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Just had some me DNP delivered (50x200mg) a few days ago. I needed to drop about 15lbs in 30ish days.

Can anyone recommend supplement(s) for the lethargy? I’ve started taking it at night too mitigate lethargy but this causes more night sweats. I have some modafinil but that interferes with my sleep (which I is especially annoying with the dnp night sweats)
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>bro I'm taking this supplement that literally cooks my insides before I go to bed, how do I stop nightsweats?
drugs are the worst thing about fitness
Your body can make way more ATP without getting tired, that's usually not the issue. The human body is made to easily withstand burning 4000+ kcal a day through labor without getting unreasonably tired. DNP is essentially nothing but constant low-intensity exercise when it comes to metabolism. This alone shouldn't give you extreme fatigue. What does is the severe lack of electrolytes it causes.
>might also be slightly carcinogenic
uh oh, fitness
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no seriously, where the HECK do I buy DNP in Europe?
do you think he ever stops and realises how insane it is that he's wearing a dress in public

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Fast and Furious wins the race!
Why aren't you pulsing right now, /fit/?
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Prisoners do get big, and they definitely do pushups like that. Part of that is just working out and sleeping a lot because there's fuckall to do in jail, plus gear gets smuggled in semi regularly.

He's effectively doing a 'lengthened partial', not full ROM, but stretch-mediated hypertrophy is starting to become more accepted/understood. Plus time under tension is excellent compared to slow standard pushups with lockout at the top. You don't always have to do a full ROM for best results, but you should always think about it. Partial ROM at the top of a pushup or situp would be dogshit.
>He's effectively doing a 'lengthened partial', not full ROM, but stretch-mediated hypertrophy is starting to become more accepted/understood. Plus time under tension is excellent compared to slow standard pushups with lockout at the top. You don't always have to do a full ROM for best results, but you should always think about it. Partial ROM at the top of a pushup or situp would be dogshit.
I tried isometric push ups before (in halfway position) and it is actually pretty hard. so yeah, time under tension is much more important than ROM.
im in "jail" now or just got out and still doing time in part time house with curfew? ama
do you prefer Newton or Leibniz notation?
I do partial reps on other things as I'm not a calisthenicsfag.
You do realize you can do pulse reps in other ways, right?

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uh oh, looks like Karen was not able to hold onto the leash.

Princess now has you in his sight, it's good that you were working out, right?
pitbull may be stronger than me but samuel colt made us equal
>i shoot it between the eyes
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>counters the shitbull and kills him

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post your routine and get (constructive) feedback on it
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Post program, nigger
Not true for everyone depending on their program.
When I trained for strongman, my arms weren't lean, but they were 20" and would have been 18" leaned out. Here's what I did for arms
>close grip bench
>shoulder width grip OHP
>2-3 sets of heavy hammer curls every 2 weeks or so
Literally, arms were large and kept large for 3 years of near-zero direct training for them because of all the heavy pressing and rowing I was doing happened to stimulate enough.
Do most people need arm work? Sure, because they are doing general retard training and won't get indirect stimuli. But, if you're training heavy for strength, the need for direct arm work can be less.
Good shit, but are you really actually doing all those sets? At challenging weights? Or is it just a menu you choose a few from?
How long do you workouts take?
used to do 3x full body a week
then did pplpp
then 5x a week full body
now i train twice a week and make the most gains ever
it's twice a week, twice a day
Monday chest back tris bizeps
thursday shoulders + lower
Yep, every set gets the work done with challenging weights. Been training heavy for 29 years and competed in multiple strength sports (PL, strongman, and even one OL comp), so I'm not a noobtard who thinks he's peaking max intensity because he's starting to sweat. I may be an old man of 50, but I still give every set 100% and am known to need to sit and let the dizziness settle after squats and deads.
Workouts are normally about 90 minutes, sometimes about 10-15 minutes longer on lower body days as I increase rest periods a bit, but on upper body, I hit a ton of shit back to back which keeps it moving. Hit a chest set, get a set in for neck with no rest, move to an upper back set, rest 90-120 seconds, repeat.

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How do I guarantee severe DOMS that lasts 3-5 days every time? I'm talking about 7-8 out of 10 on the pain scale.

