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Terriers are absolutely nuts no matter how theyre raised
T. Realistic terrier enjoyer
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Being a good dog parent passes onto the dog 99% of the time but pits get a bad rap for no reason
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>dog parent
Bait or retarded. Either way not worth replying to.

Dog parent, trainer, same difference... The point stands that pits feel love more deeply than say, chihuahuas or shitzus... And they're one of the only breeds that can actually do anything to defend their owner. There's no better babysitter than a well trained family Pit.
Making sure his supper can’t escape
Sampling the goods
>And they're one of the only breeds that can actually do anything to defend their owner.
Only if you don't count
Anatolian Shepherds
Appenzeller Sennenhunds
Belgian Laekenois
Catahoula Leopard Dogs
Estrela Mountain Dogs
German Shepherds
Presa Canarios
Thai Ridgebacks
Tibetan Mastiffs
But yeah I guess pitbulls are one of the only, lmao.
>There's no better babysitter than a well trained family Pit.
Except literally every single breed listed above and more.
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Half of those dogs simply do not exist, there's a litmus test. Have you seen any of those breeds IRL?
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one day that dog is gonna eat that baby
pitxisters… any response?
schizophrenia thread
… you didn’t list Great Pyrenees? 130lbs of fuzzy guarding instinct isn’t just useful. It’s fucking comfy.
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Dogfags are insane and violent. More news at 11.
Sure, but do you know if your pitbull is going to randomly get a mental breakdown?
You can't train against mental illness in your dog.

I don't doubt they can be loyal and loving dogs when trained correctly. But its the fact that so many of them were bred to be naturally aggressive and have so many mental health problems that can make them become violent with little notice.

Imagine if you took humans and selectively bred those where the best in gladiatorial combat and also wanted them to be able to get violent really quickly for said combat. That is exactly why Pitbulls have so many issues.

If they where cross bred with a dog that was not known to have mental illness or just not aggressive it could work out. Like a Beagle, Boxer, or Labrador.

Until Pitbull breeders admit that the minds of the dogs they breed are as deterministic as the way they look this issue will never be solved.
>Labrador, Beagle
>no mental illness
Boxers have facial illness. UGLY fucking dogs but such sweethearts. My neighbor has a boxer/pit mix and she's the sweetest thing but doesn't understand her size so my son is not allowed to play with her. She wouldn't bite him or anything but he's a first grader and she likes jumping on people.
hope the kid gets mauled to death and the parents jailed for life
In the den of lions
Has the latter part ever even happened in those cases
jailed, yes. for life, probably not. rapemurderers dont even get life
Why are normies adverse to hounds?
>mostly healthy
>independent enough to be home alone without going mental
>social enough that the comings and goings of a busy family wont make it go mental
Ok theyre not super obedient but who cares if its just a family pet?
It's almost entirely zoosadists who own husky mutts.
>bringing up huskies out of nowhere
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>out of nowhere
>looking up
>pitbulls only bite more often because they're so often raised by shitty owners that don't train them right!
Prove it. Show actual evidence that pitbulls are disproportionately poorly trained to the degree that it can account for pic related.
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>show actual evidence to my non-academic evidence
This is the part i dont understand
Like nobody bats an eye if you say yorkies or jack russels act insane but a 40lb yorkie with 300psi bite force bred to fight other 40 lb yorkies is sacred and and docile for some reason
>bred to fight other Yorkies
This is the key phrase. They are fighting dogs with dog aggression. Very few possess human aggression.
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>Very few possess human aggression.
The aggression is there and innate and if you dont manage it it will surface inappropriately
Pitmommies and shelter karens wont even acknowlede it, let alone manage it which is why they all should be considered dangerous
When was the last time you heard a labrador, beagle, or a boxer randomly developing psychosis?

Also fuck you, Boxers are beautiful dogs. I can not resist smiling back at them.

You know part of the reason why pitbulls can be so violent is because they where cross bread with terriers for their aggression.
God damn why do i bother with this low iq board
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Go clean the little box faggot.
What little box?
The one inside of the big box.
Go read a book
>Terriers for aggression
For prey drive.

Terriers aren't human-aggressive.

Reactive Chihuahuas owned by shit grandmas who never care for them don't count.
Even well trained pits are insanely neurotic. Constant lip licking, whale eye, shaking, biased tail wag. Often chewing walls and doors to deal with separation anxiety. Resource guarding. Just complete fucking spazzes. The breed should be banned just because they all seem to live in constant anxiety and discomfort.
That's all caused by humans. Banning dogs doesn't solve the problem, people just move on to a new dog.
So, coincidentally, every pit I’ve met has neuroticism exclusively caused by their owners. While every other breed I’ve met has “good owners” who don’t cause this neuroticism outside of a handful of insane small dogs.
Then the solution is to just ban any pet owners with a neurotic dog from ever owning dogs again, until they pass a training course to make them into good owners.
I just think if you are susceptible to manipulation and you read one bad thing about something you’ll start seeing everywhere. It's the spotlight effect.

