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We all know that modifying Game Boy games to include colour, like the Super Game Boy and GBC did, is wrong and taints the original vision, but were the games intended to be played in green, or can you play in just black and white too?
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>he doesn't know who his father is and also tries to fit in with his "anti-racism" generation's faggotry
bro what are you talking about?
I know USB-C can do low latency video out since graphical drawing tablets use it, you'd think someone would make a USB-to-component video adapter for emulation on CRT...
Can you see into the imagination of a larper?

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First 3 Harry Potter games had different versions on consoles and PC
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The early Harry Potter games featured completely different games for each platform despite all sharing the exact same name.
Different levels, maps, music, etc.
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Since 2018, I have been periodically posting a list of secrets, mysteries and oddities found in The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. Every time I post this thread, you guys have contributed more knowledge -- and I learn something new with every passing thread. As of this writing, the list contains over 100 secrets. In past threads, I've mentioned that I plan on publishing a simple, single-page website which documents all of these secrets. I still intend to do so, and I will share this site with you all when the time comes. We aren't done yet, though. I call upon your wisdom once more, and ask that you share any secrets you've found in the land of Hyrule. Anything noteworthy will be added to the list, and due credit will be given to /vr/ for what is shared on the site to come.

I'd like to post the list so far, but first, please allow me to explain the criteria: this is not a list of well-documented information related to 100% completion of the game. This list does not include extensive information about how to beat dungeons, find permanent items, or anything of the sort. This is a list of true oddities that the average player may never notice on a given playthrough. With this in mind, please note that even some of the game's most well-known "secrets" have been included for the sake of posterity. I should also mention that if you have followed these threads in the past, you'll no doubt recognize some of the secrets listed herein, but I have since expanded the list with even more entries, so there might be something new for you to learn as well.

Now, in the final hour, I humbly present to you the many secrets of The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time...
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There's so many good N64 games, including Majora, but OoTfags have been mindbroken by this ONE mid game for 30 years
>in the future, Saria no longer has her fairy
Weird. Are there any theories why that is?
Oh, it's this guy again...
Did you know that the B button swings the sword, when you're in the middle of a side hop, allowing you to do a jump attack mid dodge, even if you're not over ground?
OoT's iframes are nothing like souls though. They occur at the end of a roll, not the beginning, and don't let you roll through attack, only avoid damage, and even then there are attacks that will damage you through a roll, because they are deliberately programmed to.

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The DE10 Nano costs $225. If you need the extra ram (not required for every core) it's $32 for the 128mb ram board (and if you can solder, you could build it for cheaper). Literally nothing else is required.

I genuinely don't know where you retards get the "$600" price that you throw around from. If you want a USB hub or any other extras they're a couple of bucks each but they're extras and aren't necessary. Getting a MiSTer isn't much more expensive than getting the latest Retroid model and works better.

And I don't understand why in every single MiSTer thread poorfags show up crying about "muh $600" and shit up the thread EVERY SINGLE TIME
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That's not even a comprehensive list because it doesn't include 3rd party cores like jotego's
This didn't answer much.
Have you decided if snac addons are better than using a blisster board with cable adapters?
I honestly just learned that right now, but from a glance i guess it would be nice to have a few controllers setup for quick access. Im not sure as of now and also holy fuck €79 does that inclide the adapter cables, or do i have to buy each €10 cable!?!?
Blisster is for retards, it's just an inferior version of SNAC with less support that existed early on and never really got updated. Light guns work fine over SNAC, if you want more USB ports you just get the USB board.

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Why is there no good translation of FF4 on SNES?
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Because most translators are fags only that.
Making a good translation means translating sexual themes,ntr and so on that the game has which they don't like
>but nintendo didn't allow those themes.
It was only the murrican branch that didn't like those themes it doesn't mean the game didn't have them in japan.
I prefer the original NA "FF2" release translation.
I also prefer the NA Breath of Fire 2 translation.
I don't care about your arguments, your opinions, your moral grandstanding, or your personality cults/anti-cults. JRPGs are entirely silly affairs and having an unintentionally silly stilted translation only adds to the charm. It's like watching a 70s Hong Kong kung fu movie. You need the shitty dubbing and canned foley, it just isn't the right experience without it.
"Improving" translations of classic games, making them "more accurate" to the "japanese originals", doesn't accomplish anything, because japanese is generally a bland language (not always, but the language used in video games for 14 year olds sure is). Moreover that isn't the experience that existed that made the games a success in the west anyway. You weren't a little japanese boy so you're not coded for that.
You may consider this matter settled.
There's no point in learning a dying language to play bing bing wahoo. If you spent the time learning Mandarin instead, you could get a job that'd pay enough to hire a cute Japanese girl as a full-time personal translator.
While I agree that the meta is now slowly shifting to where Mandarin is actually a viable language for entertainment/games/etc, Japan isn't going anywhere any time soon, at least not in our lifetimes. You still cannot do better for sheer quantity of high quality entertainment media than Japanese. Not just games or anime, but books, music, dramas, film. None of those things are disappearing, and retarded/incompetent translators will always find a way to fuck up (thing) you want to enjoy.
To call Japanese a "dying" language is pure ignorance. If you actually believe in learning Mandarin, please show me at least a C1 certification you hold in the language.

