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I'm hoping this takes off.
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What'd you tell them?
I just told 'em hell's existence
But you know me, don't nobody
Know my business
My presence fog your confidence
Who want a brand new complex?
Nab one, I'll call you, go fetch
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all rodents welcome

previous bread >>4691039
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lean and strong looking fellow
He shouldn't be lean with all the walnuts I've been feeding him.
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being a capybara isn't all pets and farts huh.

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Just opening your mouth and having food just shoved into your mouth, pre digested food non stop until your belly was full
Is this viable for a human?
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>Just opening your mouth and having food just shoved into your mouth, pre digested food non stop until your belly was full
what do you thing titties are, retard?
That food wasn't pre digested, it came out of a jar
did your mother vomit into your moth as your food?
if you ever eat fermented foods like yogurt you're eating pre-digested food.
native people survived by eating animal stomachs filled with pre-digested herbs that normally cannot be digested by us.

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Why are they like this
Please don't make useless posts like this. Post in the /cat/ general to needlessly avoid bumping off threads with actual discussion.
I do this specifically to annoy (You)
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In what sense? The fact that it is a youtube short or the assumption that it is gender miss-identification? In either case no one really cares unless you are anal about that one japanese study with the tiny population size that determined cats are all homosex or if you find the idea of people uploading animal vids like that to farm morbid curiosity clicks as deplorable.
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>post in the heckin generalerino! BALKANIZE ME DADDY

>wolves lick each others wounds which causes them to heal twice as fast due to enzymes in their spit

>chimps rub poisonous millipedes and acidic ants against themselves because they repell insects and parasites

>parrots eat clay and chew on some leaves to help with indigestion and food poisoning.

kinda nutty how good at medicine supposedly buttfuck dumb animals can be

post order chiroptera
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I love him
>The only records from the twentieth century are from caves on Taukihepa/Big South Cape Island and Rerewhakaupoko/Solomon Island. Here it survived in the absence of rats until the 1960s.
>The last refuge of this species was Taukihepa/Big South Cape Island until ship rats were accidentally introduced in 1963.

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the neck is long
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>drive past a pond
>heron isn't in the pond any more
>look to the side
>weighing down the top of a pine tree for some reason, looks like an upside down J
funniest shit ive ever seen. just never occurred to me that they'd go on trees just like any other bird, I've only ever seen them walking around, flying or in water
soooooo trueee
We have smaller herons resting on power lines over here. It looks strange.
my intrusive thoughts tell me to crack that shit like a glowstick

Oh nononononono carbros don't open!!!
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Schizophrenia is a good thing, it means you are in contact with the collective unconsciousness
Toxoplasmosis is treatable. They have special antibiotics that can kill it. The reason it isn't used is because it has side effects and the parasite doesn't really affect us in any meaningful way for like 95% of people.
Hydroxyzine. Demonstrated effects against T. gondii "parasite growth" and "host cell viability" (Murata et al. 2017) -- albeit these results were in vitro. Nevertheless, considering the relative mundanity of the compound, and barring the lack of direct evidence regarding concentration-dependent-effects in vivo, it's worth considering as a first step. Hell, it (hydroxyzine) is an antihistamine prescribed occasionally for anxiety. Pretty much as innocuous as one could hope for. Even if a (substantially) lower dose (e.g. anxiolytic quantities) were to only slightly dampen tachyzoite replication rate and/or otherwise suppress/reduce bradyzoite count, if there is indeed such a benefit, individuals might find cumulative effects over the course of a prescription regime... but I am not a doctor.

Source: Identification of compounds that suppress Toxoplasma gondii tachyzoites and bradyzoites (2017). Stumbled upon it 7ish years ago before giving up and Becoming One With Our Parasitic Bretheren, "laugh out loud".

{Addendum: a cursory search suggests there is similarly potential in Sertraline [SSRI] and Resveratol [prominent dietary polyphenol, oft associated with dark-hued fruits, e.g. grapes and blueberries], though the latter was studied at artificial super-concentrations, so to speak -- "Emerging Therapeutic Targets Against Toxoplasma gondii" (2020).}
>95% huh
You're not a Malkavian

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The Dog Daddy https://www.youtube.com/c/thedogdaddy
Joel Beckman https://www.youtube.com/@BDTraining
Cesar Milan https://www.youtube.com/@CesarMillanOfficial
AVOID: "positive-only" snake-oil salespeople, anyone who critiques other trainers without video proof of them working with difficult dogs (examples: Emily Larlham, Zak George)

Raw protein (80%)
Organs (10%)
Raw bones (10%)
Vegetables (optional)
Supplements (optional)
AVOID: "nutrition" advice sponsored by dog "food" companies

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Why not? Are you obsessed with purebred dogs?
that seems pretty steep. it's one thing if that $750 statue is an antique, but the $2000 figure under the glass seems recent to me. not sure where that 2000 bucks come to be reasonable
I think they're from famous makers or actual "artists" instead of 50 indian guys pumping them out by the hundreds.

