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What if we put a cathode into a vacuum tube haha
I suppose this will do as the general
I have a technical question I'd like asking.
I'm under the understanding that CRT geometry, convergence, linearity etc. degrade over time as you use a set.
What component degrading is the cause of this? Because I see people do full recaps all the time and never solidly see the geometry improve much.
The capacitors don't all have the exact same values so after replacing them you still have to calibrate your shit to look good
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Continuing the dumbass composite colors discussion from the last thread for a bit, here's my comparison, the colors are the same.
>blocking a window with a computer screen
Don't do that.
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here's mine
I don't think the colors are the same but they're pretty close. it's something that doesn't show up well in a photo
You should be able to adjust the composite color on your TV to bring them closer.
Obviously not all colors can make it to NTSC but the developer deliberately picked them for composite they will look the same through RGB.
Why? Otherwise the light from the window will go on the screen
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Loving my Toshiba 27A41. Curved screen with component input is rad!
I had kept this for many decades as a daily driver, but now I can't help but notice the burn-in from the Windows taskbar on the bottom and my Miranda/ICQ on the upper right. Is there a way to repair such an issue or is it done for? Are there any specialists/hobbyists that can machine/manufacture the antiquated parts like they do with classic cars? While I did get two of them long ago to Frankenstein up a perfect one down the line, I didn't know the time would come so soon and hope to extend the life a bit further until that true emergency situation.
>Because I see people do full recaps all the time and never solidly see the geometry improve much.
Thats because the capacitors were never bad in the first place, more often than not you'll NOT see improvements.
Nothing can be done other than placing a reversed image of the burn in pattern. you just cant get that tube anymore
The burn in is physically on the screen, you can’t change it. Just live with it and don’t make it worse
Speaking on the subject of screen burn, does anyone else have a CRT with subtle but random screen burn not forming any kind of recognisable image. Its patchy and specled, with very little structure.
how many hours do you have on it? my p1130 has over 10k hours with no burn in thankfully
That composite blur looks so good
Nah, burn-in is unfortunately not fixable.
I've only seen that on a tube worn well beyond it's useful life.

Technically it's uneven phosphor wear and it can be corrected by displaying a negative image of the burn in until the wear evens out.
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It is much more easy to see with solid colors. Look at halfway between the bottom of the pixel art and the bottom of the screen, there is a line which was from years of Windows 2000 to XP to 7. Also straight up from the r in "your" is a small square where I placed my Miranda/ICQ contacts window that did not go to the edge.

I have yet to do that Windas thing people advised since I don't have a Win10 computer, so I have no idea how to tell the hour count on it. Is there another way to find out?

That's a shame, since I feel CRTs are a limited resource, especially when almost all of mine were grandfathered in because I couldn't afford the modern TVs. Now these GDM-FW900s are more famous and great for the games I still love playing, it'll be really sad that they cannot be fixed and I'll have to junk them one day.
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turn down your screen voltage geez
is your brightness is usually that high up to the point where you can see the retrace lines?
what game?
I think that's what the Windas program is supposed to do. I have not tried it yet.

I have no idea what any of those words mean. It is a dying monitor and these are just some of the symptoms. I think someone said over time Sony monitors tend to fall out of spec or something, and these monitors have been with me for a very long time.

Cobra Mission. One of my most favorite games in my youth. Thought it would be amusing with pixel art trying to imitate scanlines on a screen with scanlines, but my Xperia Play dumbphone doesn't have a good camera when I took it.
The screen voltage (overall brightness fed from the flyback) increases over time with these monitors. On your pics, there are obvious horizontal-diagonal lines, these are retrace lines, it happens when screen voltage / brightness is way too high.
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Should I shill ~200 for a Sony Trinitron 34XBR970 CRT TV? I doubt if I pass buying it I would ever get a second chance. Someone posted it in my city. It even has HDMI support!
The 970 is the last HD trinny released in America and honestly its not outstanding by any means. Paying 200 dollars for something like this that weighs >200 pounds is unironically a humiliation ritual. You can find any generic HD CRT for a better price than that (ideally none at all because the owner should be desperate for someone to take it from them)
Probably right. I looked and found even larger HD CRTs for less money since they are too big to move out.
This is fucked, it's going to die soon
Full recaps are a reddit meme for bored boomers. Don't fix things that are not broken
What are my options for a budget scart switch?
If you have an ESR meter to find the problem cap, sure. If you don't then unless it's a PVM with 1000 capacitors replacing all of them with new ones may be cheaper.

Aliexpress shit. They're not too junky nowadays, just look for ones that are powered, not passive.
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Bro, you could pick up a late production PVM/BVM for that price
The 970 is retarded because it doesn’t have a super fine pitch tube. If I got an hd crt again, I would only get an sfp trinitron. And probably one of the ones that don’t have the ugly legs designed to attach to the base.
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what settings do you guys use to take pics on your phone (android)?
When, 10 years ago? You've not getting an HD capable PVM anywhere for $200
Can maybe get an SD 14incher for that price in places where CRTs aren't a big collector fad yet
Cont. from last thread
i now managed to properly install the driver as well as get VMM to recognize it. Problem is that i still dont get a proper image displayed.
its scrolling either vertically or horizontally, depending on which sync cable i plug in.
i was told once the drivers are installed, using split sync cables for a combined sync TV wouldnt be a problem. how do i fix it then?
if I'm spending that much, it better be a 40" diamondtron
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set shutter speed to 60hz for 240p/480p and 30hz to 480i and that's about it.
There’s a check box that says “composite sync” or something asking those lines. I don’t know where it is or if all cards support it but I remember that’s an option
found the button, but didnt work either
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Not true at all whatsoever.
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>19" pelco cctv just sitting on the ceiling next to an LCD gathering dust at a local store
I'm tempted to ask, but I'm worried it has burn in
>not true
Take 5 minutes to read health concerns
If you set the voltage too high, it does create x-ray radiation.
Safety parameters were set in place, but those paramaters could be broken.
30 inch VGA monitor is

