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Is there any mobile port of a retro game worth playing?
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I need games that have controller support.
>Soul Calibur
>Jet Set Radio
>Castlevania SOTN
Only to name a few
Gunbird 2, Strikers 1945 and a bunch of others are really good and even better in some ways since the control can be more accurate. They look perfect on a phone screen.

There are a bunch of shmups that vary in quality but I have fun with them.

There are a fair amount of games where they take a retro game and just make their own game based on the original idea. This game I found called Dan the man basically took wonderboy in monster land but used different levels and added some moves.
On android?

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What's your comfort game, /vr/?
Just tell me what you like to play when you're feeling down.
What's the game you never get tired of, that's always waiting for you after a hard day? The old friend or comfy home away from home in your console or computer? Try to hold back on the fighting and arguing and just share the games that help get you through life, no matter how good or bad they might be or what other /vr/ posters think of them.
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I fell out of Pokemon almost completely after Gen 2, but there's still something immaculately comfy about the original games. It really transports me back to the late 90's/early 00's in a way little else can, not even things that meant more to me, or contemporary games I liked better. I suppose my brief but intense fascination with the series left an indelible mark on my soul. I see myself back in my childhood bedroom, or my elementary school library, or even at Burger King. I hear those chiptunes like a eulogy for my innocence. Gengar was my favorite, as a mischievous little imp who loved ghosts. I never had a link cable or friends I could trade with, though, so I never got to have one for myself. At least Haunter's sprite in Red and Blue genuinely looked cooler.
Damn fine taste. Paper Mario 64 just feels like home. I think that would have to be my choice for this thread, even though Super Mario RPG was my favorite (of the Mario RPGs and every video game I've played, to this day).
It was a few years later for me, but I rented this one, too. I have to play through the first level every Christmas season. The second, Mystery TV, is my favorite in the whole game. Gex takes me back to that same childhood bedroom, but it feels a lot smaller, if no less comforting. A cozier time after some not-so-cozy ones, when I had only just started exploring the Internet. I always rented it alongside Super Metroid and Kirby Super Star, so they all take me back there.
That would be one of my little half-brother's comfort games, I think, but I fondly remember a sunny late afternoon in front of it with him. A Horse With No Name is what really takes me to that particular memory due to the soundtrack.
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Good stress reliever.
halflife. it just feels like home.
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There's nothing comfier than picking some map with gemstones that can be easily sealed off and then slowly building a huge dungeon.
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The first Ninja Gaiden. I know it inside out so it's just a comfy playthrough despite its "hardcore" reputation.

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>Xbox has amazing momentum in 2004 thanks to Halo 2
>cut it off at the legs and release the 360 a year later
Why was Microsoft so concerned with being the first to get 7th gen hardware out? Halo 2 was a cultural icon and sold Xbox and Xbox Live on its own. Let it simmer for a bit and support the original Xbox for at least another half year or so. Instead they rush the 360 to market which only works short term while it fucks them over long term. An extra 6 months of dev time on the 360 can save them the headache of the 360s hardware failures and the original Xbox gets to generate more money and more profit.
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There's actually no definitive proof that the PS3 outsold the 360.

Sony said PS3's final sales number was 87.4 million in 2019.

Microsoft's last 360 sales update was 84 million in mid-2014, but it wasn't their "final" sales figure and they continued to sell the console with production only ending in mid-2016.

Daniel Ahmad (ZhugEX) the Niko Partners game sales guy estimates that the 360 actually DID end up passing PS3
>Secondly, given the public data available it does look like Xbox 360 would have passed PS3's 87.4m figure sometime in the second half of 2015.

damn thats a lot of suckers paying for xbox live, ps3 got that shit for free!
That's because there was nothing worth playing online on the PS3 that you couldn't get anywhere else until MAG and Demon's Souls
What are you even talking about? The the Xbox360 and halo 3 were a monumental success for the X360 and live service. Everybody I knew had that thing and played that game. PS3 was it's own different thing. A few people had it. Modern warfare 2 was bigger game on the PS2 before it came to xbox. We got that game on our Xbox and thought is was shit compared to halo.
>no geams
>constantly hacked

