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Skip to 23:58 for the part about Adam Green.

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>Nothing in comparison to what the ancient Pagans did
Like helping them rebuild their temple?
>What empire?
This Christian kingdom wiped out this Jewish one, because they were persecuting Christian slaves.
>I do, you don't.
You clearly don't.
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>Like helping them rebuild their temple?
Stop being dishonest, it was a temporary alliance with an enemy against a much bigger enemy, that was nothing in comparison to all the privileges christcucks gave the Jews. It is also an exception of Pagan behavior towards the Jews. No genocide against the Jews ever comes close to what the Romans did.
>This Christian kingdom wiped out this Jewish one, because they were persecuting Christian slaves.
A minor part of a bigger war against a minor and irrelevant kingdom.
>You clearly don't.
Yes, I do. You don't, you didn't even read the link you posted.
>The wars functioned as proxy wars waged by the former on behalf of the Roman Empire during the Roman-Persian Wars with the ultimate goal of establishing an anti-Sasanid bloc in Arabia Felix.
You cannot stop lying.
>it was a temporary alliance with an enemy against a much bigger enemy
Christians were not the enemy by that point and you know it, you're being dishonest. The Jews had already led three revolts by then, there was no reason to ally with them.
>A minor part of a bigger war against a minor and irrelevant kingdom.
>You cannot stop lying.
That's not a lie. A Christian kingdom proxy or not, destroyed a Jewish one. Keep coping, it's all you have.
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>Christians were not the enemy to the Pagan emperor by that point and you know it
>you're being dishonest.
No need for me to add to this idiocy and projection since it speaks by itself.
No need to add to this either, your lack of argument is telling.
>That's not a lie.
That's not what I called a lie, learn to read.
>A Christian kingdom proxy or not, destroyed a Jewish one.
And it was irrelevant to the history and Jewish-Christian relation. In fact it was the exception, you cherrypick data and nitpick on it.
>Keep coping, it's all you have.
Another lie, you christians really cannot tell the truth.
You're dishonest and unlike you I proved it.
>No need for me to add to this
Because you're completely wrong, yes.
>And it was irrelevant to the history and Jewish-Christian relation.
It was a direct result of their relationship, dopey. Keep coping and acting butthurt, it's funny. You don't have an ounce of humility.

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Exonerating Leo Frank should be the obvious course of action considering the facts of the case. So why hasn’t it happened despite the fact that there has been generations of time to do it?
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No, there was an injury to her vagina, but the hymen was intact. The killer didn’t stick his dick in, just attacked it or something. That’s another reason why it wasn’t Frank. If Leo Frank really was a pedo, he would’ve just fucked her and broke the hymen, but Jim Conely was a literal retard and probably doesn’t know how sex works, and wasn’t able to stick his dick in before she started to fight back. Kinda like something your retarded ass would do.
>That’s another reason why it wasn’t Frank. If Leo Frank really was a pedo, he would’ve just fucked her and broke the hymen
hmm, do any anti-leonites have evidence that would prove this was leo? Did he have a microdick?
Anyone have evidence that Leo frank contracted STDs and gave it to his wife.
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>Awww shieeeet, I dindu nuffin massa
>We believe you Mr. Conely
Said the white man, a bastion of truth and justice
>I’m White btw
More like a (((fellow white)))

When you try your best, but you don't succeed
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When you lose something you can't replace
When you love someone, but it goes to waste
Could it be worse?
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Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones
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And I will try to fix you


Anglican - Jesus Christ (33)

Orthodox - Michael Cerularius (1054)

Moravian - Jan Hus (1415)

Lutheran - Martin Luther (1517)

Calvinist - John Calvin (1530)

Roman Catholic - Pope Pius IV (1563)

Baptist - John Smyth (1609)

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Primitive Baptist - Jesus Christ and Pastor Jim Bob (33)
Digits confirmed
Digits not confirmed.
Anglicans claim their church was founded during the Augustinian mission
There are Methodist Anglicans though. Not all Methodists are outside of the Anglican Communion.
They are all outside of communion with God tho

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How did Romanian survive and not get replaced by some Slavic language?
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You are retarded. E1b1b is from EEF, J2 is from Greeks, and R1b is from Yamnaya.
they are literally South Slavic, J2, E1b and R1b are native and similarly found among, for example, Montenegrins.
Did you read the article? It's not like it was a slavic language before that.
They just wanted to make Hungarians and Pan-Slavists seethe.
Having tons of loanwords doesn't change the origin of the language. Like 60% of Japanese is Chinese words, but it doesn't make Japanese a fake language.