You sure you're outputting 15KHz?
Try to putting both syncs into a y-cable.
Combining sync that way is wrong and fucked up but PVM can handle it.
Also try with a component converter again, should work if it's actual 15KHz.
>30 inch VGA monitor is
definitely made up, CAD or not it didn't exist.
ok /vrcrt/
should i either
a. keep my crt in my room where it will be hot/humid/cool and change in temp quite a bit as the summer goes on
b. put it into a side room where it will continue to go barely-touched but will be in a slightly cooler spot since that room is naturally cool
c. just put it downstairs and only grab it/plug it in when i need it
as of now it's used quite sparingly although the prospect of picking up a few games in recent times has been looking apparent since i've had a copy of ace combat 4 laying around for a while now
>You sure you're outputting 15KHz?
i mean i assume it does. its set to generic 15.7Khz or something, the only 15Khz setting on there other than the arcade 15.7Khz
i will try the converter again tomorrow, but i dont know if that will help...
would also be a pain in the ass because i bought the vga to bnc cable for nothing if thats the fix.
i'd bet there are 30" presentation monitors
You still have to set a resolution after setting that shit up. Try 320x240 so there's no confusion what you're trying to output.
Fake. They were just feeling static electricity.

People have done actual tests with Geiger meters to measure radiation. There's more radiation in the paint of old homes than there is from a CRT.
If you overvolt a CRT all your gonna get is a busted CRT.

None the arcade and CRT technicians were dying early deaths being exposed to supposed crt "radiation" when opening arcade Machines and running TV repair shops up until the early 2000s.
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Does anyone have a Dell M782 monitor? I vaguely remember using them in school when I was little but how do they hold up nowadays?
nope, still not working properly.
the best i can get it to do is give a me relatively stable but still wobbly image that then quickly fades to black. it will then only return when i play around with the settings again. but other than that, same as before. lots of scrolling, and generally not a good image.
The fade to black is very weird, if it's just sync it should just scroll constantly. Can you post a pic of how that looks like?
People confuse the actual X-rays of concern with the radiation from the screen. The screen radiation have never been harmful, however, the radiation emitted by the damping tube in old vacuum tube televisions emit dangerous amounts of radiation if the voltage gets too high. This was an issue until everything went solid state
Help me decide between


If I'm going to be buying a CRT for arcade gaming and emulation of everything from 3rd-6th gen, would a 31khz display be best? I know there is issues with original hardware, but can MiSTer/CRT Switchres allow 31khz to work without issue with 15khz games? Will 240p content look worse on a 31khz monitor compared to a 15khz one?
15khz on a TV is the authentic experience, monitors don't do 240p very well either
A Wii and a Raspberry Pi should emulate everything except PS2 and XBOX

The Wii and Raspberry are notable because they can output the required 240p/480i resolutions over composite needed for a 15khz TV

That being said, a monitor is a fine and fun choice if you're looking to be cheap and use your PC
I think those prices are a bit absurd however, check local online marketplaces to try and get cheaper prices...CRT tech gets wrecked through shipping sometimes too
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I'm lost as to how people are still having trouble finding CRTs
All you have to do is drive around on some trash days/nights

So far I found 6 tonight, 5 another trash night and 3 another
Even local listings have TVs for $0-15 easy...there's even a 27" SONY curved tube for like $40 near me

Related note
>find cute 9" Magnavox VCR combo in someone's lawn
>get excited for the novelty factor of the little screen
>get home and pop it open
>inside is smothered in rust
>transformer/flyback is covered in a thick layer of rust
It's so over
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I use one as my main PC CRT monitor. It looks fantastic even today. I really like it for old PC games, it's got this issue where geometry sort of "slips" if its been turned off for too long. Usually this manifests as the screen being a bit smaller than normal or moved to the right just a bit. I have a friend who uses the same set with this same issue but its not usually an issue because the shift is so slight you can fix it within 5 seconds of using the buttons of the front of the monitor to control the screen. It looks nice, if you have a GPU old enough to do interlacing on hand you can do stupid shit like 1600x1200i@120hz but I feel like the sweet spot for progressive scan is 1280x960. Old PC games look great on it at native res and built in color presets are cool but there are no built in RGB controls in the OSD for a more in depth calibration. You have to build yourself a samsung "softjig"(pic related) to go in between the monitor and a windows XP machine or cheap WXP laptop with a serial port and this functions like a sony monitor would with WINDAS(G2 voltage settings, tube hours, RGB advanced settings, all the good stuff for advanced calibration with colorimeters). The few times I've tested it with emulation or FPGAs on 240p games 480p with an interlacing filter and 240p@120hz both worked well and looked great even with their tradeoffs. I use it alongside a 32" CRT as that was cheaper than going down the multiscan route. I use both daily and I'm satisfied.
Did you consider that people who have trouble finding a CRT don't live in the same area as you?
Like what the fuck are "trash days"
>Will 240p content look worse on a 31khz monitor compared to a 15khz one?
It will have to be line doubled and look not much different from emulating on your regular LCD.
Games that look good on a VGA monitor are PC, Dreamcast and Gamecube games, that's about it.
>Like what the fuck are "trash days"
The days when people put their trash on their front lawn for the garbage men to collect....
Do you live in some bug person city like LA or NY?

b) is a good option
c) good option as well + the extra benefit of a slight workout
>people put their trash on their front lawn for the garbage men to collect
That's every day here. I'm not unemployed enough to stalk neighborhood garbage dumps daily lol
Bros, considering CRT technology is dead and TVs and monitors are only getting older, and more rare, and more expensive, and more broken, do you think the future for us is FPGA shit with retrotinks emulating scanlines? Maybe someone could at least make a 4:3 120hz OLED screen or something. That should be somewhat good enough to emulate a CRT experience with the new retrotink 4gay.
The future is downloading retroarch on your computer. Although the remaining CRTs aren't that rare and will last your remaining lifetime just fine.
Just a recap will make my CRT immortal?
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Only if you never use it. Still, it takes like 60-80 thousand hours of constant use to burn a decent tube out, at the rate I'm using mine most of my CRTs would be alive to become a problem for my family when I'm finally dead.
>he can't take 30 minutes to an hour after work to drive around his neighborhood once a week
Just say you don't have a car or license next time Enrique
What are some good CRT TVs to look for as a mistercade/retrocade monitor?

