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Post inspiring before and after images of beautiful people saving themselves from the deep fried depths of obesity.
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This IS loose skin but there’s still a lot of fat attached still. She isn’t done.
How tf does he have so much loose skin at the end? He must have been much bigger than the first picture would suggest
>narrow hips
Giga over
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Dunno, I assume that’s where the loose skin started but not where the weightloss started
Damn imagine being less than 40 lbs overweight only to get a fucking sack when you cut.

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blackpill general.

discuss ITT

>your stagnant 1pl8 bench PR after 5 years of roiding
>your permanent injuries
>your subhuman genetics
>being too poor for LL surgery
>25 years+ virginity
>why gymcelling is cope
>your recent copes
>dating and social struggle
19 replies and 6 images omitted. Click here to view.
Yer balding
Answer the question
You're white and tall. You shouldn't be an incel

Nigga just Fuck an Asian or Indian girl. You can do that (like a 4-5/10 one) they won’t care about the body based on height alone. Fuck you

How to become galo?

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You literally don’t need any more than this.
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Nigga, just eat the food lmao.
There’s plenty of carbs, you literally don’t need more.
>just eat the raw ingredients like a dog
No thank you, I am a human being. There is dignity in everything I do. I take pride in living. Do you?
that's too much.

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Let me guess, you need more?
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I love minimalist workouts, bros. My favorite is 1-2 compounds for 6x6 per workout and 1-2 isolation exercise 3x10 or 4x8. Currently running
>bench 6x6
>trap bar pendlay rows 6x6
>incline curls 4x8
>lowbar squat 6x6 (or highbar/front squat and RDL as the 3 days per week option, without the 4th workout)
>calf raises 4 sets
>cable woodchops 4 sets
>OHP 6x6
>weighted pull ups 6x6
>weighted dips 4x8
>trap bar deadlift 6x6

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chin/pull ups are largely a matter of preference. pull ups still hit the biceps pretty well compared to something like rows, while providing a more natural movement and being a better back builder than chinups. trap bar is the best deadlift variation for balanced lower body development and is biomechanically superior to conventional deads at that (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21659894/), with only one lower body exercise, it's the one to choose, you brown mongoloid.
if i flop around like a fish until exhaustion, will that workout my entire body?
It would be extremely painful.
I might try the trapbar thing, thanks for the suggestion.

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How are you doing with your fitness goals this year? Are you satisfied?
Weight loss is 10lbs behind and arm size isn't as big as I want, but I still look better than I did in December
she ALMOST showed her feet
Help me gain 10 lbs of fat in 5 days
How i do it
Drink olive oil
You'll need to eat in a 7000kcal surplus every day. Aim to clear 10,000kcal per day and you should be able to get it done

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I’ve lost 45lbs in 90 days after I stopped drinking malt liquor and my BMI when I quit was not even 25 and hell I don’t even go to the gym just do pull ups close/wide grip, calf raises, leg raises, and burpees. The bloating is gone too so now I look like a proper Italian American. Any similar stories about successful weight loss?
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How much weight?
60lb in 4 months. I just didn't seem to get hungry without sugar spiking my appetite
Based and noted
This 45lbs weight loss nuked my hairline too and I definitely lost strength
I didn't notice a big hairline reduction but my beard seemed to almost stop growing overnight. I used to shave every other day but once I stopped eating sugar I didn't have to shave for like 2 weeks at a time. Strength though I'm with you for sure. It comes back quickly though once you switch to a gaining phase

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>post gym pump
>primal urge to impregnate specifically a black woman
Anyone else?
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Could it be withdrawl from cooming that even the most disgusting things got you horny?
I think it was built up test like >>74126227 said. Like some kind of primal desire to sire offspring with "those" traits
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Why is wanting to fuck a woman such a complex science for you people?
Pretty normal desu but less so the specific part.
Happens to me too except it's always fat girls or femboys / transgirls or both depending on my mood.
Trying to get that post workout fap after working out grip and forearms is brutal.

Post fitness feats that impress normies.
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as a manlet, I want her to snu snu me
you are fat and I don't even do calisthenics
her feet are meh, but damn, those tits
Kek, time flies.
Why does it look like they're both farting?

>gives you mercury poisoning
Heh..nothing personal kid
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You need DHA. The fat from fish is a great source of DHA.
>safely catches you, pulling you out of the jewish claws of the mercury market square and into the firm embrace of the beautiful aryan gains garden
mercury is good for you
this, and if you don't wanna be healthy then eat mackerel
Oh also enjoy your "vegetable broth". 10+ years ago it was just fish and salt btw. Now sneed oil or ZOG beans in every fucking can of tuna unless you shell out $5 per can. What's the fucking point?

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What is the body equivalent of a smashed and slammed toadline?
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Behold, toadline
>all of that inbreeding
Fucking disgusting. Modern dog breeders should be culled.
This borders on animal abuse to me that can’t be healthy
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for me it's crimeboss

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Has anyone here actually managed to correct their posture? Like have you gone from not being able to do a wall angel to being able to do one with good form?
never had problems with posture once i get out of my chair even though i used to sit in front of screen 24/7 on amphetamines for 7 days without sleeping or eating
I had severe kyphosis. I no longer have that issue and I have a healthy thoracic spine and shoulders
No. I've been wondering lately if deadlifts and no direct ab work makes it worse. Strong back muscles and comparatively weaker abs seem like it could pull your back into kyphosis. Just a theory
If anything it'd be the exact opposite though. A strong back would pull your spine straighter. Deadlifts wouldn't be enough though. Rows and shrugs will fix your posture. It worked for me

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>haven't eaten bread in a while
>hmm today I will eat some bread
>1 hour later bloating and awful gas

Is it over? Am I getting fucked by gluten?
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Are you a woman? Only dumb broads complain about dumb shit like eating bread.
Having rotten skunk farts can't be normal
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It should be.
Brapfags are insane
If you live in the USA (outside of California) it is most likely bromated flour fucking you up

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>solves natty lifting once and for all
>saves your spine from useless egolifts like squats and deads
>deletes your shoulders completely

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>feel lower ab veins are starting to come in
>mfw i know its gonna be a great summer
how are you guys making out for summertime?
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I'm bulking. 5'5 going dwarfmode. Almost benching 2pl8 for 5 reps.
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well done gentlemen you are all accomplishing your goals and for that i commend you
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Don't be a stupid bitch your white boy summer has started. It doesn't end unless you choose to end it.
I'm at 208 at 6'3" I am hoping to be 180 by the end of the summer
>Victim weight victory thread

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