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GNOME is going bankrupt. DONATE NOW!
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I hate women and I hate foundations. We need a king with all men homo court to run FOSS. None of this woman ick
Thanks for the read Anon, that whole attack vector bit about changing the system time was choice. Why the fuck. Did Ebussy come out swinging like that though?
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I love women and the crazy porn they draw write about being raped by hot chads with gigahands.
Because he's clearly deeply insulted that someone would want to run a system without Polkit.
It's just bizarre how personally he takes it. If you ever talk with Freedesktop devs it becomes clear they really, really do not like it when someone doesn't use their technologies. Most are considerably less angry about it but you can smell the contempt in the way they word things when they find out you're not using Freedesktop tech.

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>he thinks he needs 16GB
8GB is still fine and you know it
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8 gigs of RAM used to be enough, then Chrome came along.
Linux can make 8000 PetaBytes out of 16GB. Top that!
mkdir -p /dev/shm/test;mount -t tmpfs -o defaults,noatime,size=8000P tmpfs /dev/shm/test;df -Ph /dev/shm/test;free -gtwh
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
tmpfs 7.9E 0 7.9E 0% /run/shm/test
total used free shared buffers cache available
Mem: 15Gi 5.0Gi 13Gi 129Mi 36Mi 682Mi 10Gi
Swap: 0B 0B 0B
Total: 15Gi 5.0Gi 13Gi
>Wangblows 10 uses 12 gb at rest
My Windows 11 uses 6GB.
16 GB is barely still fine these days unless all you do is web browsing. any kind of work is gonna eat into 16 GB pretty quick. development, graphics design, video editing, video games. you'll want 32 at least these days, and it's pretty cheap these days too
I'll use 64GB and you'll like it.

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Post build list or current specs including MONITOR: https://pcpartpicker.com/
Provide specific use cases.
State BUDGET and COUNTRY or you will NOT be helped.
Building guide: https://wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Build_a_PC

Intel Battlemage (Q3 2024)
RTX 5000 Series (Q4 2024)
Intel Arrow Lake (Q4 2024)

Web browsing: i3 12100/5600G
Budget: 12400F/5600
Gaming: 13600KF/7600

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Future proofing is stupid and not worth the money you spend on it, it’s ridiculously expensive.
Just buy the stuff that give you the most bang for your bucks and make a new build next time. I usually switch between buying the GPU and the rest of the system really.
I bought a mobo with PCIE 5.0
What does it mean? Will my GPU run faster?
>Excessive fans
Gay as fuck
its 1 higher than pcie 4
Are you buying nvidia or AMD? Gonna be like a year for AMD

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Work or home edition
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depends on the model
Do you guys prefer
>coaster next to desk mat/mouse mat
>cup on main mat
>coaster placed on main mat
>fuck coasters, my desk is not real wood
>my desk is not real wood
what about MDF
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I don't work from home though
>cup on main mat
>Still manage to spill water on everything like a retard

Name a better language.

Protip: You can't.
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I use chatGPT for this.
Then you don't write it, how can you enjoy it, retard?
I write what chatGPT told me to.
No you don't, you copy and paste, retard.

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Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread ***

Before asking for help, please check our list of resources.

If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Resources: Please spend at least a minute to check a web search engine with your question.
*Many free software projects have active mailing lists.

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>but its too old to have UEFI apparently
Who cares, any decent distro still supports booting from MBR.
Because Linus uses boring hardware that just works. No Nvidia (fuck them), etc.

The only exotic piece of hardware he is an M1 MacBook and he's smart enough to port Fedora to that himself.
*Slight correction. It's an M2 Macbook
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i mean, Home Assistant, which is what i want to run, says it requires UEFI. No matter what i install on this, the BIOS isnt UEFI
i know linux distros dont require UEFI.

Home Assistant requires UEFI, tho.
Me want to install home assistant.
Home Assistant needs UEFI.
Me need UEFI.
In that case try Clover:

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>Drag window around
>It never lags behind the cursor

How the fuck did KDE do it? Even after picom improved its latency, there's still a visible disconnect.
they used a better shaman than gnome's roastie
I tried KDE on NVIDIA, and it absolutely shat itself.

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Just 20 years ago, cd/dvd-burners were standard in every desktop PC. You could buy music and movies, and make backups in full high quality. Every year, you hear about another company in the businesses of producing hard media shutting down. Nowadays it turns out if you buy your media on Apple, Amazon, other services, and your account gets terminated for some ToS violation, you don't actually own your media and you're just renting it because it's in the cloud (someone elses servers).

