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Is it true chicks dig tattoos?
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Yes, but women are retarded
You need to be /fit/ like ryan gosling in this pic to actually pull off tattoos.

tattoos on a skinnyfat/fat guy just look pathetic
chick here, true. theyre cool and pretty sexy. its just something that sets you apart from others. tats dont matter that much tho.
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Chicks can't resist a man with Tattoos.
tats are for plebs, peasants and servitude class

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>Men have pockets to keep things in, women for decoration.
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I tried that but cashiers kept giving me weird looks
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Stare those bitches back in the eyes
Women shouldn't be wearing men's clothes to begin with. What business does a woman have in wearing jeans and other men's pants? To larp as a tranny?
>having the autism bulge
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>fall for the overshirt meme
>they never have any inner pockets
>now I have to carry a man purse just for my wallet and job id

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Who makes the best fitting straight leg jean?
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MIJ or what?
no club monaco around me. if its useful to anyone the best jeans at the malls in my area are g star (their line of normal jeans not the nig stuff) and gap/br selvedge. all 3 are overpriced but go on sale often and are good at that price. g star has a surprisingly good straight leg fit/pattern (3301 straight) their fabric's alright, but they're not selvedge. gap/br have an ok fit/pattern but they're kaihara (taiwan not their mij mill) selvedge. incredibly slow fading fabric btw. all 3 can be found on 50-80% sale multiple times a year and they're a steal at that price. can't rely on it but it makes it worth popping in those stores when you happen to be around. if this is useful to anyone.
better jeans can be found at box stores outside of the city (levis, wrangler, rustler etc) and the brands you find at places like tractor supply and bass pro. IMO.
but its not so bad, blueowl is local and self edge is only a few hours drive.

rip my niggas:
uniqlo - why the fuck did they stop selling everything except skinny cut stretch selvedge outside of asia? their jeans were so good. it makes no sense with how hard they are pushing workwear and denim in their current product lines either. uniqlo slim straight was a godlike cut.
nordy - havent seen anything except 1 or 2 colors of pre wash apc's in years. do they even still carry n&f?
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these started off as waxed raw 3301's -> roofing jeans -> cutoff jorts
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uniqlo used to sell one of the best slim straight cuts out there. not too slimmed down. not too much taper. just how i like it. they really need to bring this one and the straight cut back.
Just get some Levi's 505's and spare yourself the headache.

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Is it really unusable? I don't want to get rid of it because it was a gift, but it's always taking up space in my drawers, and the fact I can't seem to combine it with anything is driving me crazy.
There must be something, I've seen people pulling off way more out there shit. Crazy colours and avant garde bs, this beanie can't be the end of the road.
Is this an unstopable force? I'm unironically going insane.
I want to clarify, I mean to wear in an urban context, not as a peruvian highland farmer.
(It's very comfy however...)
a christmas sweater, turtleneck or similar items
So similarly patterned wear?
I was thinking that maybe the issue with this beanie was actually the pattern rather than the shape.
I've also thought about combining it with more a more nautical oriented fashion.
What do you think?
Maybe the key to this item is the nonchalance of not giving a fuck if it's silly. For outerwear I would probably go with some hardshell outdoors jacket as it fits within that niche.

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does this outfit look retarded?
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pretty good if you're trying to signal your homosexuality without throwing up flags for heterosexuals.
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Worse, it's African-Armenian
sweaty sockless shoes and millennial capris, what a combination
looks jewish
button the shirt, looks sloppy.
uncuff your pants, looks douchey.
there, outfit instantly lifted.

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Went into a deep dive and I thought I’d share some of my favs
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The space buns. The brown lipstick.
So telling of its time
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They don’t make em
Like this anymore. So kitschy cute
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Tabi socks with an opened toe shoe is a must
Cool fashion, do you have males?

wow nothing has changed at all

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¿Do you care for the fabric composition of your clothes?
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The problem is they can take more than 2 pairs, they intentionally put themselves at a disadvantage
I spent $100 on a sweater from Spier & Mackay that was also made in China, but made from 100% Merino Wool lol
>Tommy Hilfiger as low as Zara
They cost way more than abercrombie, it’s the same pevel as hugo

What a dumb chart
I never understood posts like these for years, like nigga just read the store page before you buy it lol

But recently I had to order something from a usa site
>No country of origin
>No material composition
>Have to pay extra for thief insurance
Damn, how do you guys put up with this shit? I hate the EU but they are right when it comes to this, never seen any store where material was not listed

What fear before the March of flames shirt should I get?
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>the always open mouth
Because that's how emo bands and shit did it back in the 2000s. It was thr look back then. Imagine these dorks wearing those shirts and it will make sense.
keep these style of graphic tees in the 00s thx
Wow did not expect to see Fear Before on here. Do they still print these shirts?
My ass could write a better song than these guys. With one cheek tied behind my balls!

