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>just discover the funny trivia that rabbits eat their own poop
>I remember that in islam pork is considered impure for a similar reason
>do a quick google research to discover if rabbit meat is halal or haram
>it's fucking halal and it's consumption is actually endorsed in the quran

Godamn islam is pure hypocrisy
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no, its perfectly legal to have an abortion if you got raped or the child is extremely fucked up and quality of life is so bad that death is a mercy (like some cases of really fucked up children in constant pain because canada is retarded and wont let the parents allow the child to die), otherwise if youre getting an abortion because you want to have unprotected sex, when condoms, spermacide, morning after pills exist, youre am degenerate woman, you shouldnt be having sex in the first place
The power of religion in written law vs social pressure isn't that much different, especially now the abortion thing has opened the door for more religion-pushed rules to be written into law.
You fell for propoganda.
There no arguments against abortion that aren't
>it makes me feel icky
>magic book said not to
>thinly veiled sexism
And all 3 are shitty justifications.
In some states in the US abortions are illegal across the board.
no, theres always an exception, be it rape, fucked up child, or its going to kill the mother
Multiple children in certain US states have been forced to carry fetuses to term after being refused abortions.


There may be exceptions written into law, technically, but practically there are no exceptions. You can't get an abortion if your rapist hasn't been convicted of rape, something unlikely to ever happen. Even if your baby is fucked, some states ban it outright.


There are lots more examples if you really care. I doubt that though.
>And all 3 are shitty justifications
You haven't proven why this is the case.

Wrasse edition

Welcome to /rstg/, the ultimate destination for reef and saltwater enthusiasts. Discuss anything related to your marine paradise here, whether it's your thriving coral colonies, vibrant fish, or aquascaping.

Saltwater Aquarium Setups:


Tank Cycling and Maintenance:


Fundamentals of Acropora care:

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Softies dont care about nitrate. If they are irritated, it's usually either SG, ph or an alkalinity shift. Or some other animal could be irritating them.
That’s a sick clownfish though
There's some acans and favias for sale real cheap in my lfs. The problem is that I'm kinda running out of room in my tank. There is one spot where one more coral would look great but it is right between a torch and a fancy yuma mushroom. I'm a bit worried about aggression as I dont want to lose any of them. The torch is higher and against the flow so I doubt it's sweeper tentacles would attack it and the mushroom is kind of an easy target.
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>Fish wags tail
>All the other fish

My freshwater Apistogramma do that, shit's funny.
Funny right until I need to intervene.

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Your cat's affection may be partially attributed to the close human-animal bond, but part may be due to genetics. A study found that kittens with a friendly father grow up to be cats that are friendlier toward people compared to cats with a non-friendly father.
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This just proves God created everything and that nature truly got fucked up and disordered because of the cosmological consequences of men's sinful actions
My sirs this is proof of reincarnation and how divine and truthful the systems of karma is

blessed be the kots my sirs
This is an old joke. Just you wait until you find out about why cats knead...
Well? Tell us
Kittens do it for breast feeding Mr Satan. Adult cats who do it usually are taken away from their mothers at a young age.

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How do i stop a dog from scratching at my door to get into my room? it's a big dog and it can't be in my room because im allergic
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Does the dog need your attention for something? Generally saying "No" will make it stop, unless it needs someone to take it out to go to the bathroom or something similar.
I hope this isnt your dog because if so why do you have a dog better yet why didnt you get a hypoallergenic dog?
>muh allergies
Grow a pair
tell him "NO! BAD!"
they don’t speak however

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Doeritos edition
What is your favorite species of deer?
Have you even seen a deer up close?
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Like the other guy said that’s a myth perpetuated about all baby animals
No its not. Not because of >>4789832 but because its a bad idea to habituate them to human interactions unless you're a professional, which you're not. If they get used to humans and no longer see us as a threat, then they're much more likely to hang around human gathering points. This puts them in danger of being hit by a car, being poisoned or just straight-up killed by a cunter. It's not worth it for your own amusement.
Well they can't do anything what you just listed if you simply steal the baby and make it live with you as a genetic dead end
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the other night I chased some deer around the city center on an electric scooter, for 30 minutes at 3:30 in the morning.
Was fun but never got too close, they were skittish. Eventually I lost them in a residential area inside some richfag's huge dark backyard
If you touch a baby deer it will start shrieking and momma will come back to fuck you up.
Does might seem small and timid until they're frenzied and charging you

