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What are some games that look like this?
>Black background
>Tile based/text display method
>Not ASCII (but maybe it is technically)
Games like Ultima, Excelsior Phase One, etc.
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Proprietary hardware is digital cuckoldry. IP bends nerds over, there is no lesser evil.
>but the systems are in place for more roleplaying than most rpgs
Roleplay as what? Autistic hoarder that sits in a single house until the end of time? No thanks, at least BN doesn't disincentivize proactive play.
>Physical ownership > Digital rentals tied to "phone home" tech. Nintendo is the lesser evil.
What the fuck do you think Nintendo's digital storefront is, you retarded imbecile?

>is it that hard to understand, hypocritical STEAMboi?
Seems more difficult for you to understand, honestly.
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Shadowforge, on the Apple 2.
Depends on if you want to support a delusional furry faggot or not.

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U N C O N T E S T E D !
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>I'll have to make my party carry me
Remind me, which game (or mod) are we talking about?
Weapon perk is a hidden modifier on some weapons. The most common is weapon accurate, I think, which just gives a bonus to hit chance. I dont remember what the other ones are, but you can see them on the wiki.
As for companions carrying you, well good luck with that. Cassidy is probably the only one that is really useful late game. Sulik is good early on, but his usefulness falls off late game because of his lack of being able to use decent weapons outside of the .223 pistol. All the others are barely even worth mentioning. Their gimmicks wont carry them through late game enemies and their powerful weapons. You'll more than likely be save scumming their insta-deaths.
Is there a mod for Tactics that's equivalent to Fixt or the Unofficial Restoration Patch? Something that fixes the broken perks and other bugs?
nothing that doesn't also change the game in ways that people don't like. Google Equilibrium and Redux if you care to try it.

There is a reaper that is destroying all the ships attacking it. Any sort strategy that isn’t focused on destroying it could mean dooming the galaxy. Shepard sacrificing the alliance fleets to help the destiny ascension escape has him put the lives of three politicians above the lives of the entire galaxy. And it’s supposed to be a paragon option. Saving a few of elites is the good boy option. So dumb. The choices in mass effect make nonsense. Just like curing the genocide all because you care about making your friend happy rather than making sure the galaxy wont be engaged in a war to stop the krogan after the reapers are dealt with.
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Is this a Baboon-5? Were there Vidya?
There were some, never tried them but the tv series is hands down the best sci fi story I ever witnessed outside of books.
Paragon and renegade are not good an evil, paragon is a cuck, renegade - a sigma.
Which is totally irrelevant.
shepard talking the reapers down like bruce boxleitner did would unironically have been a better ending than what we got. especially considering that ME made the reapers seem even further beyond the races of the cycle than the shadows were to the young races in b5.

ME showed a single reaper shrugging off the combined firepower of a whole fleet and only losing because shepard killing saren lowered sovereign's shields or something retarded like that. while b5 showed the narniggers being able to damage shadow vessels even in an ambush while completely outmatched. a much wiser approach to storytelling. but i guess bioware couldn't stand it that something might happen in the game which wasn't due to the efforts of their special snowflake mc

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What was his fucking problem?
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I can understand not relaxing around Alikir thugs and saying "No you can not enter the city main gate. Go back to Hammerfell please." but if you can't relax around Nazeem you're taking your racism to paranoia tier leves perhaps
Oh, but actually if Nazzem is a successful Redguard then where is his flying pyramid? Checkmate lib'ruls!
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>why doesn't he just govern his own Oblivion realms and shit?
Nazeem is pretty successful but it's not exactly like he is the Godking ruler of all Redguards
Go on...
What game?

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Im stuck at the computer office bc extra hours, any rpg like skyrim or gothic to play with a ryzen 4600g and 8gb ram?
>rpg like skyrim or gothic
Doesn't exist, sadly. It's only downwards from there.
Okay then i'll play some evil within, kinda resident evil 4, i didnt enjoyed the remake anyway, this one must be a fresh breath of air.