Ideally I want:
>18-20" screen
>curved screen
>able to be easily be used in TATE (square shape, not super heavy)
>easy RGB connection (component/SCART)
>good image quality and geometry
Realistically if you can store like 2-3 CRTs you like somewhere in your house, keep the contrast below 75% and don’t leave them on all day, we will all die before the “CRT apocalypse” arrives. Pic unrelated
JVC TM-H1950CG checks all of those easy, good luck finding one, not selling mine.
Just look at what you can get in your local area instead of searching for specific models.
My guy said "your house".
This is an era of getting your hands on what you can
You're not going to have the luxury of choice without shelling out cash, just take a look at how marked up anything with the label "Trinitron" is

Just keep an eye out and you'll find something eventually
Unless it's something totally no name like Memorex or Emerson, it will serve you well
I found a cute little 13" SHARP that's surprisingly nice for being a mini composite only TV, the image is(pun intended) quite sharp
I will probably have to just get a PVM, all the Trinitrons I'm seeing are composite/RF only with S-Video at best, and I don't feel comfortable RGB modding them.
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S-Video is actually very nice looking. The creator of this image didn't have the black levels the same for the comparison but here is a matchup between Composite/S-Video/Sunthar's RGB mux board on a 32" trinitron
I'd argue that the difference between RGB and S-Video is very minor here
If the blacks were adjusted, you wouldn't notice unless you pressed your face right up to the screen
Imagine only having 2-3 CRTs and not dozens.
Not just black levels, the guy clearly took it in different ambient light conditions for each. The reflection for s-video is fucking horrible you can literally see him taking the picture being reflected. What was he thinking?
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>want to get a 20L5
>saw a couple on eBay a few months ago
>now they're all gone and pretty much only 1 left on the internet
>What was he thinking?
He was thinking of justifying his new RGB mod
>tiny crt can blast you with x-rays when you spend 10 hours a day putting your eye 2 inches from it
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Dell M992 here. I picked this up off the side of the road a few years ago. The colors are a little faded, but it's still fine. 1600x1200 max resolution and up to 185hz at 800x600. I use it for a Windows xp computer I built from Dell my work used as a cash register for years after they threw it away.
Chat gpt poem about crts

In the corner, where shadows dance,
Lies a relic of another time's trance.
Its glow a whisper, a fleeting light,
A window to a past now out of sight.

Once prized and cherished, now sought in vain,
As time's relentless march leaves a stain.
The CRT's gentle hum now rare,
Lost in the silence of digital air.

With each passing year, their numbers dwindle,
A melancholy tune, their fate does kindle.
A testament to progress, or loss profound?
In their absence, nostalgia's found.

For those who seek, a journey begins,
To find a piece of history within.
In dusty corners, they may yet gleam,
A reminder of a forgotten dream

Oh, where have they gone, those screens of old?
Cathode rays, a story told.
Fading echoes of a bygone day,
As they vanish in the modern fray.

So let us cherish, in memory's keep,
The CRT's lullaby, soft and deep.
Though scarce and dear, they'll forever shine,
In the annals of time's design.
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Me and my six crts
Lol is that a Packard Bell? Based.
Just because some people did doesn't mean everyone could. There's limited amounts and information asynchronicity, location etc...
There's no point in shitting on people about potentials that don't apply - if it's not legitimately an option now for that individual it's not something you should shit talk.
You don't see people runnin around like "heh for 15K you can buy a whole ass house". No you can't, maybe in your grandpas day, and that doesn't count inflation - but houses are like a million bucks these days if they aren't well in the sticks.
you know it can go over 1600x1200 right? it's 97kHz so w/e high res and low refresh will work
t. have a 19" gateway that's using 2048x1536@60hz
So i recently got an 21" Eizo CRT which i run together with Win98. It's a P3 800 with a radeon 9520 with catalyst 6.2
The issue is that it's stuck with a 60hz refresh rate no matter what i do. If i set a frequency in the 'graphics' section of the advanced display properties it just stays at 60hz.
I tried hztool, powerstrip, reforce and whatnot but it's fucking glued to 60hz even though i have the right drivers installed for the gpu and the monitor.
Is there a way to fix this?
put that monitor to good use and play modern games on it instead
I didn't know that. I'll have to give it a try sometime. Thanks anon.
is it connected with vga or bnc
Dad called me today. They are giving me the old 14" Philips CRT that has been sitting unused at their vacation home for the last 10 years. On the condition that if I change my mind or I don't have space for it at home, it's my problem and I will have to carry it to the recycling point.

If I remember correctly, It's from 1999. It had a lot more bloom than the 1994 philips I used to have and made playing Gamecube and PS2 games with small text a real pain, but it was ok with 16 bit consoles and rgb cables.