That solution sounds sane and most rescues already have rigid procedures in place to make sure their dogs go to good homes.
I think you have a savior complex and cannot accept the sad truth of breed instinct and instinctual behavior. Being pro pit is pushed massively on social media platforms- if either of us is consuming propaganda, it’s you.
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Looks like it’s fighting off the urge to bite his face off
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Like it or not, small dogs are the most logical choice for people with children and/or small muscles.
The breed instinct is that they are very bad with other dogs if they aren't pet quality like 80% of dogs are irrespective of breed.
>its how you raise them
How come other dogs aren’t as aggressive even when raised poorly or with aggression in mind?
There’s this old man I know who took in a Rottweiler guard dog because some suburban youths robbed his house and the dog tried to cuddle with them.
He worked him a bit and he’s a lot meaner now but he still never attacks unprovoked.
Mastiffs, Shepherds, and LGDs are as bad and worse when raised poorly.
The breed instinct is to ignore pain and win dog fights + prey drive and gaminess from the terrier portion. So they never get to work because their work is dog fighting, and it makes them neurotic. And then one day they snap, zero in on a child or grandmother (prey), and maul them. People are not raising their dogs to rip their children out of their arms and spread their guts across the yard, and you don’t fucking see that behavior with any other pure breed (besides rotts and gs rarely).
why are pit owners like this?
They can be though, the main issue isn't necessarily aggression since there are dogs more aggressive than them, but that they poorly telegraph/snap more often and when they do get aggressive its way worse.
>the old B-but pits don't tell their next attack!
They aren't human boxers retard, and this has never happened before. What's next? Lockjaw?
>are as bad or worse
I refuse to believe that pits are both more popular than all mastiffs, shepherd and lgds combined and also just happen to be abused at a higher rate. Face it, pits are just dangerous dogs.
They SHOULDN'T (increased dog aggression and dishonest signalling though can still lead to human aggression if not handled), but ironically the complete removal of the breed from dogfighting and into backyard breeding and all that produces dogs that are no longer so tightly controlled. When the APBT's ancestors were still used for dog fighting, any human aggression would lead to even collateral relatives of the dog being culled

Retarded pitmommies are another huge cause, an APBT should only be owned by an active single male that actually excercises yhe dog rigourously. Weird shelter mixes also may give you some horrific mix of drives. An actual APBT simply shouldn't be a general population type of dog

Compare the American Bulldog to the APBT and you can see it is the terrier admixture that really just turns them into the fucking lunatics they are.
The breed has a high strung sort of nature like a Malinois, it's a working dog (even more - it's a game dog). Even the supposed "companion" breed American Bullies (I own one, they're absolutely not, the way retards like to believe) have some level of this - though they exhibit much more of a Mastiff and Bulldog nature (i.e. they are lazy fucks - but have a stubbornness) and may exhibit fairly high dog dominance and even aggression rather than the terrier sort of prey drive
APBT are very bad "defense" dogs (not that they won't defend an owner), barring perhaps if you count bandogs.
Bullies are real cool.
All the ones I've seen were real friendly. They're like what pit bull defenders say pit bulls are.
Do these insane pitfags only exist in America? I live outside Portland and I can't even count all the homeless retards here who have these things off leash outside their rape vans just prowling around
She needs to teach him to stop playing with his food.

Umm pitsisters? Our response?
Our response is IT'S HOW YOU FUCKING RAISE THEM. Those pitties just looked like they were playing anyway. Bunch of pussies, all I would have done is snuggled them and booped their noses
we pretend it didn’t happen and bury our heads in the sand again
i take care of some husky pitbull mix dogs for my sister, she is a shit owner and i dont have much time with them but ive taught them to do a lot of tricks
they've never had a problem with aggression vs people, even complete strangers that come to the house (they just rush toward them, then sniff them like crazy before getting clingy and wanting attention from the new person) but its scary when people walk by the fence, especially with dogs because i dont really know how mine are going to react and not being able to control how people or their dogs will act
there are times when my dogs will go up to the fence and bring their paws up to see over and just check people out, sometimes my dogs do some light barking at the passerby, sometimes they'll have a dog and it will immediately start losing their shit at our dogs and our dogs will get riled up in turn, sometimes everyone is chill but my dogs will stick their heads out past the fence in a desperate attempt to smell the other dog and wag their tails/whimper
i just want to train them to basically not react at all to people walking by, to just chill instead of getting scared/nervous and rushing to the fence. is it just them being vigilant, bored or wanting to mess around with the other dogs or what do you think i can do besides tell my sister she needs a slightly taller fence
im just asking, you dont have to be rude
I'm just acknowledging that I read it is all
Even owning (technically not mine) and coming to love him, they are a bit more like the "UwU he just wants snuggles xd" shit that people spout about pitbulls, but I still ASSUME dog aggression is on the cards, even though it's actually pretty rare and most cases have been someone letting their unsocialised misbehaving dog to try hump or piss on him, or an actual escaped game APBT. An outdoor Husky tried to maul him as a pup, so now he does have some reactiveness around Huskies and Malamutes (males at least). People treat the situation as either one of two retarded extremes, like I move him off the path and sit and wait to allow people to pass, not everyone likes dogs, and some people sneer like I just raped their granny right in front of them, or they get all "uWu he's a cute snugglebug xd".

