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is it poisonous?
can I touch it with my bare hands?
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Don’t touch it they have prehensile tongues that can emerge and sever anything instantly
Misinformation. Fact check: Animals like when I touch them
chompsky honk
especially the female Homo sapiens
Looks like a chorus frog

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What are the most astounding examples of animal power ever recorded?
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What do you even do in this situation? Stay in the jeep until it gets tired? Run? Will it eventually destroy the jeep?
just buy the damned bull some elephant pussy.
rhino pussy also works in a pinch.
I think this webm was posted at least 10 times on this board last month
>elephant pussy
It can’t even reach the hole

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Only post in this thread if you know or suspect that your brain is infested by the parasite Toxoplasma gondii. We're the next phase of human evolution.
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how do i give my bf toxo? he needs the higher t but doesnt want it for some reason
Have him scoop the litterbox. The litter dust will give him toxo.
Stop being a faggot, first of all
Risk takers are more likely to be effected by something found in an animals feaces.
"Increased risk-taking" doesn't mean eating cat shit. It means asking girls out and getting a better job. Your resistance to risk is why you're a loser.

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Strangely, there hasn’t been one of these yet (that I know of). So let’s fix that and get a thread going for all things pertaining to Mustelids - some of the hardiest, most enduring mammals.
This includes: Ferrets, Stoats, Wolverines, Badgers, Otters, Minks, Weasels, Martens, Grisons, Skunks, etc.
Ownership and advice for owning is also naturally welcome.
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they must process time differently, like a fly.
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>Catfag gets increasingly nervous at the prosect of "outdoor ferret or mongoose" being a thing
NOoOOoOOoO fssst!! Fsst!!! We wuz Apex predator in the urban jungles first!!!! Nooooo don't wear my shitty stamina down!!!
looks like a marten
Shit, I thought mongooses were also mustelids. These animals are all extremely similar, fuck.
Yeah, a marten. That's what I meant.
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I hate lions. Overrated motherfuckers don’t deserve their reputation as King of the Beasts or King of the Jungle. They get mogged by so many herbivorous animals and even the lesser carnivores give them tons of shit. END THE LION HYPE.
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>Small cats can be tamed, and even selectively bred until they are born tame and retarded
You can theoretically do this with any animal given enough time. Lions and tigers can be tamed just as easily as a mountain lion. Snow leopards are a tiger’s closest relative, they’re big cats
You can’t tell someone to get better data when you’ve posted exactly 0 data
animals are neat, but humans are like gods among mere mortals
I think this is the wrong approach to think about animals, using internet memespeak. Lions, like any other animal, fill a niche in their environment. Just because dumb hairless apes have developed weird culture around them you dislike doesn't mean you have to dislike them
Why would anyone who doesn't live in africa hate lions?
that's the point... op is a nigger

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>Mate mate mate
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>Omae wa mou shindeiru
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>Kakatte koi yo! Teme!
>Heh, ore no deban ka...
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I dreamt my dog could talk and it was arguing with me about a command technically not counting and I was like "Damn, good point actually" then I realized dogs can't talk and this is a dream and I woke up.
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First response best response
Irrelevant drivel nonsense words.
Poopcock butt balls
Disregard that. All these posters are me and I suck cocks.
can I get mine fellated?

Tl;dr we have a humongous walnut tree I practically grew up in, reading near the top branches and stuff. I kinda stopped a decade ago and I find it basically impossible to climb. It's just gotten? too wide and tall. Some lower branches critical to climbing further missing entirely now.

or I'm out of shape and you're not really meant to climb 20 meters/60 feet high anyway without safety equipment?
Yeah I used to climb this apple tree in my old house when I was a kid. That old thing rotted out and is unclimbable now. Plus there was this one spruce tree at my friend's house which we all liked climbing, but I'm sure that thing also got way too tall to climb.
Yes. Trees grow. Eventually you’ll need tools or something. Without branches you’re fucked
You're also far heavier than you were when you were younger so unless you've been lifting your power-to-weight ratio has been decreasing over time.
And even if you've been putting on muscle mass the ratio still isn't as great as when you were young and lighter.