Sony online has always been shit

Everyone loved this game back then and no amount of zoomer larping stories will ever change that.
>b-but I got it for christmas when I was a kid and it was so boring!
No you didn't. You are a liar. Everyone back then loved this game. Stop making shit up.
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Just fucking around outside the castle in Mario 64 felt like that. My old man of all people liked to boot it up and just run around the castle grounds for a bit.
I think both the criticism is deserved, and the context of its release, are lost in discussion on the game, because you're 100% right that it's from a different time.

Like how Mario Party Advance is just seen as busy work today, but at release it was Hudson trying to make the ultimate road trip game for kids. It wasn't just busy work, the game was meant to turn your GBA into a virtual toybox that you could play with for hours on end, and know if you left the house with just that cartridge, that you'd be satisfied that's all you had to play.

But that doesn't mean the thing isn't kind of unimpressive these days, when even the most basic of chunk handhelds can store the entire gba library on an SD card, and a ton of them fit in your pocket. Wether or not you think that's good is up to you, but I think it's pretty hard to fault anyone who wouldn't "get it" if they didn't grow up with it
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Literally no one says DK64 sucks. It was probably the best game on the system desu. Mario 64 and BK the zoomer specials are the boring ones and for anyone who's name isn't George Wood.
I have a suspicion that since the game was boxed with an expansion pack, which was relatively new ish and expensive at the time (about £15-25 or so) it was an added incentive to get it.

However it was hype and it was huge. I absolutely adored this game as a child I loved banjo and crash and other platformers, and my favourite animal was monkeys. When I heard rare (my favourite dev) were making a platform (my favourite genre) on n64 (my favourite console) and it had MONKEYS (my favourite animal), I was honestly giddy with excitement opening this up on Christmas day 1999.

I always took the huge size of the game to be a good value for money challenge. My family weren't too rich so I had to make do with what few games I got and get the most value out of them

I can understand why some people say its tedious , but I just never felt this way and I didn't really hear anyone say that at the time, beyond maybe a line in the "Con" column in the review for the game in magazines.

I think the myth has come about because

1. People like a blame story - like E.T on atari 2600
2. It makes a good clickable thumbnail for zoomer video essayists to get 100k+ views
3. The 3D platform genre *did* sorta die out after DK64, but it could be more to do that it was really a late 90s 5th gen craze started by Mario 64 that had simply more or less fizzled out by early/mid 6th gen.

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>levels that feel just as satisfying to blaze through got traded for slow-paced plodding
why did they do this? just laziness? Mario's satisfying high tension movement translated perfectly but I suppose Nintendo put a lot of genius thought into it and effort, whereas the Rare guys were just like "uhh...never mind. We're not really mechanics people. Our technical prowess is funny cut up voice samples and texture cache optimizations."

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I came back to this game after nearly a decade, and it gets a lot better after 1-2 hours of playing and you actually get some gear.

Is Fallout 2 like this as well? I remember beating the tutorial for that, but I felt so drained after that, and I still felt like I was just beginning, that I didn't want to continue. Even with a shitty intro, I hear Fallout 2 is too bloated.
>Is Fallout 2 like this as well?
It depends on where you go, it's a lot more open and there's no time limit (I mean there is, but it's like 12 years)
Fallout 1 is a lot smaller than Fallout 2. Some of the mechanics aren't as developed and there is a lot of unfinished content. That being said, the smaller nature makes it more cohesive.

Fallout 2 is like Fallout 1 on steroids. They spent all of their time refining the existing mechanics and writing a million quests/locations/characters. The larger scope means it loses some cohesion and the quality can vary a bit. That being said there's probably more good stuff in Fallout 2 than there is stuff in Fallout 1 period.

They're so similar, I don't see how someone could like one of them and not the other.