What are some examples of difficulty spikes in retro video games ?
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Mother 1/EarthBound Zero/EarthBound Beginnings, Duncan's Factory and Mt. Itoi. Mt. Itoi especially, since that shit was legit not playtested.
You took that post way too seriously and got way too invested in a response that is pretty retarded.
You think you're doing fine killing/evading the bats and then the bridge starts collapsing and a fucking dragon pops up.
come on, its not THAT bad unless it's on dmd
Mines of titans end game dungeon is fucking retardedly brutal, but nothing like some of the wizardry end game dungeons... Pure masochism

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I hear people recommend I skip Arena and go straight to Daggerfall but I want to play every game in the series. How can I make my first time experience wtih Arena as painless as possible? Is there some way to build my character that makes the game smoother and more enjoyable?
Never play old series in order of release. This is common sense. You have it all wrong, you don't make a character in some way to make it smoother, you start with a non-retro one to do it.
It's not even bad, holy shit. It's worst attribute is bugs that fuck you over, but the game itself is basically daggerfall lite. Yes, go check uesp.ner for insight into the game and creating a good character. Iirc a dude recently made an arena "deep dive" that tells you neat lityle magic spells to maje if you cant be arsed to read the wiki. I also think zaric zhakaron has an arena guide of sorts.
I've never even seen a screenshot of Arena. I guess that's saying something?

What do you think of Sonic 3D Blast?
It's ok.
Very fun, definitely worth a play. Stay clear of labyrinth on gg, that game licks nuts
It would be more tolerable if turning didn't have a momentum. Flickies collecting mechanic sucks. And SegaSonic is a much better looking isometric game
I like it better than the regular Sonic games on Genesis <runs away>
>What do you think of Sonic 3D Blast?
Not a masterpiece but it still has some soul
The Genesis version's music is some of the best on the console

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What is going on? Are the Wild Rumors true? Big Corp slowing down emulation development on purpose? Why are all cores so out-of-date? When was the last time a RA Core got an update?


Last: >>10802680
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What doesn't CEMU and envy do to people?
Who cares
the interface is so shit
let it die
Your very first greentext is retarded because it's an interesting IDEA but the implementation is garbage, it's incredibly difficult to tell where any given setting is "coming from" or where it's "going" if you change something. It all comes down to Retroarch's ultra shitty UI designed for tablet babies. I mean, for fuck's sake, their memory searcher requires you to move in INCREMENTS OF 1 across the entire 4-byte integer address space (~4 billion values). If you hold the button down, it gradually accelerates, until it's moving so fast you blow past your desired value by a factor of 100000x. So you have to do the same thing going the other way. Repeat. Why is this important? What if "b-but I don't use cheats" etc? It matters because it highlights the fact that the interface CAN'T EVEN HANDLE TEXT INPUT for configuration. It has a keyboard mode for "searching" and naming config save files but it's not used for anything that matters. Everything is handled through shitty "tap and scrolls".
I met an ex-yakuza guy once at an eatery in Koenji. He said he was the real life person that Ushijima the Loan Shark was based off of. No idea if he was fibbing but he was a big guy (much bigger than the actor in the live action). He was eyeing me cause I was big and swole too from lifting at the time and he thought I might have been a pro-wrestler friend he knew (mistaken identity). But my wife is dumb and trusting so she started chatting and he was all excited to pull his pant legs up and show off all his yakuza tattoos.

The one thing I liked about >>>that comic is that the early chats between the kids really did model the different typing "quirks" my friends and I used on IRC/ICQ in the 90s well. The trollshit went too far though.
>opensores fags SEETHING and SEETHING
I can't stop laughing. It's the same story every time. Little commie shits think aLl iNfOrMaTiOn sHoUlD bE fReE, proprietary software is the devil, etc etc so they start their grand FOSS project for The People and then realize they can't earn a penny off it. Meanwhile some chink working nights in a guangzhong netcafe is making bank packaging their github shit onto plastic slop and selling it to aging neckbearded soiboys who can't wait to make a monetized patreon-backed influencer video showing off their new bingbingwahoo toy.

