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Napoleon seemed to be a true believer of the revolution, and that of course came with freedom of religion, equality under the law etc.
He didn't really come into contact with Jews in his youth, so he was unaware of their natures. As part of wars and conquests in Europe, he imposed on the defeated peoples the lifting of anti-Jewish laws and practices. Such as that of confining Jews to ghettos, forcing them to wear a Star of David, curfews
>When Napoleon and his army entered Ancona, the Jewish community was living in a small ghetto. Napoleon, at that time, remarked that certain people were walking around with yellow bonnets and a yellow arm band with the "Star of David" on it. He asked one of his officers, what was the purpose of the yellow bonnet and the arm band. The officer replied that these were Jews who had to be identified in order that they return to the ghetto every evening. Napoleon immediately ordered that the arm bands and the yellow bonnets be removed and replaced them with the tricolor rosette. He closed the ghettos and gave instructions that the Jews could live wherever they wanted and they could practice their religion openly.
He did this pretty much everywhere.
Once he became Emperor he tried to integrate them into French society. Famously he held the Grand Sanherin wherein he convened with important and powerful Jews, so they could answer questions Napoleon had. Including questions like
>Will the French people be esteemed by the Jews as strangers or as brethren?
>Do Jews born in France consider it their native country? Are they bound to obey the laws and customs of the land?
>Is usury to their brethren forbidden by the law?
He opened with
>"My desire is to make Jews equal citizens in France, have a conciliation between their religion and their responsibilities in becoming French, and to answer all the accusations made against them. I want all people living in France to be equal citizens and benefit from our laws."
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>some pdf file
What's so special about this file?
u probably have to translate it in French first
It's pretty kek to see chuds who worship le based napoleon try to grapple with the fact that he emancipated the jews
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>It's pretty kek to see chuds who worship le based napoleon try to grapple with the fact that he emancipated the jews
>Of course, the Jews lied. Saying that oh yes they were pure French and dindu nuffin etc.
Napoleon thought that, for example, my making Jews join the French military (as opposed to paid exemptions or things of that nature), he could make the Jews in France think of themselves more as French than as Jews. Of course this was his naivete speaking.
On the contrary, French Jews told the truth and turned into loyal French citizens, often using their connections with their coreligionists abroad for the benefit of the French Empire (look at Algeria, for instance)

Who were the Gutians? We practically don't know about them, even their language. we pretty much know they were a Mesopotamian people who came from the "east" with an established kingdom and that's it.

but what was their identity? some say they were Kurds and others that they were an Indo-European people, although etymological arguments have failed miserably
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Sorry, I'm not aware of these samples.
>not many more words than other IE languages
Most of the nouns in Indo-Iranian are non-IE unlike more primitive Balto-Slavic.
>Proto-Indo-Iranian and its branches, as indicated, are one of the most conserved.
Not really. Perhaps in terms of grammar, since European languages became grammatically influenced by non-IE.
>along with Germanic
Germanic is one of the least conservative branches, idiot.
>The existence of non-IE words is common in all IE languages
Far more words in Indo-Iranian languages are non-IE. Particularly for nouns.
>the same as above
Nope. BMAC cultural practices such as fire veneration and bull fighting outright replaced IE elements, it wasn't really syncretism. Among Iranian peoples the BMAC religion overtook IE practices. None of these things happened among the Celts or Slavs.
>although you haven't mentioned anything so far
I named a few of the elements above.
>"bmac" elements (it's a vague term.
It really isn't if you have a brain.

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Hajji_Firuz_ChL I2327 of Narasimhan et al. 2018
>Most of the nouns in Indo-Iranian are non-IE unlike more primitive Balto-Slavic.
that's not true. I showed a comparison chart.
>Not really.
Yes. is one of the most conservative.
>Germanic is one of the least conservativbranches, idiot.
I see this offends you, why use insults? But again, you are wrong and I need your sources. In any case, that study or theories of Germanic substrati are not considered accurate.
>Far more words in Indo-Iranian languages are non-IE. Particularly for nouns.
again, show me a "pure" language. there isn't. however, there are the most conservative ones. as is the case with Germanic and Proto-Indo-Iranian.

>cultural practices such as fire veneration
It is not of bmac origin, we have evidence that the Proto-Indo-Iranians held this belief system.
Is it really a weak argument, because you compare pastoralist people with settlers and argue that the latter had a culture centered on field animals? In any case, "bullfights" can appear anywhere where there is frequent contact with livestock. mainly pastors.

