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High IQ Mass Effect roleplayers immerse it up by coming up with creative in-universe reasons why nobody says his/her name. Such as naming your character:

>Commander Adolf Shepard
>Commander Nigger Shepard
>Commander God Shepard
>Commander Osama Bin Ladin Shepard
>Commander Devil Shepard
>Commander Satan Shepard
>Commander Hitler Shepard
>Commander Monkey Shepard
>Commander Big-Head Shepard
>Commander Queenie Shepard
>Commander Queefy Shepard
>Commander Stinky Shepard
>Commander Pussy Shepard

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Except they call you "Shepard" with no title even in supposedly casual situations. Even the person you're fucking will only ever call you by your last name. It's weird. Even japs will eventually call you by your first name once you get close enough to them.
I like the idea of the shadow broker being a 'continuously replaced' entity, main issue with the Yaahg broker that we see in the DLC is just that it devolves into a straight up physical boss battle, when the main challenge should've just been figuring out who he is/finding his location. Actually getting to the broker himself should've been the win condition.
imagine being the shadow broker
This. Most Americans are under the impression Japs have no names, they're like Geth, just robots. Legion is the only Geth platform with an actual name yet all of the other Geth fail to view that unique privelege as any sort of honor afaik
Fan Theory: I'd naturally assume for a Star Wars RPG, the literal most possible meta thing you could name your human male character is "Dendo Dakaar" as it just works. But Mass Effect isn't really as Star Wars-like as we think it is, considering Commander Dendo Shepard somehow doesn't quite flow naturally here when viewed in comparison

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...of course I have a 3 hour handholding tutorial and wall of text info dump intro at the start!
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this is an rpg board
>Being forced to talk to every villager for no reason (jrpgs) or pointless room descriptions (wrpgs) are both fucking trash
So as i said - if you miss the point of rpg's that much and have that severe case of ADHD you are better of playing Fortnite, not rpg's.
The point of rpg is to make your character stronger to face challenges where their builds matter

Not to talk to old women and fat fucks about how peaceful the generic starting village is
>This is how names are done, they take kanji and combine the first syllable of whatever words they were taken from
this is not at all how it works
You should play older jrpgs, lots of them just throw you at the starting town and expect you to figure it out yourself

>fallen party members don't receive exp
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>fallen party members receive half exp
Any games with this take?
Quite a few but I'm blanking on the names right now. I just played one too.
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>Game over if the main character dies despite the fact that resurrection items and skills are plentiful.
>not even the vaguest hint of a story justification either, your party members just can't be bothered to waste expensive healing items on you
> NPCs are disloyal scum
Wow, it's so realistic anon.

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>Thief MC
Roast my first time playthrough
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>No childhood friend

you give everybody some sort of bow and then you just kinda attack-move across the maps. only for bosses do you have to play the game.
>Thief MC
Either start as a fighter up to lvl 7/9 then dual into a thief OR a multiclass of some sort. Fighter/thief multiclass is a straigth upgrade. The only single classed thief worth using is shadowdancer.
pretty good, Khalid is a solid tank and fighter/druid is better than a druid.
Ranger is the worst classe in the game and Minsc is the worst companion in the game. its over. Dynaheir is kind of okay because web is a conjuration spell.
See Minsc. Its doubly over.
And by conjuration spell I of course meant that its an evocation spell. The problem with Dynaheir is that she cant cast chaos from scrolls and thats about it. Shes not worth using Minsc however. You know what to do.
>But Kivan can get up to four
Kivan is a Ranger. two pip max. Absolute dogshit.

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The remake can't even dream about reaching that level of subtelty.
>there's no haptic feedback to simulate fondling his soft beanz
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The original wouldn't dare be this explicit.
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is this really shit? i got it for free from Epic so i'm wasn't hugely invested in it. the beginning is very fun the first time, the open world, gunplay and quests are so much better than people give it credit for and the companions while not super deep are pretty funny,
this just feels like the perfect mix of action and rpg.

The only bad thing i can say is the last main quest is too cinematic.
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I have no idea why people post that image macro so much, it is completely retarded.
It only addresses the main plot, which is not why people like Fallout 3, and even then it pulls ridiculous nitpicks and misunderstandings.

It's not hard to call Fallout 3's main plot bad, but somehow this image fucked it up and lied about it.
>F3 was where the millenial-writing first stuck out to me.
First off, you misspelled millennial, secondly you're misusing that term.

