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Jesus wept
>walk into savepoint
>walls of text
>walk into savepoint
>walls of text
>walls of text
>walk into savepoint
>walls of text
>all battles were scripted, there have been no random encounters for two hours
I've played visuals that had more gameplay than this. And I haven't reached disc 2 yet, I heard it's even worse.
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chuchu died for our sins
Then Xenoblade ruined it all by adding a bunch of pesky gameplay
Xenoblade was a single player MMO
Disc two removes the walking and save points and quadruplets the text.
You have to read an 800 page manuscript before getting to the final dungeon
make your anti jrpg/ anti good game threads on /vrpg/. You aren't welcome here.

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>makes white piggus grind more
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I like these guys. They are terrible translations but it feels like a comedic redub or abridged shitpost, reminds me of Ghost Stories a lot.

god I miss being able to say retarded and talk about sexy women openly
The irony is I'm in chemistry where retard is a commonly used term because it just means slow and calling something a retarding agent makes more sense than calling it a slowing agent. Terms like idiot are actually much harsher.
It was the old days before most people even had dial up internet, I can't fault them too hard for a lot of these changes.

Plus you could get away with shit like this.
If that line made it into a modern game every game news site would be screeching about it for a week, someone would get fired and "inclusivity training" would be introduced to their workplace.

Fan patches that reduce the grind/difficulty to their japanese original are absolutely warranted though.
Fucking christ popful mail is almost unplayably difficult at some points in the US release.
>Fucking christ popful mail is almost unplayably difficult at some points in the US release.
It is? I finished it less than a year ago and it was quite easy

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ITT: Retro superbosses.
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>Some people spend their entire lives idly waiting for his appearance.

Arcade thread.

Just returned from another jaunt to Galloping Ghost and this is what I discovered this time
>Friend showed me Cadillacs and Dinosaurs, absolutely loved it, we finished it
>Beat House of the Dead 4 for the first time can't wait to try the other routes and perfect it over time
>Michael Jackson Moonwalker is not a shitpost, it's very fun
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The unfortunate fate of many retro arcade cabinets. Left outside to the elements and rotting away.
They couldn't at least throw a tarp ontop of the machines? It would probably protect them from 90% of the damage.
>tfw business owners are greedy retards so like 1-10% of any given cabinets production numbers are all that's left today
And now there's a big retro arcade boom. So that remaining 10% is in huge demand for retro arcades and gaming collectors. Its honestly amazing that these arcade machines were called "disposable" back in their day.
I would kill to have any of those in my house. And that person just leaves them outside in the rain.

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Post your favorite '80s RPG.

Latest sub:
>Game Center CX #341 - Two Crude Dudes [LocationScouts]

>Season 28: Episode 3 (#379) "The Kunio-kun series" premieres on Thursday, May 23rd.



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Either that, or a another sports game.
River City Ransom in the US.
They just did that Kunio basketball game back in December, so hopefully not another sports one so soon.
Yeah, it's fast to do another Kunio game, so my only thought is that it's Downtown Nekketsu Monogatari, simply because they made their own game inspired by it for the GCCX Retro collection game. Thus they will get another chance to shill that.
Do you think they might do Sweet Home, maybe as a DVD challenge?

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Janken was one of the worst ideas in gaming.

What are some other terrible ideas?
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FPS games with gigantic maps that are like 99% empty. Like in Delta Force. There's huge maps with occasional buildings and stuff around the place but all of them are empty except the ones containing main mission objectives. You explore a lot the first time you play it because the maps kind of make you feel like exploring but by the end of the game you realise you were wasting a lot of time
Damn long passwords, with a little developper's effort and a battery save the game had to be amazing ( yes it's for you Gauntlet 4 on genesis / megadrive)
achievements points/medals/whatever
QTEs. Everyone hated them but they were inexplicably in every game for like a decade.
There was a certain spectacle to this back in the day after games like Unreal started the trend of large open environments but it quickly wore out its welcome since it was just big empty space 99% of the time. Same with Serious Sam, a lot of it is just trudging over empty ground after you clear out the horde of enemies while the rest is the opposite of enclosed death rooms.

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Whats the "definitive" way of the playing the first three (or four if you're counting lost levels) Mario games?
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>Jap 2
>Us 2
Just no
Cringe zoomer
>Calling others poor when shart stars had to get mario world included so people would acutally buy it
>He likes eating soul drained nintendo remakes
Based oldman.
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maybe the scriptwriter is secretly peach.