Will the practice of collecting and preserving media last well into the future as the technology to preserve it becomes less and less available and we lose privacy and ownership of our own computers?
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I mean couldn't you just use obs and isolate the audio source in the background? Same idea
Some movies and tv shows have been distributed on blu-ray that wasn't encrypted. I don't think its that uncommon, just have to know what you're getting.
There at least used to be a list, but none of the attempts actually effectively restrict access anymore.

Hollywood should just give up on it. People who aren't going to buy media aren't going to buy media. Give people who are going to pay a better experience than the pirates.
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I make vhs of my favorites using blurays as source! I make covers for em too (most of these in pic rel are existing covers) physical media will never die and will always be there for those who can appreciate it. I've made 60+ tapes in the last 2 months.
Overwhelming majority of them are encrypted, just because its ridiculously easy to crack it that doesn't mean DRM isn't still there.
There used be software that ripped iTunes movies to DRM-free just as easily as you'd rip a CSS DVD.

You are technically right but thats still a major downgrade in my opinion, like physical media is basically not available in my country because everyone else gladly streams and it ain't worth the cost to bring it in here just for the few weirdos like me.

Also I'd argue most preservation happens indirectly, just the physical media existing is preservation.
Like I can (and should) rip all the obscure local tapes and discs of my normalfag parents basically all of which are unavailable officially or unofficially online even tho they don't care one bit, didn't buy it back then expecting to watch or sell it way into the future but just because they were forced to get the physical media to access them now they have the chance to live on unlike the TV shows I watched as a kid which have no trace left past some vague memories.
Actually I used to record music from the radio and I still have those files meanwhile the music I used to listen to for the years that I've used Deezer are forever lost with no chance of recovery without the account I forgot.

Going into the future without physical media or more specifically "physical" files stored on end user devices without DRM and usage restrictions be that in whatever form there is just soon going to be a huge gap in history between the last physical/download releases up until the very latest currently officially streaming offers.

Like how much of the PS1 library is unplayable? Probably an extremely low amount, if you wanted to play through the entire library you could probably get extremely close, even if a disc isn't dumped yet it at least has the chance to be in the future.
Meanwhile with newer generations huge portion of the library are already unplayable and it'll only get worse, like you can't get 100% achievements or even anywhere close on the PS3 library, obviously, but did you know unless you were grinding the PS5 from basically the first few months your chance for the complete platinum collection is already busted? I think theres just something really wrong about that.

Share your progress edition

/gedg/ Wiki: https://wiki.installgentoo.com/wiki/Gedg
IRC: irc.rizon.net #/g/gedg
Progress Day: https://rentry.org/gedg-jams
/gedg/ Compendium: https://rentry.org/gedg
/agdg/: >>>/vg/agdg
previous: https://desuarchive.org/g/thread/100102255

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-Problem Description: Clearly explain the issue you're facing, providing context and relevant background information.
-Relevant Code or Content: If applicable, include relevant code, configuration, or content related to your question. Use code tags.
298 replies and 28 images omitted. Click here to view.
>I think my engine is too similar architecturally to Hazel at the moment
An engine is a tool, you don't win points for originality
Zig is a bit like Rust in that it's a language that likes pointless ceremony and doesn't over anything over existing languages
Nim also doesn't offer anything over existing languages and has things that make you go "wtf was the author thinking"
Dumb idea: (de)serialize game assets (models, levels, etc) as lua scripts. But not just as like tables containing the data, you could like have the lua script procedurally "build" the data through a set of functions that are executed by the asset loader.
Scripts for assets is ok and I don't think it's uncommon.
Scripts for save data is a bad idea unless you're certain it is properly sandboxed.
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I wanted to reimplement benchmark game to get a rough idea of how nim compares to C in terms of speed, but I can't tell how the bitshifting is supposed to work or if there's things like |= in the language, and I'm not smart enough to divine that on my own. Also I was stepping through the makefile to try and see how it's bootstrapped and legitimately cannot figure out how you get a nim compiler to compile your nim compiler.