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What in your opinion is the best looking game on PS2?
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A stable 30 fps is not bad, unless you're playing a first person shooter. People are performance obsessed

Damn. that looks incredible. Truly art direction trumps all
lol newfag
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People can no longer go back and appreciate older things. Most people can't even watch movies before the 80s anymore.
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>blurry shit game that ran at 10fps

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What do you believe to be the single biggest case of "historical revisionism" within the retro gaming community? Bonus points if you can actually PROVE the revisionism instead of just saying that it happened.
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there's actual historical revisionism thats been posted, this is a really good example

but yeah most of this thread is exactly as you say it is
That's not what that letter says at all, retard-kun
For years people talked about Sonic CD being the best classic Sonic game hidden on the Sega CD, and that the american soundtrack sucks. Also that Sonic X-Treme would have saved the Saturn
Nooo I was there and had both those games. I remember playing Mario64 for the first time at my friends house and was blown away by how much cooler and trippier and legitimate it was than super mario sunshine, which is a piece of shit game really. Luigi’s mansion I hated as a kid. I grew up to beat it, but as a kid I thought it sucked. It’s a piece of shit game for fags really…
It wouldn't have caused the Saturn to magically dominate the industry, but X-treme absolutely would have resulted in more sold systems.

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Future Boy Conan for the PS2
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theres a pc engine platformer by telenet
its really obscure and since its by telenet, no one really cares
It's a classic. Why did they wait until 40 years after the Flintstones to release Dinosaur Peak
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As a huge fan of the show I was pretty excited to see it's had a handful of game but sadly none of them do it anything close to justice. I'll admit it seems like they really tried with the visuals but not much else.
This one I know is reviled, think it's considered about the PCE's worst games even. I feel like a 2d platformer would lend itself best to the kind of abilities Conan has so it's a shame that the it got is complete shit.
The graphics are great, if only the game wasn't complete dogshit. Kinda reminds me of
is it related to the detective conan or conan the barbarian? obviously not the o'brian one

It was made on 2013, 6 years after 2007, I know, but it was made on a retro console.
You know, we had this thread before 6th gen became ok to discuss? A few times it was brought up as a reason for 6th gen not to be allowed. Something like
> If 6th gen is allowed, then this soccer game from 2013 is considered retro.

Many a butthurt anon in those threads. Including myself. /Vr/ really has taken a turn down shit river, we should've stayed in fart canyon, but now we're headed for ass to mouth ocean.
Who gives a shit? It's an annual sportsball game, no one's going to be discussing it.
The rules are clear on the subject, learn to read

it sucks but it's inevitable. 10 years everyone was still playing NES games. These days the "retro gamer" mostly talks about 5th gen and "anything before the SNES is unplayable BAD DESIGN™".

But there will always be people who are genuinely in that stuff, the difference is the fakers, nostalgiafags, and trend followers are gone.
A standalone Final Fantasy expansion was also released on PS2 in 2013.
It's getting harder and harder to talk about stuff from before the NES, Atari specificially and arcade too.
I figured all the oldies from back the BBS days would come back to post after retirement but I guess everyone just died or had their hands succumb to carpal tunnel or something.

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quake is one of the best fps in history,every 3d engine has its roots in the quake engine,and yet i dont know anyone who ever played quake,what heppened?,all my friend only plays fortnite,cod,and im here,playing quake :(
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>>10855064 Kys
don't even know when the term "fps" became a thing, back in the 80s we always called them boomer shooters
Nobody remembers when they were called Doom Clones because nobody had a better name for it yet?
i hate how boomer shooter somehow became the name for all the new indie shit when the meme was always the "30 year old boomer" reminiscing about the good ol days of playing doom/douk/quake etc.
Yes, much in the same way that I lived through 15th century literature because I read it in 2024 LMAO zoomer logic

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how was a 7 year child in 1989 meant to get past this part?
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Classic ninja gaiden
>punishing enemies
>despawning is used to proceed in the game
In 3D games you do the same thing
>how was a 7 year child in 1989 meant to get past this part?
You weren't meant to do shit. Games weren't designed for everyone to finish them.
>People actually do that, like the soijak meme?
People threw their controller, yes. "Like the soijak meme?" Probably not. No correlation between being frustrated by a game (as a kid) and other numale traits.
It's crazy that kids are beating harder games nowadays
By attempting it 5000 times because you only had 5 games available to play.

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