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It's been ten years, who's still rocking da whopland?
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Die Bestien in Menschengestalt,
Die wahren Führer der Unterwelt,
Die von Ahasvar ausgesäten,
Die aus den finsteren stinkenden Ghettos ostischen Städten stammen

Absolut kek, the racism is unrivalled.
Top kek my fellow magapede, shadilay!
Are there seriously no oldheads on here?
Untermensch bleibt Untermensch und Jude Jude.
Ob sie nun Churchill, Roosevelt oder La Guardia heißen. Für uns sind sie der Abschaum. Sie stehen hinter Stalin, dem Untermenschen Nr.1(topkek).
Sie sind Bundesbrüder und Genossen!
This has nothing to do with early 2010s /fa/

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Hope you have your Miami Vice gear ready because summer's approaching.
1986 calling and it wants to come back.

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What is some good pickleball fashion items?
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Thanks. definitely missed that typo. What do you think of the pickleball look?
the comma goes inside the apostrophe
You don’t know what an apostrophe is do you? Why do people who can’t even speak English insist on using this board? Surely India, with its population exceeding 1 billion, must have a better and more active fashion board than this, no?
left looks deadass terrible. right is fine but meh

I want to get a pair of boots that are mid-calf to knee-high with a bit of a platform and a lot of "edgy" stuff on them (ex: spikes, belts, or chains).
I ordered a pair of boots like pic rel online a few months ago but haven't gotten any word on them besides an email saying theyd be in stock within a month. Looking elsewhere online shows that most places seem to just be different storefronts for the same supplier. How should I go about getting the boots I want, just go around town and hope I can find a cobbler willing to take on a commission like this?

Also any discussion on boots similar to this is welcome
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I think u smoked crack before typing this
Well, how do you explain their outfits. It's just a bit of a glitch in the simulation. I've also noticed this glitch with people wearing trench coats and fedoras. That's almost too obvious, he was loading a rifle in his car at 2am. Probably teaching those normalfag Chad's whose boss. It's simulated though. There is conflicting theories about how these people are designed. Evidence suggests they are totally designed by Satan, in the same way we could design a human by writing it's actions down on a page. That's big news which definitely isn't worth thinking about.
Alright thanks, I don't mind paying high price nor editing them myself so long as the result is good. Im just inclined to avoid the latter where I can since I'm afraid of fucking it up.
Never would've thought of using combat boots for some reason though haha, great idea.
Although are there any suggestions for adding higher "walls" or a platform?
As said in my original post, I'm interested in having them be like mid calf up to potentially near knee height, and while adding in edgy shit seems pretty easily doable, increasing the walls of the boots seems like it'd be alot easier to fuck up.
Platform too, as id assume that it wouldn't be as simple as cutting the bottom off one or two other pairs (of preferably shittier boots) and combining them with the original...would it?
demonias look cool but i hear the quality is shit these days

new rocks are regarded as the best goth boots though they may not have something exactly like your pic
I bought a giant pair of Danners for like 450. I don't think adding anything is necessary though they're pretty deviant as is to just wear out.

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Summer is right around the corner, it’s tee shirt season and for skinny fat guys with moobs (like myself) it can be a time of dread…what are some /fa/ approved ways to style man boob this summer?
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You can go from skinny fat to skinny relatively quickly with just diet but its going to take a bit longer than 1 month to build any noticable amount of muscle which I assume is why you are going to the gym.

Not trying to hate on you for trying to improve but its just funny the way you worded it. In terms of gym and muscle building, 1 month you may as well have started working out yesterday.
And you're just retarded.
He didn’t word anything to suggest otherwise, I just don’t think either of you know what preempt means.
>lust-provoking image
You can't style moobs, you can only try and hide them with tight undershirts and layers.

If you live in a hot place you're fucked

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bring back white knight shaming, what stopped it? 5 years ago people like you would get a dozen (yous) making fun of you for being the colossal faggot you are
youre literally balding sto lying
>white knights
>even argues like a woman
Bro youre never getting pussy just calm down
Design and quality look horrendous
I hope she sees this you stupid faggot

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What do fat girls wear in summer? Don't want to expose the public to anything unsightly, but also don't want to overheat.
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If you do overheat, please come to Maryland and I will lick the sweat from over, under, between and around your tits.
i would totally crush her pussy
a fat girl is still very sitghtly you know
Well first how old r u?
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This, I love skirts and fat chicks

So 1980s cut shorts are back in style? Do people realize they all look like aids ridden homersexuals? 1980s thread.
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Looks like nice times.
I feel like this dude is in a time warp. This guy could be from right now. Trendy.