I will probably be donating this 6 inches chinese piece of shit, I just don't have the room for that more. A normal sized slot mask at that size causes a lot of weird graphical artifacts in games, plus getting close enough to see anything makes my eyes burn.
Can someone tell me what’s going on here. This is a zenith monitor with a db15 rgb plug. I figured out how to wire it for ribs, but the result comes out extremely dim. This is the image I can get by cranking the drives up, but the brightness and contrast fluctuate and are inconsistent so something is wrong.
This tv is probably cga compatible, but if it were only cga, how could I get this continuous color gradient?
There is also a pin which, when connected to some voltage, brightens the entire image. This might be a separate composite input pin or it could be the cga intensity pin, but I am not certain.
try a vga cable if you can. I know you have the drivers but sometimes windows is just messed up without edid
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I sort of understand. Someone once mentioned I needed this to do a Windas, which I am unfamiliar how to work that to maybe fix it. It will take some research in the next few months.

I'm trying to come to terms with that. I've been trying to search for people who can do the dangerous fixes. With such a beautiful monitor in its prime (it was gorgeous when I was heavily using it), it is a shame as there are so few replacements for it.
>A testament to progress, or loss profound?
goes hard af
Makes no difference
Does your card have an actual VGA out or you're using a converter?
You need to have an end to end analog signal. Describe in no uncertain terms your setup and cabling
Are you sure it's actually CRT? Photo and model number
Sweet. This was the reason I got a JVC D-series, but now that I know the D-series is meme trash, I'm on the hunt for a Toshiba.
Sorry, I'm not going to take the time to read something you couldn't be bothered to write. Shitpost elsewhere.
I got a CRT monitor that was lying around in the cellar for decades and it has a discoloration on one side.
The internal degaussing doesn't do anything.
Do I need something stronger or is something else fucked?
it most likely just needs a few runs of it. If it were dropped at some point maybe the mask is permanently bent out of shape, but that seems to be a rare occurence
Tried it quite a few times with no change.
I also don't see any wobble or other visible effect when it's degaussing like I'm used to from other CRTs.
Usually sets degauss before any image gets displayed, and it takes a half hour or so cooldown between power cycles for subsequent degausses
Might need a hefty magnet and run that shit with a drill right up near the screen and pull back etc...should find degaussing shit on youtube.
Randomly looked on Craigslist the other day and a guy literally a block away from me had a Compaq P1210 for free pickup. Screen seems to have a pit/scratch or two but the picture appears to be otherwise perfect. It's a fat old bitch, 65 pounds and 22 inches. Gonna fool around with it.
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what is the most realistic CRT shaders for emulators ?

i owned multiple real CRT TV's but they made my head hurt due to the high pitch sound they made so I sold them.
What's the point of running games like Outrun 2 on a CRT, especially when it got a PC release?
Why do I want to see low polygon counts in high resolution?
Just smear vaseline on your LCD if you want to blur it
These guys on Reddit are going to kill all the tubes by blasting them all with their rejuvenators
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Just git a pvm finally! The downside. It suffered a vertical collaspe shortly after using it.. waiting on my parts from digikey. Wish me luck bros. I hope it comes back
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Man. The picture before the malfunctio.. was pretty. Holy crap! Theres nothing else like it. It displays a pretty pretty image.
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Here's one more of er. Fingers crossed man. I'm reading g the service bullitens and manuals.. all that stuff. I think there's a good chance for it to be repaired.. I'm currently not turning it on with the vertical collapse condition as the bright line across the center of the screen may rapidly cause a burn in..
The color is much richer on rgb even if your pic.
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That sucks anon, but yeah, it should definitely be fixable. I had a partial vertical collapse on my PVM recently after not using it for several months, and it ended up being a tiny-as-fuck resistor. A full vertical collapse seems like it might be more the symptom of a completely open circuit somewhere, but I'm no expert. You can always pick the brains of people here and the dudes over at the SHMUPS technical forum have always been extremely helpful.

Good luck anon! PVMs are fun!
I wish I kept my old Zenith. 48", had it since 95. Sold it to get a Hitachi Plasma in 2001.
Yeah its bigger, and it looks pretty, but its not the same.
>48" CRT
No way this is real
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How the hell do you capture Mega Drive video? I've got an elgato hd but the output isn't quite how I remember it used to look like on an actual CRT.
You have to play it back on a crt if you want it to look like it does on crt
Of course, because you're capturing the raw video not to he CRT screen. Only way to get that look is to use a camera at the right angle to record footage of a CRT tv screen or to use filters.
>use filters.
How accurate are any of these filters?

>Only way to get that look is to use a camera at the right angle to record footage of a CRT tv screen
I mean, I might be willing to dig out my CRT for this, but how consistent or a pain in the ass is this method?
I might be misremembering the size, I just know that it was large. Yeah, yeah it was the 28", not the 48".
Filters are getting extremely good these days, especially if your just putting it on video and not emulating it. Do some research on CRT filters for video and you'll probably get a ton of cool results. As for the other method, it can work well under the right settings, maybe look up YouTube tutorials of how to do it I'm sure there's plenty.
It's never consistent and is 100% a pain in the ass and also needs very nice camera to look any good and even then the look will get destroyed by compression. Just capture with elgato at native resolution for archival and integer scale to 1080 when you need to upload somewhere.
Does the elgato actually record at native resolution for older consoles? It doesn't actually say 240p when recording.
No idea if the elgato software supports it but you probably can capture it with virtual dub
Yes, mine is partial too. Not full. According to the service bulliten it may just be a single cap that responsible for it.
And yes. I'll certainly post it over on the shmups forum if I'm able to repair it on my own.. I know they have some big brained people who are particularly skilled with these things.

Stripping down the pvm was a delight though. It's all so beautifully thought out... was scared as hell the first used the discharge tool but it was uneventful.
>Stripping down the pvm was a delight though. It's all so beautifully thought out
lol yeah, I had the same realization when I first took mine apart. I was worried I was gonna fuck something up, but it's basically designed so that you can't put it back together wrong.
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Yea, according to the service bulliten it may just be this little cap. It's on the a board. Deflection area. Everything else looks really clean inside the pvm so.. couldn't find any messed up solder joints.