Even the APBT "should" be reasonably human friendly, but I wouldn't exactly bet on it with a neurotic shelter mutt and a pitmommy
APBT will ALWAYS be dog driven even in a mix, whether that comes out as aggression is maybe not set in stone, but they will have a drive. Huskies are often dickheads too, so you may have a ticking timebomb. I'd probably stick with just reinforcing calmness and non-rectivity as you are, "it doesn't matter if there's a dog over there, leave it alone" being the message to the dog.
Show this to liberals when they ask why you need a gun with a high capacity magazine.
>Oh, so you "need" it for felony animal abuse because you're too bigoted to use pepper spray? Let me guess, 18 60? 14 88? All you pittie haters are the same. Dogs dont deserve to die because you triggered them by coming too close to their territory. They just need some training. Give me a youtube video from larry krohn or joel beckman and i'll have all these pitties turned into loving nanny dogs in a day. And you want to kill them, psychopath!
most hinged pit bill mommies.
>The point stands that pits feel love more deeply than say, chihuahuas or shitzus
How the fuck could you know this? You really think you can compare the qualia of different dogs?
True and factual scenarios.
Dog only aggression is a myth. Colby's own dog killed his nephew.
The one unique thing about pit aggression is that it's predatory towards dogs (and people). One fighting pitbull was known to eat it's opponent's flesh in the ring.
True OP
Pits only attacks infants and grannies.
Pitbulls are too cowardly to attacks an intruder, which is why this never happens.
shitbull owners are simply murderes waiting for their demons to kill babies; we have been over this many times and it has been proven even more times already.
Kill shitbulls and kill shitbull owners, simple as.
It took several shots to bring that big one down too. Is someone calling the cop a pussy lmao
based shitbull hater. We need to exterminate this breed as soon as possible.
I hope every pitbull hater gets mauled by a pitbull.
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>small dogs
Small dogs tend to be vicious assholes. Labs and golden retrievers are more friendly. Big dogs tend to be lazy, so they're also good with kids. Pits are just dumb. They're too small to be overtly lazy, so they do have the energy to be aggressive, and they're big enough to do damage, unlike something like an equally aggressive Chihuahua.
Amstaffs are highly intelligent.
Cope thread for bull-type terrier fanboys! Remember statistics are inflated and it's incredibly rare to get killed by any dog let alone a “pitbull”
>ok, but listen
>if you apply my special definition of pitbull
>which limits it to a totally unrecognized breed
>which has its own name, which is not "pitbull"
>there are no pitbulls
>so there are no pitbull attacks
Somewhere, a rabbi shed a tear of pride