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Proto-Indo-Iranian peoples have practiced some agriculture on a significant scale since.
we have Proto-Indo-Iranian brick settlements. this was already known. The same around europe.
an idiotic argument, as they were pastoralists and not settlers, and their settlers were not large enough to have royal palaces. It's a question of utility.
Streets are not necessarily linked to civilization. the Celts and Germanics had streets, as did the Proto-Indo-Iranians.
government? Again, as vague a term as "bmac". city-states? possibly not. but organized political structures with stratification and commercial? definitely.

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What would you do as free black person in pre civil war America?
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>>17410074 (OP)
Move to Liberia and be the biggest, baddest, blackest plantation massa any negro has ever seen.
>>17410074 (OP)
Buy a cute slave gf
Rape black man
>>17410074 (OP)
Become a pastor of a black church and write antislavery stuff for abolitionist white newspapers
>>17410074 (OP)
imagine being in 18th-19th century New Orleans and just blowing through waves of mulatto and mixed girl pussy with your BCC (Big Creole Cock)

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Is El the same between the Canaanites and Ugarit and the Abrahamists? Text seems to be so. El is never the tutelary God, not even to the city He founded (Byblos). The bible never spends a single ounce decrying the Canaanite chief god. It does claim that all of the titles given to it are actually canon names of YHWH.

The only argument that can actually be leveraged against this is
>No, because it's explicitly said the Canaanites worship false gods!
However it seems like El was rarely (if ever) directly worshipped. It was always his children who people prayed to.
uh oh, the yahwists aren't gonna like this

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Why is there a very obvious cline from Udmurts to Chuvash to Tatars/Bashkirs? Is Ural-Altaic real?
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this is a meme worthless collage and the eye size image is fake

why do you keep posting that nonsense, balkan turks aren't turks and chuvash are also not turks genetically, why do you not understand this? what kind of mental problem do you have, can you do anything else besides posting fake maps and nonsense chart?

and greeks are far far far closer to balkan turks, if we want to consider them turks than "meds" are turks
it was, there are no linguistic relations, you are an incredibly trashy poster

hooded eyes are not asian eyes
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>and greeks are far far far closer to balkan turks, if we want to consider them turks than "meds" are turks
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Why does this happen though? Can you enlighten me? Trabzon 'Turks' don't seem like Turkics to me.
for the same exact reason, turkic is a language spoken by people that have little to no turkic admixture
sakas are iranics btw, not turkics

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>>17410329 (OP)
Te olvidaste de El Greco, Joan Miró y pic related.
Somos iguales a nuestros hermanos europeos.
>>17410329 (OP)
Is this supposed to be an insult or a compliment?
Some generic redditor meme that one retarded OP tries to force here.
different timeframe

Are the Catalan and Basque independence movements historically justified? Are there ethnic and cultural reasons that validate them?
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You do realise they'd lose almost all of their coastal tourism? They'd be fucked with just Murcia and Cantabria
What is "southern-shift"? The closest Iberians to Italians are Menorcans. They are Catalans with East Med admixture but not much nafri unlike Galicians and Extremadurans.
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Keep coping barbarian nigger
The average Spaniard doesn't like tourists.
They would be happier if all the tourists and immigrants went to Barcelona.
Italian (Latins) and Turkish (Trojan) are barbarian too

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>One can add to the mix the virulent anti-French/anti-Bonaparte campaign in the English press that consisted of a series of articles and caricatures attacking both Bonaparte and his family, which by all accounts irritated and possibly even hurt him. He had his secretary, Bourrienne, read out the British papers during his morning ablutions.97 The Morning Post, for example, described him as a ‘Mediterranean mulatto’

>It is true that Addington asked newspapers, unoffi cially, not to publish defamatory articles against Bonaparte, but this could hardly have the desired impact. A leading émigré journalist, JeanGabriel Peltier, was prosecuted for criminal libel as a sop to Bonaparte, but that was the extent of it. The foreign secretary Lord Hawkesbury tried to reassure the First Consul that the British government would deport royalists involved in distributing anti-Bonaparte propaganda, but this was never done. Instead, the government paid lip-service to freedom of speech, and protested its impotence regarding the expulsion of émigré journalists, claiming that it lacked the authority to do so. In contrast, pro-French journalists were expelled from Britain using the Alien Act without so much as the pretence of a trial

>The French consequently perceived London’s position as hypocritical. Bonaparte responded by waging a campaign to silence the hostile press in England by trying to bribe émigré journalists – with some notable successes – and by putting diplomatic pressure on governments to pursue journalists hostile to the Consulate. If the British government did little to placate Bonaparte, it is because it did not want to, exacerbating an already tense situation and creating a climate in which compromise was impossible
>Mediterranean mulatto
bit redundant innit

What if they fought suicidally like the Japanese, with a kamikaze SS and Luftwaffe? Would their chances of winning the war or draining the Allies be dramatically increased?
No. The good guys always win in the end.
They would have a better chance imitating suicide bomber terrorist.

