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Tailwind edition.

>Free beginner resources to get started with HTML, CSS and JS
https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn - MDN is your friend for web dev fundamentals (go to the "See also" section for other Mozilla approved tutorials, like The Odin Project)
https://web.dev/learn/ - Guides by Google, you can also learn concepts like Accessibility, Responsive Design etc.
https://eloquentjavascript.net/Eloquent_JavaScript.pdf - A modern introduction to JavaScript
https://javascript.info/ - Quite a good JS tutorial
https://flexboxfroggy.com/ and https://cssgridgarden.com/ - Learn flex and grid in CSS

>Resources for backend languages
https://www.phptutorial.net - A PHP tutorial
https://dev.java/learn/ - A Java tutorial
https://rentry.org/htbby - Links for Python and Go

>Resources for miscellaneous areas

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Anyone ever design a page and think, Yeah this looks good. But then you wake up the next morning and you realize that it's not that good?
/!\/!\/!\ Official /wdg/ challenge alert /!\/!\/!\
Make the tightest neon light typography composition.
Anything goes, except a fucking .png. Bonus for:
. ultra-realism
. animated light
. actual typography, well rendered
. pure CSS solution
. pure canvas solution
. pure webgl solution (or similar web3D solution like for example webgpu)

Everyone invited!
i got it working now, im just a retard
>Github Codespaces are a cloud based alternative to VS Code
>look inside
>it's VS Code
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>Prompt """engineer"""
>90% are pajeets who have no clue
Who pays for this shit?
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pls view my coarse
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you bloody bastard i am real engineer bcuz i engineer prompt to make chatpgt more accurate results.
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>civil engineer
>building a bridge
LMAO how many bridges do you think are built every year? Those guys are mostly doing city inspections and permit review, the fizzbuzz of civil engineering.
so that's where the recycled medical marijuana containers go

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In 5 years time, 90% of software you use will have rust in it.

The sexual deviants won. How are you coping?
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it doesn't matter. it's not any worse than C++.

in 5 years time i hope to spend zero time outside of plan 9.
Microsoft will eventually make their own safe language, force it down our throats (which is a good thing, at least they have some taste when it comes to programming language design) and that's pretty much it for Rust outside of hobby projects
You can’t have a penis and master rust.
>good performance
Rust performance is GC language tier if you don't use unsafe, which defeats the purpose.
Just use C# if you don't want to manually deal with memory
Nah. Unsafe can help with performance sometimes but very few of the safety features actually have direct overhead and IME most optimization doesn't involve unsafe.
It also doesn't let you off the hook from manually dealing with memory any more than C++ does.

pls help me debug this it stops after 1000 lines
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Nigger that's what >>100078505 said.
he said that C compilers don't generate it, because C compilers suck, it's funny how with C++ I get both based abstractions AND good optimizations, C++ chads can't keep winning!
If you run it in Safari it will run forever
Oops I thought this was JS at a glance, PyPy might optimize this
this is a tech support thread and probably a bait/flamewar thread

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Hello /g/
I've heard you're good with technology
So tell me what is the best and most reliable analogue refrigerator under 30 inches in width on the market today
I bet you can't do it
it depends on your local market. it turns out shipping these things are expensive (who would have guessed), so local distribution markets are still important

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>/g/ makes a 12th album
Theme: everything is single saw/square/sine osc with a simple filter
Title: Let me guess, you need more
Deadline: Midnight between April 30th and May 1st

Please post cover art

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why don't you try using windows explorer and actually organizing your files
Because that'd take a long time. I may do that though. It's just a lot of folders and sub folders to empty and I don't feel like doing it
I wanted the ableton AI to do something cool but it didnt
Not a DAW, but Sononym is a program that's good for sorting audio files imo. AI-powered, and the interface/workflow is really clean. You can just drag and drop into your DAW.

Also, REAPER's media browser is nice if you don't mind setting it up how you want it. You can make databases that are super easy/fast to search through.
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>varg uses GarageBand

What in fucks name is this godawful ugly and unusable new ui? Are they exclusively only hiring complete retards at google/youtube now?
not your personal review website, redditard
please either stop using youtube or at least stop bitching about it here
^samefag above
This is a really good thread OP
Tell us more
>civil discussion ensues

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Programming -- Principles and Practice Using C++ (3rd Edition)
>Programming -- Principles and Practice Using C++ (3rd Edition)
Programming -- Principles and Practice Using C++ (3rd Edition)
>Programming -- Principles and Practice Using C++ (3rd Edition)
Programming -- Principles and Practice Using C++ (3rd Edition)
>Programming -- Principles and Practice Using C++ (3rd Edition)
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>pointers make me cry about the penis I cut off so I’ll call everyone “cnile”
>tranny trauma dump
Bro nobody cares about your tranny fetish! You're a demented cnile bastard and your language sucks. Having to debug pointers and memory leaks every time you try to add one tiny feature to your project doesn't make you smart.
bot post
I'm a #lecoooding and std::slurper, valgrinding and fixing 5000 memory leaks as we speak. I've made some progress this month. Right now I have 20 lines of #code and 1 function.
which os he uses?