Millennial writing refers to the meta, incredibly self-aware dialogue, which refuses to take itself seriously, from mass media from the late 2000s to now.
Fallout 3 isn't that. It isn't ever meta, isn't self-aware.
It's zany, intentionally so. It never strives to be incredibly serious, but when it wants strong emotional beats, it lets them land without bathos.

99% of people who bitch about Fallout 3 are people who are such sticks in the mud that they can't handle that Fallout 3 is more goofy than New Vegas.
Like, sure, it's not a great written game. It's a Bethesda game, and like all Bethesda games, the dialogue reads like a combat-focused D&D campaign.

But idk, people just have no clue what they're talking about when it comes to FO3.
I agree, there's only a short list of things that Fallout 3 does better than New Vegas.
But I love 3.

I love New Vegas, and so a game which is very similar is something that I'd enjoy.
I don't get why people are so either/or about New Vegas and 3. I mean, if you like one there's a 90% chance you'll like the other.
They're basically the same game, the main difference comes from tone.
Maybe if a person absolutely couldn't stomach either the whimsy of 3 or the exaggerated realism of New Vegas, then maybe they won't be able to enjoy the other.

But that can't be the case for most people.
I think a lot of people trick themselves into hating the other. 3 fans convince themselves that New Vegas is a tranny game or whatever, and thus prevent themselves from enjoying it.
New Vegas fans hear that Fallout 3 isn't a deep RPG and so prevent themselves from enjoying the fun action rpg that Fallout 3 is as to stay some RPG elitist.
>Fallout 3 isn't that.
Fallout 3 is exactly that completly with meme-vaulta and LE HECKIN REDDIT SCIENCE memes.

Just because that you autistically decided that it doesnt encompass redditisms doeant make it so.

>99% of people who bitch about Fallout 3 are people who are such sticks in the mud that they can't handle that Fallout 3 is more goofy than New Vegas

99% of people who defend it do so because it was their first Fallout.

>dialogue reads like a combat-focused D&D campaign.
Stop talking out of your ass you never even played Tabletop.
Lots of games are better than people give them credit for, without being very good games, which means a bunch of faggots never played them and a bunch of other faggots like you took what they said at face value

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I just finished 3, and finished 1 and 4 way back in my high school days
Is 2 worth playing? How about 5?
Also I love love love BOF Faeries
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But I am not a sexy big titty bunn?
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You could hang it on the wall.
Surprisingly good work, I wonder how long it took.
Perfect slaves.

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Has anybody played this yet? Looks like a cross between Hylics 2, Fear and Hunger with a dash of Vagrant Story.

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It's supposedly getting retranslated
I see. Godspeed then.
This isn't a game from my childhood that I replay the first hour of impulsively, so it's gonna be a no from me.
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>I'm playing it in Slovak (note: I don't speak a whiff of Slovak) and I think it's funny. It's sometimes a bit hard to understand though, I wish it was in Czech instead.


I shall try it then

>/vrpg/ says Fallout 4 is bad
>Is actually fun
What gives?
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>Is actually fun
Roleplayers make their own fun, unsupervised. Then there's people who put the responsibility on the game, and think number autism is roleplaying.
>why should i roleplay when the game doesn't force me into it and reward me for it?
after dumping 35 mods it got less shitty. Can't fix the completely broken core.
its only good as a modding sandbox and even then its pretty piss poor

wait for F4NV
>wait for F4NV
I found the fps mechanics to be top tier for any kind of rpg and the weapon customization to be similarly entertaining but the actual “rpg mechanics” (basically means combat abstracted with numbers) to be lacking enough to not really enjoy leveling and so I don’t usually go past level 10 or so, out of boredom. Voiced protagonist as well as having a totally defined adult life was retarded. Survival mode is also pretty fun. Overall it’s less fun than 3 and the 3 spin off game.