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What if we put a cathode into a vacuum tube haha
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I didn't ask, because this is the CRT thread. We want CRTs so we buy CRTs. If you want a modern screen, then go somewhere else.
How is my IQ so high then?
Guys, I jerry rigged a SCART COMPOSITE adapter to push 12v on pin 8, to force the tv to switch to the input, but it didn't work for some reason (despite my vcr working when I plug it in). I put the GND on pin 14, and i'm using one of those standard 12v 3a DC barrel jack power supplies. any idea?
>my vcr

Just reminded me that not only can I not find a minty nice CRT, I also can't find a minty nice VCR to watch my VHS tapes.
Fuck off Dracula
>Dot Crawl solution
>Try passing the signal through your VCR then into the Elgato and see what it looks like
Bollocks, more wires. I've given up on the elgato and am now using an old tv tuner capture card. Unfortunately the Audio In is a 3.5mm jack.

As for the VCR I have two options, some late model sony vhs player (when everything got a matte silver finish on it) or a Panasonic NV-HS1000 that I've got hidden in the attic *somewhere*.

Is there any point trying with the elgato again or should I stick with the tv tuner capture card? Bear in mind the capture card is in an old computer with no graphics card.

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You ever feel as though kirby isn't appreciated as much any other ip? Sure there are fans but it just gets marked as kiddy crap in comparison to Zelda or Mario.

>great hummable ost in every title
>unique and imaginative artstyle
it's nearly impossible to come up with an oc that matches 1-1
>odd settings
>interesting lore
>final bosses honestly inspire a sense of dread
unlike any other platformer

I just don't understand why it gets written off in comparison to the others.
Honestly the anime didn't do the series any favors (saw it subbed and not that trash dub), he was never portrayed as infantile beforehand, just a simple fellow who ate when he was hungry and slept when he was tired.
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can u hewp? im scawed
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>huh? wtf? How is this girly?
Kirby was intended to be a girl, or at least, gender-ambiguous as the player avatar blob character. The only reason we know Kirby as a "he" is because the ancient English-language instruction manual described Kirby as a boy, and Treehouse has this weird tradition of honoring iffy translation choices that probably should've been completely overhauled.
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Yeah, when I bought myself a Switch, I got Zelda, I got Mario and Not even really more into the RPGs (bought Mario RPG too), but I kinda wanted to have it and play it.

Kirby wouldn't even cross my mind. But I played the demo of his game and it was actually solid. Still didn't end up buying the game. I think its Kirby itself? it just doesn't vibe with me.
I’ve always loved Kirby. They’re simple platformers sure, but thats not necessarily a bad thing. The challenge to me in Kirby comes from 100%ing them and the boss rushes (mostly in the newer NOT RETRO ones).

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Post a game
You have to play the game posted after yours
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After playing the first three Splinter Cell games I want more. Want to ask about the 'retro' version of Double Agent, is it only good on the OG Xbox? I don't have it unfortunately and want to know if it's okay on the PS2 or the GC as well, which of these ports should I play? I have a PS2 and a Wii
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OGxbox>360/pc version

yeah in a way it's too tight/trial and error, but it can be tense that way. on the other hand i wish chaos theory had more unforgiving stealth, because the way the ai behaves makes the game far too easy and a lot less involving once you know the best route through.

i guess it made sense as a lot of games at that time were trying to eliminate hud as much as possible, but yeah it's so easy to miss especially when you're so focused on movement/environment.
Xbox OG V2 DA is on par with SC1, PT and DA V1.

The coop is the peak of the series, overall with some unrefined bits and levels that aren't super exciting thematically.

A full room of spies vs spies is a blast, and the ps2 version has missing gadgets like cloak that make it shit. Never play ps2 for anything other than pt versus.
some randomized enemy placements like the rainbow six games would've been cool, but a lot of CT's levels are pretty tightly scripted so it would be a tradeoff. Maybe that could've been a feature for the higher difficulty modes

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Old vidya renders like this
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the point

I guess it has something to do with their own and their target's homosexuality

Play any litty mario romhacks lately bros?

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I like the sonic model. Super Sonic 64
I just played Peach's Fury and it was great. Single large level, 25 stars. Pretty forgiving difficulty while still presenting some interesting challenges. tons of fun!
I've had that one downloaded for ages but haven't gotten around to playing it yet. Sounds a bit like vacation course. I hear it's technically impressive on original hardware too.
I haven't tried too many romhacks, but it was the most fun, and had the most consistent quality of anything I'd tried. Working through Star Road right now, but I kind of suck at it.
I played a weird hack a few months ago that I don't remember the name of. It had a tumblr sexyman, some shitty level where you jump across trucks, and Bowser saying some edgy fanfiction shit. It was so cringey, it was hilarious

ITT we post most egregious uses of SPC700 echo
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>trumpet pitch suddenly slides up

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