I hate webp image files. Why? Why did you do this to us? Leave PNGs and JPGs alone, wtf is Webp?? who the fuck cares about this image format? God I fucking HATE WEBPs so much I hope they disappear. I just want to download funny memes and transparent PNG emojis, when you think you've finally found your perfect image, you try to download it, and then you realize, IT'S A FUCKING WEBP
WHY JUST WHY? Which low IQ retard's bright idea was it to just ruin something that already worked WELL and turn it into a serious inconvenience?

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>(often 2x more efficient than png
eeh it's more like 1.3x better if you use a decent png encoder while not being any slower to encode.
https://files.catbox.moe/j4c7nd.png (7.4MB)
https://files.catbox.moe/khi8is.webp (5.5MB)
https://files.catbox.moe/scirkz.jxl (4.4MB)
iPhone HEIC is a grid of 512x512 images. A 48MP photo is 16x12 of these images, if you round up. A phone can very much decode 8 seconds worth of less-than-480p HEVC video in less than a second on a CPU, regardless of how much you're obsessed with it "just feeling" like it can't.
Regardless, iPhone uses hardware encoding/decoding for this in the camera and gallery apps, which is why it only uses fixed parameters (chroma subsampling, bit depth, grid tile resolution) so it can basically do the equivalent of decoding a video clip when decoding an image.
This would not be doable on an image with arbitrary parameters and there are next to no phone video decoders that would be capable of decoding a single image of that resolution that isn't using grid derivation. This only works on its closed ecosystem where they both encode and decode the images.
>No hardware acceleration
Is there even an image format that is typically decoded using hardware acceleration today?
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All i read here is that 4chin is based

People in this thread are just brainwashed by gookbench. A quick GTA benchmark quickly reveals just how legitimately powerful these ARM CPUs really are.

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Which books about programming (and other tech-related subjects) are actually good and worth reading?
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Are the algorithms books in OP good? Any others I should know about?
the art of unix programming seems absolutely useless for anyone who doesnt work with servers.
Very thankful
Great resource thanks anon

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Post your guts and write what OS you have on it as well as what you use it for

I'll start, I use Arch Linux, run ollama, SD, write C, python and I play games on Steam.
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w10 ltsc
Erotic games and collecting dust
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silencio s400 is sexy af, but horribly outdated unfortunately
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its better than most other things in its size/price/style. Its a shame the S600 has entirely different (older) tooling and is not built like a bigger s400. I liked the s400 a lot better than my fractal D7
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I wanted a small case that allows me to keep the blu-ray burner. As far as I could tell, my in-production choices were the S400 or a Fractal Pop... and the Pop can't fit an optical drive and multiple HDDs without modification.
>What's the name of your case?

Rosewill FBM-X2 also goes by the name Helix. If you get it, immediately shit-can the PSU.

why can't any other language get performance, syntax, the type system, concurrency, STM, FFI and the community right?
>all consistently shit
bravo, at least your language is most consistent
> performance
kek. Haskell is literally Python shit tier when you're not relying on unsafe features.

>No Iron dome thread
>No Ukrainian UAV / drone operator general
>No missile interceptor thread

I don't understand. Aren't all these "technology" ?? We are literally in a computerized world War 3 rn

>inb4 /k/

Nope these run on code/automation so software hence /g/
Forgot my favorite

>Shaheed drones

Literal chad name
we've been in "WW3" since at least 2001, arguably long before that
If "weapons, but with a computer" qualifies as technology, doesn't it become that much harder to keep out the "celebrity drama, but with a computer" shitposting?
Genuine question because the best stuff in this shithole is comfy generals of dubious topicality
Your mom gave me some iron dome yesterday
>/k/ - Weapons
>/k/ - Only Ballistic Dumb Weapons
Weapons have been computerized since World War 2 of course those were analog computers.

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I don't understand how to push files to a project in github using that shitty terminal. Even beginner tutorials leave out essential stuff. FUCK
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geeeg, OP you may aswell kill yourself right now if you couldn't even just copy and paste commands written for you
Ok I managed to push my code. But what if we are more than 1 who are coding in paralell? How do we fuse our new code without deleting or breaking other peoples' code?
by using branches, merging is only allowed for people who aren't retarded like you, sorry bro but there's no other way, you will just have to find someone more intelligent than you to merge your commits into master for you
>one hour later
>okay I managed to push my code
>how to fuse our new code
how do you manage to feed yourself

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as a guy in tech this is why you need to build money and status before looks

the former can always be exchanged for the latter but not vice versa

men who specialize in looks early become washed up losers

men who run hybrid specialties never push the envelope on any area, become mediocre

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>cos idgaf what's going on outside this shithole and what normalfags are doing on their social media accounts
They're looking at that fake picture and typing exactly like you, you mindless subliterate.
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they both look like shit
Every man on the planet can look good so long as they don't have some kind of physical deformity.
The issue is that nerds especially don't even try then wonder why only asian roasties want them for their job security.
Notice how we've had numerous threads like this over the past 24 hours, and how there's always at least a dozen low effort replies within a couple of minutes. This is Zuckerberg's PR firm in action. It has been floating around on a ton of other boards too, even low traffic ones that have nothing to do with technology or pop culture.
keep me updated, faggot

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