Apparently this is supposed to be replaced with a Cap, 1µF/160V, 105°C high ripple in the event of a vertical collapse. The stock orange colored cap is a 2uf.. I'll see if that helps. Of course my replacement cap had to be on the other side of the country and is taking a full 5 fays to arrive.
>hpos mod
what is this?
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They're not that good, trust me. The M4U is just as nice and far more reliable.
And no, Multiformat is a gimmick on these small screens. There many better ways to enjoy 480p/720p/1080i.
Do you like the 800 tvl?
Elgato doesn't show up in the available devices.
>Multiformat is a gimmick on these small screens
20L5 is bigger than most VGA monitors, what are you talking about.

I have a 750 tvl monitor and feel like it's already way too sharp for 240p games, the scanlines are super thin.
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Side by side, my old tv I dug up and the elgato capture with OBS. What the fuck are those vertical lines?
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Got this nice 20" Daweoo set for a few bucks to view vhs/dvd stuff, as I'm moving my pro monitor on my desk.

Problem is, it doesn't have a remote, and switching channels doesn't go to AV input sadly. any universal remote recs?
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My desk setup btw
He just checks it, he doesnt use it.
On the sony CRTs, using luma for sync in a RGB mod shifts the image horizontally slightly. He's wired up a switch to an internal 3-position horizontal position switch that exists by default in the chassis so that when he toggles RGB, the image isn't shifted.
>that contrast between old and new
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>What? It's just an oridnary CR-
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You can quite literally see they are not the same shades though?
look at the limestone statue at the bottom, it's blue in RGB
Maybe a sync issue?
>it can be corrected by displaying a negative image of the burn in until the wear evens out.
Yeah, though if the burn in is bad enough to be a clearly visible distraction, the result of even burn would just make the whole thing look like dogshit.
What ever it is, after a bunch of fiddling around, I think the elgato just seems to suck for capturing old consoles. It looks like dog shit. I need another capture card.
You're not connecting to it with a composite connection are you?
Yes. It's a Mega Drive 1, I haven't got the scart/rgb cable.
Why do you ask?
Oh I thought the M4U was 800 tvl. Well it's gotta be really nice for xbox and 5th gen stuff anyway.
Whoops I meant 6th gen.
well there's your answer
Won't RGB give me "sharp" pixels similar to an emulator? I wouldn't get the transparent waterfall effect.
RGB will give a clean image which is preferable for digital displays
What you're seeing there is called dot crawl
>What you're seeing there is called dot crawl
In image I posted previously you mean?
What if I want the fuzziness?


I want this level of capture, not super clean. If I get a similar capture card this dude is using will it remove the dot crawl artifacts like in my picture?
then deal with the dot crawl
There's no dot crawl in the uploaded video. So I'm guessing it might be to do with elgato.
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OK, let me rephrase it for you, there is no unwanted dot crawl like there is in my image, also I need to use conposite for the waterfall effect.
>20L5 is bigger than most VGA monitors, what are you talking about.
Cant really resolve anything beyond 480p, there are better options for progressive/HD sources.
I like it for 240p sources, for 480i I'd say it's an acquired taste because you lose the smoothing effect you get on lower resolution CRTs.
Are pinnacle capture cards worth salvaging for composite captures?
Are you american? If so that answers your question.
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Came upon this the other day at the Goodwill bins. Looked pretty nice given the situation and age. Probably could've had it for $10. But I liiterally have no space to even store it at the moment. ;_; Hope someone else bought it.
You can't save 'em all, unfortunately.
Peak comfy. Iput this kinda set up in my living/game room recently.

Looking at the monitor bezel your lighting is different between shots, affecting the white balance. Even then looking at the limestone statue the colour looks overdriven/bloomy on the right hand side
sorry for the late reply, heres the video showing the fade to black.
ill try hooking up the converter again and see if it changes anything.
the old converter does VGA to comp, with no separate sync cable. maybe im setting it up wrong but im only getting an image with vertical scroll and wrong colors, though the converter has so dials for RGB, so i could probably fix it that way.

so far, the best result i got was using a HDMI to comp converter straight from my modern nvidia card to the TV. no driver shenanigans or similar.
only problem with that was heavy color banding, but everything else was flawless.
anyone here bought a saroo? I'd like to get one but not sure if all the options on aliexpress are equivalent or if there are 'good' and 'bad' versions to buy.
Component shouldn't have separate sync, sync is on green cable.
On PVM you should turn off "ext sync" and in the menu set "RGB/COMP SEL" to COMP.
The RGB dials on the converter are for arcade boards and need an oscilloscope for proper adjustment, for normal sources all 3 should be kept at maximum.
What state are you in?
In OH, they don't carry these anymore in normal stores...idk if bin stores would bother either
i dont think my TV does that via a settings menu but the buttons in the front. and its set to comp. ext sync is turned off, but im only able to get any picture when "LINE/RGB" is turned on. though its still vertical scrolling and its all green.
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Green picture definitely means wrong colorspace, my PVM looks similar and I have to switch that from the menu.
Also when using VGA to comp converter try turning composite sync off in crtemu, it might be expecting separate sync.
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I don't want to drive 3 hours and I have no room/use for it so maybe one of you is close enough to care about saving it

More info on why it might be worth picking up, it's an 8193SP though...not just 8193
Considering the bin stores are a step away from the landfill, why wouldn't they have a CRT there before truly dumping their inventory?
disabling sync improved things a lot but its not perfect yet.