I've got some shitty light DOMS right now but I want MORE.
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More volume.
No, don't lift heavier, don't fall for the egolifting meme.
Do more volume.
Don't fall for the dyels spouting junk volume nonsense, anyone who uses this term has a tiny body.
Like you said, repeated bout effect.
Given that you match your calorie needs, (a lot of people fuck that up) you can up the volume. HIT work well for people that don’t eat enough because training 1 or 2 hour every 7 days doesn’t burn much. Even if you go to failure and shit. You’d add better gains by eating more and adding volume.

and for the DOMS part specifically, periodize, switch exercises, change tempo, rep ranges and even set number
Light dom = good.
Heavy dom = bad.

don't be a fucking retard

Been reading this. An interesting finding is that alternating high rep/low rep can get around the RBE. However, exercise variation (within the same muscle group) had no meaningful difference. So if you wanna get around RBE and induce DOMS, the way to go is Week 1 High Weight Low Rep, Week 2 Lower Weight High Reps and so on, whilst keeping the same exercises consistently. I mean really what's the difference between a tricep extension, a skullcrusher and a kickback if at the end of it the tricep is quivering, aching and exhausted?
Your study is very limited by only comparing the outcome using preacher curls and inclined curls for 2 reasons :
1-it’s basically the same single joint exercise (the elbow) the main difference is the strech.
using chin ups that also work the biceps over the shoulder joint would’ve been a better pick.
2-it’s a known fact that different grip work the muscles differently, activating different heads of the muscle.
in your study, the grip is the same.
If we keep your triceps example, let’s say you’re used to triceps pushdowns, now switch to a supinated grip.
News sensations and DOMS garanteed

Is there any /fit/ reason not to donate blood? Every study I've seen only shows benefits but my mind is open.
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Two O negs in one thread. Statistical anomaly or liars? Not for me to decide.

O neg niggers are too full of themselves. O+ is the most common blood type in America and you can donate to almost 90% of the country. Positive is substantially more common than negative.
Or we are more inclined to know our blood type
My mother had mine and my brother's blood type tested for when we were born
I would like to donate since I take steroids but there is no blood bank within an 8 hour drive from me
>thousands of years of blood-letting across all cultures
>actually blood-letting was bad for you
>but donating blood is good for you
Nice job ignoring his point.
But it still stands. They insist on you donating your blood for free (while taking time of your day), but will turn around and charge you $2,000 for it if you get hurt and need some the very next day.

Big roided jacked guy that doesn't care about competing
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i dont understand, whats special about him? whats special about any of these creatures? dont you lift for youself? why do you follow this? Then I see on youtube fitness channels trying to leech on this guy fame, analyzing his workouts and mentioning his name, its all so fucking pathetic, I dont get what kind of retards they do this for, who is so engaged with some other dude doing lat pulldowns and shit
He makes millions looking like that, while doing nothing but talking, eating, editing, and lifting. It's about the money and miles. It will fuel him to live way past 30, that and the cardio.
>It will fuel him to live way past 30, that and the cardio.
He will have a really nice, all expenses paid funeral.
Watch his Spring Cut Day 18 - Legs that just came out. It's a friggen masterpiece.
He has clout. They all just want to leech off his name for uchub views

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>better than lifting (unless you are a gymcel)
>cheap (unless you are poor)
>fast (unless you are a wageslave)
What's stopping you from taking the surgery pill, anon?
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this just made me realize something
so I always had an aquiline nose, right
a roman nose
but it's more "aquiline" from one side
I fell down on some fucking jagged shitty unfinished concrete with sharp rocks and shit on it when I was a kid, face down, and fucking got dragged through that shit, completely fucked up my nose
I think I might've broken or disfigured it back then, bros
it regenerated well, though, no scars or anything, because I was maybe 6-9
pretty, cherubic
I'd do the thing that you do to babies cheeks, you know, when you grab their cheeks
Don't install discord, use it in your browser! It's a website!

Hahaha I have too much memories of random women with terrifying long nails reaching down and pinching my cheeks. I thought they were going to eat me. Even at 50kg they remain fat
bitch looks fucked up
Didna roider fuck your wife or somenthing?>>74084916

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>his job isn't labor intensive enough he has to go to the gym to make up for it
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I dont really have any insight that you probably dont already know. A good PM in one trade can usually move to another if your discipline is good. Most PMs I know who fucked up did so because they got lazy, didnt understand the estimator, etc.