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We rode out of Atlanta by the Decatur road, filled by the marching troops and wagons of the Fourteenth Corps; and reaching the hill, just outside of the old rebel works, we naturally paused to look back upon the scenes of our past battles. We stood upon the very ground whereon was fought the bloody battle of July 22nd, and could see the copse of wood where McPherson fell.
Behind us lay Atlanta, smouldering and in ruins, the black smoke rising high in air, and hanging like a pall over the ruined city. Away off in the distance, on the McDonough road, was the rear of Howard's column, the gun-barrels glistening in the sun, the white-topped wagons stretching away to the south; and right before us the Fourteenth Corps, marching steadily and rapidly, with a cheery look and swinging pace, that made light of the thousand miles that lay between us and Richmond. Some band, by accident, struck up the anthem of "John Brown's soul goes marching on;" the men caught up the strain, and never before or since have I heard the chorus of "Glory, glory, hallelujah!" done with more spirit, or in better harmony of time and place.

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Why did the Aryans of the Bronze Age (and therefore Iron Age) drastically reduce their height until they were literal manlets? looking at some skulls (mainly bell beakers) I noticed how the robustness of the skulls also eventually decreased to the point that they stopped being doli and became brachi. perhaps it was the advent and large-scale application of agriculture of Aryan cultures? marriage with several EEF women? Proto-Indo-Iranians like Syntashta had it at 1.69/1.70.... what caused this? It's interesting how incredibly low CWC is.
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>>17406106 (OP)
Steppe bvlls had too much sex with the 1.40 European women
Seething from what? Thinking the lower heights should be much shorter?
Correct. The Romans described the Celts and Gauls as very tall with large rippling robust bodies and milky skinned.
Height is a marker of female sexual selection.

We know that Aryans were pretty matriarchal because not only did they allow women to engage in direct warfare, but also because women were shared comunally by the men of the tribe, yet the children were reckoned to belong to whatever house the mother was originally from.
When women were given the vote the average height of Dutch men skyrocketed.

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>"After all, Governor, I did invent the Internet and all that."

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Historical phenomenon where two or more cultures become so deeply interconnected that changes in one instantaneously affect the other, regardless of geographical distance or conscious awareness of the connection. Unlike normal cultural diffusion, this operates instantaneously and bidirectionally. It is for this reason that many Americans care deeply about Palestine. What are some other historical examples of this phenomenon?
>>17410285 (OP)
The truth is, Israel is just alligator bait for the US. They're as much pawns and fools in this Americentric world as anybody else. America is smart enough to not wage war on its neighbours, that's why they get Israel to do it for them.

What is the double headed eagle holding in its beaks and claws?
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Remember that Saint Petersburg was built on Finnish indigenous land
Wow, that's pretty embarrassing for the Finns that they let themselves get conquered!
They weren't doing anything with it.
Much obliged.
Russian wiki explains it even better
>The name "Standart" was given in honor of Russia's conquest of access to the Baltic Sea . >Until May 1703, the double-headed eagle on the Tsar's standard was depicted with maps of three seas: the White , Caspian , and Azov .
>After the Russian troops captured the fortress of Nyenskans and thus opened access to the Baltic Sea, a fourth map of the Baltic Sea appeared on the standard. In honor of this event, the first frigate of the Baltic Fleet received its name "Standart".

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>King and queen of Spain, give me lots of money to search for the Fountain of Youth
How do people like this get taken even slightly seriously?
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>>17410002 (OP)
>builds a fucking rowboat with his own money
>fills it with some of the senpai
>they go harassing French corsairs
>next thing you know the King has put him in charge of the Treasure Fleet
>>17410002 (OP)
Plot twist, he found the fontain and anglos 400 years later used its waters to clean the toilets of the local McDonald's and the sewers of the regional burgerburg generical burg
>>17410002 (OP)
In the age before you could easily verify if something is bullshit, it’s not that crazy
>>17410002 (OP)
Don't listen to the pseuds redditors """historians""" here. People were in fact more retarded in the past. You ARE smarter than the vast majority of retards who were born during a time when people thought disease was caused by demons in your food.
Mexichango meltdown
>>17410002 (OP)
imagine if he'd been right though. Literally infinite ROI

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