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Why did so many normies swallow this stupid myth? Most of the time, the supposed examples of “thousand yard stare” are just soldiers looking distracted or pensive.
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>These things have been debunked.

Classic midwit filter.

>reddit tier Twitter thread that does nothing to refute the fact that he was in psychological distress at the time of that picture
Anon I’m glad you’re trying to meet halfway but every part of his body is clenched including his facial muscles and his eyes aren’t smiling either.
If he was just in a normal relaxed state or even focused, or smiling but wasn’t blatantly clenched and tight this photo would never be spread around as a good example
Why do anglos literally look like devils?
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This thread was a good litmus test to determine just how far removed from human emotion that autistic people are. Its actually somewhat terrifying to me how much people on the spectrum just accept and resign to being complete sociopaths just as a way to cope with not being a "normalfag".
To be honest, it also explains a lot regarding the average poster on here in general

>literally sees all of the miracles
>betrays Jesus anyway for bout three fitty
Was he unironically developmentally disabled? Did he have his heart hardened? Was he possessed? It doesn't make sense even if it's just a story (ie:fuck off yhwhjaker and talking snake fag this is about character motivation not a forum for you to spam one line athishitisms). Is there some reasonable motivation he could have had other than destiny?
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You have seen the miracles of Jesus too and yet you betray Him every time you sin. Are you developmentally disabled, too?

Judas clearly didn't think his sin was that big of a deal considering the price and the fact he hung himself with regret when he realized the gravity of his sin. Do you think YOUR sin is not that big of a deal, too? It is. Fortunately, you have Christ to save you.

But my point is, do not think yourself much less retarded than Judas.
Are you implying you don't sin?
How do you explain Judas hanging himself?
No, I do too. I'm just talking to you, not myself.
In Jesus Christ Superstar he does it because he's afraid that Jesus's movement will grow out of control and lead to a violent rebellion against Rome, which would end with Judea getting rekt.

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i mean really.
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>The REDDIT Dead
>Whats so bad about temporary suffering when the reward is eternal bliss?
If God allows suffering its creatures' suffering, what is benevolence to you? And for Christians only believers can get the reward.
>Besides it's a matter of free will, for God to remove evil necessitates removal of man's freedom to choose.
God could remove the consequences of evil without removing the freedom to commit evil, and also that just explains moral evils, not natural evils.
>Can he visualize a square circle?
No such thing because it is a gibberish proposition. God cannot visualize propositions that refer to nothing. Or rather, He can appropriately intuit what it refers to, which is nothing. God could easily visualize a unicorn or a solution to the Riemann hypothesis.
If I teach you how to connect with a beneficial (for you) deity, Will you join us?
Just don't worship le dimerge.
Not OP, but that seems egotistical. What about everyone who will suffer without the help of this beneficial deity?

I've been lost for a long while in life and recently I started to think about returning back to Christianity from Atheism after reading up on the story of the crucifixion of Saint Peter, my namesake. It had me thinking about the sins that I've committed in my past that I want to repent for and how I wish to change the trajectory of my life before I stray off too far beyond salvation.
With respect to Saint Peter and to show submission to Jesus Christ, I want to wear a necklace of the Cross of Saint Peter. This out of respect towards Saint Peter for bringing me back to Christianity and to show my humility to Jesus Christ and God. My main concern about doing so would be how other Christians would view me, particularly in church, if I were to wear the symbol around my neck due to Satanists and occultists appropriating the symbol out of disrespect.
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also, that's a real shame that satanists have appropriated the symbol to the point where I'd never heard of the original meaning
Just explain it to them.
The only people I ever see wearing cross necklaces are hookers and thugs, so I don't think wearing it any specific way would mean anything else.
Almost all Catholics and Orthodox wear a crucifix regularly. Just because you regularly interact with hookers who wear it as a fashion statement does not make it hooker adjacent.
satanic imagery is kind of a parody of christian imagery, along with the occult, which has its roots in Catholic exorcists. Wouldn't surprise me if a lot of satanic imagery comes directly from Catholicism.

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“Da Jooz le killed Jeebus”

Um, no, actually, the Romans killed Jesus. The Jews didn’t do shit. Why don’t you persecute the successors of Rome, aka the Brits, Fr*nch, Germans, and the Italians instead?
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How many times is this Jew going to make this thread?
They all adopted some roman institutions so technically they succeeded parts of that civilization.
Greekoids had the legal claim but they degenerated.
Jesus was already dead when he was pierced by the soldier's spear.

>But when they came to Jesus, they saw that he was already dead, so they didn’t break his legs. One of the soldiers, however, pierced his side with a spear, and immediately blood and water flowed out. (John 19:33-34)
Nazis didn't kill Jews, guards did.
exactly, high time to revise history and absolve Hitler and the Nazis of any lingering guilt associated with the holocaust because it was the guards and whoever that did the ovening and gassing of the jews.

>spousal “rape”
what historical practises do you find to be nonsensical? which do you find worth bringing back?
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smart phones having internet access was truly the downfall of everything, imagine a world were phones were simply unable to make comments on the internet, it would be far more tolerable

I started noticing a muslim presence on the internet a couple years ago and boy do I hate these inbred fucks and their shitty retarded opinions. Jeets aren't much better but at least they don't have some weird delusion about being morally upright while actually being the most foul assholes. Jeets are unapologetically rapey. I guess it's the hypocrisy and feeling of superiority that really bothers me.
>on the internet
those are refugees fully grown up, if you're european enjoy because it's only going to get worse
people can hate the things that are good for them
normal people send kids to school for them to be properly socialized
normal people bathe so as a sign of respect for himself and others as well as for hygiene
>I rape my wife because it's good for her
Indians were a mistake.

