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Do you think the concept of National Socialism (without the cartoonishly evil elements) will ever make a comeback?
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>No ideology that involves overt violence against broad groups of people will ever work in the real world.
BLM? Suddenly everyone around the world is worshipping black people and burning neighborhoods.
They aren't even treated as a terror organization by the mainstream media.
You’re trans btw
Post the link to the article davonkus
The only thing that separate normal Socialism with Fascism is racism. The moment a commie expresses racism of any kind, they are a fascist. Fascism of all stripes will never die due to such retards in Antifa and that retarded Anarcho faggot who lit himself on fire today
>The only thing that separate normal Socialism with Fascism is racism
Wrong. The USSR erased everyone's cultures to replace it with communism dictated by an educated white and Jewish elite centered in Moscow.
Pol Pot Killed every single Chinese person and Muslim living in Cambodia.
The first and second Congo wars are another example etc...
So Racism is almost guaranteed when it comes to socialism.
Also Fascism is nothing more than the Italian name for their socialism under Mussolini.
>The moment a commie expresses racism of any kind, they are a fascist.
Well then why has every major communist country deliberately destroyed all their minorities lol.
>Fascism of all stripes will never die due to such retards in Antifa and that retarded Anarcho faggot who lit himself on fire today
Why are you talking about Mussolini anon?

>be doesn’t believe in Trinity
The Trinity isn't in the bible. It was slapped on centuries later. It comes from Philo.
Greentext fail thread
Excuse me I identify as a grammar nazi, thank you very much
That's right. Elementary arithmetic blackpilled me on that 3 = 1 mantra.

From Treaty of Brest-Litovsk to this.
Eternal glory to the sheer iron will of the glorious Soviet Men and Women of the magnificent Red Army.
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>Why is /his/ so afraid to talk about this battle?
That's because the 2nd SS Panzer absolutely ripped apart the 5th Guards Tank Army, ffs! Acknowledging this defeat would derail, or at least tarnish, the thread theme.
The Germans held strategic, operational, and tactical superiority over the Soviets till late in the war. I know, man. Why can't you just let me have this gloating over the overall Soviet victory thread once in a while?
Once again we're not talking about the rest of the war, let alone the rest of the campaign, we were just talking about the one battle.
Why do /his/faggots constantly try and change the subject?
You're the real deal. I initially thought you're one of those HOI Kraut Endsieg fanboys, but I'll have to humbly acknowledge your basedness. You're sharp and well read. Have an excellent summer '24, bud."
>red army still got btfo at prokhorovka
No amount of trying to change the subject will take away from the fact that those Soviets you love lost at Prokhorovka.
Look up at the posts above. Yes, I did concede, and yes, the Germans won a well-deserved victory at Prokhorovka. Now stop rubbing it in my face and let me relish the overall Soviet victory in the east, Uranus, Bagration, etc.

I want to hurt you. Relative morality makes this moral if everyone in the room except you wants to hurt you because morality is a matter of consensus.
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If I don't want you to hurt me, you don't have 100% consensus.
I block your motion.
>blue haired
>born in 1929
What does consensus mean to you?
>comparing math to morality
false equivalence
That’s just not a response to their argument at all.

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When you are Christian you are free of sin and untarnished and clean. If you sin you are not in the faith. If you have sin on your soul you really don't get it. Being Christian is about being clean and pure and free from sin.
Jesus states that is fucking impossible. Roleplay more you absolute cock gobbling faggot.

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>at the highest levels of Calvinism, apologists say that not even God has libertarian free will and say he is pure act
>They think this is a high view of God
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How are you discerning between truth and lies?
According to my natural faculties, which are limited.

Truth is easy, you don't have to qualify or load it. Speaks for itself.
Lies are hard, complex devices bent toward's a certain end. You have to repeat them.

In my experience, most people telegraph their intent before they even get a chance to lie.
>we cannot reason our way to ultimate truth because we just can't okay
>truth and lies are indiscernible
Why are they like this?
nonsequitur, reason has a function that is convenient and able to discern many truths on a practical basis.
Also who is "they"?

How close are the native peoples of the Americas really to each other?
maybe they form a close cluster or not? Did/do they have a "large shared family" like some other people?
or are they just linked to a very general type of unity like the Caucasian peoples?
How close would a Mayan and a Tupi-Guarani be? probably the Indians in Canada are more Siberian than anything.
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theres some genetic drift in brazil + siberian admixture in the northern natives, but overall they are the same population / "race"

Distance to: Amerindian_North
0.21223168 Surui

Distance to: Han_Zhejiang
0.21475628 Mongolian
>indoeuropeanist losers
Paradox. The most successful people and their enjoyers can't be losers without loser losing its meaning.
I assume they must be pretty closely related since they were isolated for so long and have similar ancient ancestry. Look at navajos, they're Athabaskan so they come from a later migration, yet they look just like other Amerindian groups
Except freaks like you are anything but successful.

I'm so tired of life and I'm nearing 30. You age, you decay. You lose out on friends. Your parents leave you after their deaths. What remains? Family? If you have one, your wife will more than likely divorce you then take your kids away. Lastly if you had siblings they will have gone their separate ways after taking their inheritances upon the passing of your own parents. As if they never cared about you in the slightest. So what remains? Does this ever get better, /his/?
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>feel like people younger than you (there's a new class coming out every year) intend to replace you
Yes anon thats how these things work. However, they are young dumb n full of cum. You are middleish age and have more experience. This is when you drown in zoomette pussy and try to find someone to marry. Im 32, lifes great.
Pussy means nothing if it's transactional like that
It's exactly like fucking prostitutes
You might say it's always like that... Sure
I don't know if this will be helpful to you, but for me the meaning of life is the pursuit of happiness without taking the happiness from others and helping others to have happiness. Happiness would be the basic biological, psychological, social etc needs. (Also abstraction and contemplation of reality).
>If you don’t want your wife to divorce you stay good looking and don’t be a loser
The western world is a feminist controlled matriarchy for the 90% of men, marriage is literally submitting to the system.
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To love and honour God, as long as I live I have an opportunity to do this every day, and no one can take that away from me.

