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I'd love to play something in similar vein to this game but with actual character building options. What are my choices?
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dex was pretty fun, just too short.
you could try neuromancer too, it's super old though.
that's a point n clik adventure gamu.

FF7 is cyberpunk...
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>rpg elements are non-functional ass
>entire game is a timed adventure
bloodnet is the exact kind of game that needs a remake to make it shine because idea itself is great
>>rpg elements are non-functional ass

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The RPG discourse is one of the most retarded, autistic and fucking virulent in the entire gaming sphere. I DO NOT fucking care whether your fucking game is a "RPG" or not, please fuck the FUCK off
>I DO NOT fucking care whether your fucking game is a "RPG" or not
you might not care, but it is essential to determine which games belong on this board and which do not
jrpgs belong on this board as per the sticky regardless of whether or not you like them, chud.
You are a feral niggerfaggot.
>gaming sphere

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Why do JRPG's lack artistic merit, and are incapable of compelling or interesting environments?
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You already completely embarassed yourself. No need to samefag in an attempt to "downvote" me, thats not how an anonymous image board works.
Being retarded, even ironically, is still shitposting.
He wasn't samefagging. That was my post. You should learn to read obvious stylistic differences in writing before you accuse people of that shit. I just appreciate when someone gives my post a thoughtful response even if I don't agree with it.

Yours on the other hand feels more like shit flinging than a genuine attempt at discussion. Not a big fan of you just tossing around the world objectively and stating your opinion as fact. I think you'd fit in better on /v/ personally. You're even using buzzwords like slop.

People enjoy shit you don't. Is that such a revelation? I think most SaGa games are genuinely fantastic, and I personally haven't loved most falcon games I've played. Not saying there isn't value there though.

Weird that you seem to be all about mechanical depth then praise reccetear. I loved that game but it's about as deep as a puddle.
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In a way. Japanese fans obsess way more over who the character designer is, for example. Can you even name a western video game artist, conceptual or otherwise? I only know one of the Skullgirls artists and it's for reasons other than her artistic merit.

Post you're rpg waifu.
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based but only if you played p2 before psp remakes
made for ants
somewhat based
mega based

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I'm sorry bro but she's not even in Disgaea 7.

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Why developers tend to make their RPGs less complex and simplified when they become older taking out all the edge and what makes them fun?
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True. It simply allows players to focus on roleplaying and being introduced to the setting, with this civil war and dragon shit going on. They can learn what skills are and how they play out in practice at their own pace.

I like character creation build planning way too much, but I believe Skyrim's approach is superior design.

There's mods that allow basic character creation stuff, but I never used it because it just doesn't add anything to the game. Maybe it functions as a limit to force some players to stock to their chosen class, but I never had problems with that.
I love making a full custom party in Pillars of Eternity and not using any dump stats. Everyone starts with 10 and then gets two 18s, depending on their class and role. Sometimes, if their race and culture line up (chosen for roleplaying thematically, and not for mechanical numbers, of course), they'll get a 20 in their high stat, otherwise they might get a +2 for a 12 in a tertiary stat.

Come to think of it, I think I enjoy doing this more than playing Pillars of Eternity.
I think it's much more complex than just "why devs like simplifying mechanics"

There's the obvious push by higher ups to appeal to the masses by simplifying the mechanics and reducing the depth. It works btw but at the cost of old school fans slowly shifting away from the franchise which I guess is a good enough trade off for these franchises from a profit perspective.

