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this worked out really well
He had pretty good results with this desu. Not his fault the head cheese was more than a bit off.
whats a one thing that if it was different, germany will secure the suez canal?
Could have not allied with Italy, kept them as reinforcements on the continent. This likely would have improved Italian morale, they didn't have the stomach for foreign wars then and given them some more autonomy like Spain.

Germs could have not opened up multiple fronts and invaded eastern Europe. Many things, too many things.
too many things happened too fast I guess.80 years later,the situation seems clearer.
Italians as commandos instead of frontline troops. have them mafia style infiltrate Cairo.

Historically, what country had the cutest or most beautiful boys?
greece is a very homo-pilled country and history
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By cute you mean neotonous, right?

What's the best version of "Scholar Society" in history?

For example, the medieval scholastic monks or the ancient Chinese philosopher cliques
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Chinese Neo Confucian writers already knew and studied Mencius and had their new schools of thought, most particularly Zhu Xi who already established the foundation of what government ought to do. Koreans didn't have a Zhu Xi and was reintroduced to Mencius 200 years after Zhu Xi.

Because of that, how Do Jeon (the founding member) interpreted Mencius became different, particularly because the despotic hellhole ruled by tyrant barons and monks he was born in inspired an incredible unjust sense of the world.

TL:DR same origins but different interpretations and focus
RAND Corporation

the CIA (literally) and everything in northern virginia

pre-venture capitalism silicon valley, but only the white parts
The Brit has a Henry Cavill look to him while the Frank has that Gaston look to him
Life imitates Art
Those don’t strike me as very scholarly

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You might not like it, but this is what an ubermensch aryan fighter ace looks like.

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As some anon mentioned on one thread a while ago. He may have more content than a modern library but I can't be bothered to watch him with that unarticulated ESL accent.
Part of being a good History content creator is how well you can narrate the events in question to get the viewer more interested.
he's literally the only good /his/ youtuber other than History Matters
I've been a subscriber of his for 2 years and I still haven't watched a single video
He thought Romans were Germans/Nordics
He's great but his accent kills it for me.

Why didn't USSR make their own "Austrian People's Republic" or give their zone to Hungary?

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The British Empire brought education, technology, law and democracy to the four corners of the globe. It also brought prejudice, discrimination, cultural bigotry and racism.

Was it worth it?
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It's the natural order for a higher race to govern a lower race.
Darwin kool aid drinker
IQ obsessor (minds are not representable by numerals)
Eugenic dreamer
Proto Monster
extremely low self esteem
Minimal grasp of history
Reliance on large narrative structures without a critical evaluative capability
Obviously the British empire didn’t bring racism and discrimination to the countries it came to dominate, if anything it lessened those traits.

My answer however is no, the British empire was not worth it. The world would have been a better place if savages were left undisturbed in their ways and Britain could have remained white.
If not them, then someone else.
At least they all got their independance given in the end - and didn't have to fight for it.
>The world would have been a better place if savages were left undisturbed
You’re just prolonging the inevitable.

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>catholicism is a cult
atheists might need to re-examine their dictionary sources

It was a cult in some time and places, but not universally. Also, some religious orders like Opus Dei or Neocatechumenals are 100% cultish.
This is not related to the topic, but series, why can’t we have more Religious Maps like OP? We have Maps that make the Majority Religion in a country always make it look larger then they are. Some Countries have land that are empty and uninhabited. https://youtu.be/M81nyLGJGDk?si=N_7TgNx2TmhK0_Cy
catholicsm does not exist there to such an extent the percentage is in the negatives
The Pagan Nations.


Napoli Fascist Crew mobilization against “liberation day” in their city.

Liberation never, the fight is not over!

@ultrasnotreds2 telegram
the reason the nazis and the fascist had armed thugs,marches and the military larp was to protect party speakers and events,these guys are purposeless.
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Armed thugs against queer thugs
there are queer thugs in italy?

if they are just for fighting other gangs then they should drop the political label and just be a regular gang
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A North Pacific Treaty Organization composing of Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Hong-Kong, Macao in order to combat Soviet and Chinese communism?
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No need, after all, communists were so incompetent they collapsed on their own.
Hows it working in ukraine
Ukraine isn't in a military alliance, retardo.
There was a South East Asia Treaty Organization comprising of the US, Australia, the Philippines, UK, France, Thailand and the various anti-communist satellites in Indochina, Canada also considered joining but didn't. This was the primary vehicle for allied involvement in the Vietnam war, which ultimately was a failure. IIRC after the failure of the Vietnam war it was no longer seen as effective or useful in containing communism and was dissolved in the late 70s.

As for the Northern Pacific during the Korean war, there was no need, as the UN had already intervened on the side of South Korea, which most notably drew in Canada, who provided the third largest Expeditionary force (after the ROK and the US). No other state, apart from Canada, the ROK, or the US was both interested enough to join, as well as militarily relevant (Japan was demilitarized, and the ROC was still in the process of losing the Civil War).

Beyond Vietnam and Korea, it is unclear where a containment alliance in the style of NATO would be useful or effective, Taiwan is off the table due to complex western relations with the PRC, India and Indonesia are doing their own thing, and Japan, Korea, Australia and New Zealand already have individual mutual defense treaties with the US.
How did being in the CSTO go for Armenia?

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>I understand you don't do any interviews, so I wish to thank you for speaking to me. I only wanted to ask you a few questions regarding the war, and your experiences.

>Wolff: You are correct, we live in a time now where I don't speak to anyone but comrades regarding the time of the war. My words get twisted, hostile historians come as wolves in sheep's clothing, so I have learned to be very careful with whom I speak with, lest I am charged with crimes.

>You lived through the whole war, what was your experience?

