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are eggs good for you?
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Ayy look like two lasses bumping uglies
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I haven't felt the touch of a woman in 3 years lads. If I don't get laid soon I'm gonna be in the fucking news.
ur not going to do shit
t. 20 year dry spell
Pretty common now, 3 years, that's good, most guys are 10 years plus.

Hey ho, progressive socialist modern day Western society, in which you cheeky man has all the power..
Right. 3 fucking years is chad tier these days lol

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Bulked too hard, what do I do now
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you are more attractive after the bulk, keep it
bulked version is total hot daddy i want to have gay sex with. i fapped to your pic twice today
ive seen this exact same before/after months ago. maybe over a year ago I dont really remember.

get some new material fag
Why are gay men more attracted to the right than the left?
Do what women do when they get fat. Get another tattoo or a piercing because they think it somehow cancels it out.

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i messed up.
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Just roll 1 oz onto however many days it takes you to make it up.
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It's fine, anon. It was Whole Foods. It's good for you. Eat another.
The most important thing is to not wake up tomorrow and think "Well, I fucked up one day, might as well fuck up another before getting back on track"

Don't be that guy. I swear to god, I will slap your shit. Tomorrow morning, you wake up, you skip breakfast or get some coffee (actual coffee, not a Starbucks milkshake). Don't eat until at least 2pm. And when you do, keep it under 1,000 calories for the day. You knock off that brownie shit right now, faggot.

Do I look like I even lift?
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good arms but bad wrist genetics,
is there any way to fix this?
I have this too
you can't

welcome to the club of the men that can't wear rolexes
so this

he is comparing his measurements at 16-17 vs now? so working out in your teens will make your wrist grow? shocking, let's see some 30yo dude get the same results
ok here you go

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How do I achieve Hypertrophy in my Goon Sesh

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Do Gym Lesbians make good lifting buddies?
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asking for a friend.
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no such thing btw
literal social construct
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It starts out well and good, but because her girlfriend is into her pathetic displays of masculinity, she will eventually get threatened by your unintentional natural masculinity because she now perceives you as a threat and start to resent you.
How do Mormons keep their wives in line?

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what gorilla chow do you guys buy?
the one from the meme is twice as expensive as all other monkey food because of us
this only works if you also eat your own poop
Every time I try to order this stuff, it immediately gets cancelled.
Anyone else have this problem/know what's up?

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I eat 5 eggs a day
i eat 4 eggs every other day
I bought 36 eggs and forgot about them for about a month. I think I may have to throw them all away
I try to eat an egg for breakfast every day but it makes me throw up every time
I eat one day an egg.
i eat 5 eggs a year

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You don't actually train legs, do you /fit/?
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>he doesn't like feeling powerful
>jumping high
>running fast
>being able to push heavy weight around
>being able to thrust hard
Strong legs are athletic. And aesthetic. My wife constantly pokes my glutes if she's behind me on the stairs.
>big belly because of bracing.
Absolutely no natty in history has ever gotten a bloated belly from any sort of lifting. It's purely a roidtroon HGH/Insulin thing.
>But what about...
Nope, didn't happen, and if it did it's because the person in question is a fake natty.
>Absolutely no natty in history has ever gotten a bloated belly from any sort of lifting. It's purely a roidtroon HGH/Insulin thing.
Valsalva maneuver works transversus abdominis at long length. muscle adapts by growing longer. this causes stomach to protrude instead of veing compressed by normal lenght tva
This has never, ever happened to the extent that it caused any visible aesthetic changes to any natty. Ever. Show me one visual example a person with a natural physique and turtle shell abs. It doesn't exist.
I do leg workouts that are supposed to target the butt.

