743, and the verb to moon has meant "to expose to (moon)light" since 1601. As documented by McLaren, "'mooning', or exposing one's butt to shame an enemy ... had a long pedigree in peasant culture" throughout the Middle Ages, and in many nations

>Although the practice of mooning was widespread by the 19th century, the Oxford English Dictionary dates the use of "moon" and "mooning" to describe the act to student slang of the 1960s, when the gesture became increasingly popular among students at universities in the United States
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>I fart in your general direction!
So the taunting Frenchman was merely returning the insult the English dealt to the Normans
damn, Roman soldiers are baddies
Bros that's your grandmas
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>be isrealite
>cant overcome adversary on your own ability and prowess
>rely on limitless divine being to alter fate and win for you
>millions of mutts consider this an accomplishment and evidence of heroism
Why are abrahamic "heroic myths" so artificial compared to literally everything else? Its all borrowed power given through submission by the greatest money lender of them all. No wonder this first appealed to whores and vagrants.
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Gods a bitch and so are you
>Goliath was a Philistine, not a Roman, retard.
Oh, sorry, I messed up your retarded bedtime fairy tales. You can ignore me and go back to reading about how Jonah lived inside of a whale for 3 days and angels went around raping women creating the giant nephilim.
That's churchianity.
It's a parable
>And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

wtf why would you hurt godjak? Hes a gem.

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I thought it was debunked, give me evidence why. Already tried to make the thread once and captcha fucked me. Just give me ammo for the argument, please. I ain't no African
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They do not you same fag, show me a dna study that shows west Africans outside of the super sparsely populated sahel and berber regions being genetically close to east Africans. The west Africans even with drops of west Eurasian cluster closey with Bantu’s and are miles away from north east Africans
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>it’s not trueee we waz kangs n sheet
>Egypt was bantu nigga look at this cherry picked statue that has been weathered for 3000 years!
Bantu negroids will never be north east Afrikangs
Out of niggafrica has been debooonked by Chinese scientists.
>Two observations here confirm the Asia model and invalidate the Africa model. First, only haplogroups specific to the Asia model showed the expected mutation pattern in ancient samples. Second, the genetic reality that a haplogroup, be it ancient or present, should not carry mutations found in basal haplogroups to which they do not belong is only met by the Asia model but not the Africa model. For example, I9133 A1b1b12a sample showed numerous shared alleles with BT, CT, CF, and F of the Africa model, to which it does not belong. However, it didn’t share any alleles with any haplogroups specific to the Asia model such as A00A0, to which it does not belong.

>We conclude that the Asia rooting of the Y chromosome phylogenetic tree has been independently confirmed by ancient DNAs.
>horners descend from us (eurasians)
Where do you think tye first fliw if humans left Africa?

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How does one combat against unfalsifiable claims.
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Most claims aren't unfalsifiable and the ones that are can be done away with by the "the existence and nonexistence of X are identical so we're just going to do whichever makes more sense" trick.
Burden of proof on the covering up claim since its also unfalsifiable
With another unfalsifiable claim. At that point its an even playing field where any outllandish claim holds equal validity
>rape a woman
>there’s no proof because you were gentle enough to leave her body intact
it didn’t happen
If we're being serious there would be semen samples left behind

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>The archaeological site of Herxheim, located in the municipality of Herxheim in southwest Germany, was a ritual center and a mass grave formed by people of the Linear Pottery culture (LBK) culture in Neolithic Europe. The site dates from between 5300 and 4950 BC.[1] The site contained the scattered remains of more than 1000 individuals from different, in some cases faraway regions. Whether they were war captives or human sacrifices is unclear, but the evidence indicates that they were roasted and consumed.
The eternal g*rmoid
How much LBK genetics does the average modern German have, though?
They were farmnigger baboons
Excellent teeth for 5300BC
lol midget favelados eating each other, EEF everyone
Less than half, more than one third.

