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going out of the cave retard
Moustaches have been trending for years by now, not really in the way you posted tho ,more like ironically and with mullets and shit
yes but they shouldn't be and they're doing it gayly
yeah, I was at a law school graduation event, so I'd assume mid to late 20's for most of them. Lots of mustaches and lots of mullets. They do this weird mohawk mullet thing too. White trash is in I guess.

agree, it looked super larpy and super gay

Don't hire any lawyer under 55.
Violence, speed, momentum.

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> requiring customers to purchase ancillary Hermès products, such as shoes, scarves, and jewelry, before being given the opportunity to purchase a Birkin or Kelly bag.
I see this mostly at the higher end of the luxury clothing industry (Hermès), but it’s all over the luxury watch industry.
I don’t know what the alternative would be though.
There are a limited amount of Aquanauts and Birkens.
How do you decide who gets them? First come first served?
One way is to reward customers who buy a lot of other products and grant exclusive access to coveted pieces.
Another is just to match the secondary market prices, which would bring retail prices up 3x.
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>brands like Patek and Hermes have the distinction of selling goods that actually go up in price.

post Pateks u sold for profits with proofs. i dare u on /watch/ threads.
>and it's 5 remaining fat fingered spic workers
most lux goods are made in commie china now. MAYBE they might "assemble" them later in Italy or USA and slap on a "Made in real 1st World Trust Me!" tag or stupid letter of authenticity.
I don’t have any but an aquanaut retails for $30k and can’t be found second hand for under $55k
Shit the 5711 used to retail for $27k. Find me one for under $80k?
And of course there are the birkens
Point is you can’t find a Patek or a Birken for retail or less in the second hand market. Period.
>buy our overpriced shit if you want the chance to buy more of our overpriced shit
It’s that easy anon. Why would luxury apparel companies need regulation for business practices whose only value is increasing brand perception? Overpriced bags and clothes are literally one of the most superfluous and least offensive industries. Why would the government need to step in to allow you to buy a 10k handbag lmao, this isn’t water, food, housing, financial institutions, communication, technology, etc. Is it also “le leave the rich company alone” if I don’t think governments should step in and force them to reduce the price of the handbag to your desired purchase point? I’d like to see what possible genuine argument you have, this shit isn’t even anticompetitive.
Isnt this what a lot of Luxury brands do?
>ferrari makes you buy bullshit models before you can buy the one you want
>rolex makes you buy cheaper shit before the rolex you want
>hermes apparently makes you buy scarves before you can buy the bag
just general 'illusion' of scarcity

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Is it really unusable? I don't want to get rid of it because it was a gift, but it's always taking up space in my drawers, and the fact I can't seem to combine it with anything is driving me crazy.
There must be something, I've seen people pulling off way more out there shit. Crazy colours and avant garde bs, this beanie can't be the end of the road.
Is this an unstopable force? I'm unironically going insane.
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So similarly patterned wear?
I was thinking that maybe the issue with this beanie was actually the pattern rather than the shape.
I've also thought about combining it with more a more nautical oriented fashion.
What do you think?
Maybe the key to this item is the nonchalance of not giving a fuck if it's silly. For outerwear I would probably go with some hardshell outdoors jacket as it fits within that niche.
gorp/hiking clothes in the winter. cool hat.
a poncho
Yes, I agree. I will try it with nautical inspired sweaters and see where that leads me. I won't even comment on the hat

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Who makes the best fitting straight leg jean?
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uniqlo used to sell one of the best slim straight cuts out there. not too slimmed down. not too much taper. just how i like it. they really need to bring this one and the straight cut back.
Just get some Levi's 505's and spare yourself the headache.
current 505 cut is terrible bro. thrift store 505's are still good though.
>in straight leg jeans
Why are you /fa/ggots such faggots?
>Dior Homme Hedi era
Truth, still kicking myself for not getting some 21CMs back in the day

I paid this guy $150 for a jacket and vest to go with a kilt. The guy was all right and sold me some cheap flashes anda a belt for almost nothing when I needed it last minute so I thought I'd give his partner's custom tailoring service a try. I figured how bad could it be? He took my measurements and my credit card number.
Package comes 18 days later and I get this...
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Why on earth would you want to look like this
liner only on the back of the vest is normal, its done for functional reasons. you know how high end jackets will often have polyester sleeve liners so your sweaters and knits don't get the sleeve material fucked up from sliding in and out of the arm holes? same concept can be applied to the vest.
>armholes are too low.
fuck does that even mean
how can armhole be low lol
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>for a jacket and vest to go with a kilt
those buttons are fucking atrocious. Also the pockets and sleeves details. I could have bought you 3 Loro Piana suit sets in mint condition for that much.

Do these shorts make me look fruity?
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Damn, no wonder liberal men are such fucking killjoys. I'd be miserable too if the only women I had access to looked like this
legs larger than the torso looks so fucking shit

the guy should wear longer shorts just because of this
Wtf is this guy doing!?!
Its the boots and stache that really sell the fruityness (in combination with the shorts)

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Anyone know what model of Sperry’s these are?

looks like the billfish
I thought so, but they don’t have the brown bottom these are more light beige on the bottom

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How come so many women who seemingly put a lot of effort into their appearance just come across as trashy?
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holy fuck, right looks bogged out as hell. yuck
100% of girls who look like this are into bbc.
It’s not a lot of effort. It’s a $300 cut/colour, manicure and a $30 dress.
100% of girls who look like this are into BWC.
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I hope so, all the good girls for us.