The Fallout 1 time limit is one of those things that freaks people out even though it's basically irrelevant. You have more than enough time to do whatever you want unless you do aimless cross-California walking trips for zero reason.
Fallout 2 being "bloated" is its best quality. It's three times the game the original was. Everyone who played FO1 on release was craving more, and that's what they got. The devs managed to make a lot more because the groundwork was there. That's the best aspect of retro games we lost.
I like the timelimit of FO1, and I see it being very underrated. It compels the gameplay in a way that only Majora's Mask gets praised nowadays. (despite the cycle in that game ACTUALLY being irrelevant and just in the way)
This is how you make an open world.

>October 1992
>Only a month left until the launch of the biggest game on the Sega Mega Drive
>The only mention it gets in Mega Drive Fan is a half-page segment and one of the images is upside down
>The magazine is 104 pages so it's not like they were tight in space or anything
Was this sort of thing normal back in the day? Were big games not often hyped up before release? This was after they had decided on Sonic 2sday (it's literally mentioned in the article) so you would think they might try to hype up the game more.
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So if it wasn’t for Nintendo, Sega would have gotten zero press for their garbage consoles. You furryfuck hedgehog fags should be kneeling at an alter dedicated to Mario
The upside down picture is funny lol was the editor asleep or what lmao
Maybe they did it on purpose to make it look like he's running through the top part of a loop-de-loop because the retards at Sega didn't put any good loop-de-loop stills in the press kit. Everybody loves making Sonic run the loop-de-loop.
Hey retard: Family Computer Magazine wasn't owned by Nintendo
The rabbit hole goes depth

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Since 2018, I have been periodically posting a list of secrets, mysteries and oddities found in The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. Every time I post this thread, you guys have contributed more knowledge -- and I learn something new with every passing thread. As of this writing, the list contains over 100 secrets. In past threads, I've mentioned that I plan on publishing a simple, single-page website which documents all of these secrets. I still intend to do so, and I will share this site with you all when the time comes. We aren't done yet, though. I call upon your wisdom once more, and ask that you share any secrets you've found in the land of Hyrule. Anything noteworthy will be added to the list, and due credit will be given to /vr/ for what is shared on the site to come.

I'd like to post the list so far, but first, please allow me to explain the criteria: this is not a list of well-documented information related to 100% completion of the game. This list does not include extensive information about how to beat dungeons, find permanent items, or anything of the sort. This is a list of true oddities that the average player may never notice on a given playthrough. With this in mind, please note that even some of the game's most well-known "secrets" have been included for the sake of posterity. I should also mention that if you have followed these threads in the past, you'll no doubt recognize some of the secrets listed herein, but I have since expanded the list with even more entries, so there might be something new for you to learn as well.

Now, in the final hour, I humbly present to you the many secrets of The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time...
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There's so many good N64 games, including Majora, but OoTfags have been mindbroken by this ONE mid game for 30 years
>in the future, Saria no longer has her fairy
Weird. Are there any theories why that is?
Oh, it's this guy again...
Did you know that the B button swings the sword, when you're in the middle of a side hop, allowing you to do a jump attack mid dodge, even if you're not over ground?
OoT's iframes are nothing like souls though. They occur at the end of a roll, not the beginning, and don't let you roll through attack, only avoid damage, and even then there are attacks that will damage you through a roll, because they are deliberately programmed to.

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Future Boy Conan for the PS2
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theres a pc engine platformer by telenet
its really obscure and since its by telenet, no one really cares
It's a classic. Why did they wait until 40 years after the Flintstones to release Dinosaur Peak
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As a huge fan of the show I was pretty excited to see it's had a handful of game but sadly none of them do it anything close to justice. I'll admit it seems like they really tried with the visuals but not much else.
This one I know is reviled, think it's considered about the PCE's worst games even. I feel like a 2d platformer would lend itself best to the kind of abilities Conan has so it's a shame that the it got is complete shit.
The graphics are great, if only the game wasn't complete dogshit. Kinda reminds me of
is it related to the detective conan or conan the barbarian? obviously not the o'brian one

It was made on 2013, 6 years after 2007, I know, but it was made on a retro console.
You know, we had this thread before 6th gen became ok to discuss? A few times it was brought up as a reason for 6th gen not to be allowed. Something like
> If 6th gen is allowed, then this soccer game from 2013 is considered retro.

