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1- Who would be the today's greatest thinking minds? Are they mainstream or chances are they are hidden away somewhere and not teaching anything?

2- Why does it seem that back in the day, many good philosophers were alive at the same timeline, and today it seems that there is no such figures to look up to.
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this lady

1. I tend to view modern philosophy has shifted to scientific progress and this new knowledge that has been gained is putting the old philosophical thought to the test. For example I skimmed a paper discussing the brain and consciousness and how free will may be incorrect or incomplete understanding of the choices we make.
2. I don't think there were many good philosophers especially when looking at all of history. We just have the writings of those that were worth saving. To the other point there are many philosophers that lived during the same time and debated each other throughout history.

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What are some banned history books?
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when collectors of banned books don't even want your autism, maybe its time you take a hint yeah?
you sound Jewish. I dont read Jewish posts
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Information of all kinds should be free.
Obviously they want them if they’re getting a lot of requests for them dumbshit.

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If not cut off by Islam they would have been part of the Christian world continuously until today. What would their culture be like?

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>in the beginning there was nothing, which then exploded


I must be missing something here. How is this more believable and require you to assume less, than believing God created the universe? Why did the nothing explode? What happened before that?
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What about the argument that the universe didn't need creation because the universe always existed?

What's the deal with this when trannies are overwhelmingly atheistic or, sorry, "humanist"?
>It's likely there was a pre big bang state since relativity is not some sort of source code of the universe and breaks down at singularities.
I like to imagine that to an observer within this pre-big bang state it actually wasn't a singularity, and what we call the big bang was just the universe moving into a larger scale relative to before the big bang. The universe is always expanding because of time in the same way that it causes gravity, because of the relative difference of motion between two different bodies with different masses. This means we don't need autistic shit like Dark Energy. I think Roger Penrose kind of touches upon this idea with his cyclic cosmology theories.
True, a "-schizo" suffix would be more apt
>the universe has to be created
>therefore, snakes can talk and a Jew walked on water

What metaphysical framework argues that the final, ultimate perfection of the soul is attainable and what metaphysical framework argues that perfection is impossible? What are your arguments for or against the idea that perfection is possible? I personally think that, because we want perfect people to exist, it must be possible, even if it's exceptionally rare on Earth (Jesus, Enoch, Buddha, Padmasambhava, etc.).
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In Buddhism there is something called "phowa" or "conscious dying". In Pure Land Buddhism, this consists in the dying person reciting Amitabha's name 10 times on their deathbed and then seeing in their mind's eye the Buddha Amitabha. He is sometimes accompanied by a multitude of sages depending on the grade of rebirth the person will receive in his Pure Land (which depends on their karma). The important point Pure Land Buddhists make here is that the person doesn't actually pass through death or go into the white light. Amitabha Buddha takes their soul and that's how they die. They don't lose any memories, and in fact gain memories of their past lives once in the Pure Land, and their stream of consciousness is never broken. They just go from their deathbed to the Pure Land.
If you believe in Buddhism then you're more fucked up than I thought because you're more likely to reincarnate here even if you become a dirty sadhguru who eats dead people flesh, owns nothing, touches nothing in the hope of not entagling his quantum particles with others so he can escape once he's burned. It ain't gonna work because the Matrix runs on belief so if he belived in reincaration he'll reincarate again and so will you no matter the instructions they read to you from their comic book of the dead to help you find the Matrix underground tunnels. Leave this cult anon before you reincarnate as a chicken or worse.
you're just making shit up. there are accounts of people seeing Amitabha come for them when they die, and there are bodhisattvas who reincarnated on Earth and have past life memories of the Pure Land which match the description of it found in the Pure Land sutras.
This is why you also believe in the Abrahamic christ fairytale too because it sounds like your Buddhism fairytale. Noone is gonna come save you anon not Jesus not Amita, if you see them they're just the Aliens running the Matrix fulfilling your beliefs. Anyways good luck with them.
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It is but once the universe reaches perfection the god head chills until it gets bored again and then it commits divine suicide to start a new cycle so all the souls can do the process over again and climb to the top.
It's the best solution for spending eternity. That way you and all souls will experience ALL possible experiences, an infinite amount of times, in infinite variations, for eternity.
What could be better then that?

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Why was there so much hostility in France towards German PoWs/Germans in general? I get that they invaded and occupied the country, but they didn't massacre people nor destroy anything really. I cant find anything that would justify killing so many millions.

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A sanctuary in the depths of Hell, only accessible through the deepest chasms of the underworld, for the most twisted and corrupted of souls, a place of endless suffering and eternal torment.

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somebody go and spam some gore and nogs in his little channel
>/r9k/shitters posting their gay-by-necessity dating networks on /his/ now as well

Is the trinity the ultimate litmus test of IQ?
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lol nobody can "grasp" the trinity
it makes no fucking sense
I don't see how your formulation is any better than the traditional trinitarian one, it's just more fuzzy and vague. You haven't made anything clearer.
>Not really and this is the problem with flinging heresies like logical fallacies. Modalism implies that God presented himself as the father, son, and spirit individually in stages, and did not exist as the other two at anytime as one "mode".
No it doesn't. It is merely the view that they are different modes when really they are totally undivided in all ways. It also implies they are different presentations emanating from one guy when in reality they are separately coeternal and one and the same thing i.e. not emanations. They aren't just the concept of godness together they and three distinct beings that are the same being i.e. God. The ice water steam example fails because ice water and steam are necessarily different entities at different instances. In philosophical terms the father son and holy spirit and both type and token identical with God but also completely separate from one another. In your example they are only type identical.
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This is a copy of neoplatonism.
It all originates from the ONE. It is mathematical in nature and all the numbers start with and are bound by the number 1