Other than legs, what muscles are used to pick someone up like this? Is it just biceps?
Also any specific exercise recommendations I should be doing to lift a reasonably sized person?
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Ok, a sandbag or keg pick and carry then.
If you want to hold their ass you need strong forearms, if you want to lace your fingers you need some strength in them as well. More often than not its your hands and forearms that are limiting factor. Its not really a lift, more like a hold, since the other person most likely will jump on you, so there is almost no vertical movement.
Yep pretty much a sandbag zercher carry, just with a lower angle so there is even less stress on your bicep tendon.
Progressive overload is the key, start with young children, then once you've mastered the mechanics of the lift, start lifting progressively older children until you get to your target weight.
Just squat, bench, deadlift, and do chinups

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Height 176
waist about 39 cm
shoulder's about 45 cm
What physique should I work on? Should I take my body measurements in consideration or just choose what I like more?
>What physique should I work on?
just get your arms as big as possible and be lean enough to have veins, you will look impressive

at 176cm height 44cm cold flexed arms would look herculean
Hackenschmidt is 1 cm shorter then me and his face look very similar to mine. I think he is more herculean
>waist about 39 cm
>shoulder's about 45 cm
These are width measurements right?
Anyway I'd say just train for the physique you want with consideration to your own genetic strongpoints and weakpoints.
>What physique should I work on?
The one you like best. Either way you sound like a beginner so the program you'd be running for all of these physiques would be almost exactly the same. No point in worrying about this BS now.
>Should I take my body measurements in consideration or just choose what I like more?
That's what they all did. Steve Reeves would measure statues to work out what his goals were as well. Very autistic and based.

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Will lowering my bodyfat to 10-15% get rid of my chubby cheeks and give me defined cheekbones or is it over for me?
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Those shades look like shit on her.
70% of world population is skinny fat, you'll be fine.
The key here is never be obese.
What’s the cutoff between skinnyfat and obese?
her entire style, personalty is shit.
What did he mean by this?

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pic related. Anyone have any experience with rhinoplasty? How did your friends and family react to it? How much did it cost and what should I look out for before doing it (I live in western Europe)? Do they make a photoshop of how you will look like after the operation?

Been fucking around with my picture myself, but I don't know what looks normal on my face. Does my original nose look that atrocious? Does the edited version look like it fits to my face? Give a brother some advice please...
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Also black is your jaw and red is what you're "missing"
Usually that this gets fixed with jaw fillers(which slowly disappear after months and years and have to be redone) but just like a nosejob, jaw surgery and botox, there is always a chance of necrosis and inflammation.
Also if you choose too much CC(filling material) you will look like Zac Efron.
I'm not a medical professional.
Good, but it will also take longer for you to reveal your jawline because your jawline is so shallow. Think about it like abs, if you have a dense six pack, it gets quicker revealed at a higher bodyfat because the muscle is pocking out.
So don't get demotivated.
Hi OP, I'm a dentist, I had a rhinoplasty when I was 19, and I'm also an OG poster on lookism.net back in the day

That post-op looks slightly too feminine and done to me. The best surgeries are the ones which are as natural looking and harmonious to the rest of your face as possible. As the surgeon to be a lot more conservative. Also you should be going to a surgeon who really specialises in male aesthetics. Take pictures with you of noses you think look like "my nose but more ideal", or celebrities who you look similar to with nice noses and show it to the surgeon during the consultation.

>How did your friends and family react to it?
Not one single person has picked up on it to date
>How much did it cost
5k Euro
>Do they make a photoshop of how you will look like after the operation?
don't remember

The most important decision in this entire procedure is not "how should my nose look". That's for the surgeon to decide. The most important decision is which surgeon you go to. You need to spend a lot of money and go to a surgeon with excellent before-after pics who has an eye for natural looking male noses, particularly in which dimensions you're looking to change (width, bulbosity, curvature, cartilage v nasal bone, etc.). For me it was bulbosity. My nose after was honestly perfect beyond I could even imagine. Just a natural and beautiful looking sleek masculine nose which isn't fat and ugly like it was before. The surgeon will know what's the best if he is skilled and experienced.
Start it now. Cutting at your current state is a waste of time.
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I'm also in the same boat, I don't like my nose, just do know what could I do to make it better, every time I try to mess around on photoshop it just makes it either look worse or too feminine

No, I'm not a jew

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>doms after leg day
I train my legs every day, so I pretty much only get DOMS if I do something different, like running.
I think he looks good
He can drink my blood anytime ;)
Fucked up my heel a month ago, finally did a leg workout the other day. I was at a stadium and dreaded going down stairs.

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>gym janny slips in a pool of sulphuric acid when he goes to re-rack my weights
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> spotter gets pulled into a dance off in the middle of my set
These gym discos are getting annoying

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