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What is the historical basis for this phenomenon?
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black nationalism is communist in origin, it's only natural that europoors who invented communism would climax to the thought of suffering blacks
Gypsies have good music, clownshows, and pretty women
Lmao. All the women are missing teeth and stink
Blacks are legitimately fun to be around even if they’re stupid and violent compared to other races on a macro level. On a personal level blacks are quite personable, and open to conversation with just about anyone, and make funny observations.
euros only have to worry about some nomad indians and muslims that should tell you enough
funny how cucked they are with american politics as if it applied to them

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Lets play a game. Every post may either create a nation of up to 25 provinces from unclaimed territory or add up to 25 provinces in unclaimed to an existing country. Starting us off with the Greater Danish-Pomeranian Empire
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The Koreans continue to eye Ireland but Kim would prefer to lose 100 pounds before seeing her in person for the first time. His physical therapists have him on a light military exercise routine, but he procrastinates and beats himself up for it, driving his weight up and up in turn. Bjorgvin spies in Philipian Apulia consider defecting and living more inclusive and LGBT-friendly lives there. The treachery of R-U152 has in fact brought peace and prosperity to Bjorgvin-Moravia, although not glory. Fighting age men in the dwindling empire feel lost and have taken to diagnosing themselves with the newest mental illnesses and deranging themselves with Asiatic intoxicants.

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With the success of the Stavanger contour, Iceland controls all of northern Europe's fish trade. Pious Catholics and Philipians need the fish we catch for the many fast days on their liturgical calendars. King Birkir has amassed a great fortune and has decided to build a massive state of the art naval fleet. Birkir and the nobles see an opportunity for another trade good to diversify the economy. Slaves. And the weak small Koreans are perfect slaves for the Aryan Scandinavians. Birkir leads the fleet to the east coast of England and begins to pillage and abduct as many Koreans as he can. The coast of England is absolutely devastated. History will remember like Lindisfarne, the raid on Hull. When the House of culture was set ablaze, all its valuables were stolen, and people enslaved. The Korean slaves have become a status symbol for Icelandic nobility. The women especially want castrated men so they can become what the women are calling femboys. The nobility has an insatiable demand for these Korean femboys and has only increased the frequency of raids.
Kim remains unaware of these raids, refusing to see his advisors and anyone else at all. In the process of trying to lose 100 pounds, he's gained nearly 80. He only dreams of Ireland, the ancestral homeland of his bright eyed people. Many thousands of years ago. Before there were Aryans to capture and castrate innocents for Icelandic noblewomen. Before Muhammad. Before Nebuchadnezzar. Before God Himself created the world in order to test His Koreans, there were Koreans in Ireland, drinking, dancing. Kim picks a four leaf clover from a flowerbed in his 200 acre palace garden and weeps.
I just did Team America.

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Why doesn't France have the same richness in mythology and folklore as many other historically significant cultures, like the English, Norse, Romans, etc?
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I think it's more that prior to that half of the century you had too many barriers to getting a work published like that. You'd have to go through the Church, and besides that transcription was expensive and made it rare. The printing press changed that, and it helped that they all came from countries where the church wasn't much of an influence (Cervantes for their decadence and obscurantism, Shakespeare for living with a king-pope instead of a pope-pope, and Montaigne for living in the Congo-tier shitshow that was the French Wars of Religion, and also anti-clericalism)
English + based on Anglo-Saxon mythology which is just Germanic mythology + hated the Normans since he thought they destroyed much of Anglo-Saxon culture + is clearly the spiritual antithesis of the revolutionary Fr*nch spirit
No doubt you're not wrong. Definitely for Cervantes and Shakespeare. It helped that Montaigne's family was fucking looooooaaaaaaded...and also that he got it approved by the Vatican basically. But I don't see any way that Montaigne's subject matter and style would have possibly stopped his work nor how anyone could have possibly guessed how influential it would actually become.
It's more that they suppressed it simply by not platforming it. It's incredibly useful, and influential, but it was totally unlike anything they'd seen before, because this was back when there was an understanding of the world as pagan and brutish and post-pagan and meek. If they had known what essays would do in retrospect I feel like they would have banned them outside of theology.
>mythology and folklore
The 18th century crap made up by the church, you mean? Really, why don't they.

