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Post your work/progress on your soon-to-be RPG masterpiece!
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I can't even log in to my Steam account to use RPGMAKER MV to continue to work on my project.
>needing steam
lmao? Pirates win again.
Really like the suggestion, I will try moving things around and making the logo bigger, not I can not see it as too small, also moving the options closer to the center could look better, THANK YOU!
I will place the stuff on the center and see how it looks ingame, I'm definitely moving the options closer to the center, thank you for your suggestion.
>All of these units serve as Vanguard types, front row and serving as both DPS and Tank type units, but even at a glance it is obvious that each one has its own playstyle as well as strengths and weaknesses
Personally I'm more of a fan of Paladins being a battle healer that can pop Miracles on teammates mid fight, but that's just preference talking. I'm not exactly sure what classes need to be trimmed, I feel like I need to play a working build to get a feel for that sort of thing desu. I'm all for player freedom and skill expression, but I feel the build autism is best when it comes from the minutiae and what skills/spells/weapons/armor you pick up rather than from arbitrary class differences at the start. I'd rather a few classes that I can play in a hundred different ways depending on the playthrough, rather than one hundred different classes you can only play one way. If you couldn't tell by my post, I'm not particularly a fan of bloat or the devs railroading me.

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I've recently played through this and I'm wondering if I should get Joyful and play it as well
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But that’s sad.
Joyful is much shorter and less mechanically complex. You aren't really exploring a huge world collecting party members, instead just go from boss to boss until the game's done.
however, it does answer some final questions and gives an ending to the franchise.
It's good.
This inclusion is retarded. If Buzzo knew about this, and made the masks to torment Brad, why would he have any reason to go after Brad? Shit writing at its finest from that faggot, Austin.
It eventually led to Brad being forced to rape Lisa. Buzzo is also a complete nutcase, and projects his failure to protect Lisa onto Brad, since he’s incapable of taking accountability for his part in her suicide. Long story short, Berny’s a complete psycho on par with Marty, and I think it’s in character for him to still torment Brad despite knowing Lisa’s happiest memory was with her big brother.
Should I play Pointless now or wait for the update?

Dying series that refuses to die
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He means one of the main ones since it was mostly Inomata (then Fujishima for P (technically), S, A, and V) before the studio merge.
are there any novelizations of the tales of series? I havent found any outside fanfiction. Bonus points if Legendia is written like a shakespearian play
I know this isn't comprehensive either, as there are a couple Phantasia novels not included here.
Lailah uses diapers everyday!!!
How is tales of arise?

>hey, would you mind showing these new comers the ropes around the cove? Pretty easy coin if you do.
>no way fag.

Is the chariot just transporting spergs from the local psyche ward to the hamlet? Why can't this be a negative trait i can rid of? Also 300sec captcha fucking chirst no wonder this board is dead.
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Game is more fun when you don't know how to play it. But if the game is still the same as it was a couple DLC's ago, attack the back ranks and stun-recover.
I've just started giving Darkest Dungeon a replay and holy shit the difference in the voice of the narrator between the base game and the DLC content.
The DLC narration sounds like he's talking with his mouth full of food.
Nobody cares about anything but antiblack racism
The VA had a stroke
Well now I feel bad.

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What CRPGs are we excited for this year? MENACE? Mystic Land? Thaumaturge? SKALD? Monomyth? New Arc Line? ...Something else?
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Bro, your Rogue Trader?
New trailer for Astropulse: Reincarnation, a third person shooter RPG featuring artwork from Glowei, the guy who drew all the World of Warcraft loading screens.
>good scfi rpg
>mass effect
>third person shooter RPG
lol, case in point. oxymoron.
While it is jank spacebourne 2 is as good as it'll get from a mass effect 2 clone.
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>fallen party members don't receive exp
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>party only gains levels from bosses
>boss' last turn before dying is killing a weak party member
>they're permanently weaker than the rest of the group
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>Character leaves group just long enough to be out of sync with the rest of the party XP wise.
In DBZ Goku always get stronger when he dies.
>party only gains levels from bosses
Utter slop, I stopped reading right there. If I can't grind and gain levels by farming trash mobs, your gave is shit, end of story.
fuck I hate autocorrect sometimes.

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why did this series disappear? I would love a new wizardry game. my only stipulation would be it needs to have yamada akihiro or yoshitaka amano style artwork.
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>why did this series disappear?
Failed to remain relevant and most of its main drawing points are either too niche or presented in a more palatable manner by others.
While it was the biggest pioneer of the dungeon crawler experience, it didn't address the issues of the early games (stuff that might have worked on tabletop rpgs but didn't translate as well to pc games) until many competitors had already stolen a big portion of the pie.
The lack of personality by lacking a strong art direction or characters also didn't help so it kinda blended along with its competitors in the casual's eyes.
Rpgs eventually moved onto games focused on plot and reactive settings or faster paced action like Diablo so it went from being the biggest rpg to an acquired taste. It also has a hard time getting a revival since Japanese dungeon crawlers inspired by it started doing the same but with a bigger focus on visuals and music.

