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Just cause I fuckin' love owls
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>owl cafe
is there anything japan won't commercialise
korea is trying similar stuff too
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what is the scientific name?
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Uma Delicia
>obvious bait pity thread
The other pitythread hasn't reached its limit 4741977. What is this?
I see, being a pityfag and having severe brain damage goes hand in hand. Here's another prime example by Darel Wade: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lg-udnHB4kw
lil nigga

How do people leave their dogs like this, for 8-10 hours at a time, like a veal cow?
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lmao, you've got some trauma to work through my dude
go see a therapist, it'll make your whole life better
Clearly you haven't seen the average "dog trainer" at work

They put spike collars on dogs and repeatedly jerk them straight up until the dog gives up. That's dog training. It is very possible to train a dog without this, but it takes 3 weeks instead of 3 minutes.

The downside is the dog becomes potentially unsafe, so the old adage is "don't pet strange dogs"
Sensitive response. What's the matter, did he strike a nerve?
I was gonna say the Middle East too but remembered thats goats
If they were already ā€œaggressiveā€ then no shit it was ā€œfineā€, doing that to normal well adjusted cats usually doesnā€™t end well

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Pterosaurs are just so damn rad.
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terrible posture
Dapper fellow
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I'd love to hunt a pterosaur
It always bothered me that he looks more like a dragon than a pterosaur
Do you guys have a preference as to how far down the wing membrane goes? After seeing so much of Witton's art I feel like anything above the ankle looks wrong

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I recently got a healthy white duck pet and i called him "Breadwinner", AMA
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Really cool! I like a white good white duck.

I found a next of duck eggs at my ranch and decided to incubate them, and we got 3 from like 12 eggs. These fuckers are so damn annoying. Lucky they are cute.

I need to get a better waterer and bedding for them, and that will solve half the annoyance.
Reversed image searched that shit. That's not OP's duck.

9 dead ducks : (
Guessing the nest was abandoned and/or Theymama Puddleduck was killed somehow, yeah? : (
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They were all quitters or infertile. One popped, so we candled after 2.5 weeks and were left with only 4 that still looked good.
The ducks are around, but we were unsure of the age of the eggs. Duck eggs, and especially muscovy have particularly low hatch rates when artificially incubated, so we are happy with three.

I'm that guy in the chicken thread that hatched out almost 300 chicks a couple weeks ago. These ducks are kind of jusy a bonus on top of those lol.
I figured that's who you are, yeah. You post on /ck/ from time to time, too, iinm.
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It ended up in my car somehow. Has a very cool shield pattern on the back; better looking than most heraldry. This is in Spokane.
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brain rot
Its a gaybug
looks like a cupcake
i donā€™t let either of those into my home thankfully
A new species. We shall name it Patternus Soijakus

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Pigeons are cute and beautiful and I love !
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they came back while i was doing the dishes, but i think i got too close for comfort and they ended up getting scared. i think i need to retrain myself how to behave around these creatures, i think the selfish bits of me override the intuition i might have with animals. i read that they will always need to warm up to me, and not the other way around, so i will try to not be so pushy next time and give them their due respect. i wouldn't want some weird stranger pushing their nose up while i'm eating either, but i was just so eager to make friends that i couldn't help but get a little too close.
don't mind him, he is simply immature and doesn't know any better. abusive language will only affirm his narrow minded conclusions and close him up from any curiosity in trying to learn more.
Update on rescued pigeon. A few days ago he recovered and flew back to his group. Today I saw him hanging out with his friends on a rooftop. Im so happy for him, saars.
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Animal reaction images
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itā€™s called le vine boom ackchualee
I chuckled
Laughed, even
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fresh gif.

