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How do you deal with feral cats? They're going out of control in my area, I don't know what to do especially with the kittens. Shelter won't take them in anymore either and are already overcrowded.
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Where there are stray dogs you always see the same dog for years and years, like, their full lifespan, as long as they don't get rabies. It's crazy compared to the cat turnover.

We eliminated the street dog as an institution and bred smashed and slammed shit like goldens because dogs are actually so good at surviving without us it's somewhat dangerous. Recently a feral husky decimated a small goat farm near me and they never caught it. 13 goats were killed, one was partially eaten. It was likely an escaped pet that ran back home, and its owners never cared because dogs can pack up and take down moose on saturday and laze around getting pet by kids on sunday and never harm a human in their entire life.
>It was likely an escaped pet that ran back home, and its owners never cared because dogs can pack up and take down moose on saturday and laze around getting pet by kids on sunday and never harm a human in their entire life.
That just seems wildly untrue. Any dog that naturally shows the prey drive and levels of aggression needed to take down wild animals on the level of moose is sure as hell going to display the same aggression towards people, let alone kids or something.
Dogs can tell the differences between species.

Small dogs however? Large dogs appropriately recognize that they are not the same species and sometimes need to be socialized with them.
This is coming from a guy that likes cats - you people are fucking insane.
Lobby to have that law changed, because that's fucking stupid.

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The age of mammals is probably the most cinematographically kino moment in natural history
Pretty much. So many legends we’ve produced. Makes me proud.
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Bucket of raccs
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Hell no, without the iconic mask they cannot be considered raccs
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whiskers :D
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Well, I recall there are albino racoons, AND leucistics raccoons, which are different.
Basically if your white racoon doesn't have bloodred eyes and completely white body/fur, it's not albino.
Picrel, an albino raccoon.
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still a wonderful critter

Are cane corsos less or more bad than pitbulls?
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cane corso/neapolitan mastiffs(they were the same dog before dog shows decided to make them 2 separate species)
were used as protection dogs for shops or traveling merchants, peddlers, pastors and the like.
So they had to be able to protect their owners from aggression while also letting other customers conduct their business safely.
So if they're well trained and socialized they should be rather safe.
But then how many are pure crisis and how many are mixed with pitbulls nowadays
How well-hung are they?
Only quite recently been "show breed" standard breeding. The "natural" landrace should be something akin to a common ancestor to the Neo Mastiff and the overly-typy show breed of the Cane Corso, which is sort of artificially divergent to the Neopolitan (which is overly fiverged in the opposite direction)
But are the long jowls a show breed thing like the sloped back for GSD's? I'm not a huge fan and I heard it's a nest of bacteria for the dogs.
Why is that important

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Tell us, friends, what are your thoughts on the orange people and their need for respect?
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His eyes are so human here. Lots of emotion expressed
How many levels of abstraction is this monkey on? That's fully human behavior.
you guys think he ever finished this book?
this is funny on such a fucked up level.. of all the fingers he could’ve bitten off he chose the most important and OP one. and the orangutan probably knows that too.

I would give another chance to the classic non-avian theropods. So, my choice includes two big guys:
two medium-sized predators:
and a small, clever rascal:
Yes, they are a few tens of millions of years too late and are unlikely to catch up with mammals in intelligence. But do they really need to?

*Yes, I learned about Imperobator from that really questionably-scientific show made by a slopmaker from Disney. Don’t judge me, I'm not a professional paleontologist.
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It is AI and probably made by using Bing; you can tell from the airplane's fucked-up wings, the filename, and the image size.
These 2 are cool

I would add Megatheridae (ground sloth)

Pachycephalosaurus wyomingnesis too

And for the last one some pterosaur. Not necessarily one of the big ones though
Possibly one of the teethed bunch. Definitely not memecoatlus
You don't even have to look very close
hmmm I suspected as much
You have them twerking down in atlanta

post order chiroptera
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A Field Biologist?
He's got beady little eyes
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most hinged pit bill mommies.
>The point stands that pits feel love more deeply than say, chihuahuas or shitzus
How the fuck could you know this? You really think you can compare the qualia of different dogs?
True and factual scenarios.
Dog only aggression is a myth. Colby's own dog killed his nephew.
The one unique thing about pit aggression is that it's predatory towards dogs (and people). One fighting pitbull was known to eat it's opponent's flesh in the ring.
True OP

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"Vultures of the sea".
Just as misunderstood, just as threatened.
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Terror birds are fucking overrated predators. Only reason why people obsess over them is because they're the only hypercarnivore terrestrial bird, the closest thing to Dinosaur raptors. People keep glazing these birds because they're annoyed that mammals dominate the current age. But frankly, terror birds are terrible predators compared to mammals.

