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>Age 97
>basically how my parents are in their 60s, if not better

How does he do it?
I had one relative that age and he could barely move and he was sober his whole life.
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Thank you for telling us exactly what it was that you meant
based, true, and real
truth hydrogen bomb
By being born with silver spoon in his mouth and his work consisting of talking and looking smart before camera while traveling around the world, likely for taxpayer money too.
While i dare to assume you relative and parents worked their ass off.
>h-he has active lifestyle
Gee, i wonder why say majority of miners aren't still running around looking so good at this age.
Met him back in 2009 at a book signing, super lovely guy and even back then he was super energetic. A lot of his family lived to pretty good ages so it’s probably the genes

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You are naturally well-suited for it friend.
i saw some black skimmers over the weekend when I went down to coastal texas they're so adorable and I got to see the skimming behavior! I wish I owned a good camera so I could get my own pictures
How does this work
Do fish not sense the incoming beak?
The beak is faster than the fish
You should try skim feeding.

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Anyone have any experience with celestial pearl danios/galaxy rasboras?
Wonder if they nibble on mystery snail antennas or fight fish like penguin tetras?
No but it’s a cool looking pretty fish
I've had about a dozen of them in my tank for a few years now, they get along with the neocaridina shrimp and snails.
They breed easily too as long as you keep them well fed, and you don't have any scavengers that would eat the tanks.

Simply put, it's the best because it's the biggest.
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game was ass
I don’t want to Google it but probably? Almost surely?
It was not you contrarian dickbag
then what isn't? let's hear it
Trvthnvke inbound

Wrasse edition

Welcome to /rstg/, the ultimate destination for reef and saltwater enthusiasts. Discuss anything related to your marine paradise here, whether it's your thriving coral colonies, vibrant fish, or aquascaping.

Saltwater Aquarium Setups:


Tank Cycling and Maintenance:


Fundamentals of Acropora care:

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My dad did, I believe, but at the time he lived near the ocean so he literally got his water and fish directly.

This is actually what they do when the split (go to the back/underneath of the rockwork to heal), but the way I designed this iteration of rockwork makes it possible to see them all anyway, heh.

>I will just wait to get a bigger tank so that they can grow as much as they want.
They, and coral for that matter, will just grow to however much space, food, minerals, and light you give them. I've seen 120G tanks filled with nothing but rocks, BTA, and a giant harem of clownfish. I would just keep doing whatever you want for the rest of the tank, and if it splits, sell off the split. The size part is pretty tricky. I haven't fed mine in like three years yet they still grow (zooxanthellae of course, and I'm sure they've caught stray food now and then).
Ooh I should add, I vote going straight to salt. Yes, some knowledge in freshwater will carry over, but it's not like you can't learn those lessons with saltwater. Moving mature tanks is pretty fucking hard though, unless it's a fish-only (with live rock) tank. When you have mature colonies of coral, it's pretty nerve wracking trying to take them out and transfer them to a new tank, ESPECIALLY if the new tank isn't even in the same house.
I've never kept a dwarf shrimp tank specifically but just watching a bunch of shrimp scraping biofilm off the substrate doesn't sound very interesting desu. As part of a community tank amanos are nice because they get big enough to not be easy snacks for your average community fish.
You can absolutely start with saltwater. A simple reef with soft corals and hardy LPS will be easier than an entry high tech freshwater tank.
There’s less unexplained fuckups in saltwater because the water you add in is much more controlled than the random well or tap water you use in freshwater.
My cleaner shrimp died. Yesterday I saw him struggling with a molt and I guess that has gotten to him. Sad, had him for 9ish months. He was probably, what, 16 months old?

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>Paleontologists found multiple complete fossilized specimens of large Cretaceous shark Ptychodus in Mexico
ANOTHER Cretaceous shark? Otodusbros, i'm tired of this. After all these years, why does they still haven't found a single complete specimen of any shark in the genus Otodus? They were extremely common, widespread and lived for millions of years - way longer than any of these shitty Cretaceous sharks that were cucked by mosasaurs. I can't stand these oversized great white sharks megalodon paleoart anymore.
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Not to engage
Were you there? No. Also some theropods today are hella smart so there probably were some smart dinosaurs too. Most importantly mammals back then sure as fuck weren't any smarter.
Dinosaurs had such small brains they needed a second brain in lower spine in order to control such a large body. The idea that theropods were intelligent and practiced pack hunting is a myth created by Steven Spielberg for his movies. The reality was non-Avian Dinosaurs went extinct because they had no capacity to find food for themselves when it wasn't right in front of them, which left them helpless during the fallout from the meteor.
nigga the fuck are you talking about
Wow. That does make them look kind of wimpy in retrospect.