Was social media a mistake for humanity ?
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Are you retarded, faggot? Sanitize your fucking links.
Kek true
I have a problem, porn is now bored for me because i instead fap using tiktok, is kinda hard to stop doing that
>this is a brief reminder of what she had accomplished in life
ie nothing.
she wasted her prime on mouthbreathers instead of actually living, it's just sad.
who gives a fuck about lonely old people, they lived their lives and now they'll die somewhere we can't see them as it should be.
don't pretend to care about your grand parents, you just care about inheritance and you can't prove me wrong.
I'd rather die alone knowing I lived my live by my rules instead of following some arbitrary non-sense about family.
there are statistically enough morons to not have to care about having children yourself, they'll make them for you, you just concentred in living your best life.
if you're old and feel lonely you can always do the needful, that's less pension to pay for the rest of the population and one less wasted are we can get use to house actually useful people
Pure cringe

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is there a point in switching from arch to debian? people say that theyre both the S tier distros but debian has slower package manager with smaller official repo and doesnt have any unofficial one like arch has, also its heavier than arch and dont say anything about stablility because I literally never had any problems with arch that couldnt be solved in a couple of minutes since Ive switched to it like a year ago
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I preferred Debian but if you have no problem with Arch then just stick with Arch.
I sat on windows 7 for a very long time, you really don't need to switch OS that much.
Just sit on something that works.

Arch is for hipsters, where they have to have the newest of the new.
Debian is for people who are older and just need change less often.

Once AI tools start getting integrated offline, it's going to blur the distros.
If you need or want something new, the AI will simply just make it for you.
Arch for desktops. Debian for servers. Simple as.
Fedora for laptops
Debian for servers/turnkey
Arch for distrobox
I don't see why you would, arch is better in pretty much every way. maybe if you're too lazy for system maintenance then Debian's stability is worth switching for but otherwise there's no reason

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Everything is already from China, but in here we discuss the cheap chink shit you see on various sites.

Useful links
>New guide (WIP): https://csg-guide.neocities.org/
>installgentoo wiki: https://wiki.installgentoo.com/wiki/Chink_shit_general
>NEW GUIDE (WORK IN PROGRESS, USUALLY TRASH): https://pad.disroot.org/p/ZxYEUYubPTPDhsEkKobh
>Mergeboss links (please post in this pad instead of spamming the thread): https://pad.disroot.org/p/%2Fcsg%2F_ali_game

>What headphones/earbuds should I buy?
>I want a cheap smartphone what should I buy?
>I want to buy some sort of emulation device

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What the fuck are you talking about
What the fuck is pandabuy
Shoo shoo chang
are there any trusted SD card vendors on aliexpress?

also is there any software to test wether a SD card storage is legit ?
now im in the sunk cost fallacy of wether to spend a hundred bucks or so in a mini PC that i can use as a Home Assistant server because the laptops i had planned to use are too old to be compatible from what ive read
>are there any trusted SD card vendors on aliexpress?
>also is there any software to test wether a SD card storage is legit ?
Validrive https://www.grc.com/validrive.htm
There is also h2testw but it takes fucking forever
thank you saar
so is there no way to get cheap SD cards or flash drives from asia nowadays ? ones that actually have the storage they advertise, you know

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>Installing old windows games on Linux via Wine
>Find out you can manually edit Wine registry using scripts
>Theory: Don't need to install games properly anymore
>Copy registry files from successfully installed game into script
>Copy the fully-installed game folder to any arbitrary OS with Wine installed
>Run the registry script and play
Did you know this? Apart from games that require No-CD patches it works every time.
so you just invented batch script? Yo that's epic!
Huh, that sounds handy for archival purposes. Would like to do that with this thing

why does youtube not only allow but actively PROMOTE tiktok ads
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This, one would think being a /g/ user guarantee some minimum iq to post here, guess not.
it's very cute when you pretend you somehow don't know that youtube runs ads

blocking them doesn't make them not exist for everyone you OSTRICHES, and youtube is advertising tiktok now EXPLAIN IT
No one is pretending ads don't exist, only that normies and morons watch youtube without an adblock.
I have ads on on Youtube and have never seen anything related to Tiktok, so my guess is you are zoomer niggercattle, fix that.
You know google doesn't care who the fuck buy ads, right? Money is money.
If tiktok is throwing cash on ads and you're on the target demographic (retard faggot redditor with very low attention span) then you're gonna see them.

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Today Microsoft open-sourced MS-DOS 4.0.
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Even a FS Lisa was too much for them.
There's no actual use for partial DOS source code. I can see why they would want to wait for a potential release of the whole thing.
Now that AIX is in pajeet hell, release the sauce, IBM.
UGH. Invite?
OS/2 will never be open sourced because IBM makes bank at licensing it to third party companies. See eComStation and ArcaOS.

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