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I do my heavy ring dips like Alec. I start horizontal and then swoop to straight position.
Am I short changing my gains with this form?
Yes if you want pecs. Alec has absolutely no pecs btw
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Darn you're right anon, he looks terrible
Alec's content is so shit, it always has been. I'm so glad the algorithm stopped promoting him for no reason and people are finally realizing how bad he actually is
doesn't that look like a bulgarian dip kinda?
use rings for that

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Gooooood moooorning Eggsnam!
10 eggs, about 600 calories and 45g of protein. On photo more like 7-8 eggs because I started eating and ALMOST(!) forgot about you guys :). We keep grindin.
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>45g of protein
One egg has like 6g protein, how did you figure that it was 45g?
some parts of egg are in the eggshells, some parts are fried to the pan
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>ALMOST(!) forgot about you guys :).
>still remembered
very based anon. LETS GET BIG!!!

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any lifts for this? supplements?
how to stop getting tired after you cum?

i jerked off (with a flashlight) to pictures of my gf since we don't live together, before work and I'm fucking exhausted now despite sleeping for a clean 7.5 hours
i tried this with my computer monitor and just spilled my entire glass of choclate milk all over the fuckng floor and rug

you're a nigger op fuck you
Now post the Broly Ass one
idk why it makes me tired or what to do about it, that's why I'm asking
it did say phone not monitor
don't have any others like this
how does this image work? the dark part lags even when moving it around on my LCD monitor.

>"Just open a can of deens"
These cost like $4 a piece where I live, do ya'll just buy 5 of them and have them in the fridge, to eat once a week or something? They're expensive. Also, what is the benefit of them?
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In some cases we have per serving too but we always have per 100g unless it's a liquid then sometimes it's per 100ml which is annoying. Anyway you're a dumb country.
Yup it's expensive. Dumb meme.
Some are oxidized, most are just fine. Especially with the tomato sauce acting as a buffer between the heat and the deenz
$1-2 a can here for anything besides the pre-filleted ones
My fridge is only deenz. Nothing else.

>3 years of lifting for this
It's over, right?
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you meet the bar for what women consider muscular so youre good
but ofc
>lifting for women
Not bad at all he just needs to cut
Thanks anon, been on the cut for 4 months now. For some reason I still kept a relatively good OHP.
>135 for 10
lmfao zoomers.
Gen A is the next gen to clown on. I hate being in public bathrooms. Its gross, and covid made me realise just how much disgusting shit we touch and breathe in public.
I don't think i ever realized how important the obliques are for general aesthetics, not having that defined lower part of your torso really fucks up the entire upper body

Is it based?
You don't really need a guide to do 5.5pl8, you certainly don't need to look like that fatass

Just keep lifting

I have an amateur boxing match in 13 days. I have little to no boxing experience, I'm 5'8", 180lbs, and I'm boxing a guy who is 5 pounds lighter and 2 inches taller than me. Good news is he has the same amount of experience, which is to say pretty much none, and we're both right-handed. How do I best prepare for it to clench a victory?
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Not OP at all but for me, actual "training" and not just punching things would require a 40 minute drive each way for the nearest dedicated gym with actual coaches/teachers.

I'd barely be able to afford the trip once a week let alone the 4-5 days a week I'd prefer to train.
>right handed
>right handed
>right handed
Say orthodox you poser fuck, this makes me think this is a bait troll post
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Bite his ear. The referee will call it a no contest but the moral victory will be yours.
>I have an amateur boxing match in 13 days. I have little to no boxing experience, I'm 5'8", 180lbs, and I'm boxing a guy who is 5 pounds lighter and 2 inches taller than me. Good news is he has the same amount of experience
Why do these threads pop up so often recently? Secret shitskin zoomer fight clubs?
Learn how to defend.
I don't know what rule you fags agreed on but most people will gas themselves out in 2 minutes and will be too tired to even keep their hands up

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thou. shalt. not. skip. LEGDAY
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she could gain some weight

she could gain some weight
every day leg day son

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Is NoFap/Semen Retention a meme? Will it help my gains?
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>t. coping porn addict
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if they were wise, they would.
whatever you do do not edge bro
commit to ejaculating or don't engage at all
I've been working on associating feelings of disgust to edging. It worked for me when it came to quitting weed and drinking. Disgust is a powerful motivator, and edging your dick to porn like a monkey in captivity is both disgusting and degrading. I've found myself turning off porn sooner and putting my attention elsewhere
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I've started again. My advice: remember what the Buddha said about repulsion being as bad as attraction. Don't think about how sex and women are bad, corrupting, dirty, etc. Think about how much you like the mindful, energetic state you've achieved.

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we're all natty here
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Anavar and anadrol aren't even very livertoxic
>the teenagers who make up a large percentage of this board.
I doubt it mate this is oldhead internet. probably mostly millennials.
t. zoomer
Mike is Natty though. He's 54 or something and still looks young with no signs of roid face or plastic surgery. Just accept he's a modern day Steve Reeves.

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what the fuck is this bar?
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You mean the bard is thicker than normal?
best thread on the log right now
Is benching with an ez bar bad for you?
It looks like it has a lil fatter grip than normal, but not enough to really change anything about using it, so it's just an ez bar

Crazy that people post here despite having never stepped into a gym.

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What are the best drills or stretches to increase hip flexor and ankle mobility?

I want to be able to do squats without elevating my heels but it feels like I'm getting blocked by poor range of motion.

If it helps, I do have those smaller resistance bands that circle around.

Listen here you fucking racists, you will NEVER look as good as me. I lift to save society from racism and misogyny, and I look like a pro bodybuilder. You lift to type the n word on your screen and look like shit lol.

Don't be a stranger. Just hit me with your best shot. I'm pretty much perfect. I was ceo of a coffee shop that donates to refugees and work at a law firm that helps minorities. What do you chuds do, other than "jack off to naked drawn Japanese people"? I also make 800k a year, and have a banging hot girlfriend (She just consented to having sex with me, it was very respectful). You’re all chuds who need to take a few courses about the patriarchy. Thanks for listening.

Pic related: it’s me and my minority gf, bet that makes you seethe lol
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>bird chest

It’s over
>ceo of a coffee shop that donates to refugees and work at a law firm that helps minorities
Everyone is taking this bait and I can't stop laughing
woaaah holy fuck no wonder she wants a powerful white man, can you imagine a soft asian next to her lmao no way a soft sissy asian could drill her as hard as he can hahaha
It’s over for changcels
You sound like a cuck

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One of the only people on youtube worth watching.
>I'm 226 now
Will's slimming down
>will" recovery doesn't matter, look at my meme exercises and buy my bighoss random crossshit program' ratelle
no thanks you gay fanboy

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