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Islam destroyed and reduced to ashes, ignorance, superstition, illiteracy, poverty, and dysgenia, Every great civilization it infected: North African, Egyptian, Levantine, Mesopotamian, Persian, Northwest Indian (Indus), and SE Asian. All the arts, literature, thought, religions, institutions, laws, innovations, and tremendous cultural competition were destroyed and the world deprived of them.

And worse, Muslims have killed over 1B people in doing so. And ‘curing’ Islamic influence in a population (say, southeast Europe) appears impossible – forever imprisoning people in ‘backwardness’.

If one can practice East Asian Confucian and nationalism, Buddhism, Christianity, or Judaism, one is almost certain to evolve and prosper – albeit more slowly than european Aristotelianism. But Islam even destroyed the great civilization that was Persia. Persia might have survived if the Turks hadn’t imitated the Mongols just as the Muslims are currently imitating the Marxists.

There are many ways for a civilization to die. Islam is analogous to cancer. And thankfully Chinese and Indian civilizations have institutionalized the prohibition on Islam, and I suspect European and South American civilizations to move to prohibit Islam in this century.
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The difference being that Jews suffer from IDS(Islam Derangement Syndrome), and are obligated to kvetch anytime Islam is mentioned. None is denying Jewish accomplishment throughout history, but anytime a lick of Islamic thought is mentioned, the Jews starts tossing and turning in pain as his instinct for kvetching turns on.
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Muslims are so lacking in self-awareness they honestly believe only jews and hindus hate them.
You should always assume ANY non-muslim who's read your scriptures hates your guts.
Dirty dirty Jew, keeps kvetching like a Jew
You should be more respectful of Jews given they invented your God and religion.

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Considering apostasy is a crime in Islam and/or is extremely frowned up, how many "Muslims" worldwide are actually non-religious people larping?

Also, why do Muslims pretend apostates in Muslim countries don't exist?
Muslims fudge numbers to make themselves seem like a larger community than they are. Shia aren’t really Muslims unless they’re trying to claim they’re the 2nd largest religion in the world and growing, then suddenly Shia are Muslims.
I'm privately an atheist, but publically I do pretend to be Muslim. It's not so much that I'm afraid of being killed, but mostly because I don't want to shame my parents or disappoint my friends. I was born into this society and have to conform to it.

Anyway, it's easy to find the crypto-atheists in Muslim countries. Just look for high IQ people.

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who was the best british PM of all time.

pic not related
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How is this even a question? No woman will be left undefiled, no country will be allowed to work against Noble Britannia or her interests. All hail Lord Palmerstone, the man of the Temple.
How is this a question!? Pic related guaranteed England would not get a revolution like france had and set everything in motion for Napoleon to lose and slavery to be abolished
Pitt the Younger
Anthony Eden. Followed by Chamberlain, Truss, and Churchill

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this is a fact that seems really obvious to me, but I need sources to substantiate this claim
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just his persian pompadour
nigger stop trolling im being serious
you can braid straight hair

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The timeline has just shifted again
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Fuck, I wasn't ready
i always remembered new zealand being above a

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Why couldn't christcucks change name of days?
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>Thank you for proving my point. I accept your concession.
Lol, It proves you wrong dumbfuck.
Also, wtf is with every fucking autistic moron on 4chan/reddit now using the -
"I accept your concession."
as an argument ender when they have no argument?
>"The week" is based on the system of Planetary Hours. In short, every hour of the day (1/24th) is ruled by a God or Goddess. You'll notice however that 24/7=3.42, meaning that you can only fit 21 hours (and thus three cycles) in a day with 3 hours leftover. Those remaining three hours are in the day, and then the fourth one starts the next day. Thus, each day is named after the God or Goddess to rule the first hour. So, you go clockwise down pic related for the hour, and follow the heptagram for the day (which is the result of following the hours 3.42 times). This is why we measure time in weeks (the timing in Genesis was invented to justify doing this system, the Jews got it from the Babylonians).
Holy fucking shit so that's why we do it this way.
>this is why you need to read books
You aren't reading books, you're just making bullshit up.
There is zero archeological evidence for the Babylonians using the planetary hours system.
Stop fucking samefagging, I already told you the Wikipedia article that I read demonstrates that the Babylonians didn't know about the planets until the 2nd-century.
Lol, Indeed anon. You're so mentally ill that you think agreeing with yourself is a winning argument.

Nobody said the Babylonians didn't know about the planets anon. That's your second autistic meltdown strawman so far.
Why are you so stupid?
Why are you so upset?

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Seed science is bullshit. There's literally nothing to indicate that shattering is caused by humans rather than environmental pressures.
What the fuck are you talking about?

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Indian Ocean edition

Ships of the Philippines, 17th century drawing
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An interesting passage I stumbled across. "Carracks" (I assume the Flemish author here uses that term to designate large ocean going ships in general) from Aden (Yemen) still going to Malesya during Portuguese rule, and also Turkish "carracks" (Coming from which port?)

From the memoirs of the Flemish Jacques de Coutre
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Something like this probably, likely bigger.
Southeast Asian sheeps are nice in speed, and size but their lack of cannons made them pretty vulnerable to more maneuverable and more gun-heavy European ships
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Depiction of a ship from Angkor Thom (Cambodia), 11-12th century AD
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Evidence of Arab stern mounted rudder from the 10th century Suwar al-Kawakid (book of the fixed stars), maybe the first depiction of such rudder

Are any of these improvements or are they all a result of autism
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But they were shia at one point
So what? They neither identify as Muslims nor do Muslims consider them as such.
Does it matter when 90% of shia are twelvers?
I’m asking why did they end up as different religions
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Lotta kuffar on that pic OP

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