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How come so many women who seemingly put a lot of effort into their appearance just come across as trashy?
Because you are an incel angry at anything that doesn't look attainable to you
they are intentionally trying to attract men who have trashy tastes
Because they are trashy.
Lowest common denominator
Because that’s a club outfit she’s going to a club not a fancy outing
what kind of places are clubs
it's painfully obvious that they want attention and try to manipulate people through their looks
How do you find a girl that looks like this but isnt into hardcore partying or drinking?
Because most people are trashy.
We typically get bombarded with things that are good or tasteful through media, advertisement, and (pop) history so it skews perception of what its like among the common men and women of the world.
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Because modern women lost touch about what man actually want.
Ok, stay mad and single femcel. I'm the hero who rides into the sunset with my tradwife, lel.
How do i date a fine woman like you?
holy fuck, right looks bogged out as hell. yuck
100% of girls who look like this are into bbc.
It’s not a lot of effort. It’s a $300 cut/colour, manicure and a $30 dress.
100% of girls who look like this are into BWC.
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I hope so, all the good girls for us.
Because the style the put the effort in to having is trashy.
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Rave/club girls do tend to be trashy
I know a girl that looks like this with a better face and her bodycount is 1
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Folks, do these kind of comments on anonymous imageboards work for getting pussy? This guy that I'm quoting right now has to have a shit ton of hottie thotties sliding in his 4chan DMs begging for sex right now, right? Like there's no way he'd be defending random sluttily dressed women's honor on the internet for free, without some sort of compensation in return for his whiteknighting... right?

Help me out here guys.
christ this woman is disgustingly obese
needs to lose weight asap
Usually it's trannies, roasties or in rare cases pathetic simps being in friend zones of thots.
you are total failure if you can't play being born as a man to your advantage
Kek, spotted the feminist. It's actually the other way around, white females are the top tier human being on earth recently, the most protected, most desired. If you fail in life as a white female, you're a special kind of a retard.
if this is not an actual stripper, just doesn't look good in person (Or in photos but some people just arent photogenic). Sex workers are the only people I've met in real life who can pull this off in public, they already have the vibe/aesthetic without trying to. If you're working a office job, if you're a teacher or some normie shit and decide to wear this, You DO NOT look good in person. IRL you can tell if a woman is pretending to be that slutty for small amounts of attention (constantly adjusting their outfit/covering their stomach etc.) You don't have that much sexual energy or charisma in the first place. Its not about "appropriation" or whatever the fuck, you just look stupid and you are just not as sexy as you think you are if you are wearing stripper outfits you'd probably puke in if you stepped on a stage while wearing it.
>rare cases pathetic simps being in friend zones of thots
I don't think that's as rare as you think, but I also think the first two are way more common than everyone here thinks
Cope lol
I love normie women that wear slutty clothes
sex workers are just fake confident druggies
put a few drink in them and theyll start crying or get angry
Goddamit I was in a bad mood and this pic made me horny and want a hooker now.

looks like typical whitoid cunt who does escort or is sugar baby in Golf countries
>While most women will just run away
As they should..? If they fight they'll just get in the way at best, raped and massacred at worst. Also abortion bans are immoral because you'd only be banning them for poor people. Then what? What good comes from more impoverished unwanted (and probably going to be neglected/ abused) little bastards running around?
The kardashians ruined an entire generation of women. White girls keep getting the notion that their features are ugly blasted in their face and that they need to model niggers to be beautiful. Unfortunately big floppy nigger lips clash with white faces.
pajeets taking all the innocent white girls as usual
4chan keeps denying their superpower
Modern women act and look like Klingon women, a huge ick for me
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Enjoy your Klingon women, Valdemar
How'd he do it?
Be a soft guy and have money
You're stupid if you think average male is any way more useful or likely to survive than any woman. Most will die for nothing with no impact whatsoever. Why its solely on men to be a useless meat fodder but with women it always start this bullshit excusing rhetoric 'well women are not very uselful hehe so that means you must be the one dying sorry!'?
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I think there should be women with all sorts of different styles out there, but it seems like the bimbos have prevailed.
That kind of women i actually would approach
Is this rave attire?
who is this woman? I want to give her money
do I redeem this post? >>18098350

good morning sirs
Modern NA women try to look like either Kardashian or Bella delphine, who are ugly and trashy women.

When I was visiting Italy, the women didn't have this Kardashian or Delphine look.
Your opinion of others is closer to being a representation of how you view yourself rather than being an accurate representation of the other party.

Ask yourself, why do you view yourself as trash?
why are the toes cropped out?
Because they're american and have internalized niggrified beauty standards that emphasizes looking as mixed race as possible with big bloated lips
What are her rates?
About tree fiddy
Because trashy (slutty) gets them likes and followers.
short bluepilled answer: it's the Kardashian look

long redpilled answer: go to /pol/ and you will understand why everything in the modern world looks like shit
I believe it's partly because the women are forced to choose between looking shriveled or getting cosmetic surgeries when they get older.
Bad taste i guess, why do guys dress sexcore?
They don't, they look great, you're just either gay or an incel.
Can't be her - can't have her, I'd be pissed too if i were you.
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Do people know this is fictional or do they unironically take it seriously?

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