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>makes white piggus grind more
The OG troonslators
People who say you need to grind in Lunar 2 suck at games. They did completely Silhouette Mirage though.
>the iconic bill clinton joke
>the iconic tootsie pop joke
>the iconic condom joke

seething people with basic standards of professionalism btfo.
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No one would use this word in a translation anymore.
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STFU WD is fucking based
Working Designs were white. They balanced pisseasy Jap grinding jarpigs into competent and balanced action games.
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Working Designs... pure unbridled sovl....
Only troons defend Working Deshite and localizations.
Learn Jap
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Y'know, I used to be one of those people who complained bitterly about the translation. But playing it again now all these years later I am finding it strangely comforting. It's from an era I now look back on so fondly, the ability to just make jokes seems like it was a privilege I didn't even recognize.
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>Learn Jap
>waste thousands of hours so you can read dry, boring script
RIP in piss
>heh just read my dry boring script with tranny flair instead, y’all
>no Ruby calling someone a retard

I should make one of these from the good version of Lunar 2
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You mean funny
If they're such good script writers why not just make their own game instead of forcing it on someone else's?
They didn't think of it, OOPS
Probably because they could just translate and pump out fully formed games into a market that otherwise wouldn't see them at a far faster rate than starting from scratch to make the game themselves... not a hard calculation to make.
They quite literally had one job.
>I want a low level search of every bird house, dog house, outhouse, tree house, hen house, road house, boat house, and penthouse within a two mile radius!
Yep, this right here is the good shit.
Working Designs may have made some questionable choices at times, but the very frequent gems like this really propelled their scripts into Animaniacs territory, which is something many writers would be jealous of.
Perhaps their talents were just misplaced or misused... but that's part of what makes it interesting, I guess.
The localizations of the language were perfect, the problems came with their obsession with making ruinous gameplay changes to sell more strategy guides. They overplayed their hand, had they not fucked with the gameplay they would likely be remembered much more fondly today.
>not being able to read japanese makes you troon
>meanwhile, all troons are weeb
using your logic i guess im trans for being alive
Is anyone out there doing stuff like WD in modern games? These days you could copy the Ghost Stories way and have a serious mode and a goof mode of the same game.
They're called Treehouse.
Not to my knowledge. There are translators/localizers who put their own leanings into their translations (Yakuza including some line about feminism or something comes to mind), but I don't know of any that actively change the game mechanics.

The only one I know of is Shining Wisdom, where they increased the money requirements significantly. I stopped playing when I got to a section that required some absure amount of coin, but I also didn't like the gameplay much so I probably would have quit anyway.
There was also a really on the nose joke about the plot and a line like "Um, Miyamoto can you please make a new game so we stop copying your storylines!" which landed flat.
Everyone always talks about their dumb wacky localizations, but no one really brings up the shitty gameplay changes they did.

From tcrf of Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete (PlayStation)
There's a short puzzle at the beginning of Myght's Tower where four doors have to be entered in a particular sequence in order to proceed. In the Japanese version, the correct sequence is simply given by a note on the wall. The US version very deliberately removes the solution from the game, leaving the player to randomly try permutations until they stumble across the right one. (There are 24 possible permutations ... if you happen to guess that the code is four symbols long and no symbols are repeated. Otherwise, you're looking at 256+ potential variations – and note that the game gives no indication when an incorrect symbol has been entered and code input has been reset.)
You don't need a strategy guide for anything and the difficulty changes are for the better because the original is painfully easy. They made it decent difficulty with zero grinding which is a definite improvement
They did it to stretch the game length, to fuck with rentals.
>You don't need a strategy guide for anything
"It's blank."
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Need to remember that one.
That's pretty fucked, were they selling game guides alongside it or something? Or maybe wanted the guides in magazines?
I don't mind difficulty, but pure trial and error/guesswork isn't much fun.
The only WD translation I've played was Popful Mail Sega CD. I thought it was funny and Mail being such a cunt to everyone was hilarious, what's her personality like in the Japanese version?
They raped Albert Odyssey's translation because they thought the game sucked (it did).
>random tango music starts playing
While some of the pop culture references were kinda cringe and obviously didn't age well at least they were fun. Politics and zoomer-speak are the domain of the troon, not jokes.
You seem unnecessarily assblasted
I like these guys. They are terrible translations but it feels like a comedic redub or abridged shitpost, reminds me of Ghost Stories a lot.

god I miss being able to say retarded and talk about sexy women openly
The irony is I'm in chemistry where retard is a commonly used term because it just means slow and calling something a retarding agent makes more sense than calling it a slowing agent. Terms like idiot are actually much harsher.
It was the old days before most people even had dial up internet, I can't fault them too hard for a lot of these changes.

Plus you could get away with shit like this.
If that line made it into a modern game every game news site would be screeching about it for a week, someone would get fired and "inclusivity training" would be introduced to their workplace.