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>Sprays don't work
>Reflective surfaces don't work
>Moving gizmos don't work
>Gels don't work
>Ultrasounds don't work

Someone tells me how I can rid my balcony of these cunts before I start literally shooting their heads off and tossing their headless corpses on the street as snacks for the neighborhood's cats.
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people who live in commieblocks arent people
Stop feeding them. Tell others to stop feeding them.
you bastard…
close up your balcony with a net or glass

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Cheetah thread!

All cheetah related, pics, videos, stories.

Best pet ever.
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Show someone successfully keeping these things as pets
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Why are they so gay bros
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It's not uncommon to hear people say that animals must have souls because clearly their dog, cat, horse or whatever has a distinct personality, emotions they can understand and relate to and so on. But if that's the case where do you draw the line? At cattle? Reptiles? Fish? Insects and other invertebrates? Amoebas?
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All living things have souls, it's just some have greater souls than others. Amoebas have very weak lesser souls, but they still act on their own volition so they clearly have a soul even if it's a small one. A soul is the driving force behind a creature's actions. Something with a soul can act on its own volition without being acted upon. Humans have dominion over nature due to having higher and greater souls than the rest.
This is also why humans are subservient to God, because his soul is greater than a humans in the same way dogs are subservient to humans due to their souls being lesser
The hierarchy is as such
God > lesser gods > Mankind > Other
The christian god is not real


The bible is constantly wrong. Real gods do not need ISSA METAPHOR cope squads or mental midgets shrieking shoddy psychoanalyses. Real gods never need soldiers of any kind. That’s how fake religions like scientology, mormonism, islam, and christianity operate.
Real gods also dont need to distribute wine and cannabis oil to keep people faithful, like yahweh did.

Good thing the real god killed that fraud so we dont hear from him anymore. A shame his cultists never got the message and keep worshiping false messiahs and banished demons.
The foundation of christian thought is that humans are actually greater than their god and dont have to listen, but have to follow him anyways because he has more violence

Thats because that was a fake god of course, just like humans are fake gods. Dogs can and would gladly ignore us. Compare huskies to border collies. They are equally smart and both are 3x dumber than a wolf. Border collies only listen because of the personality disorders we bred them to have. All that can make a dog subservient other than that is violence. Because we are fake gods. Just like your god - it was another kind of creature, just with more advanced “guns”.

The real god does not actually give a fuck about mortal affairs as long as no one usurps his position. The question of evil is human. To the real god, nameless and to us as we are to the worlds in our heads, evil is as consequential as a sneeze. Pain and suffering are temporary, memories are fake, death and birth never actually happen, and individuality is a thought experiment.

The real god does not care. As long as you never become a thought in their mind that insists it is actually god. Then you will be purged in a timescale that to the real god is an instant.
>their god didnt give us free will
>he admitted he was too powerless to have anything to do with it
>soul = being, willful separation from chaos as distinctly the self. simple as.
the simple answers beneath all theological copes

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>When you and your buddy recreate an old photo
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I know, and both species can be found in forested areas
the lies you tell yourself on the internet don't create truth.

scientists are well aware that elephants clear forests, and that large dinosaurs were far too big to live in forests without destroying them.
Were there even any dromaeosaurs living alongside Parasaurolophus?
>elephants clear forests
>ignore that there are elephants living in forests

>large dinosaurs were far too big to live in forests without destroying them
they weren't and we know the vegetation of the areas they lived thanks to the fossil record, and many of them (including big ones) lived in open forests

cope harder schizo
considering that it lived in late cretaceous Laramidia, it shared it's environment at least with Saurornitholestes

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>All the strengths of a long neck
>None of the weaknesses
How to longfags cope?
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Proo proo
How does it smell?
probably not pleasant

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"Vultures of the sea".
Just as misunderstood, just as threatened.
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I see the family resemblance
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Pigs literally eat their children
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Your mom should've done as a pig would've and eaten you 20 years ago.
I can't really judge since I also eat their children.
Only the foreskin
Just their version of abortion. They can't do it while it's in the womb, so they do it post birth.
Having more kids that nipples means one of them will die of starvation anyways, or all of them will grow up but suffer and be weaker.
yes but for different reasons (probably)

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