Many a butthurt anon in those threads. Including myself. /Vr/ really has taken a turn down shit river, we should've stayed in fart canyon, but now we're headed for ass to mouth ocean.
Who gives a shit? It's an annual sportsball game, no one's going to be discussing it.
The rules are clear on the subject, learn to read

it sucks but it's inevitable. 10 years everyone was still playing NES games. These days the "retro gamer" mostly talks about 5th gen and "anything before the SNES is unplayable BAD DESIGN™".

But there will always be people who are genuinely in that stuff, the difference is the fakers, nostalgiafags, and trend followers are gone.
A standalone Final Fantasy expansion was also released on PS2 in 2013.
It's getting harder and harder to talk about stuff from before the NES, Atari specificially and arcade too.
I figured all the oldies from back the BBS days would come back to post after retirement but I guess everyone just died or had their hands succumb to carpal tunnel or something.

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how was a 7 year child in 1989 meant to get past this part?
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Classic ninja gaiden
>punishing enemies
>despawning is used to proceed in the game
In 3D games you do the same thing
>how was a 7 year child in 1989 meant to get past this part?
You weren't meant to do shit. Games weren't designed for everyone to finish them.
>People actually do that, like the soijak meme?
People threw their controller, yes. "Like the soijak meme?" Probably not. No correlation between being frustrated by a game (as a kid) and other numale traits.
It's crazy that kids are beating harder games nowadays
By attempting it 5000 times because you only had 5 games available to play.

You will do precisely nothing in this thread except post various artistic depictions of Zeromus.

Lesser men are incapable of this task.
I love Final Fantasy IV, it's my favorite JRPG of all time (though FF1 comes close), it's just charming and authentic, but I have to admit Zemus/Zeromus was the weakest part. I suppose it doesn't really matter, because honestly a good adventure really is about the friends you made along the way, and they just needed to wrap things up, but it really was a bit of a "and here's the big bad behind the curtain, get'im!!". Of course it still felt meaningful taking this fucker down, especially when you get to see Golbez and FuSoYa going to town on him, and then getting "buffed" by a final reunion with your brother. Yeah I self insert come at me
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I always through the orb in the middle was supposed to be his eye and the rest of his body was a giant face. Only now I see the tiny face on the front.
Also, here's the version from Easy Type, complete with a random lady sticking out.

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Is this a strategy game or an RPG?
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Just send in a female who worships the trickster god and most of the time Uralda's blessing will be completed. It will hinder your council, yes, a trickster worshipper is extremely good but more of them will appear. That's the hardest hero quest in the game.
When I saceifice, how much is enough? Is it always different?
Choose Your Own Adventure
My main trick is to get a female Odalya worshiper. They tend to have good in both Animals and Combat, and you can often boost their combat by having someone else do Orlanth and Aroka and boosting the strength of your warriors.

Varies for purpose, but usually 5-7 is enough if you have someone on the Ring with a good magic skill.
depends on why you want to sac cows. for example, if a god becomes annoyed with you, I usually go for 30 to please him. If you want to gain magic, 5 to 10 cows is enough.