>On average, terror birds weigh less than mammalian apex predator.
>Sharp beaks but are not as useful or powerful as toothed jaws.
>No teeth means can't hold down large prey with mouth like canines, felines, and bears can.
>Reduced forelimbs means less weapons for hunting and combat unlike cats and bears that can use all four limbs.
>Can't wrestle nor jump on backs like cats and bears do which allows them to take down big preys like bovines.
>No evidence for pack hunting or high intelligence like canines. Canines can compete against bears and felines because of their numbers.
>Pathetic hollow bones means they're very robust.
The North and South American interchange resulted in these birds being bullied and displaced by chad mammals. They aren't as good as hunters as cats nor can they beat one in combat unless they have significant weight advantage. Felines, Canines (with numbers), and Bears have a good chance at taking down large herbivore preys but terror birds? They're way to weak and lack the weaponry. Terror birds only hunted small or medium sized prey animals.
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Oh absolutely an Arctodus would fuck up Titanis if it came to that, but I was trying to say that Arctodus is a bear and most research I've seen seems to place it as an omnivore, so they're not competing for the same food source and thus Titanis probably doesn't compete with Arctodus.
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Course it probably wasn't suffocating prey, but that is probably not how it hunted, their beaks were tightly fused and hooked towards the end so they were likely for slashing/cutting and while their bite itself was probably not generating a ton of force on its own, a thing not talked about is that a lot of the force from an animal's bite actually does come from the neck and not just the jaws. Phorusrhacids did indeed have powerful necks and I could absolutely see a peck or a slash from one being a serious injury or cause a lot of blood loss to a prey animal (Not breaking the skulls and into the braincases of animals though, that shit is retarded)

Also, dromaeosaur claws were almost certainly built for gripping and not for slashing/cutting so idk if they are apt comparisons (Although I don't know if anyone has looked into the kicks for phorusrhacids).

Also this is treading on covered ground, but Titanis' existence alone questions the idea that they couldn't compete or were not successful.The GABI is believed to have occurred 2-3 million years ago, and Titanis was exclusively a North American species that appears in the fossil record 5 million years, before it happened. Smilodon didn't even get bigger until after Titanis kicked the bucket.

It's like the idea that megalodon went extinct due to competition with livyatan, when we know that livyatan actually died out before megalodon did.
5 million years ago, not 5 mil before the GABI
Thing is, the Titanis's method of killing just isn't as effective as taking down large prey the same way cats, bears, and dogs can. I never claimed or believed that the terror birds couldn't coexist with mammal predators, just that they aren't as good as taking down large prey as apex mammals can. The same way snakes can coexist with tigers but can't really take down a bull the same way a tiger can. Its killing implements just isn't as well suited.
I don't see them really being diffent than modern predatory bird method. Grab it thrash it about until something breaks or bludgeon it with the ground until it's incapacitated. Then probably tug pieces off like vultures or eagles. Probably prioritizing young over full growns anyway like most predators.

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What the fuck man.
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Lol, this is a powerup in Sly
Pretty much.
It is popular to just sleep in the open, under a tarp, or in a hammock, but most people tend to prefer the luxury of an enclosed tent or at least a bug net just to cut down on the biting insects in warm weather. Plus, winter camping and certain altitudes aren’t going to have active bats.
Some people do camp in primitive cabins that may have bats roosting in them, but generally the stench of bat guano would let you know if they’re hiding in there regularly.
It's more likely to happen when you're toasting marshmallows over the campfire.
Great minds think alike. Imagine the yummy fruity candy goo that comes out with each bite.
Barefoot is a no-go then?

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I can't tell why, but there's something about the beady eyes of a rat that I find really disgusting.
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Oy Vey
They literally look like they’re about to pop out of its head here so yeah that’s pretty gross
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I think they're cute.

I've just discovered the pudu exists. It is very cute. Post cute animals. (bonus points for pudu pics)
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Adult ones kinda look like capybaras but with deer heads and tiny, itty bitty horns
Cute kid
a wise guy huh?
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Now that the dust has settled, did dunkchuds learn to cope with picrel or did they move onto basedfacing over other marine life?
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this is such a bizarre way to think
dunks were obviously scavengers. all the evidence points to that basic fact.
Why did they make the skull smaller even tho it has been known for years?
I wouldn't call it thinking exactly
but it is weird enough that you can ID the person expressing it every time. Like a toddler trying to argue with grownups. Too dumb to realize what he's doing wrong.
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>None of these explain why an apex predator, that needs to catch its prey, would be built like a fucking blood parrot
The one from the paper is just weirdly shaped and unstreamlined for some reason. Something like a tuna-dunk would be more realistic

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