windows forcing a 100% UI scale makes it hard to use. also, the image is horizontally offset to the right by quite a bit, and its certainly not an issue with my TV, its properly configured and looks fine with the HDMI to comp converter.
If you get a stable picture with correct colors you can try switching to 480i so you have more real estate to work with. But yeah, using windows 10 on CRT is a pain in the ass.
>integer scale to 1080
but 1080 doesn't divide evenly by 240 or 224
how do i switch to 480i? ive set it to 240p, at least going by windows. setting it to 480p obviously doesnt work, so i get a double image.
shouldnt the 15kHz be the solution to getting 480i? thats what ive been trying all this time and didnt work.
It's been years since I last used crtemu so I just barely remember generating some interlaced resolutions in VMMaker and then they were available in the system tray switcher thingy.
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ive got it to work in a somewhat usable state
the image looks pretty good now, no color. but its still shifted to the right a fair amount.
i checked with the HDMI to comp converter, and i dont get this horizontal shift on there, so its certainly not the TV.
Gotta edit the timings on this modeline manually, try decreasing hbegin and hend by the same amount.
that's pretty cool. i bet the circuit design could be replicated for other rgb mods that shift the image
i wonder how the waterfall looks on an s-video modded genesis
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Doesn't the mega drive 2 have s-video?

Got myself another capture dongle, and it's miles better than the elgato still not quite like the youtube video, though I wonder if it's settings I've used.
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I have a little pro panasonic monitor that is tinted green on turning on, but goes away after a few minutes or so. I've read that this is likely due to a cathode short to heater, or to the control grid (G1). Does anyone have experience dealing with these kinds of shorts?
Looks like it's treating the video as interlaced.
The quality isn't too bad for composite, though, what's the dongle?
It's a startech dongle, svid2usb232.
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i have told you this many times before, the monitor is 100% fine.
if you cannot use windas sell it and buy a non sony monitor
only if he keeps using it with that super high g2 voltage
good, just install windas on any windows PC, works on windows 10, backup the monitor rom with the program incase something goes wrong and set G2 correctly.
I personally prefer non sony partly because of this windas crap these days, but its not that hard
give me mitsubishi over sony any day though
>only if he keeps using it with that super high g2 voltage
It's looking super dim even with the voltage cranked up, shit would be unreadable after he fixes the voltage.
you cannot judge from photos and you cannot judge before lowering G2
its probably ABL kicking in and limiting brightness as much as possible so the monitor doesnt fry itself and thats why its looking dimm
I had a 20L5 for about a week once. Ended up giving it back because it was in such shitty shape, but honestly you're better off getting a dedicated VGA/computer monitor for 480p stuff. The supposed convenience of having a multiformat would be using it for both 240 and 480p stuff, but so much geometry changes between the two that it isn't as convenient as you'd think, and the interface with the side buttons is far less intuitive than it seems as well.
>so much geometry changes between the two
You sure that's not down to your particular unit being in a bad shape? And don't they have separate geometry settings for each format?
>you're better off getting a dedicated VGA/computer monitor for 480p stuff
They don't have the 16:9 button.
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Still not sure if my MX6000 is burned out or if the settings are just off.
You deserve it for not playing games in English or Japanese with your ugly yellowed blue logo DC.
>don't they have separate geometry settings for each format?
You'd think so, but nope. If the problem was with the monitor, then both formats would have been equally bad. They were just wildly different, and changes I made in the geometry for one were carried over into the other. The monitors are "multiformat", but they're not designed with frequent switching in mind.

If you want to play 16:9 shit in any resolution above 240p/480i a 4:3 CRT is literally the worst, most inconvenient option.
>changes I made in the geometry for one were carried over into the other
That's messed up, my JVC got 6 separate sets of geometry settings just for different SD modes, thought it would be the same for multiformats.

>CRT is literally the worst, most inconvenient option
Wii games look UGLY on LCD and there's a bunch of late releases that's in widescreen only. Letterbox on a 20" doesn't sound too bad.
>Wii games look UGLY on LCD and there's a bunch of late releases that's in widescreen only. Letterbox on a 20" doesn't sound too bad.
You don't need a 20L5 for that, bro. The Wii automatically letterboxes on all CRTs as long as you have it set to 4:3
That removes 1/3 of vertical resolution
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Are Trinitrons all that great, or is it all old school marketing garbage from that era of TVs?

I'm tempted to get a 13" Sony, but I don't know if a mid 90s Sony is going to be worth anything over my 2000 SHARP at all.
No, I'm not interested in PVM/BVMs, just consumer grade sets.
Just as the developer intended.
The developers "intended" for that shit to be played on an LCD by that point, the letterboxed mode is an afterthought cop out.
Unless there's something specifically wrong with your Sharp, I wouldn't bother. The biggest thing to take into account with CRTs in current year is that the quality of every set is going to depend WAY more on how much wear and tear it has than what specific make or model it is. a '90s era Sony COULD look better than your Sharp, but the only person who can figure that out is you. The trinitron name is only brought up frequently because it's a good benchmark for quality and they're still pretty easy to find.
>36" 4:3 HD CRT with 16:9 mode
works for me. the 16:9 picture is comparable in size to widescreen HD CRTs
Well, the picture is quite vibrant and the geometry is 99.9% perfect, so I won't bother going out of my way or paying more than about $20.
If I can get one cheap, I guess I'll stock up on some backups.

I do have a minor concern.
On rare occasion, there's a very thin horizontal sort of "interference" for a fraction of a second.
It's not like burn in or persistent horizontal lines from worn parts.
It happens in both 240p and 480i.