>Wolff: I was a desk General for the first part of the war. I was tasked with the smooth running of the general SS and worked for Reichsführer-SS Himmler as a personal liaison to the Führer. I met and worked with many of the important leaders of the Reich, working to insure we would see victory.

>Germany is accused of starting the war, by invading Poland who was not a threat to Germany. Can you comment?

>Wolff: You must always ask the question “why”, why did we attack Poland, why were people killed, why were there camps, and why did we come up against such resistance. We attacked Poland because Poland put us in a position that we had to protect our people who were left in Poland after Versailles, they were being persecuted and Poland refused to take action. They were a weak-minded state that was being pressured by England to fight us; all we wanted was a land bridge to East Prussia, and freedom for our people living in Poland. >The Führer said he regarded Poland as a friendly state until England got involved, telling Poland to not work out anything with Germany as we cannot be trusted.

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>The problem is and has always been the Jew. The Jew has a predisposition to burrow into a people and then weaken them to the point of their destruction. I already see Jewish names being predominate again with bankers, head of large companies, lawyers, politicians, and so forth. With this trend they will acquire great wealth and power over the Western world. Morals and Christianity will be attacked; women will be the primary targets as they are the vessels of reproduction of their peoples. They will bring in the darker races in an effort to pollute Europe, all while holding weak politicians in the hands who will support such endeavors.

>If Europe can't arise to recognize this and fight it, then who knows. It will mean admitting the evil Germans were right all along, and Europe must stand together in a Pan European bulwark. We had no right to plunder the other races, and they will not let us forget that, if they are allowed to rise up. They will look upon all European peoples as their enemies; they will not distinguish between English and German for example. England and France have the most to lose, as the Jews and their natural greed made them many enemies abroad. If communism is not checked, it will use its power to also weaken Europe. Good signs are coming from the East Block, as I see cracks forming in the curtain and nationalism is starting to reveal itself again.
It's all coming to pass.
>we did nothing wrong even if we.did it was because we were victims, in fact we were the biggest victims in the world

Lmao sounds like Cyraxx's or any other lolcows delusional babbling about how big of a victim they are and trolls are responsible for everything ever
Oh yeah I see what you mean now. Can't say that I blame em though, they're a bunch of old men from a place that's been stamped off the face of the earth, makes sense for them to reach for weird shit as they try and find meaning in a world hostile to them and everything they previously found meaning in.
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Im an Affluent Aryan and i have to agree completely with this fine German gentleman.
yes, I can't believe they suddenly changed their plans for no external reason whatsoever

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“Da Jooz le killed Jeebus”

Um, no, actually, the Romans killed Jesus. According to the Bible, Matthew chapter 20, the Romans said, “May the Blood of Jesus be upon our people.”

Why dont you persecute Successors of Rome, aka the Italians, Britbongs, Germans, and the Fr*nch instead?
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incredibly american post.
have I ever heard of something called pearl harbor?
Why do kikes seeth about rome so much? This one has been spamming this template for weeks
>the Romans were the tool of the Jews
That's kinda based.
No, that isn't what he said. You are again lying.
>Who's gonna die for your sins
You, die yourself for your own sins.

Thread discussing Mystic Christianity. Based? Cringe? Why or why not /his/?
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>Still calling God a "bearded man in the sky"
Grow up mate
Does god the father have a penis
There's already a thread on /x/. There's no need for this useless thread.

No, unless he wanted to.
>Mystic: a person who tries to gain religious or spiritual knowledge through prayer and deep thought

Apart from humbleness and worship, is there any other way to seek God? What is the alternative to mysticism?

That is all He ever was.

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Religion doesn't seem to always orient around what happens after you die, so I'm skeptical that it's actually overly concerned with death. You don't need a God to believe that people's spirits might linger or whatever. God is more directly some kind of authority, and the regulated worship of God is a social activity. I think God is more connected to human sociality than to fears about death.
Surely it's this: >>16552341
You probably become REALLY forgetful....
Wonder if you'd forget that you were dying.
(God I hope so)
All those who worship Yahweh with humbleness of heart and persist in trying to please him know for a fact that he exist. When you call the actual real God, he does actually answer.

The main reason Cromwell still makes modern Bongs seethe is because he got away with everything. He killed the king, abolished the monarchy and House of Lords, undermined Parliament, made himself military dictator, fucked the Royalists, fucked the Irish, fucked the Scots, fucked the Welsh, never lost a battle, started some foreign conflicts that he all won, and then died of natural causes just short of 60, never suffering any recompense for his actions.

At least people who hate Napoleon can take pleasure in the fact he died defeated and in exile on a far-off island. At least people who hate Hitler can take pleasure in the fact he shot himself in the end while everything he built was crumbling around him. At least people who hate Osama can take pleasure in the fact he and his buddy Zawahiri both got murked in the end, and al-Qaeda's extinct. What can people who hate Cromwell take pleasure in? That nigga won, and even though there's still a king in Britain, Cromwell's legacy and ambition ultimately live on.
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The private donor was in fact the Liberal Prime Minister himself, the Earl of Rosebery. He was married to a Rothschild.
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Was his 425th birthday yesterday
Cromwell's view among Bongs has gone back and forth greatly since his death. Bongs only really seethed at him for about a hundred years. Since then he's oscillated between a Faustian hero (Thomas Carlyle), a proto-Fascist, or a function of the Marxist economic progress of history arriving earlier than elsewhere in Europe (Christopher Hill). In any case the average person on the street probably just vaguely associates him with lobster pot helmets and musket battles. There's no seethe against him outside of a small portion of the intelligentsia.
If someone wrote Cromwell in a fantasy book or whatever, so many people would say he's a Gary Stu.
happy berfday ollie

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