Post your living spaces and let others rate. Where do you guys find artwork? Would you be embarrassed if a girl came over?
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I'm chillin and happy for the first time in a long time. Wasn't complaining, just giving some background. I'd imagine a lot of ppl would talk down on my crib
I make a months rent off one or two photoshoots, just circumstantial shit and having to help my parents with money is what got me broke atm but im makin a comeback
>guitars on the floor and scraping against the wall
either they're shitplanks that are barely worth the strings or you're a fucking subhuman, either way, get rid of them and put some funko pops there.
looks AI generated
have you tried taking pharmaceutical anti-psychotics and other treatments for schizophrenia

how do i nolongerhumanmaxx?
Start morphinemaxxing
Braindead tranime pedo
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Ewwwww dude wtfff
that's a man
Is this Jerry Seinfeld minus the Jew hair

Why are we here? As some kind of joke?

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my old friend
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>if u care more about your hair than your penis functioning properly
I do actually.
Skill issue
typical zoomer moment.

generation of all show and no substance. (all hair and no dick)
if fin killed dicks you'd hear about it. I'm on both fin and dustasteride my DHT cannot be measured on a blood test and I still nut
It's literally a theory that baldness evolved to allow the scalp to absorb more sunlight.
I mean that sounds retarded, but it's a conventional theory regardless

Who makes bootcut jeans like this? Levi’s 517 are too wide in the thigh and the rise is too high.
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muscular bodies are gay af
I didn't say muscular, I said do a squat so you can pick something off the ground without putting your back in a dangerous position
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i want some that fit like this but high rise.
you can tell its a poorfag when they immediately post from the perspective of a scarcity mentality where they create a false dilemma where you can only own 1 pair of pants.
see picrel.
you should be able to deep squat in no-elastine skinny jeans without restriction. if you can't they are faggot jeans.

>muh must have this specific body type
nigger get a bunch of your intestines surgically removed then try putting on muscle mass. sometimes you have to make the most with what god gave you.
not a single pair of jeans in your pic fit well
if you're going to bitch about the length its because i used store model pics because i am lazy

What types of cleaning products should I use for showers if I have an extremely oily&flaky skin? should I use shower gels or use something with fewer chemicals such as olive soaps?

Any advice?
desu i have no idea if this is the healthy choice, but cerave foaming facial cleanser for normal to oily skin has worked very well for me.
Just dilute some canned coconut cream, without any crap in it but coconut cream. Buy some from TraderJoes, mix with fresh lime juice in a jar, apply in shower. Aajonus Vonderplanitz coconut cream for more

I shaved my head recently and I'm immensely anxious about it, because I can tell people are not as friendly to me as they were before. It's like, I have to develop a new personality to grow into this new look, a tougher one. I have to get jacked, dress differently, have a more masculine demeanor. How do you bald anons do it?
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I’ll start off by saying that you look good. Balding isn’t the death sentence 4chan makes it out to be. Bottom line is if you’re not ugly before balding then you most likely won’t be ugly after balding, but you should definitely go skin bald just to remove the receded hairline for a cleaner look.

Since balding is inherently a man/masculine trait you no longer are associated with the boyish/young-male energy, and you should work towards adopting more masculine/man characteristics throughout life. Working out is obviously step one, but just lifting weights won’t make you exude “man” energy—getting bigger will definitely help and is objectively important don’t get me wrong. Learn a combat sport to improve your assertion—I don’t mean challenge everyone who wrongs you to fights (you’ll look like a fool) but learn how to distinguish what to let slide and what not too. Combat sports forces you to make and act on your own critical thinking, the more you learn and improve the more confident you’ll be when confronted with threatening and non-threatening situations.

Learn basic handyman skills. Learn how to change a tire, boost a car, fix leaks, and other little things that the average person won’t know. Becoming a man isn’t about being a big epic “alpha”, the people who tell you that are either grifters or the grifted. Being a man is being confident in yourself even when you don’t know the straight answer. This takes time obviously, but it’s either that or pay a Turk 10k for someone else’s hair while you down prescription drugs to maintain a fragile image of what you want yourself to be
TFW when bald, 5'8 and alopecia has robbed me of my beard. Someone pass me a rope.
At least I'm in shape.
It’s fucking over for us bro
that's not him, that's a crack addict named william stamper
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People with shaved heads might be either small dick energy KKK Nazis or poor. You have to signal somehow that you're neither.

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