Were the Portuguese and Spanish colonies as rich or richer than the English ones before independence, or were they already shitholes?
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Yeah that's why Latin America is still better than Haiti
Also I'm not Latin American
the fact spain willingly sold florida and lost control of Peru, Colombia and Mexico by that point should tell you how well ran it was
ferdinand the VII was a moron and even a mildly competent ruler could've stopped colonial spain from crumbling away and keep the spanish empire going
The USA became independent long before any Spanish colonies did, while also having been colonized much mater, what kind of argument is even this?
Much later*

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>neolithic farmers bring civilization to europe
>barbarians from the steppes destroy it
>greeks and romans create classical civilization
>barbarians destroy it
>italians revive classicism with the renaissance
>barbarians destroy it with enlightenment, modernism...
>mussolini invents fascism
>hitler ruins his idea with nazism

how do we stop this cycle?
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It literally stops where Jastorf starts.
Brownskin cope.
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Also, Celtic elites. They tested some of the richest Hallstatt burials ever found.
There's one Nordic outlier.

>We show that their ancestry is shared on a broad geographic scale from Iberia throughout Central-Eastern Europe, undergoing decline after the late Iron Age.

Distance to: Celtic:HEU002
0.03621379 French_Alsace
0.03644758 BelgianC
0.03650325 Swiss_German
0.03686211 French_Nord
0.03705504 French_Occitanie

Distance to: Celtic:HEU001

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I do not understand
In the PCA the Iron Age Hallstatt samples cluster mostly with modern day French and Iberians.

The paper is not out yet, but the data has been published.


>Here, we present genomic and isotope data from 31 individuals from this context. We identify three biologically related groups spanning multiple elite burials as far as 100 km apart, supported by transregional individual mobility inferred from isotope data. These include a close biological relationship between two of the richest burial mounds of the Hallstatt culture. Bayesian modelling points to an avuncular relationship between the two individuals, which may suggest a practice of matrilineal dynastic succession in early Celtic elites. We show that their ancestry is shared on a broad geographic scale from Iberia throughout Central-Eastern Europe, undergoing decline after the late Iron Age.

In retrospect, how good was his presidency?
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>Not our problem + Not our fault
Then why get involved in the first place?
Fewer gay wedding cakes
Oh my lord, still salty about that L. Bush derangement syndrome in 2024. Still Busb derangement syndrome looked tame compared to Trump derangement syndrome. Lmao ailing late republic decline period and you're worried about Al Gore.
He was the last president who wasn't such a blatant partisan hack and that gave him two landslide victories. I'm honestly surprised that the Democrats haven't simply embraced law and order to win big in elections again.
Democrats, in a sense, have embraced this again, by framing themselves as the "saner" of the two options, and its why they are about to win another election

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Im standing in front of a big ornate church. Its very big and very impressive and the protestant mind could literally not comprehend this. A large procession of Egyptian thralls lead by a priest of the mystery cult chanting holy chants in the forbidden language no-one speaks fills me with awe. A shiver rolls down my spine at the visual display of brilliance. This is just how I felt when the Justice League charged thanos and saved america.

“I need older more experienced men ooooh I just need them to oooh guide me oooh. OOh if only the big strong bearded man would handhold me he is just sooooo holy.” I say to myself. I know all the big wise bearded men, theyre my favourite part of being part of religion. Only once you are old and have a big beard and wearing a robe can you truly say you understand God, I often wonder which one is the best to follow to tell me what to believe, I keep a spreadsheet of their powerlevels at home ranking them by what level of heaven they currently inhabit based on their holyness score. Religion is fun in that you can measure old bearded mens holyness quota (HQ) so long as you stick within the canon of accepted old bearded men decided by The Church™, which decides these things. If you do fanfic outside the canon thats called heresy and thats bad and you go to hell instantly. A lot of the men who decide the canon are heretics or outright gay but when they come together and decide thats called The Church™ and is actually the holy spirit. I dont really know why they say what they say or where they get this wisdom from but thats why I have an authority to tell me so I dont have to think for myself.
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>Protestants protest
What else would they do?
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>All centered around assigning worth
to those who price thingd.
>assigning worth to the good judgment of those who price things.
>assigning worth to the king of those who price things.
>assigning worth to the ones who price things as those chosen by good judgment.
>All the messengers were pricing things, "coincidentally".
>Wow, no wonder the west is fucked now.