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News: https://www.artix.com/news/allnews

What are you guys grinding? I finally got all the prereq armors for RGOW so that's exciting. Trying to get back into AQC and DF as well.
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the helmet makes you look like an asshole but it fits the set
2010 sovl
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>This Friday.. prepare to visit the Arcana.
New World boss or just a Challenge/Ultra boss?

Unholy Reaper of Nulgath would look better, but rare lol.
I, personally, also dislike dual-wielding polearms.
Betting on Ultra boss that makes the grind easier
we already have an ultra route tho

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How many times have you beaten NV? How would you say the replayability holds up?
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I only beat it 1 time but at least played 3 different playthroughs
Probably around 10 times to completion, most of the latter runs were with mods, but the run I'm currently on is without mods.
never beaten it, but I sure do wish we had another fallout thread for the noobs like me

this is the fallout board, right? seen people spamming tranime japanese games, LUL
1 time with my boys the Ceasars legion
never got into it. people shit on fallout 3 but i prefer that to nv. Has far better atmosphere

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When will CRPG's improve their art? Its always the ugliest shit. BG1 and BG2's portrait are literally just photoshopped versions of real people.
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>The most intelligent prompter.
Both are shit. Last time I saw a CPRG with aesthetic flair it was in an Ultima manual.
>everything plays like pokemon
So jrpgs are much more complex than any wrpg?

Pokemon has a competitive and complex pvp scene? Does your boring brown and grey shit has one?
>Does your boring brown and grey shit has one?

>weeb is an ESL
>muh esl
Show me the competitive scene of your favorite wrpg

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How can I improve my RPG make game? I decided to continue working on my game after a two years hiatus. Now I want to turn it into a proper rpg. How can I achieve that?
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... yeah, It'd be better if I didn't, Roach looks dumb as hell. Oh well...

There are a lot of basic mistakes to adress. I don't have much time to go in-deph right now but I'll post some pointers late sunday - monday. I think I'll be able to post new renders on wednesday.

Videogame speech rarely uses author narration to the degree you do, but that is not much of a detriment. Mongol could really use some in-game description of the setting and a narrative pointer towards the endgoal though. As for actual dialogues, as I've said before, I think their rambliness aligns quite well with the ongoing madness and can be left as-is.
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What programs are you using to render the models into images? What programs should I use?
I know you said you'd prepare a file, but I want to help and start working, if you don't mind.
So far blender isn't giving me the results I want.

In what program should I model? How can I render the files? What's your pipeline/ workflow?
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Game is free tho
Tiny bump
I genuinely hope your mother's last words to you are just "Why didn't I abort."

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That's as midwit slop as it gets. Literally has to color code items to let retards know what to pick up.
This isn’t an RPG fuck off

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Is this a fun game? Does anyone here play it?
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well for one fallout 1 & 2 didn't have different dialogue skills, they just had speech. Granted the dialogue options available with speech were also in the same vain of click-to-win, but the games in general did way better of a job having multiple approaches in solving scenarios. The original fallouts also didn't label which options were from your speech stat, although again it wasn't ever too hard to tell since they're usually either way larger than the other options or weren't retarded like "you're talking too much, die!", but there were times where multiple choices seemed potentially plausible and you'd have to actually think about which choice would get you a particular goal as opposed to just clicked the "[Persuasion 5] You REALLY stand to benefit if you just put your weapon down friend and hear me out..." tier option.
Not saying fallout 1 & 2 have the best RPG dialogue system/skill system/combat or anything like that, but colony ship not only didn't innovate on those several decade old games but it somehow managed to take several steps back.
if you like the style of gameplay of 'roll dice -> if bad number game over else you get to continue' then it's the game for you.
>The original fallouts also didn't label dialogue options
I loved that in FO1. It added to the sense that player has to figure things out themselves, and everything might have consequences.

Now, that was my first playthrough, most of it was my imagination and the game doesn't really live up to it, but it's a feeling that's worth striving for.

