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>Literally more tolerable than western women
Show me your favorite arachnid.
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>Show me your favorite arachnid.
Ok, picrel is my favorite arachnid.
Patron taste.
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You two have abysmal taste.
reminds me of a bin crab
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My favourite arachnids are good old Australian huntsman spiders of the family Sparassidae.
Pic related. It's OP.

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If I bring a cat home from the shelter and I want it to be an "outdoor" cat, how does the cat know it's my cat? What if it just leaves?
Picrel is what's happening to my lawn, this way at least it will be my cat.
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No it's not, it's extremely disposable, things just reproduce
Never have children.
Too late but their mothet raises them
If you TNR it, it may become more good with people without all the hormones going through it. Also try feeding it on your porch, and then just a few feet inside your door with it open. I had a feral cat, did both of these with no expectation of it ever even being an outdoor pet let alone an indoor cat. Fast forward a few years and he sleeps indoors and lets anyone pick him up. Super friendly.
Nah I got bluebirds nesting in my yard. I will get rid of it before the eggs hatch.

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don't mind me, I'm just a parrot eating a waffle
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I hate parrot owners sometimes.
like a boss
de wafelpapegaai
wat een graai
hij is nooit saai
baai baai :-)
You don't eat waffles with syrup, you eat them with chocolate, strawberries and powdered sugar. This separates the american from man.
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Don't mind me ,I'm just a parrot eating some potato

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>damare, baka
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>I... ITAI !!
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schizo thread
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>maji de

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we all know of louis wain, but this piece really hits me. he really captured the emotions in this cats eyes
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Why are they like this
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In what sense? The fact that it is a youtube short or the assumption that it is gender miss-identification? In either case no one really cares unless you are anal about that one japanese study with the tiny population size that determined cats are all homosex or if you find the idea of people uploading animal vids like that to farm morbid curiosity clicks as deplorable.
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>post in the heckin generalerino! BALKANIZE ME DADDY
This is really funny
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Based barbs edition.

Discuss anything aquarium related here, including tanks, bowls, inhabitants, logs, decor, plants, and issues. Before asking questions in this thread, make sure you give us at least some details when asking a question, such as:

>Tank size (include dimensions, not just volume)
>Unusual Parameters (nitrate, pH, GH, KH)
>Any inhabitants + how long you've had them
>Age of the tank
>Pictures are always helpful

Tank Cycling:

Stocking and Water Change Calculator:

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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post tank gook, you won't
if your such a pro you should have le epic tank photo to flex on us super glue eaters
Yes. Larger quantity of water can absorb small mistakes more easily before you kill your fish. For example it's harder to create a rapid temperature swing or ph swing in a larger quantity of water. Not that it's terribly hard to run a nano tank under 10g. If you are responsible and serious about researching you are unlikely to encounter serious issues related to your ignorance.
Sand capped soil is fine if you want to do that. Use a filter. Sponge filters are fine. Stick to fish species within the general range of your tap water ph. While it is possible to create drastically different water chemistry in your tank to what you have coming out of your tank, this is a more complex endeavour that requires a lot more care. Most stuff commonly kept does just fine in the 6.5-8 range.
>what you have coming out of your tank
oh yea okay then i retract my statement, that is very crazy.

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>*lays an egg in your nest*
>"this is yours now. raise it"
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If the original cuckoo was barely able to feed their offspring yeah that sounds perfectly reasonable.
Instead of competing for a different food source that might already have a dominant predator, just let the dominant predator itself feed your offspring.

Effectively living off of two niches for free, letting you produce more eggs without worrying about getting more food.
Well why would God make an evil creature if he's like chill and dope and shit.
They evolved millions of years alongside cuckoos. They'll be fine.
Not really since humans have increased Horse and Elephant productivity, not diminished. All domesticated species have received a considerable boost in species numbers. It is symbiosis.
Funny thing is that I read somewhere a cuckoo species was actually boosting the numbers of the crows it was parasiting. The call of the cuckoo stimulates the parents to look for more food making the crow chicks more likely to survive.

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Discuss anything related to the bulldog/frenchie/american bully mixes, also known as exotic/toadline bullies, and its associated culture here.
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Was this on a news site by any chance?
Those things are like the absolute opposites of toadies though. Tardigrades are said to be the most hardy organism, capable of surviving extreme environment. Meanwhile, a toady might suffocate and die if it closes its mouth too long.
What is his pedigree? I need to calculate his inbreeding coefficient.
Knox is a BEAST, better than Pimpy. Who owns him and where can get more pics?
Poe's law everybody.

Europeans if our American red squirrels invaded your Eurasian red squirrel territories would you be less upset?
Nigga we'd bust your nuts
upset about what
I think they would be more upset with the noise
The markings are cool but it looks so fat and stupid

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Is he gonna be okay? What should I do with him?
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That thing on it's side looks like something our cat had on it's leg when it was old. It got really bad, what even is it? Cat didn't seem to mind it much even though it was gaping and deep as fuck.
>Take the cat to a vet, what the hell is wrong with you?
bring a stray to a vet? what are you made out of money?
ah yes, let other people kill the animal- so not a peace of shit like
That cancer tumor is ugly, anon. This fucker doesn't have long to live before it hits his lungs.
Drop it there and leave, they'll take care of it or send it to a shelter most likely

Distorted animal pics
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>baby inspection, please open up maam
I mean, this isn't inaccurate.
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Doeritos edition
What is your favorite species of deer?
Have you even seen a deer up close?
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that's a fat buck
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>already on the dinner table
she knows where she belongs
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You got dominated

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Just cause I fuckin' love owls
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>smallest bird of prey in the world.
what does it hunt?
I saw an owl last night and their faces look very silly from the side, such a flat face
They look very fluffy as well, like they’re wearing fur coats, but I know that in reality the hard feather shaft means they wouldn’t be nearly as nice to pet as I’d wish

Overall, good thread, beautiful creatures
Owls are terrible to own. They are really dumb, are active at the wrong times (unless it's a diurnal owl, obvs), and their waste smells exceptionally bad compared to other birds.
The incredible softness is on the edge of the feather, not the top or bottom - so yeah pretty much as you say.
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Bugs mostly. Grasshoppers, scorpions, beetles, centipedes, moths, and the occasional small rodent or lizard. They have even been known to rarely take small birds. Micro-owls like Elf and Pygmy Owls are typically super aggressive and able to take surprisingly large prey given their own size if necessary.
hilarious and cute. never knew such a thing is a thing, but it is a gut thing

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What do you think of squirrels?
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they are not for eating they are for respecting and rubbing
They are the niggers of the rodents.
>american houses have hollow walls
ayo redboi, where da peanuts at??

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