What's wrong with assigning value to things? Are you a Marxist? You do realize that no one watches the WNBA, and that's why it's players have little value.
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I'm sitting at the convention centre waiting for the service to start. I tithed extra for some front row seats this week so I can feel closer to God. Those catholic idolators will never understand our humble mode of worship. The cool youth pastor walks out in his ripped jeans and long sleeved shirt (he wears it to hide the *lowers voice slightly* tattoo he has from before he was reborn in Christ crucified). He's so cool and on fire for the Lord and stuff. I wonder which of his christian rock band's songs he's gonna kick things off with. I'm so excited. "Who's feeling the Holy Spirit move through them today?" the pastor asks. "I am!" I shout with the rest of the congregation in unison. I have such a personal relationship with the Lord. "Who's ready for some PRAISE?" the pastor asks, louder this time. "I AM!" we all shout as the drums start and the pastor starts playing power chords on his electric guitar. We all start to sing along.
>I'm gonna get down on my knees (oooh)
>let Jesus have his way with me (yeah yeah)
>gonna drink up all his love (mm mm baby)
>let the Holy Spirit fill me up
maybe they just really are gods chosen people?
Delete this

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Rank them in terms of greatness in European history?
You can define greatest however you want, just state the criteria
For example it may be overall merit possessed by the person, and you may measure that by a totality of talent across domains, or you may judge it by historical impact, or simply you think was the most righteous, or who lived the most amazing life etc.
For me it's
1. Caesar
2. Hitler
3. Napoleon
4. Alexander
I will justify just the top 2.
Where Caesar lived the most amazing life full of intense action and drama right to the very end. He was just as good a commander as anyone, a better writer than all of those. He was invincible in battle, and yet magnanimous in victory. Was a great leader and passed much needed reform.
Hitler was, as someone once said, a "synthesis of Spengler and Napoleon" noting that of all world conquerors the German leader had been the most “philosophical”. He was also mostly right. The reason one can't put him above Caesar is because he ultimately failed.
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Cope, he betrayed the revolution and caused the decline of france
1. Caesar
2. Alexander
3. Napoleon
4. Hitler
Hitler was a peasant, the other 3 were all nobles who were top military commanders. I like Hitler over other leaders during WW2, but he was pretty mediocre compared to past great men.
Hitler is a warlord, generals even cant do any fart without Hitler's agreement. I mean, there is a lot of times when general was against Hitler plans, but Hitler says to do things as he wants and generals did. And after fuckups during war some generals even tryed to kill him. So Hitler literally warlord, like a fucking LORD, everyone around him is just a puppets of him.
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>blocks your path
Hitler > Napoleon > Caesar >> Alexander

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Have nordc*cks already noticed that Muslim expansion (Allahu Akhbars Pbuh) to Europe is basically second coming of Rome? Med men will get the respect their deserve soon enough. Let's have a discussion about why Arabs(Allahu Akhbars Pbuh) historically are the second coming of the greatest Mediterranean civilization!

No Nord wewuzzing allowed! You mongoloids aren't even real Whites.
The Germanic Peoples are the greatest race to ever exist, simple as. MENAnimals can never compete.
Lmao. Don't you even know that EEF brought the White features? Just compare Sardinians to the pathetic nords, Sardinians are hairier, Whiter and taller than Asiatic northern Europeans.
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the same spam again?
After writing denialist nonsense about IE "false theory" "there was no IE migration event" etc., now you have these topics?

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If the cult of Jesus is actually Tammuz/Adonis, that would mean it is much older than it claims and does not even come from Judaism, but emerged in parallel from a wider Sumerian context. What are the implications of this?
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Ezekiel 8:13-16

Again, he said, “You will see them doing things that are even more detestable.”

Then he brought me to the entrance of the north gate of the house of Yahaweh, and I saw women sitting there, mourning the god Tammuz. He said to me, “Do you see this, son of man? You will see things that are even more detestable than this.”
go on . . .
>offshoot of Judaism
Christianity is as much egyptian as it is greek, or norse, or jewish because it rejects all false truths and draws into itself all truths to form the one truth of all things to do with God.

Christianity is explicitly anti Jewish because Jews deny anyone but themselves are children of God and they deny that the risen Truth, for which they are damned justly.
>both death and rebirth gods
>both shepherd gods
>both have a relationship with the Queen of Heaven
>shrines to Tammuz in the became are Christian shrines today

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