Once you label the the winning skill option, you not only hand out the solution, but it makes it feel safe. Skill check implies good results, and only good results.

I remember being conflicted about hiring the water caravan, and I don't think I would've had to think about it if it was labeled with
>[barter 50] solve the problem

Labeling them helps make it clear that skills are useful, and gives player a chance to use consumables to hit skill check requirements, but I think there's a downside that harms immersion.
it's not very good, no
OP here. Ok ok I get the idea. I will NOT be playing this. I will be playing Arcanum instead

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Has anybody played this yet? Looks like a cross between Hylics 2, Fear and Hunger with a dash of Vagrant Story.

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Note that all of them have different levels of historical inaccuracies:

Black Souls 2 (has horror elements)
Fear & Hunger (has horror elements)
>regular games
Kingdom Come: Deliverance
Expeditions: Rome, Viking and Conquistador
Titan Quest
>historical-themed (no connection to real-life history, but you might enjoy them regardless)
Darkest Dungeon (has horror elements)

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that was a joke retard
it takes about as much effort to make off-putting graphics like as it takes to make something decent.
It looks good. Have you ever heard of stylization? Maybe it is not the coomer shit with big tittied women that you'd prefer?
>a cross between Hylics 2, Fear and Hunger with a dash of Vagrant Story.
so totally derivative and to be avoided, got it

>Try to get into the game every few years or so.
>start a new game
>pick up fargoth's ring
>go to the tavern and talk to the mercenary dude
>"find fargoth's secret hideout"
>ok cool
>talk to fargoth
>lying to him about the ring doesn't finish the quest
>also can't tell him about the mercenary dude
>now have 2 unresolved quests in my journal that i'll never get rid off
>decite to go to Balmorn
>encounter rat on the way
>notice i have a level 1 spell that gives me access to a deadric weapon
>kill first RPG rat... with deadric weapon

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I wonder how people like this can breathe, let alone play any video game
I'm guessing he doesn't understand how the level scaling works and thinks it works like Oblivion? They don't actually level up but stronger variants of enemies show up as you level but it's not nearly as impactful or noticeable as Oblivion where everything just flat out levels up with you until your running into random bandits wearing fucking glass armor.
the other guy who responded to that post explained it, anon. he's talking about juggling skill ups.
vanilla tes games are terrible for roleplay the minute you want to take them seriously. this is fact
Ok cool, here's a (you) for you

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This game is hard and I'm not gonna let fat neckbeards gaslight me.
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>This game is hard
It's not hard exactly, just annoying because inputting a command only happens ten years after you want it

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This game's plot makes absolutely no fucking sense.

Crono, Lucca, and Marle are teenagers in the year 1000. Lavos comes in 1999. So why the fuck should they care about Lavos?

Let's say they live to be 120 years old. That's in the 1100s. Lavos is almost 900 years away. If they have children in the 1010s and their kids also reached 120, Lavos would be around 870 years away.

They won't ever have to deal with Lavos. Their kids won't deal with him. Their grandkids won't deal with him. The great-grandkids will be born 900 years before Lavos. Add twenty greats and he's still a couple centuries away.

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The fact that there's a FUCKING ROBOT inside and no one ever mentions that is more than enough to make him memorable for me.

Even Chrono Cross completely ignores this and it baffles me. What the fuck did they mean by making Lavos A FUCKING ROBOT ON THE INSIDE.
>>who cares if we rape the planet, we'll just turn outer space into our garbage pit and spread our oversocialized tendencies universe-wide
> nihilistic jew
anon, you are the one being misanthropic and thinking we deserve to go extinct because of temporal delusions born of prolonged civilization that will crumble in the face of frontier realities. you don't even get how you've internalized nihilism.
Why does any ct discussion on this site aways eventually devolves into schizo babble?
because you think people talking about things you don't understand is "schizo babble". basically, skill issue.
It's evidence of CT's enduring quality. All great works provoke unique expressions of insanity in both fans and detractors alike.
Good shit in any case.

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