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all rodents welcome

previous bread >>4691039
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Hedgehogs aren't Rodents.
sleep potato
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Also see, why are bunnies the best (my little lady penut pictured)
But they're not rodents, they are lagomorphs...
>here is a place a half hour from my house that will do it for $15 but without anesthesia
lol does he just bring a hammer with him?

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So can dogs smile or not?
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not even other primates smile, showing your teeth is a sign of aggression
i do believe that my dog does show that he is content by smiling. Not showing the teeth tho, just curling his mouth in a smile like pattern
Yes retards dogs smile. Unfortunately the public version of the article had its images replaced with ads.

They also do a nervous grin that is not an aggressive snarl.
Sorry your info comes from reddit “experts” and the anti-anthropomorphization crowd that is more interested in justifying animal abuse than truth
One finding that has stood out from the research is a remarkable similarity with certain interactions used by primates in similar social settings. These include the ‘jaw-drop’, in which a wolf or primate relaxes their lower jaw and pulls back the corners of their lips so it looks like they’re grinning without showing their teeth. It’s an expression both species use to signal playtime and, in wolves, is different to the submissive grin, seen in expressions of ‘friendliness’, where the mouth is shut.

It’s these similarities with primate expressions that have led the Durham group to the theory that wolves’ communication skills may have played a key role in their domestication. Stone-age people and wolves could perhaps ‘talk’ to each other by using facial expressions.

Thousands of years ago, human and wolves may have formed alliances partly because they could interact through a range of signals, which we can still see today, albeit in a diminished from, in our domestic dogs. It seems obvious when you think about how much we rely on people’s expressions to pick up on their meaning.

“Dogs have more of a brachycephalic [shorter, flatter] face; long, flopped ears; long, pendulous lips; and a kind of weird hairdo that can hide their ears and eyes,” explains Hobkirk. “These are all features that can hinder communication. In breeding for looks, we’ve got rid of the more natural morphology that the dog needs.”

Dogs smile.

But not YOUR dog. Your dog is too ugly to smile. Only husky, malinois, japanese akita, etc owners and other such gigachads can enjoy the company of a dog with facial expressions.

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Greentext rule of thirds in action
Reminder: April 27 is International Crow and Raven Appreciation Day
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>you don't like this thing?
>well then you must be the darkest gorilla ape nigger to ever exist because all the white hyperborean aryans like this thing (i said so)
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>Age 97
>basically how my parents are in their 60s, if not better

How does he do it?
I had one relative that age and he could barely move and he was sober his whole life.
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He was born an old man, getting physically old for him was just a becoming so he suffered less from it
A horse walked out of a lake in deepest Africa and he made a deal with the horse.
this, basically his entire existence allows it
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That's a common western sniffler
bear outside my tent

Wrasse edition

Welcome to /rstg/, the ultimate destination for reef and saltwater enthusiasts. Discuss anything related to your marine paradise here, whether it's your thriving coral colonies, vibrant fish, or aquascaping.

Saltwater Aquarium Setups:


Tank Cycling and Maintenance:


Fundamentals of Acropora care:

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Has anyone here started their first aquarium with saltwater rather than freshwater? Would you recommend doing freshwater first? Lastly, how difficult would moving a fairly mature (1-1.5 year old) saltwater aquarium be?
My dad did, I believe, but at the time he lived near the ocean so he literally got his water and fish directly.

This is actually what they do when the split (go to the back/underneath of the rockwork to heal), but the way I designed this iteration of rockwork makes it possible to see them all anyway, heh.

>I will just wait to get a bigger tank so that they can grow as much as they want.
They, and coral for that matter, will just grow to however much space, food, minerals, and light you give them. I've seen 120G tanks filled with nothing but rocks, BTA, and a giant harem of clownfish. I would just keep doing whatever you want for the rest of the tank, and if it splits, sell off the split. The size part is pretty tricky. I haven't fed mine in like three years yet they still grow (zooxanthellae of course, and I'm sure they've caught stray food now and then).
Ooh I should add, I vote going straight to salt. Yes, some knowledge in freshwater will carry over, but it's not like you can't learn those lessons with saltwater. Moving mature tanks is pretty fucking hard though, unless it's a fish-only (with live rock) tank. When you have mature colonies of coral, it's pretty nerve wracking trying to take them out and transfer them to a new tank, ESPECIALLY if the new tank isn't even in the same house.
I've never kept a dwarf shrimp tank specifically but just watching a bunch of shrimp scraping biofilm off the substrate doesn't sound very interesting desu. As part of a community tank amanos are nice because they get big enough to not be easy snacks for your average community fish.
You can absolutely start with saltwater. A simple reef with soft corals and hardy LPS will be easier than an entry high tech freshwater tank.
There’s less unexplained fuckups in saltwater because the water you add in is much more controlled than the random well or tap water you use in freshwater.