For commercial concrete, the successful contractors sell on schedule not on price. Meaning the ability to knock 3 weeks of the schedule is WAY more important to the owners than being the cheapest.

Superintendents have by far the most impact on a successful project for a PM so make sure you communicate well with him. If hes incompetent you NEED to get ownership involved early. Cant tell you how many jobs ended poorly for the contractor when a bad superintendent got let go very late in the project.

Lastly, as the PM the full lifecycle cost of the project is the most important thing, and you and the ownership are the only ones who care. If the super makes all his pours, but 4 months later there are cracks because the concrete was bad and nobody checked at the time, guess who gets blamed.

I have a lot of experience but its all abstract related.
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In residential It's almost always price first and scheduling second for most people. In commercial I'm definitely seeing fewer complaints about price and more about when can things get started. I appreciate your input fren! Here's a picture of my goofy cat for payment.
>Sitting all day is not good for you

all bad effects of a sedentary job are easily negated by simply doing basic exercise and some stretching, literally just don't be a fucking couch potato dyel slob
Can you hire me?
Sitting down for hours in end is very bad fit your cardiovascular system

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I called out of work again today.
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Just get a degree from WGU. It costs like six grand and you can finish it in a couple years if you're not retarded
I want to start a micro greens business. Is that a good idea?
No one cares didn't read also seattle is for gays you're gay LOL

kill yourself
sorry but low IQ wagies like you need to work to serve me coffee!

chop chop wagie!
>Is that a good idea?
only if you do custom orders for high end food businesses eg cafes and restaraunts

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get a tan
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you first, flexy guy.
Is that his significant other

I didn't realize it was this bad
>cute azn wife
Lmao get some standards man. Jesus
Being a shitskin is far worse lmao
calisthenics athletes look like THIS?

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474 days of nofap. Thoughts?
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>major acne
>severe hair loss
>wiry hairs
Major inflammatory symptoms
Bro why you look frostbitten?
Looking slick bruv
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this nigga slap your gf ass wyd?
I kneel, simply.

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Are you strong enough to pick people up and slam them?
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In this situation all you have to do is raise your arms. Your armpit is a natural hook with arms down. Raise your arms and your opponent has nothing to cling to.
Cranston got 10 years just for manslaughter he was found not guilty for murder. If he was anywhere other than Oregon (and similar liberal states) he’d have had 0 years. And yeah anon, you got it right this negro did physically assault his gf doing what you said, he wasn’t just giving compliments. This was self defense defense of loved ones, Washington no longer exists and Cranston will probably harden up and still have time to enjoy his life, may even get out early. Purely because it’s a liberal state. Idk why anyone would want to live in a place like Oregon.
Now that anon, but yeah there are nice places. There’s even Midwest places with almost all white people some are actually affordable. Places like Oregon and Washington have some of the best nature in this country but I won’t even travel there considering the above.
>have black GF
>mentions she’s oppressed
>not a one off thing, lose attraction each time she talks about that shit, she is hot though
>any time we have an issue she pulls race card to avoid accountability and blame me
>she does it again
>tell her no one has mentioned race but her, say that she’s a fucking loser for that and any black person who does that is a soft subhuman retard who is incapable of taking accountability or doing anything substantial in life
>tries to double down on it cut her off laugh in her face and dump her on the spot leave immediately laughing still
Lol just happened a few hours ago I literally feel invigorated and relieved. Black women are only good for one thing.
the historic average beginning age for soldier was 15, meaning plenty younger and plenty older. he chose to live by the sword, he will die by it.
Kek based.

Plant has dangerous levels of heavy metals like Arsenic and Cadmium. Much, much less bioavailable protein, also tastes like eating dirt.
what's there to discuss? incorrect from the first line, don't even need to bother reading the rest.

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>enter gym
>none of my gym crushes are there
>physically feel my testosterone levels plummet
>scroll phone for 45 minutes

women have complete control of my life.
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>Failed my bench PR
>I think my gym crush saw
unironically the last squat pr I hit was when a 9/10 blonde was squatting in the cage next to me. I never saw her again nor have I pr'd again. That was 6 months ago
The thought of never knowing irritated me more than rejection. It was the first time I had ever asked a girl out in my then 27-28 years of life.
Unfortunately I find most women unappealing so I have no other options now.
Why would you think that?
>not able to instantly form a new crush on the next most attractive woman in the building
your test is already too low to begin with

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