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Does beard oil actually do anything or is it one of those products that insecure people just waste their money on? Got an ftm beard that's getting there for sure just needs to fill out slightly more would oil do anything for it
regular vegetable oil works fine dont waste your money
Are you trying to punk me into rubbing cooking oil on my face anonymous
you look like a cunt with pubes, roid foid
No I don't I trim and comb it daily to avoid the pube look
you will never be a man
I don't care about "being" a man I just like looking like one. I'm a skinwalker
Funger hell yeah
yes i am
peanut oil is what you want
Stop trying to make me rub foodstuffs on my face
Rub my afab pussy juice on your beard it'll work better
It really does work. I had a huge fuck-off repper beard and brushing oil in it kept it from looking dry and scraggly.
I'm a man with an almost 2-year beard. I wasn't putting oil in it until recently but it looks a lot better that way. Just don't overdo it or it will be obvious like hair gel.
Interesting. I'll look into buying some then.
I suggest getting something that smells woodsy or musky if you enjoy a dark and thick type of scent. It gives you a +3 bonus to your masculinity.
What happens to my masculinity if I brush in strawberry shortcake vanilla scented oil
You get a -5 debuff to masculinity but a +15 buff to charisma. It also increases your aggro on any brute class mobs.
You're just gonna leave her hanging OP?
Use minoxidil and a derma roller
Doesn't that shit give you cancer
Beard oil is based af. It smells good. It helps keep the itchiness in check. It makes it easier to comb out and manage. It makes it look nice and less sloppy. Everyone with a beard should be wearing beard oil.
You can easily make your own too. Jojoba oil, a carrier oil and an essential oil for scent is all you need but desu its easier and cheaper to just buy it at Walmart.
Beard oil is literally just hair product but for beards. It's for people with VERY full, VERY grown out lumberjack beards, not pooners or teenage boys with a few wispy pubes under their chins.

If you can't grow a full beard, don't try. Just shave. Males socialized as males are taught that pubeface is not cool. But pooners are seen as helples girls who need hugboxxing, so everyone will say "ooooh so valid your manly beard is vaaaalid broooo!" and they'll bat their girly eyelashes conquettishly and blush from the praise.

Do you want to be a man? Then shave that shit. Because it makes you look like you aren't a man.

Not trying to be a dick here, just sharing my cis male socialization since you obviously need it.
Idk innmy trans group there are a few ftms there that have really full beards. Not all of them het shit pube beards
>Types this raging manifesto out but doesn't read the other replies in the thread
Also it's absolutely not just for huge grown out beards seeing as OP needs to comb and trim it daily he would 100% benefit from it
Does "getting there for sure just needs to fill out slightly more" sound like a manly full beard to you?

He would benefit from a clipper with a number 1 guard if he really needs facial hair to feel valid. A little bit of stubble, but not so much that people notice how wispy and patchy it is. But better still, just shave it
>Thinks OP of this thread is that anons irl personal friends
I don't care about your "friend group". You were the one who implied that this was a referendum on all pooners everywhere. My advice was for the op who is getting hugboxxed and told he should totes get the manly beard oil being shilled on "the art of manliness" when he obviously has like a 2 inch gap of peach fuzz between his sideburns and his neckbeard
why are the cis males of this board suddenly afflicted by this blind rage about the existence of ftms they lose all basic reasoning and thought capabilities just type out random rage drooling nonsense no matter what the thread is about it's funny
the invention of the pooner cartoon gave them a character to be angry about when there wasn't really anything like that before
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Here's something that you've probably never seen before, it's called a keyboard. You phoneposters all think complete sentences and capitalization are signs of "angry" because the only time you type out that many words is when you are filled with rage. Trust me, on a traditional physical keyboard a skilled typist can bang out 120+ WPM with one hand tied behind his back. It's just normal typing for us boomers.

At any rate, I'm just trying to help out my "bros" who, as we see in this thread, are completely unaccustomed to interacting with cis males, and get very catty, like when a male invades the girl table in the school lunch room. No cis person sees your poonbeard and thinks you're a lumberjack. Think of me as the father figure who is giving you the male socialization you missed out on. You're welcome.
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I am clean-shaven 99% of the time, like every self-respecting psycho.
You do realise you're acting more like a catty bitch than anyone else in this thread, right?
what is bro blathering about
Hey, you found your shift key, that's a start. You might also consider re-enabling autocorrect. Lowercased everything as a submissive, conciliatory gesture is very fembrained.
He thinks he seems mad because of his syntax and not because of his rage manifestos lol
If he hadn't boasted about being a cis guy I would honestly think he's ftm kek
just look it up to see if it works or not ffs
Idk but I'm probably the only person who finds it really cute. I can understand what causes TDS when it comes to transwomen but something about being so angry about an ftm just seems redundant to me so in my mind I process them caring so much as some kind of blushy tsundere bullying stemming from a secret crush
>Comes in swinging
>Wow I can't believe how CATTY you all are
Yeah, thanks anonymous I'll take your uhh... screeching into consideration
I don't even have peanut oil if I'm buying oil I'll just get real beard oil.
what is beard oil? is this like a normal thing for men to use that I don't know about?
t. woman who wonders if we have things men don't know about
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>is this like a normal thing for men to use that I don't know about?
No. There was a moment, during the Art of Manliness era, when there were actual combination haberdashyer + haircutteries + beard sculptor studios, when male consumers discovered straight razors and hot towel pre-shave ceremonies and the average man on the street had specific opinions on TOBS vs Proraso vs Truefitt & Hill. At around the peak of that time, you started to see beard oils for sale in the mens grooming section, and having a "side hustle" selling beard oil was a possible thing certain people in certain circles might do. But even then, beard oil was pretty fringe. Like moustache wax. It's not that nobody ever bought it, but it felt kind of desperate, like 'please buy me, you know you want me to be the next big thing because think of how manly it would be'.