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Casual examples of the edgy chuunicore look?
Is that his belt? That's sick.
They make those based on tokusatsu shows with sound effects and shit.

Hey guys, could you help me?
I am looking for something as similar as possible to this jacket.
It's a Beretta military jacket, the only issue is that it's quite expensive.
Buy an Arcteryx softshell jacket. Columbia if you're poor, still decent. Northface if you wanna go fully normie

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How much does the military drive fashion throughout history?
Between 2 and 5
oh ok
I look like this but uglier and Hispanic
If you my ho, I’d call you Sexy
a lot more than you think
m51 shirts, stetson hats, even the tie has a military origin. Guarantee arm bands are gonna be big in a decade post Ukraine war

I want these SO BAD, why does Guidi cost 2 months of rent for boots, I'm going to get reps fuck it, this is outrageous I hate rich people
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I've been practically manifesting/hunting for a pair of Guidis for about a year and a half now. Overall, it didn't really mean much. The shoes were very plain, and I think it's rather the desire itself that I desired. My old Steinkoglers/ FleiSS military surplus boots are much more cherished than the PL2s. Speaking of which, the PL2s basically have an inner half sole to fill in the space, to give the illusion of looking big. It's why all of the pairs you see online have that horizontal crease in the toe flex point. Most of the other Guidis are impractical, and fall apart. Speaking of which, I actually spoke to that seller about the eyelets; he said that they popped out, hence the reinforcement patches. Save your money and buy Steinkogler. FleiSS doesn't exist anymore, last I heard.
curious about the FleiSS - do you have pictures anon - also, which Steinkoglers. Love Euro surplus boots. Also have owned a pair of retail guidis, and while I will say the construction is not the most incredible thing in the world that horse (especially culotta) is just incomparable to anything else.
the crease at the toe is just from the toe cap being reinforced
I've probably seen hobos styling better boots
the standard for being a first worlder is being able to afford high rent prices. Not that that matters to me, I pay less to own my home

Why is fashion advertising like this?
Do /fa/gs get wet when they see someone brown?
it's because you keep shopping for gay brands
I don't get any of these sjw ads
I literally just went to the European Nike site.
I thought Nike was a normal shoe brand?
I wear one type of shoe from Nike and I just go to sneaker shops when I need a new pair. I genuinely don't get any of their ads while on my phone or pc.
im not paying for anti-white, hitting them with nice SE

Hello, I live in an area of europe where power outages aren't uncommon and I would like a haircut which I can do myself with simple tools like a well sharpened knife or scissors so that I can always look my best if I am not only working/sleeping.

What is there in store for me?
FYI I have curly long hair like matt stone in this picture.

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Comfy Saturday Night - Edition.

Guides and Info:
>Classic Meme
>Poorfag guide:
>Watch essentials 102:
>Purchasing used watches:
>Purchasing straps:

"Suggest a watch for me."

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You couldn't afford it.
For that kind of heavy duty usage, only a g shock can handle it.
I don't like the design of any g shocks, even the CasiOak still looks too digital for my liking. Only 2 autos crapped out (one Seiko SKX779 that started running 15 mins fast per month after 5 years of this lifestyle and one Longines HydroConquest that completely stopped one morning and when I'd set the time it would run for a few hours and then stop again, with the time 10-20 minutes slower than when I had set it, this was after 4 years of use lmao)
I sold my Tissot Seastar 2000 pre-emptively. Can I get away with using a Citizen Promaster Eco-Drive diver or Tissot PRX Quartz with this lifestyle?
The seiko still works then? Have you tried regulating it?
Nah, I sold it for double what I paid for it to some NPC because at the time (5 years ago) I thought it needed to be serviced and I didn't wanna pay $2-300 to service a watch I paid $130 for. Sold the Longines too (for $1600 too, paid $2100), was able to fool the buyer into thinking it worked (I just set it immediately before I sold it, it would run a few hours before stopping again)

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