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Doeritos edition
What is your favorite species of deer?
Have you even seen a deer up close?
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that's obviously a tentacle
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Those caribou
Here's a cool one I found
That’s a boy deer dummy

Whats your favorite rock
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that looks delicious
Monsters Inc. guy rock
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This should have been the Arkenstone in the hobbit trilogy
>unicorn dorito.jpg

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hey... like, i just realized:
coconuts are to hazel nuts
what capybaras are to guinea pigs
wheek punchline

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I believe it's possible to accurately guess characteristics/traits of somebody by their favorite animal
For example,
>If their favorite animal is a fox, they're a furry
>If it's a wolf, they were the weird kid in school
>Horse, they want to be dicked down by a horse
>Cat, they're feminine or a woman
>Dog, they're very basic
What do you think? What are some other examples?
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do me:
epaulette shark
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They aren't really that obscure. Pretty much every zoo has one.

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Blurry animals
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this is even better than the warped animal thread

>A dog thinks "These humans give me pets and lots of food. They must be God."

>A cat thinks "These humans give me pets and lots of food. I must be God."

do you agree?
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It was proven that dogs think actually.

So do cats, just very, very, slowly and not very well
kinda weird that this makes them better survivors than dogs. i guess dogs have poor instincts and "almost" zero brains. but almost zero brains isn't that much good at anything. so it makes them suck at everything that isn't highly specialized based on the breed
Dogs survive very well. Painfully well. There are feral populations in northern russia. Dogs are so good at surviving we have to actively exterminate them, vs. just not feeding them anymore or adding new ones getting rid of feral cats 99% of the time.

Most of dog breeding is related to how OP dogs are. It focuses on tempering their predatory instincts, because otherwise a pack of 2+ dogs will take down most large ungulates in the area.

They don't have almost zero brains, dogs and wolves are the second most intelligent carnivorans after spotted hyenas.
>i guess dogs have poor instincts and "almost" zero brains
toxo paws typed this post
Cats and dogs think something like
>this creature is nice to me and feeds me, I like them and will give attention

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Easter edition

previous: >>4725813

short disclaimer: posts about eating/harming buns are not welcome, kindly take it elsewhere! this thread is for rabbit owners and lovers to enjoy, please don't derail with off topic posts or negativity.

general rabbit care resources:

bunny youtube channels:
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My bunny have just made a new liter of kits.
I will count them and inspect that they are all alive later today.
I plan on not touching the kits and use chopsticks to move the fur so I don't leave my scent in the nest.
New prospective bunny owner here.
Somehow I got it in my head that it was a good idea to build an indoor rabbit enclosure from furring strips and hardware cloth rather than just buying an x-pen. Now that I'm nearly done constructing it, I'm finally starting to feel like it was a bad idea. Don't love the way the hardware cloth is sharp on the edges, even if I spend hours filing it down and smoothing every inch, and the wooden frame has a small chance of being chewed through. Should I cut my losses and just buy the product that's purpose-built for this? Could always turn my project into a garden fence.
Waste management is a critical aspect to consider.
When people donate bunnies away it is because they underestimate hygiene, cleaning and air quality.
Intact extra large male rabbits that live inside a HEATED and ENCLOSED living space radiate too much body odor for human cohabitation.
why did the AI decide to plop a random UFO in the background?

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Why are there two boards? What's the difference?
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Why are some of those dead cats censored but others not?
Probably refused to sign a release
There are more than 2 boards actually. The differences are quite extensive.
it's kind of like manufacturing/production vs sales
cooking does not belong to nature, and you cant discuss geology and fossils on /ck/ as example

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Does /an/ have any experience with pet sitting services or pet hotels? I have to go overseas in the summer for two weeks, and I have to leave my two cats behind. I don't have any friends or family that can look after them. What's the best option here? I'm having panic attacks thinking about having to leave them with someone I don't know.
My kot would die of stress if I did that lmfao
Well my cat hates other cats and will attack them so I would rather leave him in the house and have someone come feed and check on him, and change the litter box. Someone that has pet sitting references and seems trustworthy, I'll just give them a key. My cat would get bored and be sad so I could not have a fun trip knowing this. But he will live.

If you don't already have some camera I would get one you can check on. I have one and only plug it in when I'm away for all day or longer. But my cat just gets confused if I use the speaker to talk to him so I don't, I just look and make sure he's ok, usually he's just sleeping.
Pet sitting makes me nervous because I don’t really trust strangers in my home. I don’t have a pet hotel. I think you’re right to be worried but it doesn’t sound like you have much of a choice.
your panic attacks is the toxo being alarmed you'll be away from your masters
Just use a site like Rover. They're vetted (kek) pet sitters with ratings and reviews. They'll send someone over twice a day to feed and interact with your cats. I've used it numerous times. I have a favorite petsitter.

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