I'd still buy a compilation of these games based on the snes ports or with a similar visual flair day 1 but those interested in the series (much less an actual sequel) are the minority
Super famicom wizardry 6 looks great.
7 is pretty good looking as well, not sure what you are going on about.
About themes, there isnt much to say besides that its a really retarded take. Do you want every fantasy game you play to be yet another D&D clone?
8 sucks, I agree, especially when It comes to aesthetics, and its a whole different game compared to previous entries.
>I'd still buy a compilation of these games based on the snes ports or with a similar visual flair day 1 but those interested in the series (much less an actual sequel) are the minority

This is why the new remake for Wizardry 1 is just nuts to me.
>$30 early access
>worse aesthetic and visual style than earlier remakes/ports of Wiz1
>only wizardry 1, no party export/import

Why someone wouldn't just play one of the other ports with a more consistent, tied together visual style and party export/import for the first 3 games for FREE really blows my mind.
Indeed, it feels like something a bedroom developer or small indie team would produce, rather than the remake a classic would get.
The cost is too high for something that looks so basic and it is early access so buying it is a coin toss, who knows when it is going to be a finished, well-polished product it ever.
It being just the first game is what baffles me the most.
Whoever currently owns the rights to Wizardry feels like they're completely devoid of creativity and are just coasting by on the name making the same games over and over again, either as slightly different clones and now as remakes. I think there's a mobile title coming out now too.

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With the recent interest in Fallout, I decided to pick up Fallout 3 again. I'm planning a Moira-centric run using the Craterside Enterprises mod, and I am wondering what NSFW mods would work best with it. I have heard of the Quo Vagis and Seducing Women mods, but I'm not big on the idea of banging anyone other than Moira.

Would also appreciate advice on other recommended Fallout 3 mods.(And no, I am not doing a ToTW run, this is just Fallout 3 alone as Craterside Enterprises is not ToTW- compatible)
why not play something good instead
I already played the shit out of New Vegas. And besides, I like Moira, okay? She stuck out to me when I first played Fallout 3 all those years ago.
>recommended Fallout 3 mods
best one is an external program called the uninstall wizard

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Rorona x Sterk is yuri now
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>It's almost May 2024
>Still no announcement of a new Atorie series
Dead franchise...
This event is simply immense
>gyaru Ryza
>schoolgirl Resna
Can't wait for it in global desu
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So basically, Sterk NTRed himself?
It's a parallel world where he's a girl
cordelia prefers older men

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I really thought people hyped the first game up for internet hipster credit, but.. it's a pretty good.
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>I mean the whole premise is that persona are the various aspects of yourself that show in different situations to different people and elements of our psyche that even we may not have been aware of. They should always be changing evolving learning and growing. But outside the SUPER SPECIAL SNOWFLAKE MC LEADER-KUN nobody can change their personae? Doesn't that just speak volumes for how vapid the characters have become in these games. The whole thing just feels like it's become one of those old online "WHICH [POPULAR REFERENCE] are you" tests.

This was Freuds critique of Jung's archetypes actually. And modern Jung fans are basically "WHICH [POPULAR REFERENCE] are you" mostly, but think they are better than astrology girls. Nusona being such is actually very correct given the degradation of Jung in the modern world, which I imagine happens in Japan even more with their still thriving normie love of jungian stuff.
It would have been neat to see characters be more mobile. Use your melee weapon? Rush to the front row. Use your gun? Drop to the back row. You could lead certain people to getting hit or avoiding attacks they are weak against.
It's such a completely failed design in P1 you can see why they'd just drop it. Its not like it was even interesting in a single battle.
They could have expanded and improved it rather than give it away. Now we have reached a point where persona battles are only slightly differerent from SMT3's battles, but worse due to the vastly lower difficulty and complexity.
I don't get why 3 onwards act like its in continuity with the prior two titles.

In 1-2, Demons pretty much followed old school SMT rules where a Demon can just suddenly pop up in the real world one day and rape your ass while you're on the way to your local 7/11.
But in 3 onwards, Demons are some symbolic metaphorical shit that can only manifest in special realms.

Those are drastically different world rules they're following there.