Why is Christianity better than paganism exactly?
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Beats being grounded in Jewish schizophrenia.
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>You need to realize some people have actual principles.
>NPCs have principles
In norse mythology, all humans have a common ancestor in the god Heimdallr, and many significant families are descended from other gods as well, such as the Volsung clan who are descended from Odin. So all humans are literally the children of the gods. And in Havamal, Odin affirms the basic value of all human life, and encourages kindness and charity among humans.
christsissies... I don't feel so good...
Doesn't have hippie female priests.

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A school lesson on Indo-Scythians.

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You just lost.
The Scythian art are basically made by greek
I will shill History Tea Time with Lindsay Holliday. She’s good for royalist slop if you’re into that thing.
stupid animal
I won
>I don't pay attention to female historical content
No, thanks.

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What happens?
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I'm sure it would be a beacon of wealth and prosperity.
Saarland would be handed over to millions of visajeets. Ost Preussen would form a union with Saarland to scam and suck dry the rest of the EU, while creating institutes of chaos and destruction for the rest of Europe
Pls no.
We are not slavs!
>We are not slavs!
You are le wholesome non anglo-germanic colonizers either way

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Why is the Trojan war so prevalent in popular culture? Ancient Greece and Troy at the time would seem to have been irrelevant compared to contemporaneous cultures such as that of the Hittite, Assyrian, Babylonian, and Egyptian empires.
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No, its a little known fact but in the Illiad and elsewhere it explicitly states Helen has been in Troy for 20 years.
And then we know her daughter was 9 when she was taken, and would be 29 at the fall of Troy.

So her daughter is twenty-nine years old. She's no longer going to be a smooth-faced spring chicken like picrel
Good timeline. Greeks did get married really young though, so it is plausible she's like early forties. A beautiful woman could still be okay by then, but alot of the war was about honor and sending a message anyways.

I'm pretty sure its only another 8 years when seen in the Odyssey (so she's like early 50's) and she actually isnt given the same "Stunning, dangerous beauty"
description she gets in the Illiad I think, so she could just canonically be "past-it" once she's clearly old
There's also the story of her being replaced with a cloud-copy of herself in Troy, and being taken to Egypt.

So another idea they might have had was the Greeks were fighting over the ageless figure of Helen in Troy while the real, human Helen was wrinkling and melting under the Egyptian sun

There's actually a book by CS Lewis where Helen is aged just 11 years.

It starts with Menelaus planning to rape her, but then is embarrassed with his wife no longer being the most beautiful woman in the world, but a faded, wrinkled and greying lady in her 30s. And then has to choose between the aged her or the young cloud-Helen. Its pretty cool, but unfinished
No, it's just the strongest conjecture.
The siege is actually believed to be a token force for most of the 10 years. They just gathered en masse at the first landing and at the final battle during the razing of Troy

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How did Romanian survive and not get replaced by some Slavic language?
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they were lying, as always.
Polish also started borrowing more and more phrases and grammar structures from Latin as time went on but it wasn't called a "re-latinization" because the language was never a Romance language in the first place. And the same thing happened here. Romanian is not a direct descendant of Latin, it's a direct descendant of the language(s) that ancient Dacians spoke, which were similar to ancient Latin, other Italic languages and ancient Greek. Romans conquered them for a while and it got more Latin influences during that time because it was already quite similar.
roman originating pseudo history on steroids
I’ve heard the theory that Latin and Celtic were more mutually intelligible in ancient days than they were now and that they diverged later on. Could this be true?

It's kind of hard to explain it at 3 AM but the gist of it is that as much as we know about continental celtic languages they had different phonetics, insular ones show different grammar including word order shift. We have 2 options. The insular celts had a grammatical shift after 200-300 AD but before the 600's, or that the celtic languages were sort of understandable between different celts despite differences in grammar before that period, only then a situation where italic and celtic languages would be sort of understandable for speakers of each(think Old English and Old Norse as an example) anywhere close to the historical times.

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how bad was vlad childhood so he turned the way he did?
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Apparently his brother liked it though
That's hot.

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>"In April 1974 the Muslim World League issued a fatwa stating that followers of the Ahmadiyyah movement are to be considered "non-Muslims"
>Shaykh Faraz Rabbani, respected Sunni sheik, writing about Shi'ites, 2012 : "(...) Someone who says 'There is no God but Allah, Mohammed is the Prophet of Allah' is a Muslim. Shia Muslims, who make this declaration of faith are therefore MUSLIM."
>Ahmadiyyas make the same declaration every time they pray
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ahmadis believe in prophets after Prophet Muhammad
>muhammad is the last prophet
>some paki
>ackshually I'm the last prophet
One is just as stupid as the other
>mohammad is the prophet of allah
Right. The last prophet. Amadiyyas deny that.
You could draw an analogy to Mormons, or John Alexander Dowie, who feuded with Ahmad himself. Most Muslims and Christians are of conservative sects that don't appreciate any modern minister comparing themselves to the ancient prophets and authorities.

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