I want to wear a hat that covers my neck when it's sunny out.
How did fedora's get such a bad reputation?
From my perspective, they can look good when wearing them for specific occasions:
>With a suit and it's raining outside
>With a suit and it's hot/sunny out
>As part of a beach outfit at the beach or on a boat
>The wearer isn't out of shape or ugly
>The hat is removed when inside or at night time.
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It's a fedora that is too small for his large head.
>why did the "m'lady" "born in the wrong generation gentlemen" idolize fedoras?
nobody will ever know, it's lost to time
During the 2000s and early 10s some r&b artists wore fedoras and all kinds of other hats. Chris brown ,Justin Timberlake, Ludacris and others wore fedoras and similar hats for like 10 years so it's not like they just appeared on the heads of fat fucks.
Why did fat fucks start to wear fedoras ? Because they were popular at the time like I mentioned before and was a way in their heads to dress up an outfit a little. Then the internet grew in popularity,those artists stopped wearing fedoras and only the neck beards kept wearing them and became a meme mostly because lol fat person ugly and retarded
The perplexing thing is that while all of the musical artists you mentioned did wear those hats, the styles did not become popular amongst the fans of those musicians/celebrities.
Fans will often dress in clothing styles similar to the artists they like.
Fedoras only became popular in the gamer/internet neck beard community.
Its just a hat its no different than a pair of sandals. But for starters
>its a more formal headwear so pairing it with casual clothes is going to clash.
>Being a fat fuck with messy facial hair, minus two points.
>Final nail in the coffin was the reddit atheist faggots, people began associating the hat with them and it was all downhill after that.

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Wtf happened to fashionreps
He looks like a breton terrorist
pandabuy and orther agents got raided by the chinese police
I haven't bought reps in like 5 years and i was just going to order some shit lmao bad timing.

anyone in the loop know if there are agents that's safe to order from now?
easy there, Chinaman, we're not gonna spill the beans that easily just because of this fake ass thread
if ur not in qreps disc its ngmi

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>tfw turning 30 in a month but people still think you're around 19
feels fucking AMAZING
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pitifully low t
is that a knocked loose hoodie lmao??
do you use makeup??? you fucking fag
No because I'm going to find you and kill you

I kinda wanna wear them without socks every day in the summer. Is this safe or is it gonna lead to nasty foot problems?
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Mold is in the air, so even if you sterilize your feet every day it will still be a bacterial and mold pool
you can get shoes like pottery for maybe 10bux more than 70s with some know how if you proxy buy
get a pair of thin wool socks trust me.
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>clown shoes

Cons build up a smelle over time, by comparison I have a 10 year old pair of Shoes Like Pottery which still smell fine, although I use a spray whenever I use them

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Need me good brands for black leather cowboy hats. Something durable would be nice.
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There should be a regular thread for cowboy gear
Easily my favorite Clint film despite the rape.
stetson gun club
It looks like a variation on work shirts, but maybe in wool instead of cotton or linen. Try to look for something with a similar pattern while searching for denim, twill, or chambray work shirts, if wool isn't it.
Outback is probably the way to go if you want leather, but it's worth pointing out that the hat in your pic is felt.

>Topics appropriate for discussion

- Pens, Pencils, and various other types of stationed equipment

- Paper brands and types

- Inks

- Carrying Cases

- Pen Design

>Previous Thread -
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Looks like we've reached that part of the thread where it stops being comfy and one angry little man has decided that he's the resident subject matter expert. Anyone disagreeing with him is "reddit".
That's why I said SOME feeds and SOME sacs. It's a fine ink otherwise. I actually use BSB as a daily ink. But it is not pH-neutral. That's a fact. It is a highly staining ink. That's a fact. No one disputes this.

Stop getting so pissy. It's just fountain pens.
>in germany fountain pens are mandatory in school
Still? I figured they would have ended that. I don't know why. I assumed when they swapped to Grundschrift.

I always thought it was a good way to teach children responsibility. American school children get cheap pencils and lose them constantly. I remember very few instances of one of my classmates losing their pen. (Running out of cartridges was another matter.)
Does anyone actually use a stub for daily writing?
Sure. I use a stub for daily writing. Once you get used to it, it's as easy as writing with any other nib and gives your handwriting a little flair. It's not as difficult to use as a sharp nib like an oblique or italic. You have to be careful with those.

I've been told that it's easier to make a stub smooth than a normal nib because the pen maker knows exactly how the nib will be oriented compared to a normal nib.

What types of cleaning products should I use for showers if I have an extremely oily&flaky skin? should I use shower gels or use something with fewer chemicals such as olive soaps?

Any advice?
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Just dilute some canned coconut cream, without any crap in it but coconut cream. Buy some from TraderJoes, mix with fresh lime juice in a jar, apply in shower. Aajonus Vonderplanitz coconut cream for more
Yeah every cerave product i have works well.
I cannot afford skincare shit. I just want advice ok how to deal with showers using the cheap commom shit.
Stop washing with such hot water

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