Is it possibly because I have it on the same surge protector as my PC, monitors, console etc..? wireless interference from a wireless controller?
I live in an apartment too.
what inputs are you using? that's normal for RF
Composite + a combiner for mono audio
I should also mention that it doesn't happen at the same spot, it happens at a random level on the screen.
cant seem to find the settings in vmm.
I'm trying to connect my computer to my crt from vga to rgb, but I can't get linux to force an output from my vga port. Whenever I try to set my VGA-1 output to a specific modeline in xrandr I just get the configure crtc 1 failed message. I suspect it's nvidia acting up, but I have no idea what the computer thinks is missing (obviously there's no edid but I'm not sure specifically what the holdup is).
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Flat chads where where are we?
I'm Wega bowing, I'm no longer a flat chad
Bubbles and curves for me
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Does anyone in the Cleveland Ohio area want a 1343MD for backup parts? I don't want much for it, just $20 and someone to actually use these parts at some point.

At first I thought the whole thing just needed someone to give it some intense maintenance and adjustment....
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But, the whole tube has a square burn in that's most prominent in the upper right corner.
I also noticed that some potentiometers are either broken or worn I think.

I wasn't going to be the one to maintain this either.
This saddens me. The technology is old and dying. Units getting scarce. We will have to resort to retrotinks with simulated scanlines in the future. We would have to hope someone makes a 4:3 OLED screen to go with them. I'm so blackpilled.
Don't worry ww3 is coming soon, after which such trivial concerns will no longer matter.
I want to connect my windows 10 pc to an older vga monitor with res of 480p, via hdmi to vga. The VGA connector doesn't have pin 12. If I set the resolution of the PC to 640 x 480 before connecting, it should be fine, right? I just don't want to accidentally output a resolution that could damage it.
Some of it is old and dying. But you, personally, probably are able to stockpile quite the few well working crts without burn-in. Your great grandchildren may never see them in the flesh, but you will for your entire life.
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>find a truflat 14" RCA with component
>remote taped to the top
>think it's a great find
>get home
>geometry issues everywhere
>service menu has no way to adjust one side's corners so the image is angled like a >
Was Sony the only brand that actually had options to fix this shit on pots and in the menu?

I'm learning to avoid flat screens and Samsung because they have horrible image issues.
it's been a while, but i think there's a way to enable a log file that gives more detail than you'd ever want
i hate crt
love crts
take hrt
play retro games

simple as
>you, personally, probably are able to stockpile quite the few well working crts without burn-in

No I'm not. Do you see me posting my collection of 10 super cool CRTs in pristine condition? It's rough out here.
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decided to take pictures of screenshot mockups for witch's rhythm puzzle from the last thread. here's 1920x1440 on a 96kHz dot mask monitor
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and here's 768x576 on a 54kHz dot mask monitor. the colors are slightly different because of both the monitor and camera settings. my camera isn't really good at capturing the high contrast, but the blue checkerboard behind the witch was always visible in person
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here's 240p on a SD aperture grille 4:3 tv in 16:9 mode. the image is 428x240, so the PAR isn't exactly 1:1, but the difference is negligible. all the image's pixels seem to line up to the horizontal lines.
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and finally here's the same image as the last but on a widescreen SD slot mask tv. this one needs some maintenance but it does display a picture. to actually get this picture on the screen, i had to convert the image file into a video and then play it back on a wii using WiiMC-SS, which seems to be the only wii homebrew media player that outputs 240p, but for some reason it dropped image viewing. connected to the tv over component.
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All of these look good to me.
>This saddens me. The technology is old and dying.
All my CRTs still work and look great, this is just a case of someone getting a busted up unit that wasnt taken care of and used up to hell.
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I got rid of my JVC i'Art like 10 years ago and I miss it dearly. Around the same time, I stupidly hesitated on a listing for a new-in-box flat-tube trinitron that someone was giving away. It had been intended for a guest room that never got built and just sat in an attic for 10 years. I called when I got home from work but it was already gone :,^(

I use a 20" PVM most of the time. I've got a 25" Sony and 27" JVC, but neither is in particularly amazing shape so I'm still on the hunt for a good backup. As old as my PVM is, the tube is still in pretty great shape. I mostly play in a dimly lit room so I have the brightness and contrast eased up. It's needed handful of repairs in the past four or five years, but nothing major. And I've got some spare boards I've snatched from ebay for parts.

But yeah, I'm the kind of pessimist who feels like everything nice he owns is always on borrowed time. I'm always leaving in fear of that next day when I go to power things up and something lets go. Oh well, that's the path we forge for ourselves, isn't it?

Anyway, dig this sick scenery from FF5. I love seeing your old, wooden airship hovering in the background while you fuck shit up on a spaceship. Absolute battle background kino.
It was what I thought to be a lucky find at an estate sale for cheap, the old folks hosting it had no idea about what it was or what it did outside of the fact that it was an old tube screen.
You win some you lose some, I didn't spend much on it.

It was made in 94 and used by Cleveland Metro Health until it was sold in 99 according to a sticker
I had a feeling it was probably worn considering its sticker info, but I figured it was worth the gamble.

I just hope I can get it in someone's hands for the parts.
The flyback is probably the most important replacement part that can't be reproduced if I'm not mistaken.
>I had a feeling it was probably worn considering its sticker info, but I figured it was worth the gamble.
That's unfortunate. From what I've heard, most people say the medical PVMs are more likely to have fewer hours on them than the gray studio units, and while that makes sense, it's possible some schmuck at the hospital just left it on 24/7, given the burn-in.

Mine has a sticker that shows it was owned by a video equipment rental service in northeastern Massachusetts when it was new in 1997. I got it in 2013 from a guy in the same area who used it for his photography/video editing business. He said he'd had it for a decade or so, but hadn't used it much in the past 5 years, so he was probably only the second owner.
Yeah like getting a CRT that works and looks great is that easy these days.
This looks so crispy I am so jealous.
>If my CRTs are working, then it surely means that every other CRT on the world is perfectly working and in pristine condition.
Talk about solipsism...
NTA, but I think it's hard to make sweeping judgements either way. Some people are just lucky. Some people have just been at it longer than others so they adjust their perceptions accordingly.