Then, there is what Tim is talking about here which is different. I don't think he ever advocated for removal of stats or complexity as the image falsley conveys. In this specific instance he talks about streamlining character creation rules and making it more elegant. Instead of adding an arbitrary rule like no 2 stats can be a 10, and the minimum has to be a 3, he seeks to use geometry to convey these rules using geometry so they don't have to be explained or taught to the player. You just "get it" by rotating the shape. Also he never implemented this system and talked about it a lot in a sort of "this is an idea I had, I could never make it work in my games, here it is if any one else can think of a better way to use it".

tl;dr at least in this specific example I think Tim shows how a good developer thinks about these issues over his carreer and seeks to streamline, not the game, but the rules that players must learn. What do you prefer, reading a wall of texts specifying what are the limitation of the stats or have them be conveyed in the design itself. For me, this is not complexity but tediocy.
All skills should be useful, but all builds absolutely should not.
I like that builds in both PoE games could depend pretty highly on gear as well as stat allocation. Glass cannon dual wielding barbarian with super high perception is probably my favorite in both.

Riposte tank rogue in heavy armor is also pretty cool in the first game.

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>ruins 2D jrpgs forever
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>style is... le bad

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It looks better without the heavy post-processing.
Looks fine at lower resolutions where the overall resolution of individual assets has fewer steps of quality/fidelity/etc between them.
The wider the gap between your worst and best assets becomes, the more dissonant it looks, and the less pleasing it is to the eye.
It's one of the reasons why the shittiest thing about modern fake retro games is using all the pixelized sprites in the world, but having the interface elements be smooth as glass with modern, anti-aliased fonts.
These worlds were never meant to collide like this.
It can be nothing else. None of the other modern 2D-3D JRPGs have this aesthetic. You shriek because you want to shriek. You should reflect and develop critical thinking before you lash out.
>I am functionally retarded.

A light-hearted JRPG loosely based on the historical age of discovery, where people live on floating islands, and the developers biggest stated goal was to give players the freedom to explore. A unique game with surprising features you'd never expect to find in a JRPG and a rarely matched spirit of adventure. Does Skies of Arcadia still hold up?
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As I recall, this is one of those songs that was completely butchered during the port to Gamecube. Whatever software they wrote to replace the original midi sequencer just could not handle the reverb right.
From Glacia we head back to Valua for the yellow moon crystal. It, along with its accompanying Gigas, is located in the Maw of Tartas, an impenetrable vault. Fortunately, our ship has now been upgraded with the ability to reach the previous inaccessable upper and lower skies, which allows us to fly underneath the continent and enter the vault through a series of caverns populated by strange and primal monsters, ending with a battle with the yellow Gigas. The dungeon is very short, but on the flip-side with our new found exploration abilities we can now access every area on the map and circumvent random encounters entirely. This opens up many new discoveries and strange miniature islands with interesting people, which have all been just barely out of reach this whole time. Our next stop is the newly constructed Valuan base of Dangral Island.
I remember bringing SoA to my friend's house in middle school for a sleepover, and they played it from 4pm to 4am with only one break for dinner. I've never played a game like that.
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Sounds comfy as fuck, anon. Skies is just the kind of game that inspires that dedication; there's always one more battle, one more treasure, one more discovery...

Pretty much all of the discoveries in upper or lower sky were neato.
>Pretty much all of the discoveries in upper or lower sky were neato.
The devs seriously nailed the exploration aspect. I can't think of a single JRPG thats even half as fun to explore, personally.

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>no wokeness
>no trannies, no blacks, no political agendas
>hot women, cool looking characters
>entirely free to play, no 70 dollar swindles
How did they manage to make the best RPG in the last 6 years? All of these other companies are going out of business shilling DEI towards RPG fans that don't want it yet Raid manages to remain based.
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good morning sir
Still has cancerous gacha systems

Also it does have blacks
This but honkai star rail

Israeli game, it's woke by default

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>not a single thread

It's not good, huh?
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Depends if they once again put cinematic bullshit before gameplay, and of course whether or not the gameplay exists of the game playing itself.
You didn't but plenty of nerds did.

It's like when wowtards made a huge stink about vanilla WoW, and now barely anyone plays it anymore, not even the Season of Discovery shit.
Are there even any Dungeon in ff7 rebirth?
Perhaps theyll have learned their lesson and attempt a botw-style comeback to ff1 Origins of Dungeon crawling and overworld roaming.
A couple, Mithril Mines, Shinra Manor, Gongaga Reactor, Corel Mines, Temple of the Ancients, but they hardly feel like dungeons.

