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After playing both this year, I have concluded that T2X is better than TBP.
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The Earth is flat, therefore timezones are a myth.
Use the lite versions of TFix and T2Fix, check cam_ext.cfg and modify it to your liking, and consider modifying your Thief 1 install to use Thief 2 creeping instead of having two move forward keys by replacing your user.bnd file. And play on Hard your first time through.
Oh and make sure in cam.cfg or user.cfg you make sure to add the line "character detail 1" to ensure the high detail character models are used for Thief 1. If you play with a high refresh rate mode, make sure to use vsync mode 7 in cam_ext.cfg or to cap your physics. Also you can enable raw mouse input by adding "use_raw_mouse_input" in cam_ext.cfg.
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the screen resolution sucks but pretty cool
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the real question is... can I use this to play Touhou?
400x240 in 2d mode. bottom screen is 320x240.
>>>/vt/ - Touhou Games
nice try.

Very interesting design choice to make the game piss easy until this exact moment.
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It's been Death's tradition since 1986.
spam holy water
Really dislike how the bosses in the earlier half are just regular enemies.
Then you get to the real bosses and the game is almost over just when it started to get good.
Yeah, that's really Aria's one true failing: it's too short.
When people say "filtered", this is what they're talking about. Get better.

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Is Langrisser as good as its cover art would have me to believe?
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Sorry, I'm too busy cumming to the honey golden elf girl to talk about gameplay.
You shouldn't do what you did.
The correct promotion for Liana is sister -> cleric -> priest -> sage, even tough every single guide I've seen suggests to promote her to high priest.
There's no point in high priest, Force Heal 2 is worse than Heal 2 most of the time, and the new summon White Dragon has no spells, while also having only 5 MOV and taking indoor movement penalty.
Meanwhile as sage she can cast the most useful spell in the game, Again, while still having access to Heal 2 and Valkyrie, and of course, she also learns Teleport in her final class.
Love this mans art but I always just think of that one hentai whenever I see it.
72 posts in and not a single mention of pubes.
/vr/, I am disappointed.

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>Seems like it's working now, but the load times are pretty long.
If I remember right, they're long for the first time and then faster after that. Are you playing on an SSD?
nope, only got a hard drive.
The console version of Sims 2 was like an extremely watered down version of the PC original. To make up for that, they changed the console release to be focused on completing goals and stuff like that, more missions-based to try and make up for everything else you were missing out on. The original PC release is more of a sandbox simulation with a ton more content and mechanics to work with, especially with the expansion and stuff packs and store content you should have grabbed from the link above.
absolutely incredible find, anon
That's a specific mode that PC releases never got. The console versions still have the sandbox mode as well.

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Lets have an arcade thread anons. I am lucky enough to live under 20 minutes from Galloping Ghost, the biggest arcade in Burgerstan. I haven't always made the best use out of it but I went this month and am already planning to go with friends later this month as well and find myself on a bit of a fixation for arcade games at the moment.

>What are your favorite arcade games
>Tips for getting MAME to work well? It's the only emulator I am not well versed in and I am having trouble every step of the way, feels very different to normal emulation
>Dream machine to have in the home
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and the last one
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The greatest cabinet shooter of all time. Period.
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Giant CRT screens are way better than rear projection TVs.

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It's just Majora's Mask with more estrogen.
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Monster capture in the international is so kino, I love making a team of LeBlanc goons and their monster pets.
It would've make the dynamic impossible, Lulu would shut down Yuna and Riiku's shenanigans. Paine snarks but ultimately plays along because at the end of the day, she's having fun even if she doesn't say it out loud.
>expansion pack sequel
>”it’s exactly the same thing”
>then it creates a giant hatedom because it turns out not be even remotely the same thing
Tifa, Aeris, and Yuffie would actually work together

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My wife and I got this (with the artbook manual) at a retro game expo a while back. Have yet to play it, but was curious what the consensus is on it? Sadamoto character designs is always a win in my book, but given it was localized by Working Designs I have...concerns about what they've done to it, if the hackjob they did on Popful Mail is anything to go by.
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your concerns are negligible.

it's a great game to play with your wife. it's got cool characters, cool music and a simple but cute and effective story. you don't need to have played 1 first either. just dive right it. it's a traditional jrpg typical for ps1 era. if you like jrpgs you should like it.
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The Sega CD version is indeed far, far better in a whole host of ways. Many dungeons were completely redone to be shorter and easier, (the one in pic related particularly) there are less animations, missing music tracks, all kinds of things. Lunar 2 is my favorite 16 bit RPG and I think the remake is pretty terrible by comparison. That said, it's still a solid game and if that's the version you have I would say it's still very worth playing.