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Was it autism?
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Garters can't really be representative of most snakes, they are a diurnal species that needs to eat daily. They have been seen to eat carrion (toad and worm roadkill) in the wild as well. they do a bunch of stuff snakes don't normally do as they are social and highly active.
Can they? I donā€™t know if Iā€™d trust that
Carrion eating is not rare for snakes, even pitvipers like rattlesnakes are known to do it. Neither is being active and diurnal.
Like ground turkey, greens, and the like. I know a lot of folks pretty much feed them high quality dog food. Theyā€™re garbage compactor lizards from my understanding.
Except birds evolved alongside other groups of dinosaurs and lived among them as a different branch, this isn't comparable at all.

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Can I hire somebody, maybe a zoologist, to survey and document all wildlife on my property? How much would they cost?
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Don't do this. If they find some rare retard salamander on your property you're suddenly unable to develop your land. In the US they could even possibly buy your house out with government funds.
>Can I hire somebody

>How much would they cost?
I don't know. If you live near any universities, get in contact with their biology departments and describe what you're interested in and why. You might be able to find a professor that would also be interested, especially if you are willing to learn how to do a bunch of the work. He (or she) might have students/grad students to assign, or maybe willing to volunteer, for the experience or even credits for doing an independent study project.

Depending on the university, they may structure their organization under a College of Agriculture, or the Biology Department may be it's own entity. Specifically look for Ecological Studies or the equivalent. You should be able to browse their websites to answer those questions and to try and identify professors likely to be interested.

Depending on several factors, you might be able to find someone to do it for free (meaning, the university will pay them to do the work as part of their activities). If you have money to spend and it's important, keep trying and offer to donate it somehow to a specific professor to be in charge (first) before trying to donate it to a department or the general university fund. You're willingness to work as part of the project can be a tipping factor to make it possible under whatever funds are available.

Similar strategy, investigate & contact your state's equivalent to their Department of Environmental and Natural Resources. You may help add to a state map of natural resource surveys, especially for conservation efforts.
Yeah. The government hires enviromental engineers to study the viability of a certain project and, among other things, they study the local fauna of the region to look for potential dangers that the construction might cause to them and ways to mitigate the harm.
But those guys are generalists and arguably focus on soil and shit, not unlike topographers. Your best bet is probably looking for help from your local university. If they are particularly interested in your property, they might do it for free, but it will most likely cost you a tad. I think the last report of this type that I saw in my work was made for, like, $8,000.
How true is this really that would have me paranoid
Generally wonā€™t buy out property unless they want to build something there. Will give you fairly large fines if you do anything they consider disruption though, like cutting down a rotten tree before it falls on your house- because an endangered bird built a permanent nest in it that it returns to yearly. You receive no compensation for this status unless enough of the property can be classified as a type of habitat that does have funding set aside to encourage owners to maintain it.

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why donā€™t I see a whale general? letā€™s have a whale general
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Chainsaw Man?
Will we ever be able to talk to them?
What would they even have to say? All they do is sit in the water column beeping at each other.
I want to say sorry
ehh only kobeni or power

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What the fuck do you even do for 392 years?
Do sharks not lose their minds from boredom?
I can't imagine just aimlessly swimming the dark depths of the ocean for almost 400 years.
What the hell are you on about
Itll happen to you too
Sleep under docks in the rivers of maine and newfoundland to scare the local children
What mind do they have to lose?
They are simple creatures.

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hey... like, i just realized:
coconuts are to hazel nuts
what capybaras are to guinea pigs
wheek punchline
I donā€™t get it.

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Name them
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Fred and Rose West
Zack and Snyder
cock and balls

yes weā€™re all familiar with the song thank you

Check it
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cool looking set up
Cool lizard
being elitist about the species someone keeps as pets?
Reptiles become popular because they have temperaments and care requirements that make them suitable to living in the average home. You should not choose your pet based off some unwashed reptile hoarder with an ankle monitor's opinion. That said, everyone should relentlessly bully OP for those tacky plastic plants.
not him but if I ever got a reptile Iā€™d like one that stands out, so long as itā€™s within my means of care, these ones seem pretty cool

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