Oops, I just got angry. Typing more than 5 words and having capitalization means I'm angry.
I just learned in another thread that boys don't know about eye lash curlers. I think we should compare and find out what boys and girls don't know about each other (and where do boymoders fit in???)
That could be interesting. I know that eyelash curlers exist but I don't know how many women use them or where they fit into the big picture. Same with the hair helmet things at the salon. In movies and television they seem to be an easy stand-in to represent "female spaces", but are they really common? What are they even for?
anon it's just a fancy blowdryer it's not that deep any salon will have one
once I saw a man on here trying to figure out if the maxi pad gets stuck to the panties or the pussy
I have never phoneposted and I've typed like this since the early 2000s
Well? Are you going to keep us in suspense?
it's not quite the same thing but it kinda threw me when i learned about the mens & womens different ways of taking off a t-shirt. that was some shit i had really never noticed
never shave your beard if you don't want to, ignore other people, I made that mistake as a cis dude multiple times and I always regret it
I just googled that and apparently I'm a woman. Shit.
is this a thing?
Thanks I was actually keeping it shaven for the last few years but it's growing in very fast now, exciting stuff

Also why is this thread still active hi everyone what's up
i'm shit at describing this kind of thing but it's like
>boy method
grabbing the back of your shirt and pulling it over your head (Cornholio style but you follow through); the shirt stays right-side-out
>girl method
grabbing the bottom of your shirt w/ crossed hands) and lifting the shirt over your head from the bottom; the shirt goes inside out when you do this
I think I unconsciously started grabbing from the back more after top surgery now that you mention it.
I guess if you have knockers the shirt can kinda catch on the underside of them if you pull it from the back
yeah i'm mtf and i started doing it the from the bottom as soon as i learned of the difference in methods. i just tried to do it the male way again a few minutes ago; it felt very unintuitive and sorta retarded and my (small, disappointing) breasts had a lot to do with it. so i guess the separate methods developed for a reason lol
I don't think it's the boobs...
I can't figure out how to do it the boy method without like choking myself also I'm scared it would damage a finer shirt
the best I can do is like grabbing it by the neckhole with both hands and guiding it around my head but then the hair gets stuck in the way
You mean there are people who don't do it that way?
TIL I've been taking off my shirts the girl way since I was born. Guess that makes me HSTS.

I was a bearded cis man in my former life. Get a high quality boat bristle brush, regular brushing with a bit of beard oil will make your existing hair softer, shinier, and better-groomed. The stimulation from daily brushing will do at least a little bit to stimulate blood flow and promote density, but only slightly and it may not even be noticeable. Topical minoxidil is a better option if you really want to beardmaxx, look up the brand Intelligent Minoxidil for the best non greasy formula (Derek from MPMD used to have discount codes, maybe he still does idk)
If you're having to comb and trim daily oil would definitely make a difference. You're probably trimming away bits that would make it look fuller if they didnt get dry and do the pube sticking out thing.
T. Former cis male who used to live and die by my Walmart beard oil (don't buy any fancy expensive stuff any old crap will do the job)
bumping in hopes of more "how the other half lives" kinda discussion
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I can't believe my shitty thread about my shitty beard is still here.
Discussion I can offer up: when I was still adjusting to participating in male social groups as a guy I didn't really consider that it's a bit unusual for guys to go to the bathroom in groups.
I don't think I did it more than a couple times but I remember instinctually going to accompany a friend to the bathroom at college and he gave me this awkward look. I cringe so hard at this memory. Certified woman moment I wish I could forget.
For girls, going to the bathroom with someone is a good bonding activity and you'll probably gossip about some random shit on the way there. Not saying guys don't do this at all but it's definitely not an ingrained behavior for me anymore
I'm malebrained, if my cis f friend was like 'I'm going to the bathroom' i definitely doing be like 'okay, see u in a bit' and probably say something corny like 'have fun!'
i saw a tumblr post about this back in like 2010 and it kind of scarred me. i want to be more feminine so taking it off the girl way is appealing but then to me that is 'performative femininity' which is kind of misogynistic is its own way AAAAA
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Again OP, just use minoxidil. It works.
>I remember instinctually going to accompany a friend to the bathroom at college and he gave me this awkward look
it's funny how that is looking back at living as a guy, sure it wasn't always the case but i always found it odd how there's a weird unwritten rule about not talking in the men's restroom like at all.

as a guy i would sometimes be talking to a friend or a coworker and if we end up stopping at the restroom our conversations always just instinctually get put on hold until we leave but without anybody mentioning anything about it. there's just some awkward vibe in the air when you're in there.
Anonette if you wanna be better friends with a girl you are supposed to say "I'll come with!" The gossip shared between two girls in a public bathroom will strengthen their bonds by at least 40%
I was trying it out at one point didn't see much of an change, i was only using it for a couple months but I'm scared of cancer
I'm naturally awkward and bad at socializing so I'll probably just continue being a dorky dumbass female like I used to be a dorky dumbass male
>I was trying it out at one point didn't see much of an change, i was only using it for a couple months but I'm scared of cancer
Any solution you try short of hair transplants is going to take a while and be very gradual. You have to use it for months on end to be noticeable (in my experience with topical minoxidil) but it will happen eventually. It's certainly not going to be any faster to use fucking beard oil. I've never heard of even an increased risk of cancer, idk where you got that from but it's not worth worrying about.
I don't know if ill even need it I'm pretty close to where I want to be at with my beard and it's still actively growing in. My family has good body and facial hair genetics

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