That gsd sculpture is also cast brass I think and hand painted.
No? Just had a shitty day

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What do you think was going through his mind?
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Nah, you can tell the skin was scrapped as well.
was removed because of BIG CHEESE
Are you blind? It’s deep enough that there’s literally shadows in the cuts. Algae doesn’t just rub off that easily either, anyone who’s had to scrape it off aquarium glass could tell you that
was making sense without this

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Doeritos edition
What is your favorite species of deer?
Have you even seen a deer up close?
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>that webm
Imagine getting mogged in literally EVERY way imaginable. Must be brutal.
Based bouncer horses
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They know cows are bad for foals.
that's a fat buck

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>forest in Asia is forest
>forest in Hungary is forest
>forest in North America is forest
>forest in South America is forest
>grassland in Asia is steppe
>grassland in Hungary is Puszta
>grassland in North America is praire
>grassland in South America is pampa
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A rainforest is far more ambiguous. Like the whole coast of the Pacific Northwest is a temperate rainforest. A jungle is specifically tropical with a connotation of being particularly overgrown - basically the tropical rainforest equivalent of "wilderness".
What's the difference between forest and woods?
The difference between swamp and marshes, is that a swamp is able to support woody plants.
i like to think of a forest as old-growth, something that's been there for thousands of years. woods are what's behind your house.
Imho, forests are evergreen trees, woods are deciduous.

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Is he gonna be okay? What should I do with him?
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looks like he has a bad case of rotting horse pussy.
He knows what to do he’s just being a faggot for attention
Take the cat to a vet, what the hell is wrong with you?
Looks chill. Get him fixed up and he'd probably make a good little companion.
People who let cats roam are evil desu

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What's the rarest animal you've ever seen?

Can be either rare to your area in general or just rare in the sense that not many even exist to begin with.

Mine is a flying squirrel. They only come out at night and are naturally hard to see just by default, but last year one came to my suet feeder a few times and I was lucky to see it in the porch light.

Not my pic but he looked pretty much just like this with the thick tail and big eyes.
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>Olive White-eye
Well, can’t say it wasn’t named appropriately
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Only exist in 4 islands in the Balkans, came across a big dead on during a hike, it was about 24 inches long.
It was hefty too, pretty thick and heavy, it was during late spring and the bushes were full of partridge chicks scurrying around so plenty of prey around for them.
It's pretty much the same story with sasquatch. You hear about logging companies fighting guerilla tactics against them because if they were revealed to the public millions of square miles of forest would become protected and the loggers would go out of business.
from west FL, armadillo are pretty common in FL from what I understand. seen them a few times, they sound like a tank walking across the driveway at night
Pretty sure I saw a whooping crane once.

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just got a 4 weeks old kitten. how the fuck do i care for her?
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when I was 9 years old there was a department store that had a box of kittens out front which they had found in their basement and were free to take
I wanted one and my mom said as long as I take care of it I can have it, she was fully expecting me to fail so it was a win win where she gets to look like the good guy but also we wouldn't really have a cat for long

well I didn't fail, I got cat milk formula and fed the kitten from a dropper every couple hours until it was able to start on solid food and over the next many weeks it grew up healthy and we bonded
then my mom went back on her word and made me get rid of the cat anyway. worse yet she had someone from her job come to get it and made me be the one to physically hand it over

it was decades ago, and it still hurts
>also people adopt way younger kittens and just feed them from bottles or something.
A fraction of people does something really fucking stupid and irresponsible, that doesn't make it ok.
>she doesnt need to socialise cause shes not gonna be around other cats anyway.
Please hand the kitten in to the nearest vet and never adopt any pet ever again.
What an evil shrew
It's crucial that she socializes as soon as possible or she'll end up with serious behavioral issues. Cats are social, they need to be with other cats. Get an adult female cat to serve as her surrogate mother.
If you absolutely will not take her back (temporarily), you need to get up to speed on how to properly care for a kitten this young ASAP it's not the same as caring for an older cat. Go and watch the Kitten Lady's videos on this topic on YouTube, she's an expert and explains everything in great detail.

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