I dislike a lot of the Working Designs meddling and the terrible jokes they put in, but I think on the whole the difficulty changes to Lunar 2 were for the better. The magic XP cost to save is silly, but really doesn't ever affect things much. As for it's difficulty overall, I think it's pretty much perfect. I thought so at the time and have been finally replaying it all these years later this winter and still feel that way.

To me perfect RPG balance is where by exploring each area and dungeon fully, but not stopping to grind, you should be just powerful enough that the next boss you come to is a challenge but barely beatable. Very few games actually hit that sweet spot, and the US version of Lunar 2 gets it just about perfect.
it's okay, nothing special
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bump bump bump bump bump

How do you guys physically store your games? I'm thinking about bookshelves, but I also don't want to deal with the dust situation. Is there anything you've done that's worked out really well for you?
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Depending on the size of the game/case, it'll end up sorted in a shoe box or something and thrown in the closet.
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Pic related. Box from some boots just happened to fit nicely.
>I just keep my games in a stack on my desk
Both of them?
Most of my video games are stored in drawers, though I assume the rest are in plastic or cardboard boxes.
They used to sit, organized inside a television hutch/cabinet the systems were attached to.
Not necessarily.


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We all know that modifying Game Boy games to include colour, like the Super Game Boy and GBC did, is wrong and taints the original vision, but were the games intended to be played in green, or can you play in just black and white too?
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According to TCRF removing the check for the save version doesn't have any known side effects. Could've been a safeguard since they're separate roms or they intended to make changes that didn't end up happening.
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You know, I've seen the other thread about JP fan hacks reverse-translating pretty different EN ROMS (one example being Zelda II arguably being better on NES over FDS) and I have to wonder, has anyone tried porting Japanese GBC-version text to the English-only GB Wario Land II? It's arguably the better version. The game got delayed twice -once for SGB support and again for GBC- and the latter particularly feels rushed. In retrospect, I think Nintendo of America/Europe made the right call releasing the original version before GBC came out. You'd just need to port over the chapter/save text I think, maybe leave penguin and logo graphical edits optional. Seems relatively simple.
>why yes, I play warioland for the text
I think it was left+B I used to use all the time, especially for Pokemon. With so much of the dex being water pokemon, blue colors looked good on most of them.
>Always had to chase for a light source(unless you had that light plug in tool) but always had to keep on a certain angle
It was never as hard as people make it sound. Literally just sit by a window and you have enough light.

The only actively difficult scenario was trying to play in a car at night, pausing in between streetlights.

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Post nice drops. What character are you playing now?

I just made a Zeal Paladin and it's going decent, a bit hard against Duriel and Diablo but otherwise it's a walk in the park.
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Thank you for the tips. I’m about to fire the game up. Gonna try to speed my way to Mephy
How does this game have any replay value compared to Diablo 1? It feels the same tbqh, Diablo II is just longer.
You are entitled to your opinion, even if it is incorrect. Diablo 2 has post game content, online ladder and a PvP community. Diablo 1 does not.
I remember spamming the voice emotes during Baalruns. Man, those were the days.
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Gem or coal?
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Crown jewel
This is a meme. 85% of the game is on disc 1 and disc 2 still has some of the best content. It's jewel-encrusted throughout.
coals are gems if you squeeze them hard enough
Xeno a shit.
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Post retro videogames that never saw the light of day, unrealized demos included
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I wanted this. Even years later getting my Robotech OVAs. Still hoping.
>Post retro videogames that never saw the light of day, unrealized demos included
StarCraft: Ghost is the obvious one here, since it was in development since the early 2000s. Also the various iterations of what became Duke Nukem Forever.

