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Why has fitness culture been mixed with zoomer hustle culture?

You see it everywhere. They seem this idea of being masculine as working 100 hours a week as some bs internet entrepreneur and also making sure to lift weights like a power lifter/bodybuilder. What caused this?
it's been like this for ages. young men have a natural instinct to hustle and get ahead which is a good thing.
The question is why is hustle culture now intertwined with fitness culture. Not why does economic hustle culture exist. Anyway, this sort of hustle culture is not about working to help or improve society or community. It’s not someone hustling to help feed the poor in their communities or hustling to become a doctor to help the sick in society or even to hustle to become a navy pilot to protect the country. It’s hustling for purely selfish reason to make money through usually ways that are basically scams like investing in crypto or selling bs self help tips. None of these things are helpful for society. It’s just people looking for legal ways to make money but all these hustle culture followers are doing nothing to improve society through their work.
It makes sense if you look at the world from a purely Machiavellian and materialistic point of view. The whole world wants to fuck you over, so why not be the guy robbing others.

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continuing from old thread

yes I really do burn 4000-4500 kcal daily.

tastes good and I hate wasting food so if I buy it I will eat it -> gets me to cook I don't order uber eats

still waiting on good calorie sparse snacks I can stuff my face with

maximum volume - minimum calories - doesn't taste like shit


I have a body like that but my feet are nicer

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Daily reminder to drink more water BUDDEH
I will. I did! Thank you for posting, I love you
I'm already 70% water.
Do I have to?
I forgot I need to drink water. thanks for the reminder. I really appreciate it.

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Natty bros, how tempted are you to take test?
Are there any negatives to taking it in small doses?
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Wouldnt make a difference my joints and tendons need to catch up.
Never been this little tempted. I used to be like 8 years ago but now it has turned completely around. Im not just not tempted, I fucking hate roids with passion. Its literally a net negative in every measurable way.
How so?
I'm gonna run a cycle just so I can get to the natty limit faster and then I can just maintain from there
This is the way

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white guy in canada. 10 years ago my gym was 80% white, 10% black and 10% asian. now it is 1% white (me), 10% black (too poor to go elsewhere) and 89% indian.
the scariest thing is that these guys despite being 5'3" and doing half reps with poor form, are fucking huge. there's a gigajeet who is 5'6 and wider than my father who is 6'4.
and before you wonder, yes the smell of my gym has noticeably deterioriated since the change.
Are Indians the future of lifting? does Ashwaganda and Cow Urine help you get gains? I can't fathom their power.
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Nice fucking try rhaj. I'm in a Canadian gym right now during peak hours and you fucks look like shit
The funny thing about indian guys is that they have the reputation of being weak, unmasculine, and ugly. But it's all because of their diet. Their indian diet has like fucking ZERO protein because they decided to worship the only source of protein in the whole fucking region, so they're all underweight skeleton people who have fucked horomones. Same with the women too. Indian people actually look good when they're westernized because we prioritize protein in our meals, and our food isn't full of weird spices that don't leak through your pores and make you smell
Same as my gym some are jacked most arent. Smells like curry and BO here.
>t. Newfoundlander
How long did it take him to get that? Looks like the average white lifter after 6 months.
Why do indians cope like this?
>s-saar it's the diet fault we shitting in streets

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you did eat at least 10,000 calories today, right /fit/? you're not victim weight, right?
I drank 10000 calories worth of wine I'm going to fucking die
Nah kidding ut was more like 2000. Still gonna fucning die
Is 185 lbs victim weight?
if you're black yes. if you're white no

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Is this the real natty limit?
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Would make a good soijak
someone like Eric Helms would be a good example
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natty mike is the limit only dyel pajeets think he's on roids anyway they can't stand to see a white brother shine that brightly

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What's your excuse for not being vegan in 2024? It's so easy.
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>they give us more or less confidence that a hypothesis is true.
Not when they don't conduct them properly, which is basically EVERY fucking Vegan study, since their brains are so deformed from eating worthless proteins. Who the fuck uses a "statement" to show that vegan is a more healthy diet. More bullshit cope that only proves one thing. Vegans are fucking irrational, illogical idiots and NO ONE should be taking advice from them because they are a deadly combination of dishonest, misleading, and flat out retarded, all packaged with a strong dose of narcissism and borderline
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I was vegan from 2002-2015, it was gay as fuck, so I'll never do it again.
Imagine having to supplement your diet to prevent deficiencies that occur because you can't get specific nutrients from whole foods like DHA, B12 and D on a vegan diet. Literal gayness.
U mad bro?
I sucked dick from 2002-2015. It was gay as fuck. Imagine eating cum. After doing it for 13 years, I'm never going back to being gay again.