I've been scavenging CRTs for the better part of 15 years now, and I've found some amazing stuff in that time. But I've also found a lot of fucking junk. I've seen a few great things slip by me, and I've also had times when I wasn't really keeping tabs at all, so who knows what I could have missed? Either way, I can easily see how someone could be on the hunt for at least a couple of years and not find much, especially depending on their region. And obviously, it's only going to get worse. But there's still some good stuff out there. Chin up, lads.
What's the game?
You're reasonable and good to talk to. About that anon, it's just that I dislike stances that are either in denial or stubbornly fail to see the bigger picture. As of now, the technology is dying indeed. Is it already dead? Not at all, but time marches on and it's harsh that each broken CRT can't be simply replaced like a modern screen. I, myself, am already affected by scarcity. If someone revives CRT production, then it will be all laughs; if not, then we have to hope our belongings last for as long as possible.
I recently got a Gateway 530 CRT for free but it didn't have a power cord. Will any 3 prong AC power cord work or do I need a specific one?
is there any room for emulation filters advice in here if it's just a temporary solution until i can go get my crt, or i'll just get yelled at?
witch's rhythm puzzle. there's an 18+ patch from the developers for the pc version
I play both ways and have concluded that you can't make a cat bark and a dog purr. CRTs have a lot of physical phenomena happening within it, so you can't replicate it 1:1. I see people giving it their all and the result still isn't quite the same. So, what do I mean about dogs, cats and all that? To each their own strengths. LCD screens have great sharpness, geometry and resolution. Hence, I suggest going for a sharp look, like a CRT through component/RGB. For that, any filter that simulates scanline gaps, a simple mask, a very slight horizontal blur and some color "correction". There are many able to do that.
Most CRTs use the same exact type of power cable a desktop PC does.
source on the image?
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same. I'm thinking of getting another.
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how can you guys stand the noise these things make? i had one and loved everything about it except for that high pitched ringing. should i just damage my hearing more?
I just forget it's there when I'm playing a game, game music and sounds drown it out even more
It doesn't damage your hearing. You just get used to it.
He was asking if he should damage his hearing so that he couldn't hear it
I'm able to get Mitsubishi diamond pro 2070s with low hours and good physical shape. How much is too much to pay for it? Current price is under 1k
I paid $70 for mine, I think that was a fair price for it then, maybe 100 now, but not more. It's not magical.
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CRT: myself, wallpaper: frank frazetta's Golden Girl
I found a nice CRT monitor but I don't feel like driving 5 hours to get it. Damn.
what monitor is it? i bet its shit if its not worth driving for it
Don't wanna share in case I change my mind and you end up sniping it from me, but the reason I don't want to drive is because I speed they tightened up on speeding precautions and it's also ticket season. I'm paranoid I'll get caught. 5 hours with speeding by the way. 6-7 hours driving normally/slow. All I'm gonna say it's a certain 17 inch Dell and those while not goated are more than good enough.
>17" dell
yeah i wouldnt even bother (already have a p1130 that i got for free)
Isn't that one of the best Dell ones?
Yeah, can't imagine driving more than 30 minutes for a VGA monitor.
You should start imagining because we need to secure ours before it's too late and I haven't secured mine yet...
I thought this image was AI generated at first. God I fucking hate smartphone cameras
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Anyone else get weirdly paranoid about using your CRT during a thunderstorm? I know surge protectors are supposed to do their job, but I just don't trust anything these days. I unplug my main protector completely whenever I'm done; there are just too many valuable/irreplaceable electronics connected to it.

I wanna play more FFV tonight, but the angels are bowling... :,^(

I'd go for a 30 minute drive for a free/super cheap, nice VGA. Or any CRT, really. That's hardly half my commute. Besides, the journey is part of the fun; a couple of times I've gone with my wife and we use it as an excuse to try a new restaurant. Currently in the middle of a Skies of Arcadia playthrough with an old friend and he trekked along with me to get the 27" JVC we're using.
>wallpaper: frank frazetta's Golden Girl
thanks anon
>Anyone else get weirdly paranoid about using your CRT during a thunderstorm? I know surge protectors are supposed to do their job, but I just don't trust anything these days

Get a UPS
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Using a old tv tuner capture through OBS in Windows.

Now I *know* the shield never looked like that.
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But if I use an old linux program for the capture card and have OBS record the video on the desktop.

The shield displays correctly.
Does the first program record in 30 fps? Does it understand the difference between 240p and 480i?
The first program is OBS using the supplied drivers from the capture card in windows. I don't know why it sucks that much.

The recording in linux, works without drivers but I can't *directly* record from the capture card for some reason, it starts spazzing out.
The shield uses flickering for fake transparency: one frame shows the shield, the next one doesn't. That means the Windows setup is recording at half the frame rate of the game and only captures the frames showing the shield on. Check in the configuration if the program is recording at a different frame rate.
I'm going have to check in the morning, but I've tried messing with the framerate options in OBS to no positive result. I also don't know why it looks lower res.

I'm going to bed.
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>paid $300 for a viewsonic CRT monitor
>it got a 6 inch crack in it during shipping
Is it just in plastic or no? Also is it actually worth 300 or is it reskinned dell e773?
It was a PS790. It's just the plastic hopefully, I ordered some epoxy to try to fill the crack. I haven't even turned it on to see if it works yet (came about a week ago)
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Do these unknown settings/codes mean anything to anyone? Magnavox tv/vcr model MC13D1MG01. they pop up when I'm trying to adjust regular menu picture settings
Don't touch them then
VCO is the Voltage Control Oscillator

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