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I really thought people hyped the first game up for internet hipster credit, but.. it's a pretty good.
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The localization is pretty fucking bad, there are comparison videos that go through it thoroughly. They completely mistranslate the intent of several major scenes and the tone is all over the place.
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>Leveling system is so fucking bad.
It's different, I'll give it that. I think it's functional once you can actually get some foot hold but man can you get your ass shredded if you pick the wrong fight too early. I kind of liked the game though.
Well, it depends to be honest, in all Persona games in the event of the real and collective unconscious worlds melding Shadows (and possibly Personas, being basically Shadows that were wrangled in) can manifest. As far as I know Nyarly was the only collective unconscious construct that could actively meddle in reality freely, Nyx, Izanami and Yaldabaoth were restricted to their respective worlds and could only influence the real world through them.
The difference with 3 is that while this shit can only happen in the dark hour, the dark hour was an overlap not a separation. Things that happened then and there effected the world around it big ways either be it apathy syndrome or the damage the full moon bosses would have caused. The Dark Hour happened on it's own time, the major bosses didn't sit around waiting for you and where coming no matter how prepared you where and while it might not have always been an IMMEDIATE threat it was still an active threat. It's not quite demons dogging your steps everywhere you go but it's at least something. Compare this too 4's TV world or the Palace/Mementos in 5 and it's pretty clear how it's different. What makes it worse 4 doesn't treat someone being kidnapped with any urgency and 5 is completely of your own actions.
>true student council president
subtle joku

Yes, it's ANOTHER Fallout thread, but seriously, can someone recommend me some mods to use for Fallout 3? I've already beaten this game 2 or 3 times, but I'm coming back to it after almost 8 years and want to know what mods are most recommended. Preferably something that keeps the original balance and design of the game in check, but increasing its scope, like added brand new weapons, brand new creatures/factions, or modifying the game's difficulty curve so it's slightly more challenging without going off the deep end into retarded territory with tedium like hunger and thirst mechanics, and more along the lines of having deadlier weapons and higher level spawns.

I already downloaded Mart's Mutant Mod, which has one aspect I'm already looking for.
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I will make a new thread about Fallout 3 mods , one moment
Need more Fallout threads
Rebuild the Capital
Companion mods if you are not using broken non human Companions
Fuck you Todd

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I recently finished this game and wanted to talk about it. I thought the combo system was neat, and everyone sharing a single mana pool for casting adds a nice amount of depth to the combat. I also really like the way gems and OOParts allow for a wide variety of builds.
Anyway, what's your favorite route and why? For me it's Janice's because of the epic battle against the Self-Eaters at the end. God bless those brave meatshield decoys.
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The major is Nat x Lavie, the side characters are Vio x Prim.
The others aren't there. They're close but it's not the same - easy for a fanfic writer to make them into a romantic couple if they wanted to, but it would still be fanfic.
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>Don't even ask about Dora and Meshleia
okay no but seriously we need to talk about what the fuck is going on with all of that post-final route
some kind of quasi incestous/selfcest/schizo foursome with two people
or does Sera just politely look the other way while Dora does her daily "maintenance" on Mesh
>Prim is a side character
In what universe? I thought you were talking about Eris and Melissa.
There are only 7 main characters anon, unless there's been some new DLC that I missed completely.
You play as Prim in every single route. The whole game takes place in her coma. All the girls are dolls, why do you think she gives you a Vio doll? What's more believable, the events of Hat World or a girl having a long dream in a coma?
That's what I thought.

>"Evil" imperial path completely prevents the bloodshed and makes town safe and prosperous. You become the richest and most important man in the empire and the duke starts peacefully reforming society
>"Good" rebel path forces you to choose between three shitty outcomes, all of whom guarantee poverty and massive bloodshed
Is there even a single reason to not be a "bad guy"?
The path to hell is paved with good intentions.
sorry, chud. we're tearing down the old world and building productive forces in this motherfucker. real universal law for all men n shit

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Opinions on Undertale Yellow? It's an Undertale fangame that released in December, and has been in development for almost as long as Undertale has been out.
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thats annoying.
guess its back to editing the pause menu sprites tomorrow, right now im tired.
>why j?
its the only "full size" character using the determination font. so its good for checking if text will overlap or not.
kanako is so cute i love her
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okay i got a "complete" background and one frame flat-colored of martlet's idle done, so now there's a sorta complete picture here.
i think this is decent considering my lackluster painting skills, i wanna try to make martlet stand out a bit better though. maybe i'll give her some vibrant backlighting and tone down the background
she looks pretty smug for someone who is one write-up away from being fired.

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Shiren Mystery Dungeon 6 is out, post those rescue codes.
Have you beat the main dungeon yet? How far have you gotten?
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New Parallel Play competition has started, Heart of Serpentcoil Island, download code is SPCH-UN3H
So what's unique about 6?
You can resuce yourself
Replacing 5's super status, you get Sumo status when your hunger is at 150. Buffed HP, damage, trap immunity, and warp/movement effect immunity.
i wish these dickheads at spikechunsoft would just release the damn ost physically or on digital platforms. This is one of the few times i'd pay for it

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