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Either of these must be true:
1. White people come from Iran
2. Iranians are White people who came from Europe
What is the correlation between Neanderthal and white?
Ira was never white, and Neanderthals are closer to Asians than Europeans
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Neanderthals are irrelevant to europeans in comparisons to other eurasians.
Varg affirms that North Africa, the Middle East, and most of Central Asia and Siberia were at one point "European" in the past, but are contaminated by extreme African(Homo sapiens) and Asian(Denisova?) admixture. He still believes that Middle Easterners are essentially majority European, just with too much admixture.
There isnt any. Varg just unironically thinks white men are Neanderthal. Like directly I think.

> Shiism is Aryan Islam
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>Aryan Islam
I am like 90% sure that this guy is a fed, a freemason or both and 60% sure I am schizophrenic.dg0dh
Shias are big on bloodlines but I wouldn't call it Aryan Islam. Shia Indians complain some time that Shia Iranians are racist (which is probably true) but overall they're not even Arab-centric as much as Sunnis are.
>Aryan Islam
this faggot needs to kill himself right now
Every branch that isn't Hanafi is basically a backdoors way to almost be Christian again

I think there's an interesting phenomenon here:
>Both Iranians and Nords did an offshoot with respective Abrahamic denomination and separated themselves from the main denomination
>It could be argued that from an sociopolitical view, this was done in both cases to preserve their respective cultures and political sovereignty
>Today, there's a growing movement amongst both people in rejecting their Abrahamic religions and RETVRN to a form of ancestral worship
>In terms of the Nords, nordic paganism is the fastest growing religion
>Whereas Zoroastrianism is the fastest growing religion in younger demographic Iranians
>Both groups view the decline of their cultures following conquest by Abrahamic religion and see the rejection of these foreign religions as a means to ascending once again
>figures like Varg are very influential on the Nordic side
>on the other hand we have Robert Sepher and Jason Jorjani on the side of Iranians

Whereas the Catholic church managed to erase as much of Europe as possible, Nords remained vigilante and managed to preserve a lot of their culture. Exact same thing happened to the Iranian world. From Lebanon and Syria, to Egypt and Algeria they've become completely Arabized but Iran managed to preserve their pre-islamic culture better every one else.
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I don’t know about Odin yet, I’ve seen Mark Brahmins argument presented for this and it does sound compelling but not compelling enough to totally disregard Nordic paganism as Semitic. As for Zoroastrianism, I totally agree with you. I believe it is a Semitic religion introduced to the Iranian world. Just from a moral perspective it is completely foreign in terms of Aryan culture. Spengler even said this that Zarathustra could not have been an Iranian.

I think, like you said, that Greek mythology is the only reliable source of Aryan religion left coupled with the Vedic tradition.
What about Mithraism?
>Robert Sepher and Jason Jorjani
peak diaspora post
What about middle lower caste Shivaism?
>Robert Sepher and Jason Jorjani
One is a Jew and the other is a glowie Turkic descendants of Qajars, one of Iran's worst dynasties throughout history.

Why does Europe have so much western DNA according to this genetic study? Wasn't Asia and Europe relatively isolated from each other?


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What were the three most important battles between the US and Germany during World War II?
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Normandy is the only important one America was involved in
None. Mutts did jack shit while the Soviets did all the heavy lifting.
Battle of the Bulge you fucking retards, holy shit people posting on /his/ don't even know the most basic bitch WWII trivia anymore. Like God fucking damn how motherfucking uninformed do you have to be to not know the Battle of the Bulge, that's grade school shit.
Normandy, Aachen, Ardennes
D-Day, Battle of the Bulge, and the advance to the Elbe which pretty much set up the boundary between Commies and the Free World

Or I guess you could be gay and say that it was the allied bombing campaign over Germany, is that a 'battle?'

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East German students at the University of Brandenberg in 1950 taking a class on the history of the CPSU.
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funny these people were probably all marching around in swastika armbands 6-7 years earlier and then they be like "we love you Gomrade Stalin hail Marx and Lenin XD"
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And a few decades letter they got to watch the wall fall and the flag drop on the USSR for the last time :)
fucking shit repeating post. sorry about that.
And lots of the best Nazis were part of commie street gangs. It's a never-ending cycle of violence brought about by a religious devotion to ideology.
East Germany always had a cultural predisposition to authoritarian government as it was historically a rather poor, rural, feudal region without a middle class.

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What was the relationship between Indo-Aryan peoples? Was there any cultural exchange between them similar to Europe?
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Yes, very, both even got seeded by the Turks. Mughals for the jeets and steppe Turks via Tatars and Ottomans
All andronovo tribes?
Turkics got cucked badly.
basically two factions avesta and bharat had a war and they split their gods
asuras were good guys in persia and devas bad guys
and devas were good guys in india and asuras bad guy
geographically strange map
but the same problem that all maps do makes me sad;
use Scythian and Saka for any people or tribe they encounter....
(Scythian-sarmatinan-saka, Scythian-siberian LOL)
and there are other branches besides the Iranians in the east, such as the Tocharians who were Afanasieves.
but it's interesting that you at least used names for the Iranians, and why are the Nuristani so insignificant?
Are there other maps like this?

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