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What would happen if you trained every single day?
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You'd feel great
You end up looking like this
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I do that, only took a few days off when I was bery sick.
I progressed pretty fast!
I've been going everyday and now I can do.

80pound dumbell rows
115kg cable rows
60 pound hammer curls
42kg overhead tricep extensions
200kg leg press
70pound spider curls

and more.

Sadly my chest is bad even after all this time.

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I'm guessing you just mean weightlifting. You gain a lot really quickly then adapt to it not be able to gain and eventually slide back on a lot of stuff.
You get skinny, but get less gains
T.tried lifting 7 days a week, got ripped, but also saw zero strength gain

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lmao the ending was jurassic park tier
W for both desu. Rhino had no choice the calf was about to be turned into paste.
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Ramesh over there jelly af

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many celebrities are starting to naturally bald and shunning fin. cbum and juji both got transplants while NOT taking fin afterwards and risking their transplants and all the hair behind their fake hairline. there is a reason for this. if you take fin, you goofed and you are a mentally ill homosexual. min is ok though so it's not an androgen blocker. everything else is a no-go.
>cbum and juji both got transplants while NOT taking fin
they're 100% on RU or dut, since fin doesn't work when you're blasting the amounts of gear they do
for reference, fin decreases dht production by around 60 - 70%, their cycles probably increased their dht by around 500 - 600% lmao
Doesn't he have handlers? How does nobody in his entire life care enough to tell him to take the wig pill/hair transplant?

Also avgn stopped being funny once he changed his name. It's amazing how he became worse than irate gamer.
lol the math here
I was thinking the same thing; like, why doesn't someone tell him about fin/min? The pic he showed of him shaved down to nothing was HORRIFYING. Fortunately, he agreed with that assessment and said he'd never shave it again.
I rewatched the Christmas Carol episode recently, where he visits himself reviewing games in the future as an old man. "Old man James" had a terribly optimistic hairline lol

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ready to show my gains on the beach!
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Absolute slampig goddess
Why are Americans so fucking fat?
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Who is the biggest female bodybuilder?
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She has a nice smile.
She was perfect before got that stupid fucking face tattoo.
Kristen Nun
No way she's 20 in that pic.


What do you listen to at the gym /fit/?
AC/DC and I love every minute of it

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I cant do barbells exercises.
I dont know why.

I can grab 55 pound dumbells and do dumbell bench presses with relative ease, but i can't do anything with a barbell even if it's there's like 70 pounds total on it total, I can't do one rep.
I can also do 89kg on the chest press machine but I'm siting for that and I can use my legs and back to push.

Still I struggle with tiny weights on the barbell.

I even see girls at the gym do more.
Did I like tear something and that's making it harder? Why doesn't is affect me when I do dumbells?
Other exercises dont give me as much trouble.

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I promise NOT to wank off if you post your physique wearing cute briefs. I just want to see your upper legs and only briefs facilitate that.
So, lets see what you look like wearing only briefs-style underwear.

To repeat, this is NOT wankbait, I just want to see your muscles to evaluate what I should be working on in the gym.
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no the whole point is its you wearing briefs
Newfag doesnt know how to reply to posts lmao.
yeah i do
so much for the gay board

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Can we have a story thread? Something that makes you warm and fuzzy inside
I'll start:
>Have a gymbro, known him since like 1st or 2nd grade
>pretty smart and business savvy with high work ethic, became an entrepreneur after high school
>Super into lifting, so eventually puts up his own gym in a small city that has already ten of them, none of which are particularly good
>Help him to set it up, so get a free membership. For life.
>Ffw a few years, the gym is huge success with few branches in nearby locations. The other gyms in town either struggle or wither out. At this point only like 5 competitors remain.
>Only problem being the gym is infested with normies.
>I train at morning, and usually finish up around the time normies arrive.
>Not early enough not to see their retardness
>At some point a new gymslut appears. Don't much pay attention to others while training so I can't tell when she started coming
>I only noticed when I started hearing her giggling with guys trying to hit on her.
>She passes in front of me a few times, so I can tell she's a typical high-bodycount slut, with fillings in lips, cheeks and probably boobs.
>Gymbro tells me she's flirting with him every time he's at the reception desk