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How much can fictional characters bench? I'll start
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this guy is built like a tren twin. an easy 4pl8 for reps
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At least 500
Jason blaha?
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She benches all the feels.
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definite powerlifter physique so prefers DLs but can still max out a bench press ez
definite cardiobunny, has never even touched a weight

figured out how to do the kettlebell clean and press. never really did clean and pressing before with anything. didnt realize how many muscles this works
Kettle bells are GOAT. I have a buddy who strictly does KB and dude lost insane weight and got ripped and strong. Almoat has me convinced.
im not planning on only using kettlebells. i dont think that would be a good idea. i'm angling personally towards calisthenics, kettlebells, barbells, machines. maybe heavily favoring one or the other at any particular moment.
its for me kettlebells are a good combo between cardio and weight training. once a week on back day do some swings, clean and press then you know barbell rows maybe idk
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Ok whatever man. Just telling ya they're phenomenal.
i know theyre good. its not like im not using them anon

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God gave the Indians Tobacco and then they gave it to the white man. An indirect gift from god.
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>revels in a native people being genocided and forced off their land
Americans really were the Jews all along
Its North America.
yea but I'm talking about the only America that matters which is the United States of America.
That would just be Native Americans, since that refers to the natives that lived in what is now the US. You said American Native Americans, which made it more ambiguous.
>don't inhale it
>smoke willow bark like they did or take baby aspirin

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Is this achievable natty?
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i have dick skin lean competitive roiders in my gym and even they don't walk around veiny like an erect penis
>13 is coming of age
fuck off groomer tranny pedo faggot
What's with all the gaslighting ITT? He said he has a pump and clearly does. Lean roiders don't walk aroud with ridicoulous veins? A natty pump doesn't get you moderate veins like that? A natty non-pump even doesn't give you veins? What the actual fuck is this fat shit
I had my coming of age ceremony at 13 and so did almost every other guy I knew. I don't understand how that makes me a pedophile, I certainly don't advocate for any type of homosexuality/pedophilia.

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RAD-140 and MK2866. Should I add GW501516 to my cycle? I got kinda fat.
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You look like a massive faggot, and the fact you posted your pic proves it. You pathetic attentionwhore. Nobody thinks your tattoos are cool, everybody thinks your beard is dumb and filthy, and its clear you're fat.
Gw501516 is black magic that will permanently increase your ability to cardio if you do enough cardio on it
Go for it. RAD and Cardarine are phenomenal for losing BF%.
Wow thanks for the valuable and original post

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A: Back squat (250 lbs), 1xF | Bench press (215 lbs.), 1xF | Neck Rotations
B: Deadlift (405 lbs.), 1xF | Pull ups (45 lbs.), 1xF | Towel Deadhangs (45 lbs.)
C: Sprints, 1xF | Ring Dips (45 lbs.), 1xF | Ring Muscle ups (45 lbs.), 1xF
Judo: 2 hours of Judo
Fun day: Sandbag exercises, parkour racing, gymnastic ring training, bouldering (Any one of those)

Monday: A, Judo
Tuesday: C
Wednesday: B, Judo
Thursday: A
Friday: C, Judo
Saturday: B, Judo
Sunday: FUN DAY

I don't know my PRs, I don't do warm up sets. I just go straight to the weight I'm using. I just stick with whatever weight I want to work with for a few dozen sessions or until it just gets easier then I'll go up by like 20 or 30 lbs.

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I think it's great. You're already quite strong and lean.
The most important thing is that your program is fun and allows you to recover.
The routine seems pretty tough since you're training judo 4x week, even though the weight training volume is low.

Keep doing what you´re doing, it's obviously working. My only concern is recovery since you train every day. I would also definitely warm up, especially for the squats and deads. Squats are still light but I wouldn't jump straight to 405 on deadlifts cold.


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>you DO fuel up properly before gym, right grandson? if my old ticker can take it, surely yours can. time to get fucked up
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noticed like 50% of fridges in convenience stores nowadays are energy drinks and that kind of shit

also you see protein shakes everywhere now

it's actually way easier buying this kind of stuff in america than almost anywhere else. I cant think of anywhere its easier actually and I've traveled a lot. pretty based.

funny how theres so much healthy food easy to get in america and people still eat garbage. its unironically easier to avoid sugar and other garbage food in america than a place like denmark.
swedish supplements is one of the biggest brands here and the meme jars posted here are sold in gyms
Childish response
I've quit caffeine for my health. I don't smoke, drink alcohol, or take drugs otherwise, either. I'm sticking to eating meat, eggs, seafood, and I allow myself a small amount of dairy.

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