Imagine applying this logic to retrievers
>that wasn't a retriever
>it was a golden
>only labrador retrievers are retrievers
>no!!!! Every short coated stocky dog is a pitbull!!! Stop using logic, ahhhh! Serbia!!! Ahh!
We accept your concession
Tell me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure we owe the entire pitbull controversy today to Michael Vick. His arrest was huge, the racial subtext of it was huge, and accordingly there came a push among dog people to rescue pitbulls, both literally and from their public image as fighting dogs. This was 2007 - how many people ever talked about pitbulls before then? Such was how people outside the project or the trailer park began to adopt pit bulls, and how the culture of it all got to the point it is now.
>how many people ever talked about pitbulls before then?
Lots of people, zoom zoom
>Somewhere, a rabbi shed a tear of pride
not really
this was known since before then
at best it just brought more attention to it
Nobody called them "velvet hippos" back then. I'm talking about the desperation among respectable dog owners to make them seem nice, that's what came out of Michael Vick. With these people, I attribute it to white guilt, then and now.
Small dogs are like that because most of them were bred to hunt rodents and other vermin by chasing them into their own burrows. Labs are just as dumb as shitbulls in my experience.
The Michael Vick arrest is indeed what psyoped white women into trying to "rescue" shitbulls en masse. Before that, you only ever really heard about them in a negative context. They were still associated with being fighting dogs rather than family pets.
>Do these insane pitfags only exist in America?
They exist in almost every single western country unfortunately. And it's not only pitfags that behave like that.
i think so but its probably just a few freaks worldwide, my uncles staffordshire nip at my cousin who was like 3, he took it to the vet and put it down because he knew it couldnt be around the family.
>pits get a bad rap for no reason
>no reason
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>It wasn't it pit, it was an overlapping breed with 0.000000000001% different DNA!
Weird how this isn't an issue with other breed categories. Hound attacks must be under reported or something.
I had a friend whose lip got ripped in half by a Whippet. Nasty things
How did he not manage to fight off a whippet? They're 90% air.
It was a short little woman. She never stood a chance. That's why you should feel very nervous anytime you see a woman walking a dog that weighs more than 40 pounds. They're not actually in control
If you NEED physical force to control a dog, you're not in control of a dog.
That's true but once a pitbull snaps it's over. I was running in my neighborhood and this mini poodle bit my calf which surprisingly hurt like hell. Can't imagine what my leg would look like if it were a pitbull
Hence why most dogs need a collar and leash. I don't trust the average retard on the street to know what they're doing
Basically. If they sperg out it’ll practically drag them along with them
Yup. Love dogs but the gen pub is just too unpredictable. Have had too many close ones with either on or off leash
I'd more readily trust that a 100lb woman walking a collie on a loose leash and not struggling has more control over her dog than the biggest, buffest man you've ever seen having to hold his cane corso by its choke collar to stop it hurting itself when it pulls with all it's weight.
>Houndy smell
>Not super interesting looking
I like them but I understand why the average pet owner goes with a lab or golden instead.
When they bite they do not let go. wtf are you talking about?
>Houndy smell
So they stink? Unfortunate
Most of those dogs have to be dead by now right? I heard that of those dogs only 2 had to be put down.
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You can do worse. You can do better. I did a few months of training with a club and the general vibe on pits and bulldogs was that they are retardedly athletic but suck at obedience, the good ones on the sleeve still tend to be “brawlers” meaning they’ll lose interest if the decoy doesn’t fight back hard enough, and the bad ones are straight up garbage that some Jamal bred in his backyard and the dog aggression that comes with them is considered a massive headache for the club or competitive environment which is why none of them are competing at any serious level.
where tf do you live if you have many close calls with dogs?
There is so much trash in this world.
I live in Haiti brother. Come visit sometime
yeah their skin oil is pretty strong smelling, also any dog with excess skin and wrinkles is going to be prone to skin problems that also smells
based on what's going on in Haiti right now I think I will pass
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>It's How You Raise Them
What is wrong with white people?
no one in their right mind would do that
Tricked by Jews.
Dogs should understand that children are not their friend or enemy, that they are meant to be left alone because it is something special to their owner, not them
I'm carrying a knife every day just in case a shitbull even comes close to one of my kids. It'll be bleeding out before even coming up with any ideas in its retard brain.
Conan did
I’m thinking based
My yorkie is a rescue and he is very calm. He sometimes gets pissed at other dogs but that is understandable, he never attacked a human in his 15 years of life.
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No because children are rough on dogs, you need something big and sturdy
This fucker is the most lobotimised toadie I've seen yet
Good boy
toadiebroz… how do we retvrn…?
Shit bull killed my cat so nah
lots of dogs will kill cats. theyre prey animals like rabbits.
Most dogs however will not escalate from there and start munching on people and other animals
Pitbulls dont escalate from there, they are already at 100%. If a cat comes first it was just unlucky. Oftentimes a dog or a child is first.

Everything that doesnt move is food to a lab
Everything that moves is food to a pitbull

Simple stuff
I like pitbull type dogs and think they are cute but I also wouldn't own one or let them near a kid.
Even the baby realizes it's in danger. What dumb ass parents, their literal baby is more aware than them lol.
A nigger is still a nigger when raised by a white family. There's no raising that'll fix genetic predisposition. Do your part and kill every pitbull you see. I have killed 11 pitbulls and every time the law takes my side, I just tell them "that fucking mutt was being aggressive and tried attacking" and you'll be just fine.
Chucky trooned out??
At least she's rightfully afraid.
A cat can do this. Bid deal.
>maybe maybe maybe
So he's talking out of his ass, I see.
Reminds of The Onion's:
>Boy’s Tragic Death Could Have Happened To Any Family With 20-Foot Pet Python
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Made me fucking lol
Oh shiiiiit that's a fire collab. When do it drop
I’m pretty sure something like that did happen funnily enough
It’s a primal kind of realization. He doesn’t yet know what death is but he can still feel a vague sense of impending doom right around the corner and stays silent but alert in hopes of not drawing its attention. Scary stuff.
pretty much
nature will be nature

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