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I recently reinstalled NWN diamond edition from GOG and I'm running into an issue regarding the sound. After playing for about and hour, the sound started cracking and stuttering, even going off for a second or so. I've tried different sound configurations on the game menu and googled to no avail.
Anyone has had a similar issue? How did you fix it ? What causes it?
For the record, I had the game installed in this very same computar years ago and didn't have that issue. The only thing that's changed is the graphics card, I'm running the same OS (W7).
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Forever based for dunking on BG2
Ah, that explains it
I'm replaying the OC and while the story and general campaign is pretty subpar, I'm kinda enjoying it more than expected. I had forgotten the ridiculous ammount of magic items the OC throws at you.

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U N C O N T E S T E D !
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So as long as I'm not dicking around I should be fine?
Doesn't that discourage exploration? So don't treat it like Baldur's Gate and explore every square on the map?
There's a lot fewer locations to go to in Fallout, and the vast majority of the world map is empty wasteland with no reason to explore it. But yeah, if you make a reasonable effort to be focused on your task and not "lol and then the RPG protagonist fucked off and ignored his holy quest and then spent six months in the hills killing trolls or whatever" you should be OK.

Without spoiling, there's also a second hidden timelimit after the first, and it's possible that one method you might find to ameliorate the effects of the first time limit, may have unintended harmful consequences for the second.
>"lol and then the RPG protagonist fucked off and ignored his holy quest and then spent six months in the hills killing trolls or whatever" you should be OK.
I'll keep that in mind. Thanks, anon.
It's been a long long time since I played, but IIRC the rough order of how you want to do the early/mid game is something like Shady Sands and Vault 15, then Junktown, then the Hub, then Necropolis. I left out a few optional side forays there, like Shady Sands' problems with radscorpions and raiders, and there's a few side quests that open up back home in Vault 13 after enough time has passed. Main thing is, you need to get directions/locations of where to go next breadcrumbs from characters in the world, the world map is huge and empty and your vision range is quite small and if you just go fucking off in a random direction from a town, you'll only waste a ton of time and fight a bunch of random encounters.
There is no time limit in the steam version of Fallout 1, and as far as I know there isn't one in the GOG version. You would have to install from the CD or some other patchless version to have it, as this was done years ago.
To be more specific, there was a time limit to finishing the game, otherwise you would get a game over, but that is no longer the case. There are, however, time limits to resolve certain things in the game if you want the "good" endings for each location, some of which are actually bugged and never trigger anyway. The only major time limit I can think of, or at least the one that I always got, was whether or not you finished the game shortly after Necropolis, and The Hub was always bugged and never triggered properly.
None of this matters, though.

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When will CRPG's improve their art? Its always the ugliest shit. BG1 and BG2's portrait are literally just photoshopped versions of real people.
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>muh esl
Show me the competitive scene of your favorite wrpg
>>he still doesn't know what art direction is
Digital are is soulless cancer. Go back to paper drawn stuff.
If the characters look ugly then it doesn't matter how good everything else is
> Show me the competitive scene of your single-player game
> Pokémon competitive scene is serious
Ok I got a laugh, have a (You)

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Im stuck at the computer office bc extra hours, any rpg like skyrim or gothic to play with a ryzen 4600g and 8gb ram?
>rpg like skyrim or gothic
Doesn't exist, sadly. It's only downwards from there.
Okay then i'll play some evil within, kinda resident evil 4, i didnt enjoyed the remake anyway, this one must be a fresh breath of air.
Play archolos if you havent

>Try to get into the game every few years or so.
>start a new game
>pick up fargoth's ring
>go to the tavern and talk to the mercenary dude
>"find fargoth's secret hideout"
>ok cool
>talk to fargoth
>lying to him about the ring doesn't finish the quest
>also can't tell him about the mercenary dude
>now have 2 unresolved quests in my journal that i'll never get rid off
>decite to go to Balmorn
>encounter rat on the way
>notice i have a level 1 spell that gives me access to a deadric weapon
>kill first RPG rat... with deadric weapon

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I'm guessing he doesn't understand how the level scaling works and thinks it works like Oblivion? They don't actually level up but stronger variants of enemies show up as you level but it's not nearly as impactful or noticeable as Oblivion where everything just flat out levels up with you until your running into random bandits wearing fucking glass armor.
the other guy who responded to that post explained it, anon. he's talking about juggling skill ups.
vanilla tes games are terrible for roleplay the minute you want to take them seriously. this is fact
Ok cool, here's a (you) for you
>try to get into Morrowind for the second time
>focus on getting lost and fucking around
>talk to NPC
>He dumps too much information for a simple greeting
>hyperlinks make it feel like I am reading a wiki page ingame
>dialogue options are copypasted
>uninstalled the game
Skyrim did it better.

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