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>”Sir, this… PERSON… has taken unsolicited videos of you, and is trying to slander you with unfounded claims. Do you wish to press charges? If you do, I am willing to be your witness”
>Takes a few seconds to actually register in my brain
>Nearly pee myself in relief
>The smug face slowly melts into confusion and then into horror
>”Ma’am, you can CLEARLY see him checking that his plates are balanced and his grip location. What you are doing here is in so many ways illegal, that if this person will not press charges, we will. What you are trying to do, can ruin a man’s reputation for LIFE in a town like this and we will not have it”
>Think about pressing charges but decide against it, as I really don’t fucking care to go to court, as much as fun it would be. But I just don’t trust judicial system enough
>Gymbro has been shouting, gymslut has been stuttering and stammering, but I haven’t really been listening
>Gymslut is in verge of panic
>”I’ll... I’ll just delete the video, look”
>At least it won’t be on another edition of Gym creeps on TikTok
>”You do that, we have enough security cam footage of our own as evidence”
>Gymslut is an absolute wreck. Completely in tears
>At the end, gymbro decides against informing the cops, and just revokes her membership with a lifelong ban to all his gyms.

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Oh yeah. About a week later I told gymbro how I was scared shitless when he came to me, and he asked me why. I told him I was fully expecting to get my life ruined, if not outright getting raped in the closet by him.
"Oh shit, dude, I didn't even think about that. I was just so angry with that bitch and all her shit"
Turns out she had been slutting around the gym so that even the normie chads were starting to complain and quit due to her.
We never found out why he chose me as her target, tho. Don't really care, but it would be nice to know, all the same.
You’re ugly/short
6'2", hardly ugly, though gymbro would have been an awful wingman due to his looks. No homo.
Now post face and height, pygmy.
>We never found out why he chose me as her target, tho. Don't really care, but it would be nice to know, all the same.
Whatever you say dude, OK story. Not great, not terrible. Nice and culturally relevant with the metoo gym creep tiktok thing to farm that outrage algorithm. Will do real nice on whatever subreddort you have from and should head on back to now.

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I got a question. So tonight was doing sets of 405 squats next to an average looking but fit girl then I went up to 425. And did bit over 7 plates on the leg press for sets of 20. And a few toes to the bar ab exercises. She didnt seem to express any interest really that was noticeable but she and I were the only people there. I am at least in her looks league. I heard women go to the gym late at night or early morning to find muscular studs to bang.
Given all this do you think a woman would be impressed by an average looking natty guy squatting that much? Only heard one girl comment on it once but she was hotter and it was when I could only do 315 lbs squats. Whens the best times to workout that arent overly busy so I can mog people as well? Good looking or muscular roidheads cannot usually mog me.
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You don't need anyone to film you, just lean your phone to your waterbottle and film your sets.

I don't mean to be negative and I apologize if I offended you. A lot of people lack self-awareness, mirror doesn't tell shit as you're only seeing yourself from the front.
1. Sure probably has a boyfriend
2. Post body
I do not care I am over it. Gym is the only place I can be good at something and all you and everybody else want to do is take it away from me. And insult me over things I cannot change like looks. If you do not believe me about something this small and lets be real a 405 lbs squat for 6 is nothing big to begin with then all I gotta say is I do not need to believe anyone here and I can likewise take away their accomplishments from them just like you did to me.