I was so hyped for this game and very genuinely disappointed when it never happened. All the previous Trek adventure games to the that point had been pretty good.

It’s just tough to comprehend when people, especially accomplished or notable ones, die in random accidents. But it happens all the time. People have to conjure conspiracies to make sense of it all.
A good game for Saturn.
>Mario 128

WTF, I need to play 128 games in release order to be 100% caught up with Mario Lore?! That's a lot of gaymes...
I think it's more likely there were just multiple things called Mario 128:
>the original tech demo, called Mario 128 because there were 128 Marios since it was a 128 bit system
>the sequel to Mario 64, called Mario 128 for obvious reasons (later renamed to Sunshine)
>the later Mario game that was inspired by the tech demo, which used Mario 128 as an early working title as an homage to said tech demo (later renamed to Galaxy)
These three things were never the same project, but all had "Mario 128" as a working title at one point or another. The confusion stems partially from people who thought the tech demo was an early build of the "Mario 128" they kept mentioning in interviews, and partially from the fact that Miyamoto was talking about two completely different games when he was asked about it in different years.

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"Xbox" and "capacitor." Two words you never want to hear in the same sentence.
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Ceramics don't use chemicals so they last basically forever but their capacitance is orders of magnitudes lower than electrolytic capacitors.
In olden days they had caps made of oil wrapped paper. These were rather different from the modern type of electrolytic and would tend to dry out from non-use. Regular application of power was necessary to keep them working.
>a faster CPU
Anyone here actually done that?
Doing BGA soldering by hand seems like an absolutely massive pain in the ass
The bigger, the more useless, yeah. Rip em out with your teeth anon.

There's a few ee's around anon.
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I have done 1ghz cpus with just hot air and a pre-heater, it's a lot of prep work but the soldering is pretty easy

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Garage sale season has begun. Have you found anything recently out at various sales? It's been better recently, been finding Gamecube and old cartridges far more then I have in prior years when it was rather impossible
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I don't like pc gaming or putting any effort at all into nerd shit
Well, if someone wanted to buy more than one at a time I'd just engage in conversation. If they clearly just want a few of the things I have that's cool. But if they try to just grab the lot I won't sell any.
Well if you're not interested in effort, and refuse to emulate you can't really complain about prices.
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I used to do a lot of Garage Sailin'
Probably would net a chill $1000-$2000 a summer through ebay reselling and also taking stuff to Play it Again sports (its really easy to find stuff like almost-new golf bags that were gifts to someone who wound up not liking golf, metal baseball bats in good condition,etc)
Plus a good amount of video games
Anything I couldn't sell I would keep in the garage until the end of the summer until I would have a garage sale of my own and basically give it away

I think a major shift happened during the pandemic when everyone was collecting fat unemployment and wanted to have a cash-only source of income as well, and they discovered that the average suburban home is sitting on a pile of flippable income
Suddenly you got this new breed of reseller, really rude, really antisocial - they basically accost the homeowners with their list of money makers, demanding to know if they have anything else inside they can flip. It's gross, these people are violent autists.

I think OP is right, that insanity is starting to go away. For me, I'm done reselling - it just became less of a hobby and more of a chore (I started to get just as many psychos buying my stuff too)
So now I try to hit a handful of sales when the weather is good but I'm just looking for anything I think is cool, and to chat up the homeowners if they seem like they'd enjoy a little conversation. I think recently I've found most of my good stuff that way, chatting up a homeowner who then inevitably asks what I'm looking for, and then realizes they have something cool I might like left in the house.

Anyway I'm rambling. Thanks for reading my blog
I have never found a single video game related thing at any yard sale, apart from some shitty X-box branded speakers like ten years ago. I did not buy them.

>they give midwits an altered perception
Reality TV began destroying normie brains and social media finished it. We're currently in an era where the average midwit is actually less intelligent than an actual retard, simply due to their capacity to consume and assimilate endless amounts of slop.

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