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So can dogs smile or not?
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Dude, creepypasta is peak zoomer shit. Up there with FNAF and the bee movie.
pretty sure it’s an ironic post
Unironically for anyone watching this, the best way to get them to release is genuinely to jam something up their arse. No, seriously.
I dont even browse reddit you schizo furry
I’ve heard this too. Either that or choking them out.

It's not uncommon to hear people say that animals must have souls because clearly their dog, cat, horse or whatever has a distinct personality, emotions they can understand and relate to and so on. But if that's the case where do you draw the line? At cattle? Reptiles? Fish? Insects and other invertebrates? Amoebas?
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No animals have souls. Souls are a human trait and almost certainly angelic trait, allowing for one to have free will, AKA gives you the ability to make choices. Animals are more "automatic" and cannot sin, therefore they have no soul.
There is more of an argument for animal free will than for human free will because we are the only animal with a split brain, only half of which can speak (including to itself)
>but muh religion
Recounts total non-history, shit that provably did not happen, and calls it the word of god. It was made up by schizophrenics who thought the man in the sky told them to cut the tips of their dicks off.
Even rocks and inanimate objects have souls.

We get it reddit religion bad, you can fuck off now you have school in the morning.
>Souls are a human trait
Where are they stored?
>Even rocks and inanimate objects have souls
Based and shintopilled

Post monkeys, talk about monkeys
For me, it's the pygmy marmoset
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no they didn't, they just think that there's 1 VO left he's in Florida and saucing as we speak
>saucing as we speak
I'll believe it when I see it. There haven't been new videos in months. PLEASE please don't try to pretend there are still videos being made when you have no proof.
Well, as long as the videos aren't shared here, that's still a substantial blow to pityfags and a definitive victory for KiwiFarms.
And it's only a matter of time before your remaining VO gets doxxed or scared into hiding. I'm quite looking forward to that.
A true Florida man.
kekked at the mother figuring it out and getting mad at him
The ESL subtitles explaining the obvious really is the cherry on top here

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birdwatching thread
what are your recent lifers etc
I am going to arizona this summer I hope to see varied bunting
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No. Are you going to say you saw an Ivory-Billed Woodpecker?
Merlin says Bewick's Wren, then the Nuthatch with a faint Dark-Eyed Junco in the background, then the Bewick's Wren again.
Where are the gosh damn hummingbirds
Merlin can identify the sounds and Xenocanto is good for finding examples.
>Merlin says Bewick's Wren
Thanks. I was hoping it was a red crossbill. I had just listened to some sound samples of it before going out then caught this and thought it was the same. Wren makes sense though, since it has the trill.

I'll check out Xenocanto
It's been 8 years and I still can't find a sharp-shinned hawk. Got hundreds of Cooper's though.

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What the fuck man.
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This is a simple chart, but for some reason it's KINO to me
Prions "reproduce" despite just being proteins (so not inherently "living") usually by being something analagous to a "seed crystal" (sometimes literally crystal) and providing a pathway thermodynamically to the "thermodynamic" product or lowest energy configuration of a protein as opposed to the metastable "kinetic product" that is the correct form.

I don't know enough to say the useful form is always the higher energy or neccesarily the "kinetic product" but I'd wager it usually is
Most likely, but generally speaking, if you see a bat laying on the ground, DO NOT PICK IT UP. Crush it by stepping on it with shoes on and do not touch it at all. Contact your local game commission.
>Crush it by stepping on it with shoes on
Idk man I imagine a lot of people might have trouble doing that but I’ll keep that in mind
Why would you crush it? That seems cruel.

Best youtube channels for extinct animals? Watching this guy rn.
I like Dr Polaris and North02
yt women's pussies DROOLING rn

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Can rats really bond with you? I've been heavily considering buying some pet rats recently. I've heard a lot of people say that rats can bond with their human owners but I wanna settle this, can they?
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they are cool pets but live very little
Thank you anon, I'm just wondering, how intelligent are rats? I've been very inquisitive on this subject for the past few days. Sometimes I see videos of rats and they seem almost soulful, but then sometimes they seem like these creatures who don't even remember anything past a five-minute window. Tell me anon, how complex is a rat's intelligence?
lmao schizos cant go even 10 post before blurting about le hecking natzees
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It's very easy for normies

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literally the only good thread on /an/ right now. i don't even watch anime but i've been googling every term and laughing as to how it fits the pic. thank you weebs
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>Mo iiyo.

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I wanna save nature from the human race, where do I start?
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I was not expecting to find a person like you in a nature board
Alright, great. Nature is saved.
Earn trillions and use billions to sway laws and governments to protect nature.
You’re going to need to do something about india and retarded rich people like Taylor Swift who use generate more CO2 from jet fuel in a month than your entire lineage will in 500 years.
eradicate outdoor cats and outdoor cat feeders

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