I am leaving this thread just talk to yourselves on this shithole instead.
Sounds like you're a total schizo. No wonder women don't pay attention to you, now I'm being negative towards you btw ;)
You were being negative before to psyche me out so I would go back to 1 plate squats and say I cannot even lift that because I do not do them the way you say they should be done.
I squat low bar below parallel. If you think only high bar squats where the back of your calves touch your ass and your form is beyond perfect then no I could probably not do that for 405.
But next time if I can find a way to film without doxing myself here and show you the proof I will.
It wont be with 405 or 425 it will be with 450. Will also timestamp it somehow.
Prepare for it. Sunday late night or Monday early morning will be posted here.
Then what? Then what will you say?

Rise up, my low carb bros.
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Lunch for today (not pictured: the broth I got in a thermo).
Dinner is going to be Ribeye with a sauce beurre blanc bearnaise, and oven roasted radishes (turns out practically like potatoes).
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Forgot the fucking picture...
Looks like dogshit 60IQ meme cultist (((food)))
high carb and high fat is a recipe for getting fat, even if most or all of the fat is saturated animal fat
I just switched out the noodles to julienned squash. Boom, your ramen is now keto.
I don't get why people fall for the cheese, butter and bacon meme diets.

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If you drink regularly like every weekend, you're bound to look like this in your 50s right? I've noticed that people that regularly drink booze, not even specifically alcoholics all look like garbage
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It's funny how being anti alcohol is a cope but if you smoke weed or whatever that's an estrogen inducing, test reducing faggot drug
Doing a lot of any drug regularly is bad. Regular drinking is demonstrably bad for you
I've been smoking, drinking and doing amphetamines for the past 20 years and still look 30 although I'm nearing 40.
Post face
Sure.. Anyway, I've also been doing competitive sports and regular cardio for 30 years and have been eating clean exclusively for at least 15 years and get very little sun exposure. Maybe I would look even younger if the rest of my lifestyle was as healthy but ultimately drinking is not that big of a deal if you've got the rest dialed in.
Feed nana

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cardio unironically
Low carb + OMAD
Just eat protein until you feel like you’re going to pass out, and call it a day. It’s totally impossible to gain bodyfat when you can’t physically eat more then 3,000 calories

Pssshhh, get on my /fit/ 2010/summer 2011 level: the one that looks like the word "CLEaN"

But yea, ultimately i agree with >>74132309
This gut has some uncanny valley shit that makes me hate him so much

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Natty bros, how tempted are you to take test?
Are there any negatives to taking it in small doses?
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Just run 500 mg/wk with a Letro as an AI just in case or maybe even a low dose mast if you wanna get truly aesthetic. Get some clomid for the PCT (have an AI for this as well just in case) and you will probably be completely back to normal after three months. I never even felt particularly low T after coming off my first cycle, aside from the fact that I could sleep for like 12 hours which was just annoying. And I ran waaaaay more than just 500 Test. I still recommend running Nolva or taking HCG throughout the cycle for your leydig cells to function optimally. If you get mad sides from just 500 test then that's a sign from God that you should just pick up running instead and abandon all aspirations of bodybuilding or strength sports. If your main concern is the hoes it's enough to just be broad shouldered and lean, I take gear because I'm fucked in the head. But test and masteron are definitely the most potent antidepressants I've tried so there's that.
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I think about it a lot but I'm too new to lifting for it to matter and too dumb and lazy to worry about carefully monitoring my sides to determine if my e2 is off. I'd either fuck up and give myself gyno or panic, overdose my AI, and fucking rope myself. Maybe if I actually had some juicer gym bros who took me under their wings and basically walked me through it, but for now I'll just do my shitty RPE 11 squats and wonder why I'm making no gainz.
While that's good, strength and size growth are indistinguishable as with rpe 6, as long as you're above 75% of 1rm.
And you can run more sessions or week since you are not as fucked up.
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On the one hand I don't want to die in a sauna on the other hand yolo.
in any case there is nothing more retarded than trying to microdose juice. imagine fucking your hormones for no gains at all
Forgot to say, going with an equivalent number of reps, meaning you'll do more sets, but you'll be overall fresher.

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i've been skipping leg day and now all the girls calvemog me. help me with rapid calve growth.
train calves you dumb fucking cunt
i see

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