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How safe to handle are earthworms? I'm not retarded so I know they're not openly venomous or anything worse than being slimy, but let's imagine I'm a dumbass 4 year old and putting them on my face like I'm fear factor. Am I going to get pinkeye or have some kind of weird allergic reaction to their slime? Or are they really completely harmless, beyond whatever might come with the residual dirt they were found in?
most wild animals outside have some manner of parasites, but for the most part they're specific to either the animal they're in or the animals that eat the animals they're in.
That said, dirt is fucking cirty, and a great deal of it is composed of decaying plants matter and the shit of the animals that eat said plant matter, so if you get up getting sick don't come bitching to me.
>t. got stung by about 7 yellowjackets that were digging a nest in my yard and while the sting symptoms only lasted a day or so I had HORRENDOUS diarrhea for nearly a week after that, little fucking dirtballs.
It's good for kids to get out and dirty. Challenges and adapts the immune system. If you don't allow exposure to a normal microbial environment, it'll develope all kinds of allergies and get sick all the time from things that would never bother a child that gets properly dirty. Exhibit A: >>4790928
I imagine getting their slime into your ear isn’t going to be a fun time but whether that’s because of the slime itself or the dirt that would naturally come with it is… anyone’s guess

Why do the mourning doves mourn? What tragedy has befallen them?
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The only avian to be conscious of the fact that they do not have a penis
… What?
They're mourning the West.
then i will mourn with them…
I only see them in the morning.

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post animals close to the camera!
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My name is Marco Flamingo and I would like you to post your coolest pictures of flamingos please
>the gay jew again
None of that is true but just post flamingos

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Cheetah thread!

All cheetah related, pics, videos, stories.

Best pet ever.
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I want to hug and cuddle with the cat with spots
Show someone successfully keeping these things as pets

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good luck will come to you.
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Oddly suggestive
Anon wtf
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Get your mind out the gutter
i was thinking it too :(
look at it go

>*spreads wings*
>*chases after you*
>*curbstomps your head into a bloody pulp*
why are they like this?
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Damn. Maybe I should become one
i fucking hate quakers, youre the reason why criminals arent punished
goose feet typed this post
Fucking lol. The horse didnt even stop walking. Bird fag would be dust if it was a full kick
I mean, what did it think was going to happen

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"Vultures of the sea".
Just as misunderstood, just as threatened.
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I see the family resemblance

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Realistically most ferals won't be able to get adopted out, especially as adults. Many of them are aggresive and don't like people. The best way to help them would be to build tiny houses in which they'd have beds, scratch posts, toys, etc and be sheltered from the elements. Then volunteers will be tasked to clean the homes periodically as well as feed them, vets will examine them as needed but otherwise they'll live independently in a colony with other ferals.
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If they live among birds of prey, yea
Larp about being less of a bitch
see >>4790187
shes british, they cant help it
We would also neuter them

Does anyone get lazy and use those dog walking apps? What's been your experience with them?
I know some people who make good money from it. Enough to pay for a mortgage good, but they do it as a full time job.

On the other end of it I don't get it. If you cant walk a dog even for 10 minutes why have one to begin with? You might aswell have a cat and I am not even saying that as an insult.
I have a midday walker for the days when I’m at work. Got walker from neighborhood recommendations rather than an app though.
One of my friends did. His dog came back with behavioral issues, and when he called about it he was told their dog was started on prong collar corrections for "reactivity"

I personally knew the extent of the dogs reactivity was very mild pulling but after that they were up to snarling and aggressive sounding barking. The walker's "apology" was "your dog has dominance issues, just correct them harder".
Dog walking app? What the fuck is that?
Look up wag on the app store

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