Fan patches that reduce the grind/difficulty to their japanese original are absolutely warranted though.
Fucking christ popful mail is almost unplayably difficult at some points in the US release.
>Fucking christ popful mail is almost unplayably difficult at some points in the US release.
It is? I finished it less than a year ago and it was quite easy
They actively made games worse by making them retardedly difficult. I still haven't beaten Exile 2 because of the damage buffs they gave some of the enemies in the second dungeon. The translations are fine (if chesey), but if you want to play any WD game play with a gameplay patch.
jannie woke up
>hotdog I thought you said baseball card
fuck wd for ruining lunar with their shit localization
play a different game then Bob if you don't like Japanese things
If I wanted western humour, I wouldn't play Japanese games.
>learn a genuinely useful and highly specialized skillset
>also comes with the added bonus of being able to read shitty scripts at your leisure
You're just jealous.
What's "japanese" about the gameplay?

>genuinely useful
For what?
People who complain about modern localization, don't know how good they have it in comparison.
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WD intentionally locations and other aspects of gameplay, and would advertise that as a feature to sell their own game guides, because any other guides (like JP guides, or internet guides based off the original games) wouldn't work.
That game wasnt very good so..

Always, everysingle time with these sick deranged idiots
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what game
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Anyone who believes this is just a retarded westoid coping hard. learning jp for most video games alone (toddler level shit) can be easily done within a year.
Complaining about Working Design changing the difficulty is simply looking at the early/mid 90s with 2020s the eyes, without taking into account the context and thus showing that you don't know shit.
Back then in the west challenge was a selling point, players wanted the challenge. All you have to do is open one magazine, look at a couple of reviews, look at the couple of ads, and read a few players comments, to realize that. It's everywhere. Meanwhile in Japan it was the contrary, the average player didn't have that competititve mindset, and video games were just a way to pass time, in the same manner as it is today in the entire world. Thus, Japanese players would complain about the difficulty, EVEN in RPGs. And again, all you have to do is look the reception of any popular Famicom RPG, every single FF, every single DQ, and then some, you can easily find under "reception" that players complained about the difficulty.

And this in the west was even more true for "hardcore" gamers, who took even more pride than the norm into the challenge. This is why you have the official US Megadrive magazine complaining in its review that Streets of Rage 2 is too easy and it was too simple to spam special, the Megadrive was THE "hardcore gamer" console. Then coincidentally, SoR3 in the west was made harder and they added a gauge so you can't spam specials anymore. People who don't look at the context will blame muh rentals on this. This is the same for WD. Not only making games harder was part of the localization process, because the audiance was different, but WD's audiance WAS the hardcore crowd.

As for their strategy guides, again, look at the context. Every popular JRPG came out in the west with a guide included, FF1, DQ games, and many of the big ones on SNES. Chances are a player that discovered JRPG did it with a guide in hand. But of course being included with the game this drove up the price of the games. WD had the courtesy of making the purchase not mandatory.
hey vic
>without taking into account the context
Who gives a shit? You can excuse their terrible work practices any way you want, but at the end of the day, they suck. They objectively made every single game they worked on worse by changing both the gameplay and the script for the worse.
Make your own games, faggot. Fuck you
how do people handle that word being said by the teacher nowadays? We used to laugh about it when I was in school (class of '09)
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How would WD handle other games of that era like Xenogears?
No clue, I left university in '04 and it's always just been a normal word.
>three paragraphs of cope trying to justify old=good
They made Lunar 2 objectively better. The original is so easy that mid way through you mop the floor with everything with zero effort. The WD version makes it so you never have to grind and boss battles are tough, test your resources but all beatable.
Terms like idiot and retard used to be strictly medical terms to refer to specific levels of intellectual disability. A retard was a bit slow, an idiot was dumber, and an imbecile was even dumber than that.

Repetitive grinding and linear gameplay?
>velvet painting of Elvis
Wonder if anyone even in the 90s got this reference
What was even the justification for the increased grind?
>"Yes. The Japanese one was far too easy, and there was no real challenge or strategy to any of the bosses," he replies. "In Japan, you buy a game and you own it. In the US, especially at the time, return policies were extremely liberal. To leave the game as-was would be to guarantee that a substantial portion of the games would be 'extended rentals' at our expense."
from an interview with Vic Ireland:
The one thing you really notice reading WD interviews and manuals nowadays is that they lied a lot.
I mean outright claimed shit about the japanese versions and japanese devs that we know are the opposite of being true.
Saying that the japanese devs preferred the WD version of songs (lol), claiming that they toned down the difficulty when they bumped up the grind and so on.
Exactly, which is why it's funny that calling someone an imbecile carries almost no weight to it where as retard sets everyone off.
Yes, that was a well known cliche. Anyone over the age of 10 or so would have got it right away.
No one found retard offensive twenty years ago.
If course it was offensive. It's just that it was viewed as an insult instead of a slur
Xeno would have broke them. Financially and mentally.
Pretty much this. Just look at what it did to Richard Honeywood. You would never know that Xenoblade was his work based on the way he handles Dragon Quest ever since DQVIII. It shattered his mind so badly that it turned him into one big living breathing dad joke.
Maintaining your virginity.
>doubles the hp of everything in Alundra and makes it a slog, perfection
They're basically the good guys or the conservative type of troonslaters.
lmao they were literally the poster boys of ResetEra and Vic was pandering to them to hell and back until they found out there was a single line making fun of ebonics in one of them.
They're massive cunts and so are the people defending them.

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