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It's here.... and it sucks
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B-b-but le heckin new menu UI tho!!!
Sounds like this is the OG adventure mode being used as a base which had nothing but combat and walking around. The last version of adventure mode was a result of some big updates and incremental features.
What? Wasn't adventure mode in for ages now?
I just downloaded the game again and all the features are still there? wtf are you crying about?
Well said.

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I've recently played through this and I'm wondering if I should get Joyful and play it as well
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This inclusion is retarded. If Buzzo knew about this, and made the masks to torment Brad, why would he have any reason to go after Brad? Shit writing at its finest from that faggot, Austin.
It eventually led to Brad being forced to rape Lisa. Buzzo is also a complete nutcase, and projects his failure to protect Lisa onto Brad, since he’s incapable of taking accountability for his part in her suicide. Long story short, Berny’s a complete psycho on par with Marty, and I think it’s in character for him to still torment Brad despite knowing Lisa’s happiest memory was with her big brother.
Should I play Pointless now or wait for the update?
Just play it now. MU is never coming out.
>>they've all got amazing farmer's tans and muscular bodies
Bro? Almost all men you meet are ugly and fat or skinnyfat.

Dying series that refuses to die
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Lailah uses diapers everyday!!!
How is tales of arise?
The last third is super rushed and a total mess that will make you mad, although to be fair a lot of Tales games have this exact problem, even fan favorites like Vesperia.

IMO, a much bigger problem with Arise is that the characters are all too serious, it's not zany anime shit anymore, it's just boring safe characters talking about slavery and racism, over and over, in every single skit.
And gameplay, is it fun to play?
It has DLC artes
That's so fucking scummy it makes me want to vomit. Never going to play the game ever.

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When will CRPG's improve their art? Its always the ugliest shit. BG1 and BG2's portrait are literally just photoshopped versions of real people.
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Digital are is soulless cancer. Go back to paper drawn stuff.
If the characters look ugly then it doesn't matter how good everything else is
> Show me the competitive scene of your single-player game
> Pokémon competitive scene is serious
Ok I got a laugh, have a (You)
The absolute state of jarpiggers.
Tranimefags are so superficial

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Name a better RPG pre-made party member than Kim Kitsuragi.

>Kim at the disco.mkv
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>its AT BEST mediocre, AT BEST!
The main problem with the game is that it doesn't really lend itself well to multiple playthroughs outside of completionism because the mystery of the murder mystery is removed once you've done a full playthrough. It's not really a rewarding thing to solve it once you've already beaten the game since you know who it is and where to go to find out who it is. Sure, there are different builds and different political views you can give Harry but these don't really impact the world, it just determines how Harry looks at and navigates it.
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because it was made by a commie and chan users cannot imagine enjoying any media at all made by someone with political beliefs contrary to theirs so they'll make it a point of contention to argue the handful of times the game touches on the topic represent it as nothing but commie propaganda whilst overlooking all the other times it lets you be incredibly racist and sexist if your own volition without real consequence
4chuds btfo by smart apolitical analysts
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Why would you draw this?

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I have never seen a game brought down so much by its gameplay.
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I like it a lot, but it really needs a way to mod in way more enemies and a prologue that explains the world
or we could just make more DX style games, they don't have to tack onto the original story
Deus Ex is pretty much it's own genre. First person, "immersive sim", stats that affect gameplay meaningfully. It just doesn't exist. I think people get caught up in the story aspect of Deus Ex and forget that most people stuck around because of the gameplay. Deus Ex doesn't work as well on paper as it does to play.
Might have been playable if you didn't have to suffer DOS tier loading screens every 20 steps
Universal ammo system. Jesus Christ.
>Universal ammo system
it worked in Shadowrun for Genesis. it's just that the ammo limit is too low here. the Sniper Rifle uses an absurd amount of ammo, comparable to a Rocket Launcher.

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