This youtuber says Buddhism doesn't teach the end of suffering. This deeply bothers me, because Pure Land Buddhism is my only plan to reach the end of suffering once and for all (in Amitabha's Pure Land Sukhavati). I spoke with Ken (this youtuber) directly about Pure Land Buddhism and he said it's "100,000% BS". However I have counterarguments and I'm wondering if they hold up.
>1. Claude 3 (Anthropic's AI) says Bön, Hinduism, and Jainism (all older than Buddhism) all teach the path to the end of suffering, primarily through meditation (which this youtuber denies the importance of). Bön is the religion native to Tibet started by a different Buddha 18,000 years ago according to Bönpos. Both Tibetan Buddhism, started by the "second Buddha Padmasambhava (who was actually the third Buddha if we take into account the founder of Bön) and Bön itself have a practice called Dzogchen. People who practice this for 60 years in a cave or hut attain the rainbow body where their body shrinks at the time of death leaving only the hair and nails behind. The Tibetans believe this is omniscience and the attainment of Buddhahood. Padmasambhava achieved this, although it is said that Siddartha Gautama did not but was still a Buddha, which is strange I'll admit.
>2. Those who recite Amitabha's name 10 times at the moment of death see him standing on a red lotus making a mudra sign with a swastika on his chest, the symbol of many East Asian religions including Buddhism. Subjects who saw him include a blind teenage boy who died of leukemia. I do not know if he knew about the swastika beforehand because he referred to it as a "wheel" and then drew it on his hand. There is also a story of a young monk reciting Amitabha's name incessantly and receiving a message that Amitabha will receive him in 3 days (because the monk deeply wished it). 3 days later he died.


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Satipatthana Sutta:
Because of this it was said: "This is the only way, monks, for the purification of beings, for the overcoming of sorrow and lamentation, for the destruction of suffering and grief, for reaching the right path, for the attainment of Nibbana, namely the four foundations of mindfulness."

Thus spoke the Blessed One. Satisfied, the monks approved of his words.

Yet this guy says that they NEVER teach the end of suffering? This sutta was the first I was taught
Ken Wheeler notoriously preaches his own idiosyncratic idea of what the Buddha taught, almost always by wildly misinterpreting the pali texts. So when OP says
>Buddhologist who can read fluent Pali
That's just giving into Ken's ruse. I'll give a few examples.
Famously the Buddha said
>sabbe dhammā anattā
Which, word by word, means "all phenomena non-self". The plain meaning then is that all phenomena (that is all ultimately real things, including nirvana or nibbāna) are not a self, or what the Hindus call atmān. Ken re-interprets this sentence such that sabbe and dhammā are a single compound noun, so that he takes it to mean "every all-phenomenon is not the Self". His reference for this is the Sabba Sutta, in which the Buddha explains poetically that "all is burning, all is on fire, etc."; this lone citation is Ken's basis for such a tortured reading. He does this in many other places regarding the use of "anattā" and "attā"; for example I remember he also spun a line from Dhammapada to mean "the Self alone is the savior", when the plain reading is "only you can save yourself".
Another one, Ken claims the Buddha did not teach meditation. The sutta you cite is plain enough evidence against this claim, as are countless others. Ken claims the Pali word jhāna means "to burn", as in to burn away whatever is not the True Self. There is no linguistic evidence for this; jhāna means "to meditate", Ken's just making stuff up here.
Ken is also a blowhard on many other subjects, which you can read about on the rather exhaustive kenswrong.com. The point is, if you see him or these kinds of misrepresentations about Buddhism around, be assured that it all rests on simple charlatanism. I'll also mention, a dead giveaway that you're reading one of his posts is if you see someone recommend a book by one George Grimm, seemingly the only other pseud (from 100 years ago) he could call on to support his misreadings.
That’s amazing. I’m new to this and even I was able to realize he’s a weirdo
Wow an actual educated response. Thanks for showing that he mistranslates the Pali. He definitely talks himself up, saying his teachers referred to him as a prodigy and I guess I fell for it. As long as there's an eventual permanent end to suffering, I'm happy. I'm reminded of Chris Langan who is another fraud who talks himself up (he believes a mother's love, God's love, and all love, is conditional and also there is a permanent Hell). He's probably got schizophrenia (comes with the high IQ territory). I need to stop falling for people who say they're smart.
Watch Nosso Lar and look up Spiritism. This is your wake up call.

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