I grew up in the absolute peak of pokemania but going back and playing these games again it's crazy how poorly designed they are.
>The opening third of the game is brutal. If you pick Charmander you're completely fucked and forced to grind for hours because all the trainers besides bug catchers are nothing but rock pokemon and there is nothing you can catch or train that they're weak to.
>pokemon types are almost worthless because they barely learn any moves. besides pikachu, which knows thundershock as a starting move, everything else you can catch just knows tackle or scratch or whatever until you grind them into the 20s
>because type matching barely exists and everything you can catch is just normal type anyway, battles are just spamming tackle over and over. Moves like hyper fang and sand-attack are actually S tier because of this.
>trainers pokemon for the first third of the game are way over leveled, and then they spend the rest of the game severely underleveled. Rockets in Mt. Moon have level 16+ pokemon. Trainers on the routes around Serge have pokemon level 18-24. And then the entire rest of the game 95% of trainers have pokemon barely at or under level 30. All of the wild pokemon are 10+ levels under trainers, so you again have to grind for an hour.
And then once you make it through the absolute slog that is this first portion of the game, the game becomes boring as fuck because once you finally learn type moves they usually one shot everything. Going back and playing these is like rewatching Space Jam and realizing it's actually a terrible movie
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Mostly because as a kid I was too dumb to buy repels and just suffered through the encounter rate.
imagine living in a non-english speaking country when you're 9-10 years old, having to figure out how to get past the Saffron guards. At some point some kid found out how to do it by pure trial and error and rumors spread on the school yard and that's how everyone eventually got past that point.
>The opening third of the game is brutal. If you pick Charmander you're completely fucked and forced to grind for hours because all the trainers besides bug catchers are nothing but rock pokemon and there is nothing you can catch or train that they're weak to.
Are you retarded? Charmander picks up ember before even Bulbasaur gets vine whip, and Brock's pokemon have such low special that Ember wrecks them. Also Butter free learns confusion which also wrecks them

You're literally worse and dumber than a child
You're not ash, just a simulacra
the opposite honestly. it took me forever to beat one of them because i only had like 60-80 minutes a day to play video games (unless it was a Saturday) after I did my homework, ate dinner and then took a bath as a kid. And I didn't want to spend most of that GRINDING of all things, so I tried to do everything at as low of a level as possible. And that's all assuming I was playing Pokemon rather than any of the other games I had as a kid.

If it wasn't for the fact that my older brother beat Stadium's round 1 and unlocked the Doduo tower for me, I probably wouldn't have beaten the gen 1 pokemon games as a kid.

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What is the appeal of games that aren't easy? This isn't even just hard games, but also games that aren't easy in the sense that you can beat each level on your first or second try
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The joy in games that require you to beat the whole thing in a row with few mistakes and force you to start over from the beginning when you fail comes from:
1) The satisfaction of completely mastering an entire game.
2) The tension caused by having to earn attempts at the later parts of the game, knowing that making mistakes will require you to go back and earn another attempt.
3) The mystique of the later levels that you don’t get to see as often as the earlier levels.

A properly designed game of this type is generally expected to have these qualities:
A) The game rewards becoming better and better at the earlier levels of the game as you are forced to replay them to earn attempts at the later levels. Mastery of earlier levels should leave you with more lives remaining, grant extra lives from score or pickups, grant power-ups from pickups, etc. so that the better you get at the early levels, the more equipped you become to handle later levels. This continued discovery of what each level offers feels good.
B) The difficulty of most of the individual challenges is not super high, so that achieving the ability to perform every challenge in the game in a row with few mistakes is doable for an average player.
C) The game is short enough that mastering the entire thing is doable for an average player and isn’t too exhausting to do in one playthrough. (Generally less than an hour.)
Just use save states bro
it's like if you watch a lot of porn, you end up getting into more and more hardcore stuff
Challenge is engaging.
It can help immerse you in a game's world too.
Some games pretend to have a dark, hostile world - but you go around killing big scary monsters in three hits, and getting 1 damage dealt to you when stabbed with a bloody knife...
>What is the appeal of games that aren't easy?
How the fuck to even approach a question like this. It can only be asked by a mentally damaged person.
You don't understand the joy of accomplishing a challenge? Jesus christ, zoomers are fucked. Truly fucked. I warned people what was going to happen when they started giving trophies to the losing soccer teams. Nothing means anything to these husks.

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Great game but the problem is the collision. It's so fucked up playing a game like Earthworm jim or The Mask because they're well designed but it's like collision is their last priority.
>it's like collision is their last priority
Common problem in super well animated western platformers. This also includes Genesis Aladdin
I remember last thread

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